Terrible News for Moscow , China other oriental Despotias! It’s Official: After A 75-Year Gap, The Japanese Navy Has An Aircraft Carrier


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

Terrible News for Moscow´s oriental imperialism! It’s Official: After A 75-Year Gap, The Japanese Navy Has An Aircraft Carrier​

Great news, our Liberal Order is rearming , and barbaric despots know and hate it ,)) We draw the primitive Despotias into the new cold War 2 Arm - race, Which the rich and technological Liberal Order will win without any problem ! ps does it mean also that Muscovy is practically a landlocked country ?​

On Sunday, two US Marine Corps F-35Bs landed on and took off from the deck of the Izumo, the lead ship of the class — the first time a fixed-wing aircraft has operated from a Japanese carrier in 75 years.

But Moscow still has Kuzia , or ? LOL


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