Ten US Sailors released in Iran!

Iran released U.S. sailors in international waters

Thank you Secretary Kerry! If we had not a degree of diplomacy with Iran, these people may end up as the Iranian hostages of the 21st century.
Wait, how is this considered a victory? Iran gets to be a bully and grabs American sailors in international waters, and then releases the sailors like it's doing us a big favor after our state dept begged them. So in essence it was an act of war, and at a minimum Iran was exerting its power and had no right to grab those sailors.

This is just another instance of America not being taken seriously any longer, because we have a weak, disastrous foreign policy.
I would like to know the truth about how and why they were released. How much money was involved?
and please Mr mullah don't fire anymore missiles at our aircraft carriers ..I wonder if they kept the U.S. vessels? like they did with the drone:dunno:
There was no missile fired at our aircraft carrier. The boat that fired it was in international waters and the missile was aimed and fired in a different direction. So, why would you make such a misleading statement?

"We look at this firing so close to the ships as highly provocative," said the military official, who was not immediately authorized to be named.

Iran tests missiles near American ship in the Gulf
You said a missile was fired at our carrier. That is not what happened. Your statement is misinformation or a lie. Given the opportunity to adjust the statement, you prefer to weasel and worm your way out of admitting you misinformed or lied. That's OK, you are not required to have or show character or moral standing on a message board.

They were taunting us to expose the weakness of you leftist ass kissers.
No, they were conducting a normal military activity called a probe. US ships had the capability of blasting the Iranian vessel out of the water, before, during or after the firing of a missile that never put the carrier in danger.
Right, so our enemies thumbing their noses at us has become the new norm under the Obama administration.

Hey Mr. Assad "Please please don't cross the red line".

We all know the only reason the sailors were released was because the Iranians knew that it would put a stop to the 150 billion and the Iran deal would come to a screeching halt.

Wait and see how the Islamic republic behaves AFTER they get the 150 billion.
The Latest: US vice president: No apology made to Iran...

White House says open lines with Iran were key
13 Jan.`16 - The Latest: White House says new communication lines with Iran were key to sailors' release
4:15 p.m.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden says that America did not apologize to Iran over U.S. sailors allegedly entering Iranian territorial waters. Biden made the comments Wednesday in an interview with "CBS This Morning." The vice president said: "There's nothing to apologize for. When you have a problem with the boat you apologize the boat had a problem? No, and there was no looking for any apology. This was just standard nautical practice." Biden said that the Iranians realized the U.S. sailors "were there in distress and said they would release them and released them like ordinary nations would do." The nine American men and one woman were held in an Iranian base on Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf after being detained nearby on Tuesday. The U.S. military has said that mechanical trouble with one of the boats caused them to drift into Iranian territorial waters near the island, where they were picked up by Iran.


A Riverine Command Boat from Costal Riverine Squadron (RIVRON) 2 escorts the USS Bunker Hill (CG 52) in the Persian Gulf. Iran was holding 10 U.S. Navy sailors and their two boats, similar to the one​

3:10 p.m.

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter has welcomed the release of 10 U.S. Navy sailors held overnight by Iran. In a statement Wednesday, Carter said he wanted to thank U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry for his "diplomatic engagement" on the issue. Kerry has a close relationship with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif after the recent nuclear deal between the Islamic Republic and world powers. Carter also said: "Around the world, the U.S. Navy routinely provides assistance to foreign sailors in distress, and we appreciate the timely way in which this situation was resolved." The nine men and one woman were held on Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf after being detained nearby on Tuesday. The U.S. military has said that mechanical trouble with one of the boats caused them to drift into Iranian territorial waters near the island, where they were picked up by Iran.

2:30 p.m.

The U.S. military says that 10 sailors briefly held by Iran are back in American care and "there are no indications that the sailors were harmed." The U.S. Navy issued a statement Wednesday after Iranian state media announced the sailors had been freed. It said the sailors departed the Iranian base on Farsi Island at 0843 GMT on the same boats that brought them there. It said the Navy would conduct an investigation into the incident. The nine men and one woman were held on Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf after being detained nearby on Tuesday. The U.S. military has said that mechanical trouble with one of the boats caused them to drift into Iranian territorial waters near the island, where they were picked up by Iran.

2 p.m.

See also:

Navy to investigate how the sailors ended up in Iranian territory...

10 U.S. sailors detained by Iran freed
Wed January 13, 2016 | U.S. official: Iranian boats escorted the sailors to a rendezvous point in international waters; The sailors then boarded the USS Anzio, the source says; Military analyst: The Iran nuclear deal may be why the U.S. sailors were held for only one day
The Navy said it would investigate how the sailors ended up in Iranian territory. Secretary of State John Kerry expressed "gratitude to Iranian authorities for their cooperation ‎in swiftly resolving this matter," in a statement Wednesday. "As a former Sailor myself, I know the importance of naval presence around the world and the critical work being done by our Navy in the Gulf region," he said, adding later, "That this issue was resolved peacefully and efficiently is a testament to the critical role diplomacy plays in keeping our country safe, secure, and strong."

