Terrifying: Biden Is Nominating An Actual Communist, A Soviet-Trained Self-Proclaimed Radical In Charge Of The U.S. Banking System

Yeah those things are not happening because of Biden genius. Afghanistan was a big fuck up, and inaction at the border is frustrating, but the rest is not Biden. And as I said not many big policy moves have been made
Lol.... hence the fool comment.
Lol. Dumb ass democrats.. check post 15...

Well then the OP should have used those sources. PJ Media is not to be believed about anything and even when they post someone else's story, they create an extremely dishonest headline.

And what's this smile @ 7 seconds, anyone? These are all actors, but I don't know, what is that?

Bumping this thread. Are our resident Democrats on board with all our money being held by the Federal Reserve? I mean, this is what Omarova has stated she wants and Biden nominated her for comptroller. Are Democrats really this loyal to the Party that they are ok with this craziness? The feds could take money out of your account as they please. It is pure lunacy but there is hardly a peep out of Democrats.
If you ever had any doubt that they are after all of your hard earned money....

Saule Omarova, Joe Biden’s nominee for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), called to eliminate all private bank accounts and deposits. Omarova discussed one of her papers, “The People’s Ledger How to Democratize Money and Finance the Economy,” which would help “redesign” the financial system and make the economy “more equitable for everyone.”

Her paper calls for eliminating all banks and transferring all bank deposits to “FedAccounts” at the Federal Reserve. During her conference speech, she said, “There will be no more private bank accounts, and all of the deposit accounts will be held directly at the Fed.”

Omarova said her proposal would give the Fed more “proactive” monetary policy tools, such as “helicopter money.” She also pondered how the Fed could “take money” from Americans during an inflationary environment.

Timestamped to begin at 38:50...

You know what?

Nothing! absolutely NOTHING, that this Leftard , evil, stolen Administration does surprises me anymore, they won't stop until they see the total destruction of the America we all knew and loved!

Until somebody does something to stop these scum.

Terrifying: Biden Is Nominating An Actual Communist, A Soviet-Trained Self-Proclaimed Radical In Charge Of The U.S. Banking System​

Why is it necessary to kill oil, gas, and coal firms in the US as a precursor to tackling Climate Change? Shouldn’t the priority be accelerating viable alternative energy to sustain the economy? Where else is this being done around the World? Also, why do Biden, Kerry and other Democrats who share the OCC Nominee’s views continue to hold financial interests in foreign firms engaged in oil, gas or coal production?

None of this makes sense unless the true goal or outcome is to hurt the US Economy.
You know what?

Nothing! absolutely NOTHING, that this Leftard , evil, stolen Administration does surprises me anymore, they won't stop until they see the total destruction of the America we all knew and loved!

Until somebody does something to stop these scum.

Terrifying: Biden Is Nominating An Actual Communist, A Soviet-Trained Self-Proclaimed Radical In Charge Of The U.S. Banking System​

Let's hope that we get a veto-proof Senate so we can repeal all this horseshit.
And this is why just hating Biden isn't enough. His entire administration is stacked with people like this and spreading roots throughout the whole government and even down to governors.

Sure you could get rid of him, but his followers are still deeply rooted. We need someone in there that would pull the weeds out by the root.
Omarova will be grilled today. Is there at least one sane Democrat who will vote against this nominee? Are we are the point where Russia and/or China can train a future appointee to our government and the Democrats are dumb/paid off enough to go along with it?
"PJ Media" is for kooks. Lots of fake stories.

Can you find the story on Fox News?
Here ya go, Otis, knock yourself out with this commie.

saved me the trouble. she wants the oil industry to go bankrupt and force a move to "clean energy" that we simply cannot support to date WITHOUT the oil industry.

she wants to end private bank accounts and basically banking so we have even less rights with what we earn and keep.

she's a class A nutjob.
If she REALLY wanted us to be like Russia, she would be pushing the Fair Tax, because Russia uses the Proportional Tax system. Is she pushing for the Fair Tax? You know the one that would make everyone pay 10 or 12% in taxes every year? AND would totally devastate and destroy the Tax Preparation Industry, throwing millions of Americans out of work? Is she pushing for that? I know the right wing is.
If she REALLY wanted us to be like Russia, she would be pushing the Fair Tax, because Russia uses the Proportional Tax system. Is she pushing for the Fair Tax? You know the one that would make everyone pay 10 or 12% in taxes every year? AND would totally devastate and destroy the Tax Preparation Industry, throwing millions of Americans out of work? Is she pushing for that? I know the right wing is.
Let me get this straight: You oppose the FAIR tax because you want to preserve the jobs of tax accountants?

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