Terrorism must be called terrorism

BLM chanted "pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon" as officers were murdered across the country

Obama invited them into the White House
THE CROOKED HILLARY/OBAMA/SOROS TERRORISTS ARE AT IT AGAIN! And the cops once again are letting the domestic terrorists get away with terrorizing American taxpayers. They assaulted someone who was legally entitled to speak. The terrorists hate free speech!

Kessler to speak at City Hall, interrupted by counter-protesters
The acts of white supremacists this weekend has drawn a line in the sand for Americans, you are either with them or you want to eliminate them from our society. They are as dangerous as radical Islamic terrorists.
You and other white supremacists and their sympathizers will be driven back into your rat holes like you were in the 1950's and 1960's
BLM chanted "pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon" as officers were murdered across the country

Obama invited them into the White House
Any person who says that about cops should be stopped. Those within Black Lives Matters should stop that.
That does not mean the white supremacists should not be strongly criticized by ALL for what they stand for and what they do.
You are deflecting the issue.
BLM chanted "pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon" as officers were murdered across the country

Obama invited them into the White House
Any person who says that about cops should be stopped. Those within Black Lives Matters should stop that.
That does not mean the white supremacists should not be strongly criticized by ALL for what they stand for and what they do.
You are deflecting the issue.

so Barack Obama should be stopped? thank you.
I call it terrorism and think that this person should be prosecuted as such!

Just like all far left protesters that use violence should be prosecuted as such as well.
I agree if any group uses violence as a way to intimidate and cause terror, then it should be called terrorism and that group should be called out as terrorists. Whether they be white supremacists, radical Islamic Jihadists or radical left wing groups.
None should be protected.
Trump better not protect white nationalist terrorists.
No mention of Progressive violence?
Violence is not acceptable.
But to compare Progressive violence to the violence of white supremacists is beyond ridiculous.
Our society will always have conservatives, liberals, progressives but since the 1950's we have tried to eliminate white supremacists from our society.
BLM chanted "pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon" as officers were murdered across the country

Obama invited them into the White House
Any person who says that about cops should be stopped. Those within Black Lives Matters should stop that.
That does not mean the white supremacists should not be strongly criticized by ALL for what they stand for and what they do.
You are deflecting the issue.

so Barack Obama should be stopped? thank you.
Obama made no comments threatening police.
Tell the truth or shut the f**k up.
What about the leftist mob. Just as violent if not more so
You cannot be this stupid.
Stupidity is a common characteristic of white supremacists.

White supremacists do not want just white rule but stupid white people rule.
White supremacists cannot compete successfully in a society with minorities and smart white people so they want to eliminate both.
What about the leftist mob. Just as violent if not more so
You cannot be this stupid.
Stupidity is a common characteristic of white supremacists.

White supremacists do not want just white rule but stupid white people rule.
White supremacists cannot compete successfully in a society with minorities and smart white people so they want to eliminate both.
One incident compared to hundreds of Leftist attacks and you claim we should do something about one while ignoring hundreds. Thanks for proving you are an idiot liar and retard.
What about the leftist mob. Just as violent if not more so
You cannot be this stupid.
Stupidity is a common characteristic of white supremacists.

White supremacists do not want just white rule but stupid white people rule.
White supremacists cannot compete successfully in a society with minorities and smart white people so they want to eliminate both.
One incident compared to hundreds of Leftist attacks and you claim we should do something about one while ignoring hundreds. Thanks for proving you are an idiot liar and retard.
There are many good leftists, there are many good rightists, there are many good conservatives, there are many good liberals.
There is not one good white supremacist. You are making excuses for them.
That is beyond disgusting.
We need to run all white supremacists out of our society. The actions yesterday have more people than I have seen say we need to get rid the slime that are white supremacists.
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.
So you are denouncing Progressives and their continued violence?

You're full of shit, hypocrite.
I am calling out the vile white supremacists of all ilks specifically as dangerous domestic terrorists and their ideology is dangerous.
You are deflecting the issue and like our cowardice President are empowering white supremacists. You may be a white supremacist.
You are beyond disgusting.
When you start calling out "All" violent terrorists, whether left, right, Islamist, domestic, etc. then I will believe you.

