Terrorism must be called terrorism


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.

you are waxing hysterical
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.

you are waxing hysterical
You are a disgusting human being and part of the problem if that is how you feel
Looks like a road rage incident or maybe a medical issue or texting while driving? The driver seems to have stayed in the legally designated part of the street instead of going on the sidewalk for example.

CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.

you are waxing hysterical
You are a disgusting human being and part of the problem if that is how you feel

just how do you imagine I feel? There has been a MURDER. I have lots of experience
with murder. --------an aspect of my work for decades. It is not clear to me that the MURDER
committed by whoever did it-------did so as an act of terrorism-------you would be amazed at that
which "ticks" some people off. I, somehow, do not believe that the issue is "those who voted
for Trump"
I call it terrorism and think that this person should be prosecuted as such!

Just like all far left protesters that use violence should be prosecuted as such as well.
Looks like a road rage incident or maybe a medical issue or texting while driving? The driver seems to have stayed in the legally designated part of the street instead of going on the sidewalk for example.

snout-------your first almost reasonable post. Sit tight folks------the cops gotta investigate
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.
Trump is not going to condemn rightwing terrorism and risk alienating his base, just as Trump has failed to condemn the bombing of Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota – which was in fact an act of anti-Muslim terrorism.
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.
Trump is not going to condemn rightwing terrorism and risk alienating his base, just as Trump has failed to condemn the bombing of Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota – which was in fact an act of anti-Muslim terrorism.

As much as the far left drones like to talk about Trump tweets they sure will ignore his tweets when it is convenient.

Trump Tweets On Charlottesville Rally: 'No Place For This Kind Of Violence'
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.
Trump is not going to condemn rightwing terrorism and risk alienating his base, just as Trump has failed to condemn the bombing of Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota – which was in fact an act of anti-Muslim terrorism.

As much as the far left drones like to talk about Trump tweets they sure will ignore his tweets when it is convenient.

Trump Tweets On Charlottesville Rally: 'No Place For This Kind Of Violence'
Lets talk about those tweets. Let's start with the fact that he called it against violence, not against terrorism. The definition of terrorism is this
"the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Seems clear cut enough so why not call it that? He is always very quick to throw that word around when the perpetrator is Muslim so why not now?
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.
Trump is not going to condemn rightwing terrorism and risk alienating his base, just as Trump has failed to condemn the bombing of Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota – which was in fact an act of anti-Muslim terrorism.

As much as the far left drones like to talk about Trump tweets they sure will ignore his tweets when it is convenient.

Trump Tweets On Charlottesville Rally: 'No Place For This Kind Of Violence'
Lets talk about those tweets. Let's start with the fact that he called it against violence, not against terrorism. The definition of terrorism is this
"the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Seems clear cut enough so why not call it that? He is always very quick to throw that word around when the perpetrator is Muslim so why not now?

You mean like how Obama called clear acts of terrorism, work place violence?

I call it terrorism, no matter who does it.

The far left is not so consistent.
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.
Trump is not going to condemn rightwing terrorism and risk alienating his base, just as Trump has failed to condemn the bombing of Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota – which was in fact an act of anti-Muslim terrorism.

As much as the far left drones like to talk about Trump tweets they sure will ignore his tweets when it is convenient.

Trump Tweets On Charlottesville Rally: 'No Place For This Kind Of Violence'
Lets talk about those tweets. Let's start with the fact that he called it against violence, not against terrorism. The definition of terrorism is this
"the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Seems clear cut enough so why not call it that? He is always very quick to throw that word around when the perpetrator is Muslim so why not now?

You mean like how Obama called clear acts of terrorism, work place violence?

I call it terrorism, no matter who does it.

