Televangelist Rails Against Children Who Marched for Life

Claiming that basic human rights are "relics"?

Claiming that a mass of people marching in the street is a reason to ignore Human Rights and democratic process?
Owning assault weapons is a human right? Not being subjected to a background check to buy a gun is human right?. Having a gun even if your mentally is a human right? Do you know what the UN says about human rights?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

We don't care what the UN says, and if your faggot ass is on the same page with them, we don't care what you say either. 'Murica! :rock: Home of the 1st and second amendments. You are free to say it and be dismissed. :)
Thank you for that cogent and sensitive response to the important issue of children's well being. It's apparent that you care deeply about the issue. You are a credit to the USMB for raising the level of intellectual discourse and for sharing new ideas and views on difficult topic that are important our children's well being. You are a treasure!

That's right, bitchboy! I'm the poster child for not being a lemming and not giving a fuck what the UN says. The right of the citizens to bear arms shall not be infringed.

So some loose organization of globalist-led pieces of shit are going to try to take American's guns? I wanna see that one. Fail, that is.


I love this "globalist" term - used by WeakWhytes who now cry foul about American Capitalism they once loved. :113:

Why? And why are you such a racist piece of shit?
You [TheRegressiveParasite] are the same as the nazis. Or, to put it closer in time, you are the same as terrorists, the same as MS-13. You are the same as any predator who doesn't want their prey to have the same kind of claws and be willing to use them in the same kind of way.

Sorry. It's harsh I know. But you have to accept reality. This world is a dark and dangerous place. It is filled with human hyenas, lions, tigers and bears, it is filled with evil. To deny the helpless the means to defend themselves is unconscionable.

The Ku Klux Klan was the first major organization in the United States to push for gun control laws. They wanted blacks disarmed, to make them easier prey.

Timothy Sullivan—a violent criminal gangster turned politician—authored New York's law which bears his name, the progenitor of all modern gun control laws. His law was crafted yo give his criminal gang an advantage over rival gangs as well as law-abiding citizens.

Modern gun control advocates are not as transparent about their motives as their forebears, but ultimately, it is the same motive. They are the modern Ku Klux Klan, the modern Timothy Sullivans, the modern Nazis.
Dismissing concerns about tyranny of a central government?

Yes, this does sound a lot like "Hitler".

Right, you boys with your AR 15s are going to fight the government?? Give me a break!

You asked a question, and I gave a serious answer.

Your response was nothing but the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

That reveals that you yourself know that my answer was completely right, and you cannot nay say it except by throwing shit at the wall, like a monkey.
Really? It appears that you don't actually know what a logical fallacy is. I did not present your argument in a way to make it sound ridiculous . You did. It is ridiculous. Owning an assault weapon is a human right? You need guns to fight the tyranny of the government? Give me a break! I notice that you did not actually touch further on those points because YOU know that they are in fact REDICULOUS .

I quoted from the link you presented. You rephrased the quote to make it look more ridiculous.

I also have asked you to defend your position that looking at an example of gun control in history is not relevant to the issue of gun control today.

Explain yourself.

As to the other points, you present a salad bowl of bullshit, that's the Logical Fallacy of Shotgun Argument right there.

If you can seriously and honestly address the counter points, I've raised to the points I picked, then I will be happy to address the host of other crap you threw against the wall, in the hopes of something sticking.

But addressing too many points at once, just bogs down the discussion and prevents any real debate.

Which is probably why you did it. Because you just wanted to put the spin out there in the world, and not be called on it.
Claiming that basic human rights are "relics"?

Claiming that a mass of people marching in the street is a reason to ignore Human Rights and democratic process?
Owning assault weapons is a human right? Not being subjected to a background check to buy a gun is human right?. Having a gun even if your mentally is a human right? Do you know what the UN says about human rights?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

We don't care what the UN says, and if your faggot ass is on the same page with them, we don't care what you say either. 'Murica! :rock: Home of the 1st and second amendments. You are free to say it and be dismissed. :)
Thank you for that cogent and sensitive response to the important issue of children's well being. It's apparent that you care deeply about the issue. You are a credit to the USMB for raising the level of intellectual discourse and for sharing new ideas and views on difficult topic that are important our children's well being. You are a treasure!