All terrorist ideology is dangerous.

I am deflecting from nothing.

Our President has denounced it... On all sides.

Nobody needs to empower or insight those who commit terrorism.

As we have learned, terrorists use excuses to commit violence.

You use it as an excuse to call names and accuse me of being a white supremacist.

You are the fucking problem. You are dangerous and need to be put down like the feral animal you are.

Your words as weapons have no effect on me.

Look in the mirror and you will see the poster child for disgust.

What about the leftist mob. Just as violent if not more so
You cannot be this stupid.
Stupidity is a common characteristic of white supremacists.

White supremacists do not want just white rule but stupid white people rule.
White supremacists cannot compete successfully in a society with minorities and smart white people so they want to eliminate both.
One incident compared to hundreds of Leftist attacks and you claim we should do something about one while ignoring hundreds. Thanks for proving you are an idiot liar and retard.
There are many good leftists, there are many good rightists, there are many good conservatives, there are many good liberals.
There is not one good white supremacist. You are making excuses for them.
That is beyond disgusting.
We need to run all white supremacists out of our society. The actions yesterday have more people than I have seen say we need to get rid the slime that are white supremacists.
Making excuses for them?

Are you seeing something that the rest of us don't?
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.
So you are denouncing Progressives and their continued violence?

You're full of shit, hypocrite.
I am calling out the vile white supremacists of all ilks specifically as dangerous domestic terrorists and their ideology is dangerous.
You are deflecting the issue and like our cowardice President are empowering white supremacists. You may be a white supremacist.
You are beyond disgusting.
When you start calling out "All" violent terrorists, whether left, right, Islamist, domestic, etc. then I will believe you.

All terrorist ideology is dangerous.

I am deflecting from nothing.

Our President has denounced it... On all sides.

Nobody needs to empower or insight those who commit terrorism.

As we have learned, terrorists use excuses to commit violence.

You use it as an excuse to call names and accuse me of being a white supremacist.

You are the fucking problem. You are dangerous and need to be put down like the feral animal you are.

Your words as weapons have no effect on me.

Look in the mirror and you will see the poster child for disgust.

your words only reinforce what a cowardice, uninformed moron you are.
I am sure you are hated by most that know you.
You bring much more misery to this world than good feelings.
The only comfort I feel about people like you is I know you will rot in hell after you leave this world.
That is the same characteristics and emotions I have of every white supremacist.
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.
So you are denouncing Progressives and their continued violence?

You're full of shit, hypocrite.
I am calling out the vile white supremacists of all ilks specifically as dangerous domestic terrorists and their ideology is dangerous.
You are deflecting the issue and like our cowardice President are empowering white supremacists. You may be a white supremacist.
You are beyond disgusting.
When you start calling out "All" violent terrorists, whether left, right, Islamist, domestic, etc. then I will believe you.

All terrorist ideology is dangerous.

I am deflecting from nothing.

Our President has denounced it... On all sides.

Nobody needs to empower or insight those who commit terrorism.

As we have learned, terrorists use excuses to commit violence.

You use it as an excuse to call names and accuse me of being a white supremacist.

You are the fucking problem. You are dangerous and need to be put down like the feral animal you are.

Your words as weapons have no effect on me.

Look in the mirror and you will see the poster child for disgust.

your words only reinforce what a cowardice, uninformed moron you are.
I am sure you are hated by most that know you.
You bring much more misery to this world than good feelings.
The only comfort I feel about people like you is I know you will rot in hell after you leave this world.
That is the same characteristics and emotions I have of every white supremacist.
I am sure you know nothing about me, nor those I associate with.

You continue with this white supremacy accusation as if it has any effect.

Your race card is worn and tattered. It's useless.

Now it's white supremacy.

Grow up Mudd.
What about the leftist mob. Just as violent if not more so
You cannot be this stupid.
Stupidity is a common characteristic of white supremacists.

