Texas Democrats walk-out on Voting Rights bill

Democrats rely on low IQ, racist idiots many of whom are illegal aliens for votes.
Sounds more like Trump supporters.

You idiots ALWAYS say that, until a conservative actually tests you on intelligence, race and legality. Then you fail on all three miserably.

California turns out to be one of the "dumbest" states in the union with an average IQ of only around 95.2, democrats are the ones bringing in all the illegals, and every one of you is prejudiced racially, if not against blacks then against whites!
Not on these boards. Where are the smart Republicans found? The states with the highest level of education per person are blue.
Normally, when you have to tell people you're smarter than they are, you're not.
I never said any such thing, I just stated facts.
California turns out to be one of the "dumbest" states in the union with an average IQ of only around 95.2
Where are the smart Republicans found? The states with the highest level of education per person are blue.

Hey jackass, we were talking about intelligence, now you're trying to change it to education. Do you have any idea that education doesn't make you "smarter?" Education is training for a career or job, intelligence is a native ability one is born with. Getting a college degree doesn't raise your IQ, stupid.

If blue states have more education, it is only because that is where most big colleges are, followed by high tech companies to hire them. Doesn't change the fact that Californians have one of the lowest average IQs of any state!

View attachment 495899

Here we can see the average IQ in CA is 95.5, second only to Mississippi. I see no correlation between "color" of state and IQ. Half the smartest states appear Blue while others are red. Same with the lowest IQs---- some are red states like Miss, La, and Alabama, yet others are Ca, Nevada and New Mexico, blue states.

It never fails that the minute a Lefty like you starts putting down others for lack of IQ, you come along and say something really dumb to disprove your own theory! :21:

I question the accuracy of this chart. What is the data source used to create this? I'm not aware of the existence of any nationwide IQ registry or database. To begin with, IQ is not a standardized objective measure. There's a significant degree of subjectivity and variables (such as test conditions and application/interpretation bias) that affect the results. A person can take an IQ test twice, a month apart, given by different test providers, and end up with different scores. More to the point, most people have never been given a legitimate IQ test. Sure, a lot of people have taken so-called IQ tests online, but those are worthless for a multitude of reasons.

That said, I don't disagree with your bottom line conclusion that there is no valid correlation between the polical "color" of a state and the mean IQ of its residents. That conclusion stands to reason. There are a number of factors that would affect the mean IQ of a given state's residents, and political "color" via a state's electoral vote trends in presidential elections is likely insignificant. Larger states in terms of population will tend to have a more even distribution that more closely compares to the variance and mean of the overall US population, than smaller states. Then there are demographic sub factors within that metric that further affect the results to varying degrees, such as socioeconomic and environmental factors.

Yeah, unfortunately, I don't remember where, the chart was taken off of a website which seemed articulate enough in providing the kind of data I was looking for, but I agree that individual testing can be variable, but averaged out to a group state-wide, I don't see any reason not to believe the data isn't credible, unless you have another chart from a better source which says the opposite.

To its credit, a couple years ago I read in a separate article somewhere that commented about the same low scores in California, so I tend to believe the suggestion.

IQ is most definitely improved by education, because it improves general knowledge. But I question why you're using IQ levels and hate speech to further divide your country. You lot spend all of your time piling hate on blue states, Democrats and leftists in general. You offer no solutions, just scathing and pointless criticism, mostly based on right wing media lies.

People need something to vote for. All you have is "We're not Democrats". Of course, if Republicans really were doing a good job for the country, they'd have something to run on, instead of "the Democrats are horrible".

,Grow up, and stop bitching about every little thing. Come up with some solutions, instead of complaining and whining constantly.