You cited the UN as an Authority Figure on human rights, which A. is a logical fallacy in of itself, and B. raises the question of why you or we should respect the fucking UN when it comes to Human Rights.

Interesting how you find ways of avoiding addressing the issues that I raised about Swaggart's hypocrisy, and stupidity. Instead, all you can do is attack me with absurd charges for wanting to keep kids alive

We all know about your supposed concern for the safety and well-being of children. Who do you think you're fooling?

John 12:6
Claiming that basic human rights are "relics"?

Claiming that a mass of people marching in the street is a reason to ignore Human Rights and democratic process?
Owning assault weapons is a human right? Not being subjected to a background check to buy a gun is human right?. Having a gun even if your mentally is a human right? Do you know what the UN says about human rights?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

We don't care what the UN says, and if your faggot ass is on the same page with them, we don't care what you say either. 'Murica! :rock: Home of the 1st and second amendments. You are free to say it and be dismissed. :)
Thank you for that cogent and sensitive response to the important issue of children's well being. It's apparent that you care deeply about the issue. You are a credit to the USMB for raising the level of intellectual discourse and for sharing new ideas and views on difficult topic that are important our children's well being. You are a treasure!

You cited the UN as an Authority Figure on human rights, which A. is a logical fallacy in of itself, and B. raises the question of why you or we should respect the fucking UN when it comes to Human Rights.
YOU moronically stated that owning a gun is a human right. I presented the UN Declaration on Human Rights as a means of trying to school you on what human rights actually are. Are you now saying that you reject the concept of human rights that the UN endorsed? Who the fuck is an authority on human rights? YOU? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
In all fairness, the title of the article that appears below is a bit over the top. I did not read or hear that she said that the students are like “demonic Nazis who rape gun owners” but, even at that, her words are pretty deplorable.

Now I realize that by posting this, I’m going to immediately jumped on as a bigot and Christian-phoebe and you are entitled to believe that if you wish. However, know this. My purpose is really to try to understand what is going on here. To grasp where this woman and those like here are coming from, whether or not they actually believe what they are saying, and how, exactly does attacking children by likening them to Nazis mesh with their Christian faith.

Televangelist Frances Swaggart, the wife of Jimmy Swaggart, on Monday suggested that the students who participated in the March for Our Lives over the weekend were like ‘demonic’ Nazis and Adolf Hitler.

During the Frances & Friends program, Swaggart reacted to an estimated 800,000 people who called for gun control by marching in Washington, D.C. over the weekend.

In her words:

“People have got to address the fact that kids today are being put in school where there’s no morals,” the television evangelist announced. “Because we’ve taken God out of the school. And there’s no resistance then to anything that Satan throws these kids’ way.”

“Today’s gun control and confiscation rally was nothing new,” she added, reading from a paper provided by a fellow panelist. “Nazis and leftists have been using children for decades in their attempts to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.”

OK, I get this much. She is a conservative. Conservatives believe the morality – or what they consider morality-has suffered, especially in the schools, I also get that conservative – as a knee jerk reaction, freak out at the mention of gun control. BUT , what I do not get is the need to vilify children who are literally fighting for the right to live long enough to become adults. Again, how does attacking children mesh with Christian values. I might also ask, how does wanting more deadly weapons around mesh with Christian values, but I don’t want to make this to complicated

Swaggart then offered a “history lesson for young adults” about Nazism without mentioning that it was the Jews — not gun owners in general — who were violently persecuted by Hitler.

“Hitler’s regime took away guns from the people in Germany and then he herded all of those who did not like it into box cars and shipped them to concentration camps where they were enslaved, beaten, raped and murdered,” she said. “The victims didn’t fire a shot in self defense because their guns had been taken away. That’s a fact.”