The far left is not so consistent.
Never claimed the far left is. But we are not talking about Obama we are talking about Trump and his tweets, which are also inconsistent. Furthermore the ideological group to which this guy more than likely belongs, feel that Trump is someone who speaks for them. I won't debate the right and wrong of this since it would derail the OP I think but the fact stands. Someone who feels Trump speaks for him just used violence on those opposing him. Trump who calls every violent act by a Muslim terrorism chooses to just phrase it as violence not terrorism. So the tweets are not ignored by me, I just find them inadequate because they are out of character.
All this being asked for is a little consistency. Either call them all terrorism or call them all crimes committed by insane people. You don't get to have it both ways
I call it terrorism and think that this person should be prosecuted as such!

Just like all far left protesters that use violence should be prosecuted as such as well.
I agree if any group uses violence as a way to intimidate and cause terror, then it should be called terrorism and that group should be called out as terrorists. Whether they be white supremacists, radical Islamic Jihadists or radical left wing groups.
None should be protected.
Trump better not protect white nationalist terrorists.
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.
Trump is not going to condemn rightwing terrorism and risk alienating his base, just as Trump has failed to condemn the bombing of Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota – which was in fact an act of anti-Muslim terrorism.

As much as the far left drones like to talk about Trump tweets they sure will ignore his tweets when it is convenient.

Trump Tweets On Charlottesville Rally: 'No Place For This Kind Of Violence'
Lets talk about those tweets. Let's start with the fact that he called it against violence, not against terrorism. The definition of terrorism is this
"the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Seems clear cut enough so why not call it that? He is always very quick to throw that word around when the perpetrator is Muslim so why not now?
Fuck you. That's why you stupid dumb fucking hypocritical ass.
All this being asked for is a little consistency. Either call them all terrorism or call them all crimes committed by insane people. You don't get to have it both ways
I agree they are all insane people but those who are motivated to terrorize in the name of a cause, whether it be supremacy of a religion or supremacy of a race are different than insane people who terrorize without a cause.
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.
Trump is not going to condemn rightwing terrorism and risk alienating his base, just as Trump has failed to condemn the bombing of Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota – which was in fact an act of anti-Muslim terrorism.

As much as the far left drones like to talk about Trump tweets they sure will ignore his tweets when it is convenient.

Trump Tweets On Charlottesville Rally: 'No Place For This Kind Of Violence'
Lets talk about those tweets. Let's start with the fact that he called it against violence, not against terrorism. The definition of terrorism is this
"the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Seems clear cut enough so why not call it that? He is always very quick to throw that word around when the perpetrator is Muslim so why not now?

You mean like how Obama called clear acts of terrorism, work place violence?

I call it terrorism, no matter who does it.

The far left is not so consistent.
Obama felt calling out radical Islamic terrorists would stigmatize all Muslims. I agree with the spirit but you have to call them what they are Radical Islamic Jihadists but most Muslims are not that way.
Trump does not want to call out white nationalist terrorists because it may stigmatize white nationalists. You have to call them what they are, white nationalist terrorists and all white nationalist are bad.
Trump is trying to protect a disgusting group of people and Obama was trying to protect the largest religion in the world.
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.
Trump is not going to condemn rightwing terrorism and risk alienating his base, just as Trump has failed to condemn the bombing of Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota – which was in fact an act of anti-Muslim terrorism.

As much as the far left drones like to talk about Trump tweets they sure will ignore his tweets when it is convenient.

Trump Tweets On Charlottesville Rally: 'No Place For This Kind Of Violence'
Lets talk about those tweets. Let's start with the fact that he called it against violence, not against terrorism. The definition of terrorism is this
"the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Seems clear cut enough so why not call it that? He is always very quick to throw that word around when the perpetrator is Muslim so why not now?
Fuck you. That's why you stupid dumb fucking hypocritical ass.
That is the response of someone who has no come back to your very valid point. I am guessing he is a stupid ass.
At this point we need to remember all those threads and comments back at the beginning of the year where the narrative was that it is the right of anyone to run down protestors if they happen to block the streets.
Elmer, do you consider the epidemic of Afro Americans attacks on Whites "domestic terrorism?" Don't make the black kids angry!

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