Terrifying: Biden Is Nominating An Actual Communist, A Soviet-Trained Self-Proclaimed Radical In Charge Of The U.S. Banking System

President Joe Biden wants to put an actual Communist — self-proclaimed “radical” Cornell University law school professor Saule Omarova — in charge of the nation’s banking system.

Omarova graduated from the Soviet Union’s Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship, according to the Wall Street Journal. As recently as 2019, she was still praising the USSR’s economic system as in some ways superior to our own. “Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there. Market doesn’t always ‘know best.'”

As a matter of fact, I will say what I will about the old USSR.

Teachers there were paid the same as doctors — because medicine was considered “women’s work” and both were paid crap numbers of worthless rubles. Sexism and central mismanagement, all in one murderously totalitarian package.

There’s a reason the USSR is defunct and the U.S. isn’t — at least until Omarova gets her way.

Omarova’s goal is the eventual elimination of private banking and the establishment of the Federal Reserve as the nation’s only bank.

In her own words:

I wonder how much Putin donated to Biden's election campaign / how much the Russians paid for some of Hunter's art to get this Biden administration nomination / appointment...


President Joe Biden wants to put an actual Communist — self-proclaimed “radical” Cornell University law school professor Saule Omarova — in charge of the nation’s banking system.

Omarova graduated from the Soviet Union’s Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship, according to the Wall Street Journal. As recently as 2019, she was still praising the USSR’s economic system as in some ways superior to our own. “Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there. Market doesn’t always ‘know best.'”

As a matter of fact, I will say what I will about the old USSR.

Teachers there were paid the same as doctors — because medicine was considered “women’s work” and both were paid crap numbers of worthless rubles. Sexism and central mismanagement, all in one murderously totalitarian package.

There’s a reason the USSR is defunct and the U.S. isn’t — at least until Omarova gets her way.

Omarova’s goal is the eventual elimination of private banking and the establishment of the Federal Reserve as the nation’s only bank.

In her own words:

I wonder how much Putin donated to Biden's election campaign / how much the Russians paid for some of Hunter's art to get this Biden administration nomination / appointment...

yep ... i wonder how the so called independents that voted for Biden believing he is a moderate feel about his radical leftist leadership so far ..
yep ... i wonder how the so called independents that voted for Biden believing he is a moderate feel about his radical leftist leadership so far ..
I’m not too worried about it. Hasn’t really done much policy wise but piss off the wingnut right
I’m not too worried about it. Hasn’t really done much policy wise but piss off the wingnut right
wow ! yeah you got a point ...people with common sense are not happy with skyrocketing inflation and gas ,the mess at the border , the supply chain problems, the screw up in Afghanistan and much much more ....
wow ! yeah you got a point ...people with common sense are not happy with skyrocketing inflation and gas ,the mess at the border , the supply chain problems, the screw up in Afghanistan and much much more ....
Yeah those things are not happening because of Biden genius. Afghanistan was a big fuck up, and inaction at the border is frustrating, but the rest is not Biden. And as I said not many big policy moves have been made
Yeah those things are not happening because of Biden genius. Afghanistan was a big fuck up, and inaction at the border is frustrating, but the rest is not Biden. And as I said not many big policy moves have been made
The Obam-Biden administration funded virus research during that time period. JoeXi is only symbolically thanking the Chinese communists for the adept way they have handled their virus across the world. It worked out: 43 billionaires.
President Joe Biden wants to put an actual Communist — self-proclaimed “radical” Cornell University law school professor Saule Omarova — in charge of the nation’s banking system.

Omarova graduated from the Soviet Union’s Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship, according to the Wall Street Journal. As recently as 2019, she was still praising the USSR’s economic system as in some ways superior to our own. “Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there. Market doesn’t always ‘know best.'”

As a matter of fact, I will say what I will about the old USSR.

Teachers there were paid the same as doctors — because medicine was considered “women’s work” and both were paid crap numbers of worthless rubles. Sexism and central mismanagement, all in one murderously totalitarian package.

There’s a reason the USSR is defunct and the U.S. isn’t — at least until Omarova gets her way.