Lastly, I would like an explanation as to how lying conforms to her Christian values. Yes a lie. Failing to mention that Hitler confiscated guns from the Jews. A lie of omission is still a lie.

Let’s here it folks, who can explain this “Christian”

Well, this Christian does not agree with anything Evangelicals say or do!

They made their bed by backing a notorious swindler, liar and narcissist.

This,after hating on Obama for 8 years. If they followed the teachings of the Man they supposedly follow they would have thrown Trump out of the Temple as Jesus did with the money changers.
Claiming that basic human rights are "relics"?

Claiming that a mass of people marching in the street is a reason to ignore Human Rights and democratic process?
Owning assault weapons is a human right? Not being subjected to a background check to buy a gun is human right?. Having a gun even if your mentally is a human right? Do you know what the UN says about human rights?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

We don't care what the UN says, and if your faggot ass is on the same page with them, we don't care what you say either. 'Murica! :rock: Home of the 1st and second amendments. You are free to say it and be dismissed. :)
Thank you for that cogent and sensitive response to the important issue of children's well being. It's apparent that you care deeply about the issue. You are a credit to the USMB for raising the level of intellectual discourse and for sharing new ideas and views on difficult topic that are important our children's well being. You are a treasure!

You cited the UN as an Authority Figure on human rights, which A. is a logical fallacy in of itself, and B. raises the question of why you or we should respect the fucking UN when it comes to Human Rights.
YOU moronically stated that owning a gun is a human right. I presented the UN Declaration on Human Rights as a means of trying to school you on what human rights actually are. Are you now saying that you reject the concept of human rights that the UN endorsed? Who the fuck is an authority on human rights? YOU? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

God and the Founding Fathers of the US, NOT the UN, faggot. Their troops are known for molesting children.
Claiming that basic human rights are "relics"?

Claiming that a mass of people marching in the street is a reason to ignore Human Rights and democratic process?
Owning assault weapons is a human right? Not being subjected to a background check to buy a gun is human right?. Having a gun even if your mentally is a human right? Do you know what the UN says about human rights?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

We don't care what the UN says, and if your faggot ass is on the same page with them, we don't care what you say either. 'Murica! :rock: Home of the 1st and second amendments. You are free to say it and be dismissed. :)
Thank you for that cogent and sensitive response to the important issue of children's well being. It's apparent that you care deeply about the issue. You are a credit to the USMB for raising the level of intellectual discourse and for sharing new ideas and views on difficult topic that are important our children's well being. You are a treasure!

You cited the UN as an Authority Figure on human rights, which A. is a logical fallacy in of itself, and B. raises the question of why you or we should respect the fucking UN when it comes to Human Rights.
YOU moronically stated that owning a gun is a human right. I presented the UN Declaration on Human Rights as a means of trying to school you on what human rights actually are. Are you now saying that you reject the concept of human rights that the UN endorsed? Who the fuck is an authority on human rights? YOU? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Searching to find where that is a human right when they simply kill innocents.

Ex Justice Stevens just said,” The Second Amendment should be abolished!” That smart Republican nominated by President Ford.
Claiming that basic human rights are "relics"?

Claiming that a mass of people marching in the street is a reason to ignore Human Rights and democratic process?
Owning assault weapons is a human right? Not being subjected to a background check to buy a gun is human right?. Having a gun even if your mentally is a human right? Do you know what the UN says about human rights?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

We don't care what the UN says, and if your faggot ass is on the same page with them, we don't care what you say either. 'Murica! :rock: Home of the 1st and second amendments. You are free to say it and be dismissed. :)
Thank you for that cogent and sensitive response to the important issue of children's well being. It's apparent that you care deeply about the issue. You are a credit to the USMB for raising the level of intellectual discourse and for sharing new ideas and views on difficult topic that are important our children's well being. You are a treasure!

