Tell Oregon left wing nuts to shove it

Oregon Leftists Circulate List of Restaurants Engaging in 'Cultural Appropriation'

The crap these jerks come up with gets more insane by the minute.

Fascist scum are going to be fascist scum. democrats can't help but act like this.

You dummy.

The freedom to state your opinion is the OPPOSITE of fascism.

RWNJs really do get their panties in a twist over next to nothing.

Get a grip little cupcakes.

Which is why SJWs being funded by the NGOs of George Soros are trying to stop any gathering or expression of support for Trump by rioting? By protesting someone coming to their colleges that are not good little commies like themselves? Leftards are all about "free speech" as long as it is speech that they agree with....anything else is "hate speech" and must be shut down. Pretty fucking obvious to me as to what is going on...but to a clueless fuck like you? Eh', not so much.....

If it were up to the left there would be no 1st amendment rights.

Funny, cuz its always the RWNJs who want others to shut up.
Just like in this thread.
Libs have become a disaster. First we get rid of the terrorists. Second we control our gates, third we get rid of the anti-american shit bag liberals who are everything they protest to hate.

How you gonna do that?

Oh wait, I remember how trumpery said he would tell who is Muslim so he could stop them from coming into the US.

He said he'd ask them.

That's should work equally well for you.

Doncha think?

Oregon Leftists Circulate List of Restaurants Engaging in 'Cultural Appropriation'

The crap these jerks come up with gets more insane by the minute.

Totally agree.

This "Cultural Appropriation" bullshit is stifling the creativity and free expression they claim to value.

I agree but really, it seems to be in the nature of backlash. Whites put down minorities and now they're fighting back.

It reminds me of PETA - it goes too far.

Throughout human history we've "culturally appropriated" other cultures and in the process created something new. Jazz, Fusion, Tex-Mex. Music and Cuisine are full of it. People sing songs from other countries.'s "cultural appropriation".
I'd only visit those resteraunts.

I'd also badmouth the ones they are attempting to protect.

This is total bullshit.
Oregon Leftists Circulate List of Restaurants Engaging in 'Cultural Appropriation'

The crap these jerks come up with gets more insane by the minute.

Totally agree.

This "Cultural Appropriation" bullshit is stifling the creativity and free expression they claim to value.

I agree but really, it seems to be in the nature of backlash. Whites put down minorities and now they're fighting back.

Back in the 1800's. However in 2017 that's history for the most part. They are going over the edge.
Guess I missed the part of the article where they were "forced" to close shop and democrats were the ones who "forced" them. A couple idiot reviews shouldn't have much impact on a taco truck's business. WTF is this "cultural appropriation" anyway. It's a fucking burrito. Everybody makes them. Sounds like another whiney right wing circle jerk.
Guess I missed the part of the article where they were "forced" to close shop and democrats were the ones who "forced" them. A couple idiot reviews shouldn't have much impact on a taco truck's business. WTF is this "cultural appropriation" anyway. It's a fucking burrito. Everybody makes them. Sounds like another whiney right wing circle jerk.

You'll have to ask your fellow snowflakes what "cultural appropriation" is. They invented the term. What it appears to be is anyone making a buck off of anything invented in Mexico.
Tempest in a teacup. I live in Portland, and never even heard of this before. And I don't know anyone else here that has. The Taco trucks come and go. The good one survive on the quality of their food.

I visited San Francisco once, and found this little hole in the wall restaurant that specialized in Italian food. The best I ever had. And the owner was Chinese, and the cook Mexican. LOL
You dummy.

The freedom to state your opinion is the OPPOSITE of fascism.

RWNJs really do get their panties in a twist over next to nothing.

Get a grip little cupcakes.


So if a Restaurant put up a "Mexicans Only" sign that's just "stating their opinion?"

What happened to the demands of equal access? I know, that only is when it affects those groups the party favors.
Tempest in a teacup. I live in Portland, and never even heard of this before. And I don't know anyone else here that has. The Taco trucks come and go. The good one survive on the quality of their food.

I visited San Francisco once, and found this little hole in the wall restaurant that specialized in Italian food. The best I ever had. And the owner was Chinese, and the cook Mexican. LOL

One of the better Sushi joints in my area has a Mexican chef. Makes great Poke Ahi. Should the Japanese and Hawaiians protest? Will Puddly Pillowbite demand that he make only burritos?
Oregon Leftists Circulate List of Restaurants Engaging in 'Cultural Appropriation'

The crap these jerks come up with gets more insane by the minute.
Do they only target whites, or have minority business owners made it on the list for serving American style food?

They only target whites.

Asians making Mexican food are fine. Mexicans making Asian food are fine. Mexicans making Pizza are fine. Whites existing at all outrages the fascist left.
Oregon Leftists Circulate List of Restaurants Engaging in 'Cultural Appropriation'

The crap these jerks come up with gets more insane by the minute.

Free speech is a bitch.

You say something I don't like or find offensive. I speak out against you, make people aware of your ignorant speech and your business, encourage people to take their money elsewhere.

Free speech.
How ironic can that be? Whining about suppression of free speech in a thread about the left shutting a restaurant down because of the skin color of the owners.
And by the way, all you right-wing snowflake over reactors... If people like the food, they'll go.

Free speech and boycotts are NOT mind control -- you weak minded trumpie babies.

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