Omarova’s goal is the eventual elimination of private banking and the establishment of the Federal Reserve as the nation’s only bank.

In her own words:

I wonder how much Putin donated to Biden's election campaign / how much the Russians paid for some of Hunter's art to get this Biden administration nomination / appointment...

It would be harder to point out people in The Biden Regime who were not Satan Worshipping AntiAmerican DemNazi Marxists, than to point out the throng who are.

Make sure to tell everyone what a bad Wacist American you are today just because you live here, says Kamel Toe Harris.

Let's Go Brandon~
Replacing private banks with federal digital dollars is crazy and will never happen. Biden knows that.

The reason he wants to hire Omarova, I suspect, is because she wants to establish a National Investment Authority (NIA).

The principle behind the NIA is that instead of funding infrastructure projects with government money (tax dollars), it would be funded with money from the private sector.

The NIA would be a public-private investment agency. The idea is to create a body that will sell bonds to private investors and use that money to build critical infrastructure. Some infrastructure projects are too big and too expensive for individual municipalities to pull off.

This would be a GSE, like Fannie and Freddie.

You can read Omarova's and her co-author's white paper about the NIA here: White Paper: A National Investment Authority

Now I will explain the kookier parts.

The NIA's primary focus would be investing in green infrastructure projects. The bonds issued by the NIA would be rated by a standalone ratings agency. That ratings agency would rate each bond by how green the infrastructure project is. The more green a project is, the higher the rating it will receive. The more carbonized a project, the lower the rating it will receive.

Never mind the actual risk of default determining the rating a bond receives. All that matters is how green the damned thing is.

See here: Investment and Decarbonization | Anusar Farooqui & Tim Sahay
This is the woman who said that Children are an Environmental Hazard? This is the fiend, the demon you are promoting?

And WTF is wrong with you? You can never reduce global CO2 not even if you had a million years to do it. Ever hear of the Carbon Cycle? You are a bunch of lying crack pots.

To make Carbon a pollutant is nonsense. Banning or suppressing the use of hydrocarbon fuels will lead to famines, increased poverty and death on a scale that would make The Black Plague look like a case of the sniffles.

Answer this: Why is it the goal of Sustainable Development and Global Warming according to the documentation released by THE UN, to kill off 5 Billion of The Earth's population by 2050? Can you give me details on how you are going to do that?

I can take a guess.

Freeze them to death by banning cheap hydrocarbon fuel.
Starve them to death by banning cheap hydrocarbon fuel.
Disrupt the supply chain using an engineered bio weapon and then hype it up to create mass hysteria, seized unconstitutional powers for yourselves to bypass the legislatures so you can ban cheap hydrocarbon fuels.
Create-Release my Bioweapons, cuz, The Great Reset, and Agenda 2030 must be accomplished.

You are a bunch of Murderous Lying Morons, all of you.
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The Obam-Biden administration funded virus research during that time period. JoeXi is only symbolically thanking the Chinese communists for the adept way they have handled their virus across the world. It worked out: 43 billionaires.
Well, they are in a hurry as they need to kill off 5 Billion people by 2050 according to the UN's Sustainable Development Plan.
It would be harder to point out people in The Biden Regime who were not Satan Worshipping AntiAmerican DemNazi Marxists, than to point out the throng who are.

Make sure to tell everyone what a bad Wacist American you are today just because you live here, says Kamel Toe Harris.

Let's Go Brandon~

Incompetents, Terrorists, and Soviet-Trained Communists......

Had Trump done ANYTHING Biden has done, especially appointing terrorists and Russian-trained Communists, Democrats, fake news media, and snowflakes would have been like....



What could be better for America's banking system than extreme reform?

Is this an indication that Biden is following China's lead on the reform of capitalism, making it more socially responsible to the masses?
The last thing we need is commies "reforming" our banking system.
Stolen elections have consequences.

Next time we better not let the sonofabitches get away with it.
Don't you look stupid ? But I guess I could type that after most of your posts.

I guess you could :rolleyes-41:

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