Test of Finland's basic income: It creates happiness but not jobs, no duh...

Should liberals move to Finland now that they Fin's are giving out free money no questions asked?

  • Yes, please, We the people of the United States are tired of you whiney petulant babies.

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • No, i am a liberal, i will stay here and continue to bitch and moan how f' ed my life is.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Test of Finland's basic income: It creates happiness but not jobs
The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, or Kela, said "it was not yet possible to draw any firm conclusions" from the first half of the experiment, where about 2,000 randomly selected, unemployed people aged 25-58 got tax-free income of 560 euros ($636) a month with no questions asked.
"The basic income may have a positive effect on the wellbeing of the recipient even though it does not in the short term improve the person's employment prospects," Ylikanno added.
So the Fin sits on his ass all day long like a lazy, liberal asshole from the US does, but still gets paid, like the lazy asshole does, but at least over in Finland they love their pittance of money the government gives them, thus making them happier, while those over here in the US, get even more moolah and stuff, but bitch and moan how fucked their lives are... Hey dumbass liberals, move to Finland, there you can find all the happiness you like...
Well for liberals feelings are more important than actual accomplishments.

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