Calls for an apology

On Wednesday morning, officials interrogated the sailors to see whether they "entered Iranian waters intentionally on an intelligence mission," the IRGC said, according to state-run Press TV. Iran's foreign minister called for the United States to apologize for the "encroachment" of American vessels into Iranian territorial waters, an Iranian navy official told state-run media. IRGC Navy commander Adm. Ali Fadavi said the presence of the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf waters "disturbed the security of the area" and criticized the U.S. Navy maneuvers.

What the ships were doing

The vessels were en route from Kuwait to Bahrain and were sailing near Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf. A senior defense official told CNN the boats were in the area of Farsi Island for refueling, but it's not clear whether they actually refueled -- raising the possibility they ran out of fuel. Another senior defense official said no distress call came from the boats. Iran's official IRNA news agency reported that the boats were "rescued" by Iranian navy sailors. There is nothing to indicate the capture was a hostile act on the part of Iran, a senior Obama administration official said.

Timing with the nuclear deal
There was no missile fired at our aircraft carrier. The boat that fired it was in international waters and the missile was aimed and fired in a different direction. So, why would you make such a misleading statement?

"We look at this firing so close to the ships as highly provocative," said the military official, who was not immediately authorized to be named.

Iran tests missiles near American ship in the Gulf
You said a missile was fired at our carrier. That is not what happened. Your statement is misinformation or a lie. Given the opportunity to adjust the statement, you prefer to weasel and worm your way out of admitting you misinformed or lied. That's OK, you are not required to have or show character or moral standing on a message board.

They were taunting us to expose the weakness of you leftist ass kissers.
No, they were conducting a normal military activity called a probe. US ships had the capability of blasting the Iranian vessel out of the water, before, during or after the firing of a missile that never put the carrier in danger.
Right, so our enemies thumbing their noses at us has become the new norm under the Obama administration.

Hey Mr. Assad "Please please don't cross the red line".

We all know the only reason the sailors were released was because the Iranians knew that it would put a stop to the 150 billion and the Iran deal would come to a screeching halt.

Wait and see how the Islamic republic behaves AFTER they get the 150 billion.
The remaining 5 hostages should have been in the deal for the 150 billion.
The poor neo-cons are unhappy: the sailors were released within 24 hours.
Real Americans are very unhappy the Islamonazi, Iranian, mullahs took our people to embarrass the United States:slap:
Real Americans are glad the sailors are safe, nothing more.

And Roudy the anti-human tells lies.

Real Americans would be concerned with how Iran took our sailors hostage at will. That means they look at the US as a paper tiger, just like the Carter days.
Iran released U.S. sailors in international waters

Thank you Secretary Kerry! If we had not a degree of diplomacy with Iran, these people may end up as the Iranian hostages of the 21st century.
You must be referring to the hostages taken in Iran when 'The Fucking Stupidest' President In US History was Commander In Chief right?
That would be 'Mr. Peanut'.
The hilarious thing was the FUCKING DAY President Reagan sat down at the desk in the Oval Office was the exact day the Iranians released the hostages.
Reagan had promised the sand monkeys he would drop two hundred MOABS on top of the heads of the Ayatollahs if the hostages were not realised the day he took office.
Too bad we have had another pussy/coward/fuck-up like Carter in the White house for the last 7 seven years.
Iran released U.S. sailors in international waters

Thank you Secretary Kerry! If we had not a degree of diplomacy with Iran, these people may end up as the Iranian hostages of the 21st century.
Wait, how is this considered a victory? Iran gets to be a bully and grabs American sailors in international waters, and then releases the sailors like it's doing us a big favor after our state dept begged them. So in essence it was an act of war, and at a minimum Iran was exerting its power and had no right to grab those sailors.

This is just another instance of America not being taken seriously any longer, because we have a weak, disastrous foreign policy.

Iran says seizure of U.S. boats a lesson to 'troublemakers' in Congress

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's army chief said on Wednesday the seizure of two U.S. navy boats and their 10 sailors should be a lesson to members the U.S. Congress trying to impose new sanctions on Tehran.

Iran says seizure of U.S. boats a lesson to 'troublemakers' in Congress
Iran released U.S. sailors in international waters

Thank you Secretary Kerry! If we had not a degree of diplomacy with Iran, these people may end up as the Iranian hostages of the 21st century.
Wait, how is this considered a victory? Iran gets to be a bully and grabs American sailors in international waters, and then released the sailors after our state dept begged them. So in essence it was an act of war, and at a minimum Iran was exerting its power and had no right to grab those sailors.