F off and DROP DEAD, DragginBitch. You know about as much about intelligence as a camel knows about in-ground pools.
She was obviously correct.
Once again the corrupt and racist Texas Democrat Legislators have walked out instead of doing their duty.
The last time that they did it was when they walked out over redistricting.
The Yellow Press is calling the Texas Voting Rights bill "voter suppression" and "racial discrimination"
When someone votes twice they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
When a non-citizen votes in our elections they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
Mail-in ballots is wide open voter fraud.
Voter ID laws protect everyone's Right to Vote.
If Democrat Voters don't have an ID, then the corrupt Dem politicians should help them get one.
Democrats are habitual liars and cheaters who cannot win without cheating.

Republicans are the ones who are corrupt and racist. They are attempoting to establish a dictatorsghip by making ot harder to vote. Counties that support the regime will get more polling places while those who disagree with the regime will get fewer polling places. Texas has closed numerous polling places and they have overwhelmingly meant that minorities have to wait much longer than whites. In the Democrat primarr, black voters had to wait 3 and a half hours to vote. If Republicans have thewir way, tghey would wait even longer.

The Democrats did the right thing. They are fighting a fascist attempt to establish a dictatorship. The voting rights of Texans are under attack by Republicans. The Democrats did their duty to fight for their constituents.

There is no evidence anyone voted twice. There is no evidence that non-citizens voted. There is nothing wrong with mail in ballots,. Republicans are violating Texans' right to vote.

Republicans are the habitual liars and cheaters. They know they are in trouble as the state becomes more diverse. Trump said it himself. The more voters there are, the more likely they are to lose.
Wow, it sounds like you actually believe that tripe.
Once again the corrupt and racist Texas Democrat Legislators have walked out instead of doing their duty.
The last time that they did it was when they walked out over redistricting.
The Yellow Press is calling the Texas Voting Rights bill "voter suppression" and "racial discrimination"
When someone votes twice they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
When a non-citizen votes in our elections they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
Mail-in ballots is wide open voter fraud.
Voter ID laws protect everyone's Right to Vote.
If Democrat Voters don't have an ID, then the corrupt Dem politicians should help them get one.
Democrats are habitual liars and cheaters who cannot win without cheating.

When people vote twice, but people in Wyoming are given four times the voting power than those in Texas and California no one gives a damn.

It's crazy.

Another idiot who doesn't understand how electoral votes are allocated. Let me help you out. A state gets one electoral vote for each U.S. House Representative and Senator. The number of House Reps in each state is determined by the state's population, based on the census.

So no, the people of Wyoming do not have 4 times the voting power of California and Texas. That is so absurd I don't even want to know how you concocted it.
-Population Wyoming... let's call it 600000, I'm a generous sort. Number of Senators 2 Wyoming Population 2021 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)
Population California... let's call it 39 million. Number of Senators 2

Relative voting power Wyoming, California. 65 to 1. So I guess you're kind of right it's not 4.

Actual result in the senate that is split 50/50, Republicans have the same number of senators while at the same time representing 41 MILLION, as 41 and 6 zeros fewer Americans than their Democratic counterparts.

-In the presidential races it becomes even more interesting. In the last 30 years, Republicans have won the majority of the voters exactly 1 time, yet they have been able to provide the president 3 times.

- As for the house.
Gerrymandering has succeeded in making a lot of these races so unfair that 20 or 30 percent disparity between votes and actual seats gained are not uncommon.
The Senate is supposed to represent the states, not the people in the states. Therefore, each state has equal representation. It simply doesn't matter how many people live there. That's why the democrats are so hell-bent on making DC and Puerto Rico into states, so they would gain 4 new democrat Senators who represent not very many people.

Which is such a bad system.

