Tennessee Man arrested for smoking marijuana smokes it again...in court!

Are you considering people who oppose pot smokers inflicting their drug onto others as a nanny thing?

Why do you insist on asking assinine questions? You are one obtuse weenie.
It was a totally legit question.
You’re ok with people inflicting their drug onto others?

No, it was a stupid question. If something is legalized, it's legal, not mandatory.
You brought the nanny description into this.

No, I didn't. I never even used the word nanny once in this entire thread. Dude, can you even read gud?

I asked if you consider people who object to public pot smoking because of very real issues with that drug as a nanny thing. That’s a legit question. Do you have a legit response?

I'm the guy minding my own business. You must be the other guy. As long as something isn't illegal, who am I to tell others what they can or can't do in public? That's a job for liberal progressives. You aren't an arbiter of public behavior. Dont tell me: you're one of those weenies that trys to regulate speeds in passing lanes too. When you believe everyone is an asshole, odds are, the asshole is you. Food for thought.
I had you mixed up with another. My bad.
As for public behavior, exposing others to contaminated breathing air should not be legal.
I literally said earlier in the thread that I do not partake, you colossal moron. Literacy is important.
What makes you think I hunt out and read your execrable posts?

Whether you smoke it or not (and I question your honesty) you still are touting weed and of course you are an imbecile.
Oh dear lord...fuckin brainwashed lol
And What nazi left wingers dont understand could make for a really thick book....jus sayin

As a" far "wight wing wadical wing extWemists...... and wacist twansphobe.....marked for re-education I've come to the conclusion that you're a buffoon

Prohibition never works

Correct. You live in such a bubble of partisanship that you don't even see you are essentially agreeing with the poster you're arguing with. Wingers are weird sometimes.

In the 90s I went through a wicked amount of cocaine ...but I never stole for my habit, not a government / taxpayer dependent ,and always paid my Bill's ,met payroll blah blah blah blah ..lot of functional drunks and druggies out there

Wonderful. Why did you feel the need to inject that nugget of your life story? We're not your therapist.

DO WHATEVER yas want dont come crying to me if you didnt paY your electric bill or your kids do without cause you need a fix or a hit ...

Okay. But that's totally irrelevant to the conversation. Just like the rest of the reactive shit in your screed against 'libtards'. Sounds like you need to get a MM card yourself. You're getting in your own way, bud.

Yes retard

She ended with right wing extremist.... ...lol

She may of gotten we're all not like irrational left wing gun grabbers...or rather what's been pounded into its empty little head about right wingers

That was the real point

Carry on
Freedom belongs only to people of a strong character. As John Adams said of the Constitution it belongs to moral and religious people. Same thing for freedom.

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