You cited the UN as an Authority Figure on human rights, which A. is a logical fallacy in of itself, and B. raises the question of why you or we should respect the fucking UN when it comes to Human Rights.
YOU moronically stated that owning a gun is a human right. I presented the UN Declaration on Human Rights as a means of trying to school you on what human rights actually are. Are you now saying that you reject the concept of human rights that the UN endorsed? Who the fuck is an authority on human rights? YOU? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I made a claim. I did not cite an Authority. I thought, foolishly I see now, that as a fellow American, that you would be speaking the same language I as I, and this would not devolve into a discussion of definitions.

So, I made a claim as to a Human RIght. You are challenging it.

SO, do you agree that Self Defense is a basic human right? Or do we need to discuss that first?
In all fairness, the title of the article that appears below is a bit over the top. I did not read or hear that she said that the students are like “demonic Nazis who rape gun owners” but, even at that, her words are pretty deplorable.

Now I realize that by posting this, I’m going to immediately jumped on as a bigot and Christian-phoebe and you are entitled to believe that if you wish. However, know this. My purpose is really to try to understand what is going on here. To grasp where this woman and those like here are coming from, whether or not they actually believe what they are saying, and how, exactly does attacking children by likening them to Nazis mesh with their Christian faith.

Televangelist Frances Swaggart, the wife of Jimmy Swaggart, on Monday suggested that the students who participated in the March for Our Lives over the weekend were like ‘demonic’ Nazis and Adolf Hitler.

During the Frances & Friends program, Swaggart reacted to an estimated 800,000 people who called for gun control by marching in Washington, D.C. over the weekend.

In her words:

“People have got to address the fact that kids today are being put in school where there’s no morals,” the television evangelist announced. “Because we’ve taken God out of the school. And there’s no resistance then to anything that Satan throws these kids’ way.”

“Today’s gun control and confiscation rally was nothing new,” she added, reading from a paper provided by a fellow panelist. “Nazis and leftists have been using children for decades in their attempts to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.”

OK, I get this much. She is a conservative. Conservatives believe the morality – or what they consider morality-has suffered, especially in the schools, I also get that conservative – as a knee jerk reaction, freak out at the mention of gun control. BUT , what I do not get is the need to vilify children who are literally fighting for the right to live long enough to become adults. Again, how does attacking children mesh with Christian values. I might also ask, how does wanting more deadly weapons around mesh with Christian values, but I don’t want to make this to complicated

Swaggart then offered a “history lesson for young adults” about Nazism without mentioning that it was the Jews — not gun owners in general — who were violently persecuted by Hitler.

“Hitler’s regime took away guns from the people in Germany and then he herded all of those who did not like it into box cars and shipped them to concentration camps where they were enslaved, beaten, raped and murdered,” she said. “The victims didn’t fire a shot in self defense because their guns had been taken away. That’s a fact.”

Lastly, I would like an explanation as to how lying conforms to her Christian values. Yes a lie. Failing to mention that Hitler confiscated guns from the Jews. A lie of omission is still a lie.

Let’s here it folks, who can explain this “Christian”

Well, this Christian does not agree with anything Evangelicals say or do!

They made their bed by backing a notorious swindler, liar and narcissist.

This,after hating on Obama for 8 years. If they followed the teachings of the Man they supposedly follow they would have thrown Trump out of the Temple as Jesus did with the money changers.

Trump, at least was trying to build bridges to them.

Hillary was openly and actively hostile to them.

Explain why they should not have voted for him, as they finally did.
These kids know that they deserve to go to school without fear of being murdered and that too many adults have failed them. YOU are failing them.

They also deserve to be able to go to school without being sexually-indoctrinated, groomed, and set up as easy prey for pederasts, pedophiles, and other sexual perverts. But we know where you stand on protecting them from this.

They are in much more danger from your kind, than they are from anyone with guns.
The Nazis killed plenty of German natives right along with the Jews.

I made that point at the beginning of the thread.

This guy is acting like, not specifically mentioning the Jews, is relevant.

He didn't explain WHY it's relevant, even when called on it, but he is standing by that.

We have plenty of history of gun control in history.