It's also why the Republicans are hell-bent on stopping the US CITIZENS of the USA from getting statehood and representation in the Senate.
No state should house the federal government. That was intended from the start.
When someone votes twice they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
Yet there's a distinct lack of proof that voting twice is an actual problem.
120 cases counting from 2001
When a non-citizen votes in our elections they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
242 cases counting from 2001 and this under the very wrong assumption those 242 cases were illegals.
Mail-in ballots is wide open voter fraud.
225 cases counting from 1988
Voter ID laws protect everyone's Right to Vote.
Maybe, but they also make voting less likely. Something you recognize and something you can't give a shit about. So you want laws to tackle an imaginary problem. Laws that lower voter participation.
Democrats are habitual liars and cheaters who cannot win without cheating.
Where I sit cheating is, changing the rules of a contest so you are more likely to win. Cheating is also taking unfair advantage. Like for instance lose the popular vote and winning anyways.
The heritage foundation
That’s the group that’s writing all these voter suppression laws
They are one evil cabal
Define irony Democrats in Washington wanting to end the filibuster because they don't like the minority in this case the Republicans being able to frustrate them in passing their agenda yet are fine with the minority Democrats in Texas being able to try and frustrate the Republican majority in passing their agenda. There are good reasons for the minority party rather it is the Republicans or Democrats to have tools to fight against the majority because without it we get one party rule and historically that never leads to anything good.
Democrats don't often think beyond the next gain into the future. If they do away with the filibuster in the Senate now, they won't be able to use it themselves the next time they're out of power and the same suspects on this board who are caterwauling about how unfair the filibuster makes things for the democrats will be screaming their lungs out when the democrats can do nothing to stop a united GOP. It's just the way things always go.
Perfect example when they used the nuclear option in 2013 to get lower court justices and cabinet nominees confirmed on a simple majority instead of the 60 votes it was. Next year the Republicans took back the Senate and the Presidency in 2016 and used that change to their full advantage.

They left the filibuster in place for Supreme Court nominees. Republicans are the ones who removed the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees.
Yes they did the Democrats started us down that road and the Republicans took us the rest of the way. You can be assured that the Democrats will take full advantage of that when they get the chance just as the Republicans did with the Democrats actions. One of the few things both parties have in common is thinking when they do something for short term political gain that the other party won't do the same thing when they get the chance.

The reason for this was the fact that Republicans refused to hold confirmation hearings on Obama's nominees. Republicans abused their majority by ignoring the Constitution.
Actually, it was discussed pretty thoroughly at the time, and no one could find Constitutional violations. Or do you believe for a moment that democrats would stand idly by if they thought they had grounds to take it to court?
When someone votes twice they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
Yet there's a distinct lack of proof that voting twice is an actual problem.
120 cases counting from 2001
When a non-citizen votes in our elections they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
242 cases counting from 2001 and this under the very wrong assumption those 242 cases were illegals.
Mail-in ballots is wide open voter fraud.
225 cases counting from 1988
Voter ID laws protect everyone's Right to Vote.
Maybe, but they also make voting less likely. Something you recognize and something you can't give a shit about. So you want laws to tackle an imaginary problem. Laws that lower voter participation.
Democrats are habitual liars and cheaters who cannot win without cheating.
Where I sit cheating is, changing the rules of a contest so you are more likely to win. Cheating is also taking unfair advantage. Like for instance lose the popular vote and winning anyways.
The heritage foundation
That’s the group that’s writing all these voter suppression laws
They are one evil cabal
When someone votes twice they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
Yet there's a distinct lack of proof that voting twice is an actual problem.
120 cases counting from 2001
When a non-citizen votes in our elections they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
242 cases counting from 2001 and this under the very wrong assumption those 242 cases were illegals.
Mail-in ballots is wide open voter fraud.
225 cases counting from 1988
Voter ID laws protect everyone's Right to Vote.
Maybe, but they also make voting less likely. Something you recognize and something you can't give a shit about. So you want laws to tackle an imaginary problem. Laws that lower voter participation.
Democrats are habitual liars and cheaters who cannot win without cheating.
Where I sit cheating is, changing the rules of a contest so you are more likely to win. Cheating is also taking unfair advantage. Like for instance lose the popular vote and winning anyways.
The heritage foundation
That’s the group that’s writing all these voter suppression laws
They are one evil cabal
Why are you against the Right to Vote?
Is it a cultural thing?
Are you afraid that the Democrats can't win without cheating?
How do Democrats function in our society without an ID?
It's impossible to function in our society without an ID.
Democrats are liars and cheaters and anti-Voting Rights.
California turns out to be one of the "dumbest" states in the union with an average IQ of only around 95.2
Where are the smart Republicans found? The states with the highest level of education per person are blue.

