Terrorist group antifa shuts down conservative speaking event

Everyone condemns violence, well, not always Trump, but sometimes.
Ok provide a single quote from each of the dem candidate for President condemning Antifa. Shoudn't be hard since you claim they all did it.
I'm a Libertarian, I don't care what those doofusses do.
Libertarians don't care about political violence? Is that only leftist violence? What am I saying. That's all there is.
I think any sane politician condemns violence. Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people. He's unhinged, but really funny. :biggrin:
(and I do agree with SOME of his policies)
Ok provide a quote from each Dem candidate condemning Antifa.....I will warn you now you can't.
I have a better idea: bite me! :biggrin:
Ok, make the argument and demonstrate how the left is condemning antifa violence and terror tactics. Cue the crickets.
Everyone condemns violence, well, not always Trump, but sometimes.
Ok provide a single quote from each of the dem candidate for President condemning Antifa. Shoudn't be hard since you claim they all did it.
I'm a Libertarian, I don't care what those doofusses do.
Libertarians don't care about political violence? Is that only leftist violence? What am I saying. That's all there is.
I think any sane politician condemns violence. Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people. He's unhinged, but really funny. :biggrin:
(and I do agree with SOME of his policies)

Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people.

Everyone condemns violence...

Yea, that's what I thought. Dismissed.
Everyone condemns violence, well, not always Trump, but sometimes.
Ok provide a single quote from each of the dem candidate for President condemning Antifa. Shoudn't be hard since you claim they all did it.
I'm a Libertarian, I don't care what those doofusses do.
Libertarians don't care about political violence? Is that only leftist violence? What am I saying. That's all there is.
I think any sane politician condemns violence. Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people. He's unhinged, but really funny. :biggrin:
(and I do agree with SOME of his policies)

Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people.

Yes, a while back he said that there where nice people on both sides, or something to that effect. That you're clueless is expected.
Everyone condemns violence...

Yea, that's what I thought. Dismissed.
Ok provide a single quote from each of the dem candidate for President condemning Antifa. Shoudn't be hard since you claim they all did it.
I'm a Libertarian, I don't care what those doofusses do.
Libertarians don't care about political violence? Is that only leftist violence? What am I saying. That's all there is.
I think any sane politician condemns violence. Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people. He's unhinged, but really funny. :biggrin:
(and I do agree with SOME of his policies)

Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people.

Yes, a while back he said that there where nice people on both sides, or something to that effect. That you're clueless is expected.

Yes, a while back he said that there where nice people on both sides, or something to that effect.


he also made it clear he was not referring to White Supremacists, or Antifa in that statement.

so, no, he didn't say there were good people on the White Supremacist side.

another media 'misquote' to make him look bad
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Everyone condemns violence...

Yea, that's what I thought. Dismissed.
I'm a Libertarian, I don't care what those doofusses do.
Libertarians don't care about political violence? Is that only leftist violence? What am I saying. That's all there is.
I think any sane politician condemns violence. Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people. He's unhinged, but really funny. :biggrin:
(and I do agree with SOME of his policies)

Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people.

Yes, a while back he said that there where nice people on both sides, or something to that effect. That you're clueless is expected.

Yes, a while back he said that there where nice people on both sides, or something to that effect.


he also made it clear he was referring to White Supremacists, or Antifa in that statement.

so, no, he didn't say there were good people on the White Supremacist side.

another media 'misquote' to make him look bad
So he said it, thanks for clearing that up.
I should have checked my post before I hit enter.

he did NOT say it about WS or antifa
Antifa violence is frequently rationalized by the media because they are fighting bad people, i.e. Nazis and such (they claim).

The problem is they are frequently attacking people at large, like in Portland this last week when Proud Boys came to town in support of journalist Andy Ngo, who was assaulted and injured by Antifa goons. Once the Proud Boys left Antifa went on a tear attacking and terrorizing people. And the left rationalizes their violence.
How about some great reading?