Why should we not look at it when considering gun control today?
In all fairness, the title of the article that appears below is a bit over the top. I did not read or hear that she said that the students are like “demonic Nazis who rape gun owners” but, even at that, her words are pretty deplorable.

Now I realize that by posting this, I’m going to immediately jumped on as a bigot and Christian-phoebe and you are entitled to believe that if you wish. However, know this. My purpose is really to try to understand what is going on here. To grasp where this woman and those like here are coming from, whether or not they actually believe what they are saying, and how, exactly does attacking children by likening them to Nazis mesh with their Christian faith.

Televangelist Frances Swaggart, the wife of Jimmy Swaggart, on Monday suggested that the students who participated in the March for Our Lives over the weekend were like ‘demonic’ Nazis and Adolf Hitler.

During the Frances & Friends program, Swaggart reacted to an estimated 800,000 people who called for gun control by marching in Washington, D.C. over the weekend.

In her words:

“People have got to address the fact that kids today are being put in school where there’s no morals,” the television evangelist announced. “Because we’ve taken God out of the school. And there’s no resistance then to anything that Satan throws these kids’ way.”

“Today’s gun control and confiscation rally was nothing new,” she added, reading from a paper provided by a fellow panelist. “Nazis and leftists have been using children for decades in their attempts to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.”

OK, I get this much. She is a conservative. Conservatives believe the morality – or what they consider morality-has suffered, especially in the schools, I also get that conservative – as a knee jerk reaction, freak out at the mention of gun control. BUT , what I do not get is the need to vilify children who are literally fighting for the right to live long enough to become adults. Again, how does attacking children mesh with Christian values. I might also ask, how does wanting more deadly weapons around mesh with Christian values, but I don’t want to make this to complicated

Swaggart then offered a “history lesson for young adults” about Nazism without mentioning that it was the Jews — not gun owners in general — who were violently persecuted by Hitler.

“Hitler’s regime took away guns from the people in Germany and then he herded all of those who did not like it into box cars and shipped them to concentration camps where they were enslaved, beaten, raped and murdered,” she said. “The victims didn’t fire a shot in self defense because their guns had been taken away. That’s a fact.”

Lastly, I would like an explanation as to how lying conforms to her Christian values. Yes a lie. Failing to mention that Hitler confiscated guns from the Jews. A lie of omission is still a lie.

Let’s here it folks, who can explain this “Christian”

Well, this Christian does not agree with anything Evangelicals say or do!

They made their bed by backing a notorious swindler, liar and narcissist.

This,after hating on Obama for 8 years. If they followed the teachings of the Man they supposedly follow they would have thrown Trump out of the Temple as Jesus did with the money changers.

If there's an analogy in The Bible for Trump, it would be King David. Not for his body, but for his way of doing.
That's right, bitchboy! I'm the poster child for not being a lemming and not giving a fuck what the UN says. The right of the citizens to bear arms shall not be infringed.

So some loose organization of globalist-led pieces of shit are going to try to take American's guns? I wanna see that one. Fail, that is.

Regressive Parasite is just a communist cum dumpster who pastes insipid drivel all over the forum. I take comfort knowing the piece of shit will not spread its genetic garbage in the gene pool, but does so in the rectal cavities of bed wetting oxygen thieves like itself. It's a good thing for humanity that commies embrace faggotry and abortion. It's like a disease that consumes itself.

That said, some people do worry about UN "troops" (lol) coming to take our guns.

Some of us are more inclined to think of a UN Invasion as them bringing us their guns.

These kids know that they deserve to go to school without fear of being murdered and that too many adults have failed them. YOU are failing them.

They also deserve to be able to go to school without being sexually-indoctrinated, groomed, and set up as easy prey for pederasts, pedophiles, and other sexual perverts. But we know where you stand on protecting them from this.

They are in much more danger from your kind, than they are from anyone with guns.

I beg your pardon. I am quite happy with the public Education and Colleges we have here.

I am amazed how Progressive those young people are,including my own.

They are the future of this country. The old,hateful are on their last legs, thank God!

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