Hey jackass, we were talking about intelligence, now you're trying to change it to education. Do you have any idea that education doesn't make you "smarter?" Education is training for a career or job, intelligence is a native ability one is born with. Getting a college degree doesn't raise your IQ, stupid.

If blue states have more education, it is only because that is where most big colleges are, followed by high tech companies to hire them. Doesn't change the fact that Californians have one of the lowest average IQs of any state!

View attachment 495899

Here we can see the average IQ in CA is 95.5, second only to Mississippi. I see no correlation between "color" of state and IQ. Half the smartest states appear Blue while others are red. Same with the lowest IQs---- some are red states like Miss, La, and Alabama, yet others are Ca, Nevada and New Mexico, blue states.

It never fails that the minute a Lefty like you starts putting down others for lack of IQ, you come along and say something really dumb to disprove your own theory! :21:
Another ignorant right winger against education.
Indoctrination is not education.
Once again the corrupt and racist Texas Democrat Legislators have walked out instead of doing their duty.
The last time that they did it was when they walked out over redistricting.
The Yellow Press is calling the Texas Voting Rights bill "voter suppression" and "racial discrimination"
When someone votes twice they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
When a non-citizen votes in our elections they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
Mail-in ballots is wide open voter fraud.
Voter ID laws protect everyone's Right to Vote.
If Democrat Voters don't have an ID, then the corrupt Dem politicians should help them get one.
Democrats are habitual liars and cheaters who cannot win without cheating.

The LAST thing the fascist democrats want is for laws to be passed that require ANYTYHING other than allowing ANY Tom, Dick or Harry (or Miguel) to merely walk in and vote - regardless whether they are legal or not.

Everyone's RIGHT to vote is for LEGAL CITIZENS of the United States.
When someone votes twice they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
Yet there's a distinct lack of proof that voting twice is an actual problem.
120 cases counting from 2001
When a non-citizen votes in our elections they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
242 cases counting from 2001 and this under the very wrong assumption those 242 cases were illegals.
Mail-in ballots is wide open voter fraud.
225 cases counting from 1988
Voter ID laws protect everyone's Right to Vote.
Maybe, but they also make voting less likely. Something you recognize and something you can't give a shit about. So you want laws to tackle an imaginary problem. Laws that lower voter participation.
Democrats are habitual liars and cheaters who cannot win without cheating.
Where I sit cheating is, changing the rules of a contest so you are more likely to win. Cheating is also taking unfair advantage. Like for instance lose the popular vote and winning anyways.
The heritage foundation
That’s the group that’s writing all these voter suppression laws
They are one evil cabal
Maybe. That's why they made this database, in order to justify the narrative that voter fraud is an actual problem.

Their problem is that their database doesn't really support their narrative. If you can site a few hundred cases of voter fraud of a particular type in a timeframe of 20 or even 40 years, this including every election from presidential races to mayor for the city of Bozeman. The assertion that laws have to be put in place that limits voting in order to protect against that fraud isn't really supported.
When someone votes twice they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
Yet there's a distinct lack of proof that voting twice is an actual problem.
120 cases counting from 2001
When a non-citizen votes in our elections they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
242 cases counting from 2001 and this under the very wrong assumption those 242 cases were illegals.
Mail-in ballots is wide open voter fraud.
225 cases counting from 1988
Voter ID laws protect everyone's Right to Vote.
Maybe, but they also make voting less likely. Something you recognize and something you can't give a shit about. So you want laws to tackle an imaginary problem. Laws that lower voter participation.
Democrats are habitual liars and cheaters who cannot win without cheating.
Where I sit cheating is, changing the rules of a contest so you are more likely to win. Cheating is also taking unfair advantage. Like for instance lose the popular vote and winning anyways.
The heritage foundation
That’s the group that’s writing all these voter suppression laws
They are one evil cabal
Why are you against the Right to Vote?
Is it a cultural thing?
Are you afraid that the Democrats can't win without cheating?
Only one of you is defending putting restrictions on the Right to Vote. Guess what? It's not rddean.
California turns out to be one of the "dumbest" states in the union with an average IQ of only around 95.2
Where are the smart Republicans found? The states with the highest level of education per person are blue.