Thread by @NickFondacaro: "FLASHBACK: This is going to be a thread about how major liberal news outlets have promoted, rationalized, and glorified the violence Antifa, […]" #MTPDaily #SundayTODAY #UnitedShades #Antifa

Chris Cuomo Defends Left-wing Terrorist Group Antifa as 'Good Cause'
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Everyone condemns violence...

Yea, that's what I thought. Dismissed.
Ok provide a single quote from each of the dem candidate for President condemning Antifa. Shoudn't be hard since you claim they all did it.
I'm a Libertarian, I don't care what those doofusses do.
Libertarians don't care about political violence? Is that only leftist violence? What am I saying. That's all there is.
I think any sane politician condemns violence. Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people. He's unhinged, but really funny. :biggrin:
(and I do agree with SOME of his policies)

Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people.

Yes, a while back he said that there where nice people on both sides, or something to that effect. That you're clueless is expected.
You're looking like a fool. We've been thru this too many times for you to be "mistaken." Even the left KNOWS you're lying.
This stuff doesn't happen in the sticks. And if it did start it wouldn't last very long.

Stay out of the cities. Especially when things really start to tank. The pigs will have them surrounded at the city limits anyway.
Everyone condemns violence...

Yea, that's what I thought. Dismissed.
I'm a Libertarian, I don't care what those doofusses do.
Libertarians don't care about political violence? Is that only leftist violence? What am I saying. That's all there is.
I think any sane politician condemns violence. Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people. He's unhinged, but really funny. :biggrin:
(and I do agree with SOME of his policies)

Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people.

Yes, a while back he said that there where nice people on both sides, or something to that effect. That you're clueless is expected.
You're looking like a fool. We've been thru this too many times for you to be "mistaken." Even the left KNOWS you're lying.
Since you have nothing to back up what you say, it's pure fartsmoke. Geez, open a window. :biggrin:
For Taz and other liars on the left. Here are his words. Pay attention to HIS words 1:05 - 2:45.

And stop being a lying liar who cant stop lying
2:00 mark especially

The left has, throughout history, ALWAYS opposed free speech and that's why the Democratic Party is mute about antifa and that's why forum leftists here will celebrate.

South Jersey theater cancels event about race relations amid threats from anti-fascist protesters
Perhaps the Democratic Party doesn`t give a damn about Antifa. Did you ever think of that? I didn`t know that you`re a historian and you`ve made a peer reviewed study of what the left has ALWAYS opposed. Here`s a follow up question....Did you ever have a thought of your own or does some oxycontin soaked talk show host put these stupid ideas in your head?
Trump was VERY clear he was not talking about white supremacists, only brain dead morons still think he was you RETARD. As for antifa quote the democrats that are candidates for President denouncing Antifa.
#2: Yes, notice the fascist totalitarianism; not even allowing the right to (move [italics]) when movement, even if its non-political, can still be of the "Left." #8 seems to be scared shitless of any time (or respect) given to celibacy! Nuts.
Everyone condemns violence...

Yea, that's what I thought. Dismissed.
Libertarians don't care about political violence? Is that only leftist violence? What am I saying. That's all there is.
I think any sane politician condemns violence. Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people. He's unhinged, but really funny. :biggrin:
(and I do agree with SOME of his policies)

Only Trump said that the White Supremacist side had some nice people.

Yes, a while back he said that there where nice people on both sides, or something to that effect. That you're clueless is expected.

Yes, a while back he said that there where nice people on both sides, or something to that effect.


he also made it clear he was referring to White Supremacists, or Antifa in that statement.

so, no, he didn't say there were good people on the White Supremacist side.

another media 'misquote' to make him look bad
So he said it, thanks for clearing that up.
The best vengeance is someday when things are bad we will use the crap like you spew against you to keep your families alive. We will change the wording ever so slightly every time you explain yourself. Whoops there goes the kids! Whoop there goes the cousins! I know enough that there is not real talking with people like you. But we must try. We will get the half empty government stores selling what products there are and we do not want and we will think of you. You have killed and destroyed many people. And act the innocent all over. This is not about bravado. This is knowing what power is to be as you know what it is now for you.

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