Gold Member
What would you do with Blasphemers? I guess "modern people" wouldnt raise an eyebrow, and even "laugh" and find it entertaining and "harmless" even "good" but in the past, there could be the death penalty for blasphemy?

Now we dont kill them anymore but we protest peacefully: Jesus Bastard and Virgin Mary Whore

Now we dont kill them anymore but we protest peacefully: Jesus Bastard and Virgin Mary Whore
Goodreads has allowed a blasphemous promotion and summary about a supposed book entitled “Bad Girls Go To Hell…The Story of Baby Jesus’ Mother, The Virgin Mary”.
The very title implies that Mary is in hell!!!
CAUTION! Despicable excerpts from the ‘book summary’ are just ahead.
If you’ve read enough already, protest now.
“Jesus was known as a mortal prophet who had been born a bastard as a result of the infidelity of his mother, Miriam.”
“Since it would not do for the now divine Jesus to have a whore for a mother, the “holy mother” church now reworked the story of Mary in the 9th century,”
“It was too repugnant in the church’s eyes for Mary to have conceived of Jesus through normal human intercourse so they invented the concept of the Immaculate Conception,”
“…Mary, the mother of Jesus, who was a whore gone from bad to worse, into a goody-two shoes;”
“The story of the “Virgin Mary” is about as nutty as a fruitcake, but this is par for the course in Catholicism… they deserve whatever scorn and contempt they get as a result of it.”
So why does Goodreads keep this blasphemous piece posted on their site for their 150 million or so members?
If, as Director of America Needs Fatima, I were not to ask you to petition Goodreads to remove this outrageously offensive review, I think it would be a sin of Indifference for me.
Let’s get Goodreads to remove this horrendous and blasphemous assault on everything Catholics hold dear to our hearts!
I believe that we WE MUST REACT against this posting! It must be taken down! NOW! Please join us.