Testimony of A Former Atheist


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Powerful testimony of a world renowned scientist, former atheist now Christian.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1Eb7nAyu5E]Walter J. Veith Testimony - YouTube[/ame]

Do any of you atheists share any similar sentiments as to him during his atheisy (sp)?
I think you should consider posting shorter videos. :lol:
2 threads with videos from this guy, for a total of what? 3.5 hours of viewing?

The content is very rich. Therefore I have no problems with the length.

Did you watch it in its entirety?
Obviously, I haven't watched the video. That said, I can see it happening that an American with a science background might have circumstances that push him towards The concept of Jesus, God and The Bible for answers.

Had this learned man come of age in Egypt however, I'll bet anyone $1 that he would have turned to Mohammed, Allah and The Koran for answers.

Religion is simply one of many directions to focus - not necessarily the truth.

For me, I found the ancient creation stories first, picked the most popular one in my community at the time, and then gave it up in favor of the truth found in archeological and DNA evidence.
Meh, I just want to live my life.

I don't care if there is a god, religion, people blowing themselves up for allah, or any of that hoo hah.

I'm going to fight for what I believe in and I believe everyone should happily live their lives without interference. It's a choice. <3
I think you should consider posting shorter videos. :lol:
2 threads with videos from this guy, for a total of what? 3.5 hours of viewing?

What, your attention span is too short ?

Hah! I can just see you wasting 3.5 hours watching videos of some scientist you've never heard of telling you about how the bible is wrong if someone posted it.

It has nothing to do with my attention span, and everything to do with whether I consider it worth setting aside that amount of time to watch these videos from a supposedly world-renowned scientist who's areas of academic study have nothing to do with the subject matter. I'd rather read a book, watch a movie I haven't seen, etc.

Random videos on message boards should, IMO, remain short unless someone has asked for something longer. Between jobs, school, children, hobbies, etc. people only have so much time they are going to spend here. Better to show a short clip and if they are interested, they can find the longer version or you can provide it.
I think you should consider posting shorter videos. :lol:
2 threads with videos from this guy, for a total of what? 3.5 hours of viewing?

What, your attention span is too short ?

Hah! I can just see you wasting 3.5 hours watching videos of some scientist you've never heard of telling you about how the bible is wrong if someone posted it.

It has nothing to do with my attention span, and everything to do with whether I consider it worth setting aside that amount of time to watch these videos from a supposedly world-renowned scientist who's areas of academic study have nothing to do with the subject matter. I'd rather read a book, watch a movie I haven't seen, etc.

Random videos on message boards should, IMO, remain short unless someone has asked for something longer. Between jobs, school, children, hobbies, etc. people only have so much time they are going to spend here. Better to show a short clip and if they are interested, they can find the longer version or you can provide it.

What was your major ?
I think you should consider posting shorter videos. :lol:
2 threads with videos from this guy, for a total of what? 3.5 hours of viewing?

What, your attention span is too short ?

Hah! I can just see you wasting 3.5 hours watching videos of some scientist you've never heard of telling you about how the bible is wrong if someone posted it.

It has nothing to do with my attention span, and everything to do with whether I consider it worth setting aside that amount of time to watch these videos from a supposedly world-renowned scientist who's areas of academic study have nothing to do with the subject matter. I'd rather read a book, watch a movie I haven't seen, etc.

Random videos on message boards should, IMO, remain short unless someone has asked for something longer. Between jobs, school, children, hobbies, etc. people only have so much time they are going to spend here. Better to show a short clip and if they are interested, they can find the longer version or you can provide it.

Let's just say you're not open to see the other sides argument and thats fine but to take pot shots at educated,people is silly.You don't know his experience in the field he is speaking in. Dawkins is someone that many of you young people heard of and respect and even look up to but he speaks on subjects that he is not educated in.

But why don't you answer the questions that are raised and be open to the truth ?
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Powerful testimony of a world renowned scientist, former atheist now Christian.

Walter J. Veith Testimony - YouTube

Do any of you atheists share any similar sentiments as to him during his atheisy (sp)?

Very good and entertaining testimony.

Very interesting video we as a group one time had a run in with objects and voices in a home very scary stuff and eye opening to say the least.

Interesting i have had some correspondance with Professor Mike Brown he to is a 7th day adventist.

Home for creationist scientist :lol:
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What, your attention span is too short ?

Hah! I can just see you wasting 3.5 hours watching videos of some scientist you've never heard of telling you about how the bible is wrong if someone posted it.

It has nothing to do with my attention span, and everything to do with whether I consider it worth setting aside that amount of time to watch these videos from a supposedly world-renowned scientist who's areas of academic study have nothing to do with the subject matter. I'd rather read a book, watch a movie I haven't seen, etc.

