Tennessee SURGEON gunned down by black man

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America's hard right are the first to be looking for real answers to the difficult questions. They're making big business out to be the enemy!

How does that mesh with this event? Ask me!
Another example of a society destroying itself with their guns.

How could this possibly be the gun's fault, in our wildest imagination?

Guns have nothing to do with this murder.

In fact the perp fucked up by using a noisy firearm, using a garotte would have allowed him a better chance of getting away.
My guess as to the motive on this is that the doctor wasn't giving this patient enough painkillers of a high enough potency for his taste.

When I broke my arm years ago, the documents that the doctors office gave me on this made it clear that opioid prescriptions are a big issue in orthopaedic practices.

Another example of the lowest of society killing the best
Seems to me I've heard of this thug before....

He likely has a long rap sheet and history with the police.

I hadn't heard of the surgeon though....
If you deal face to face with the public, you may need to be armed or work behind contactless bulletproof during initial vetting-screening.

The animals have to earn the rights to be around Americas' most valuable.
As always need to know: previous arrest record. How did this savage get a handgun?
Very easily and quickly.

And you're one of the first on this board to ask one of the right questions!
I can at least tell you that in Canada it's not easy to get one. But as America's guns flow over the border, it's getting a lot easier.

That's why I care.
That's why America is my business.
I got it more than 6 months ago.
It's all about the culture of violence, killing, and continuous wars of aggression by America.

Michael Moore is the only American I've ever heard say it. Self condemnation is hard.

If you happened to watch Tucker’s Andrew Tate interview, he answered this question quite well, about murderers like this and why there are more of them every day.

Society has programmed men to be weak. Masculinity is toxic, embrace your emotions, and believe you are a victim. This makes men very weak, and weak men commit atrocities.
I got it more than 6 months ago.
It's all about the culture of violence, killing, and continuous wars of aggression by America.

Michael Moore is the only American I've ever heard say it. Self condemnation is hard.
American society has some fringe elements. Generally speaking, we are a good people. But we do have some problems.

Anyone who doesn’t believe that we have societal and mental health issues underlying most gun violence is simply disconnected from reality.

Libs usually focus on the weapons. The always “evil” and maligned “gun.” But guns don’t aim themselves and pull their own triggers. So the real problem is the human being who gets the gun, loads it, points the barrel at another person and then decides to pull the trigger to fire the weapon to kill of injure that other person —— and does so.

Much of this is a mental health or cultural problem. Maybe both. We need to attend to that. Our liberal tv and movie production companies love to portray extreme violence. Why is that? Does it impact our culture. Are we becoming calloused and immune to such violence partly because it has roots in that pervasive part of our culture?
American society has some fringe elements. Generally speaking, we are a good people. But we do have some problems.

Anyone who doesn’t believe that we have societal and mental health issues underlying most gun violence is simply disconnected from reality.
Libs usually focus on the weapons. The always “evil” and maligned “gun.” But guns don’t aim themselves and pull their own triggers.
Are you sure? Do you have a record of being reliable?
So the real problem is the human being who gets the gun, loads it, points the barrel at another person and then decides to pull the trigger to fire the weapon to kill of injure that other person —— and does so.
Thank you for sharing that knowledge with us. I'm sure it's enlightening to many!
Much of this is a mental health or cultural problem. Maybe both. We need to attend to that. Our liberal tv and movie production companies love to portray extreme violence. Why is that? Does it impact our culture. Are we becoming calloused and immune to such violence partly because it has roots in that pervasive part of our culture?
And thanks for sharing that too!

Your question: because violence on t.v. sells better than anything else.

If anybody else is interested, we can all work on the other questions?

What a smart fellow you can be when you want to. As I've suggested several times now, the hardest rightists in America are becoming the first to look for and find answers in socially responsible answers!

The left is being left behind in the dust blaming the guns.
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