White supremacists do not want just white rule but stupid white people rule.
White supremacists cannot compete successfully in a society with minorities and smart white people so they want to eliminate both.
One incident compared to hundreds of Leftist attacks and you claim we should do something about one while ignoring hundreds. Thanks for proving you are an idiot liar and retard.
There are many good leftists, there are many good rightists, there are many good conservatives, there are many good liberals.
There is not one good white supremacist. You are making excuses for them.
That is beyond disgusting.
We need to run all white supremacists out of our society. The actions yesterday have more people than I have seen say we need to get rid the slime that are white supremacists.
Keep proving you are a liar and a retard. There are literally HUNDREDS of attacks by the left and you have not condemned one of them. But you are all up in arms about one by a right winger. Can we call that bias?
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.

you are waxing hysterical
You are a disgusting human being and part of the problem if that is how you feel

just how do you imagine I feel? There has been a MURDER. I have lots of experience
with murder. --------an aspect of my work for decades. It is not clear to me that the MURDER
committed by whoever did it-------did so as an act of terrorism-------you would be amazed at that
which "ticks" some people off. I, somehow, do not believe that the issue is "those who voted
for Trump"
I hope your experience w murder wasn't investigation if you can't define this as terrorism.....
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.

you are waxing hysterical
You are a disgusting human being and part of the problem if that is how you feel

just how do you imagine I feel? There has been a MURDER. I have lots of experience
with murder. --------an aspect of my work for decades. It is not clear to me that the MURDER
committed by whoever did it-------did so as an act of terrorism-------you would be amazed at that
which "ticks" some people off. I, somehow, do not believe that the issue is "those who voted
for Trump"
I hope your experience w murder wasn't investigation if you can't define this as terrorism.....

not investigation. -----so far the information is a 20 year old person whose mother
is an obvious dipsy doodle.-------
CNN and other news agencies seem reluctant to call the car plowing into protesters in Virginia as terrorism.
IT IS TERRORISM. It is no different than radical jihadists running into crowds throughout the world.

As we focus on terrorists from radical Islam we cannot forget the terrorists born from extreme USA politics.

Trump must address those terrorists just like he deals with Jihadist terrorists. These terrorist should not be treated different because they voted for Trump.

you are waxing hysterical
You are a disgusting human being and part of the problem if that is how you feel

just how do you imagine I feel? There has been a MURDER. I have lots of experience
with murder. --------an aspect of my work for decades. It is not clear to me that the MURDER
committed by whoever did it-------did so as an act of terrorism-------you would be amazed at that
which "ticks" some people off. I, somehow, do not believe that the issue is "those who voted
for Trump"
I hope your experience w murder wasn't investigation if you can't define this as terrorism.....

not investigation. -----so far the information is a 20 year old person whose mother
is an obvious dipsy doodle.-------
So your experience is with committing murder?
you are waxing hysterical
You are a disgusting human being and part of the problem if that is how you feel

just how do you imagine I feel? There has been a MURDER. I have lots of experience
with murder. --------an aspect of my work for decades. It is not clear to me that the MURDER
committed by whoever did it-------did so as an act of terrorism-------you would be amazed at that
which "ticks" some people off. I, somehow, do not believe that the issue is "those who voted
for Trump"
I hope your experience w murder wasn't investigation if you can't define this as terrorism.....

not investigation. -----so far the information is a 20 year old person whose mother
is an obvious dipsy doodle.-------
So your experience is with committing murder?

try using your imagination. --------interestingly enough, my experience is in
DIAGNOSIS------a process which involves the gathering of INFORMATION
You are a disgusting human being and part of the problem if that is how you feel

just how do you imagine I feel? There has been a MURDER. I have lots of experience
with murder. --------an aspect of my work for decades. It is not clear to me that the MURDER
committed by whoever did it-------did so as an act of terrorism-------you would be amazed at that
which "ticks" some people off. I, somehow, do not believe that the issue is "those who voted
for Trump"
I hope your experience w murder wasn't investigation if you can't define this as terrorism.....

not investigation. -----so far the information is a 20 year old person whose mother
is an obvious dipsy doodle.-------
So your experience is with committing murder?

try using your imagination. --------interestingly enough, my experience is in
DIAGNOSIS------a process which involves the gathering of INFORMATION
All that information gathering and you can't define a terrorist act?

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