Random videos on message boards should, IMO, remain short unless someone has asked for something longer. Between jobs, school, children, hobbies, etc. people only have so much time they are going to spend here. Better to show a short clip and if they are interested, they can find the longer version or you can provide it.

Let's just say you're not open to see the other sides argument and thats fine but to take pot shots at educated,people is silly.You don't know his experience in the field he is speaking in. Dawkins is someone that many of you young people heard of and respect and even look up to but he speaks on subjects that he is not educated in.

But why don't you answer the questions that are raised and be open to the truth ?

You say whatever you want; you always do, with little relation to what's actually been posted.

I've been to Veith's own website, where he describes his education and fields of study. I didn't just make up his educational background or stated areas of academic interest.

If you have a video that can make a point about an argument in a short time, fine. But whatever the subject matter might be, even something I agree with, I'm not likely to spend 2 hours watching a randomly posted video on a message board. I think many people would feel the same way. I already probably spend too much time going through the hundreds of different posts on this board and replying now and again.
Hah! I can just see you wasting 3.5 hours watching videos of some scientist you've never heard of telling you about how the bible is wrong if someone posted it.

It has nothing to do with my attention span, and everything to do with whether I consider it worth setting aside that amount of time to watch these videos from a supposedly world-renowned scientist who's areas of academic study have nothing to do with the subject matter. I'd rather read a book, watch a movie I haven't seen, etc.

Random videos on message boards should, IMO, remain short unless someone has asked for something longer. Between jobs, school, children, hobbies, etc. people only have so much time they are going to spend here. Better to show a short clip and if they are interested, they can find the longer version or you can provide it.

Let's just say you're not open to see the other sides argument and thats fine but to take pot shots at educated,people is silly.You don't know his experience in the field he is speaking in. Dawkins is someone that many of you young people heard of and respect and even look up to but he speaks on subjects that he is not educated in.

But why don't you answer the questions that are raised and be open to the truth ?

You say whatever you want; you always do, with little relation to what's actually been posted.

I've been to Veith's own website, where he describes his education and fields of study. I didn't just make up his educational background or stated areas of academic interest.

If you have a video that can make a point about an argument in a short time, fine. But whatever the subject matter might be, even something I agree with, I'm not likely to spend 2 hours watching a randomly posted video on a message board. I think many people would feel the same way. I already probably spend too much time going through the hundreds of different posts on this board and replying now and again.

He was sharing what happened in his life.

He had an exp with super natural forces that could wake anybody up.

Very few people have exp with that sort of stuff considering how many humans are on our precious earth.
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Powerful testimony of a world renowned scientist, former atheist now Christian.

Walter J. Veith Testimony - YouTube

Do any of you atheists share any similar sentiments as to him during his atheisy (sp)?

I made it 40 minutes in. :)

Just a thought. Never confuse God with Church or Community. It keeps life simpler. It's good if you believe. If you don't, and you generally try to do Right, for Right's sake, I would think God still has you covered. How someone could go through Life, doing Good and Right, and not see the effects of the Force behind that is beyond me. I have no problem with it though. It is between You, your Conscience, and your Maker. Why go through such trouble to deny God exists. Who are you actually trying to convince?
Powerful testimony of a world renowned scientist, former atheist now Christian.

Walter J. Veith Testimony - YouTube

Do any of you atheists share any similar sentiments as to him during his atheisy (sp)?

I made it 40 minutes in. :)

Just a thought. Never confuse God with Church or Community. It keeps life simpler. It's good if you believe. If you don't, and you generally try to do Right, for Right's sake, I would think God still has you covered. How someone could go through Life, doing Good and Right, and not see the effects of the Force behind that is beyond me. I have no problem with it though. It is between You, your Conscience, and your Maker. Why go through such trouble to deny God exists. Who are you actually trying to convince?

I'm glad you feel that disbelief alone is not going to determine the fate of atheists, you are the type of theist that I could get along with. However, I think you have a misunderstanding when it comes to most atheists' disbelief in God. I don't think most atheists chose to disbelieve in God as some act of defiance, as the disbelief comes as a result of the conclusions that someone reaches based on life experience and education. As an atheist, I can no more choose to believe in God's existence than I could choose to believe that Santa Claus exists. I could have life experiences or education down the road that may cause me to shift my position of belief, but as of right now I simply can't believe it.

I was raised Catholic, and I remember the negative connotation that the word 'atheist' carried with it. In fact, I still involuntarily cringe somewhat at the sound of the word, even though I know there is absolutely nothing malevolent about not believing in God. So I do understand where religious people are coming from when they misunderstand what it means to be an atheist, but it really is that simple. We view the Christian God the same way we view Thor or Zeus. Hopefully that helps to explain things.

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