This is just another instance of America not being taken seriously any longer, because we have a weak, disastrous foreign policy.
They were not in international waters. The Iranians had every right to detain them. Do you have a link to show otherwise?

It was water the Iranians, and no one else, claimed to to be theirs. They could have issued a warning instead of taking them hostage.
So, does this prove that Iran is friendly to the US? How do the Iranian people feel about Americans?

most iranian love america and your culture.
holywood and usa music is in our culture.
iranian always cheering usa in olympic against china or russia
The Iran We Don't See: A Tour of the Country Where People Love Americans

The Iran We Don't See: A Tour of the Country Where People Love Americans


Message from Iran: Tell All Americans We Love Them
Message from Iran: Tell All Americans We Love Them
The difference between liberal Obama cum slurpers and the rest of us:

Obama cum slurpers: "They released the prisoners within 24 hours!"

The rest of America: Mad as hell that they were taken prisoner in the first place!
Iran released U.S. sailors in international waters

Thank you Secretary Kerry! If we had not a degree of diplomacy with Iran, these people may end up as the Iranian hostages of the 21st century.
Wait, how is this considered a victory? Iran gets to be a bully and grabs American sailors in international waters, and then released the sailors after our state dept begged them. So in essence it was an act of war, and at a minimum Iran was exerting its power and had no right to grab those sailors.

This is just another instance of America not being taken seriously any longer, because we have a weak, disastrous foreign policy.
They were not in international waters. The Iranians had every right to detain them. Do you have a link to show otherwise?

It was water the Itanians, and no one else, claimed to to be theirs. They could have issued a warning instead of taking them hostage.

So whats the chances that two navy vessels were disabled and drifted into Iranian waters? ..That's Obama's story anyways:eusa_shifty:
"We look at this firing so close to the ships as highly provocative," said the military official, who was not immediately authorized to be named.

Iran tests missiles near American ship in the Gulf
You said a missile was fired at our carrier. That is not what happened. Your statement is misinformation or a lie. Given the opportunity to adjust the statement, you prefer to weasel and worm your way out of admitting you misinformed or lied. That's OK, you are not required to have or show character or moral standing on a message board.

They were taunting us to expose the weakness of you leftist ass kissers.
No, they were conducting a normal military activity called a probe. US ships had the capability of blasting the Iranian vessel out of the water, before, during or after the firing of a missile that never put the carrier in danger.
Right, so our enemies thumbing their noses at us has become the new norm under the Obama administration.

Hey Mr. Assad "Please please don't cross the red line".

We all know the only reason the sailors were released was because the Iranians knew that it would put a stop to the 150 billion and the Iran deal would come to a screeching halt.

Wait and see how the Islamic republic behaves AFTER they get the 150 billion.
The remaining 5 hostages should have been in the deal for the 150 billion.

The Iranians knew that our inept administration would close the deal without them, so they kept the 5 hostages as later bargaining chips.
So, does this prove that Iran is friendly to the US? How do the Iranian people feel about Americans?

most iranian love america and your culture.
holywood and usa music is in our culture.
iranian always cheering usa in olympic against china or russia
The Iran We Don't See: A Tour of the Country Where People Love Americans

The Iran We Don't See: A Tour of the Country Where People Love Americans


Message from Iran: Tell All Americans We Love Them
Message from Iran: Tell All Americans We Love Them
And the huge crowds of animals chanting death to America?
The difference between liberal Obama cum slurpers and the rest of us:

Obama cum slurpers: "They released the prisoners within 24 hours!"

The rest of America: Mad as hell that they were taken prisoner in the first place!

YOU must undrestand it.all nation isnt your dog like arabian .
aryan isnt arabian.aryan have dignity

+your lovely dog arabs are raping christian white in west .
Geaux, sorry, another Republican war avoided through diplomacy. Halliburton's profits will be down again in 2016.

Obama diplomacy?
Geaux, sorry, another Republican war avoided through diplomacy. Halliburton's profits will be down again in 2016.

Obama diplomacy is called waving the white flag

And who better to have wave the white flag then the despicable traitor/liar/poser piece of shit than Kerry.
The Iranians know all about Kerry's despicable past. They used the 'agreement' signed by Kerry as ass wipe before Kerry got on a plane to fly back to the 'Pickle Lady's' Mansion to be her fucking lap-poodle.
What Obama SHOULD have said to Iran:

"Release the hostages within 24 hours or the bombing campaign of Iran will begin."

What he actually says:

"Oh god, what can we do for you? How much money do you need?"

Obama isn't very good at showing strength.

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