Hey jackass, we were talking about intelligence, now you're trying to change it to education. Do you have any idea that education doesn't make you "smarter?" Education is training for a career or job, intelligence is a native ability one is born with. Getting a college degree doesn't raise your IQ, stupid.

If blue states have more education, it is only because that is where most big colleges are, followed by high tech companies to hire them. Doesn't change the fact that Californians have one of the lowest average IQs of any state!

View attachment 495899

Here we can see the average IQ in CA is 95.5, second only to Mississippi. I see no correlation between "color" of state and IQ. Half the smartest states appear Blue while others are red. Same with the lowest IQs---- some are red states like Miss, La, and Alabama, yet others are Ca, Nevada and New Mexico, blue states.

It never fails that the minute a Lefty like you starts putting down others for lack of IQ, you come along and say something really dumb to disprove your own theory! :21:
Another ignorant right winger against education.
Indoctrination is not education.
I was a very good educator, I know the difference.
California turns out to be one of the "dumbest" states in the union with an average IQ of only around 95.2
Where are the smart Republicans found? The states with the highest level of education per person are blue.

Hey jackass, we were talking about intelligence, now you're trying to change it to education. Do you have any idea that education doesn't make you "smarter?" Education is training for a career or job, intelligence is a native ability one is born with. Getting a college degree doesn't raise your IQ, stupid.

If blue states have more education, it is only because that is where most big colleges are, followed by high tech companies to hire them. Doesn't change the fact that Californians have one of the lowest average IQs of any state!

View attachment 495899

Here we can see the average IQ in CA is 95.5, second only to Mississippi. I see no correlation between "color" of state and IQ. Half the smartest states appear Blue while others are red. Same with the lowest IQs---- some are red states like Miss, La, and Alabama, yet others are Ca, Nevada and New Mexico, blue states.

It never fails that the minute a Lefty like you starts putting down others for lack of IQ, you come along and say something really dumb to disprove your own theory! :21:
Another ignorant right winger against education.
Indoctrination is not education.
I was a very good educator, I know the difference.
Says you. I imagine Hitler thought he was a good and benevolent leader too.
Once again the corrupt and racist Texas Democrat Legislators have walked out instead of doing their duty.
The last time that they did it was when they walked out over redistricting.
The Yellow Press is calling the Texas Voting Rights bill "voter suppression" and "racial discrimination"
When someone votes twice they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
When a non-citizen votes in our elections they violate everyone's Right to Vote.
Mail-in ballots is wide open voter fraud.
Voter ID laws protect everyone's Right to Vote.
If Democrat Voters don't have an ID, then the corrupt Dem politicians should help them get one.
Democrats are habitual liars and cheaters who cannot win without cheating.

The LAST thing the fascist democrats want is for laws to be passed that require ANYTYHING other than allowing ANY Tom, Dick or Harry (or Miguel) to merely walk in and vote - regardless whether they are legal or not.

Everyone's RIGHT to vote is for LEGAL CITIZENS of the United States.
DemoKKKrats also promote "election months" instead of election day.
California turns out to be one of the "dumbest" states in the union with an average IQ of only around 95.2
Where are the smart Republicans found? The states with the highest level of education per person are blue.

Hey jackass, we were talking about intelligence, now you're trying to change it to education. Do you have any idea that education doesn't make you "smarter?" Education is training for a career or job, intelligence is a native ability one is born with. Getting a college degree doesn't raise your IQ, stupid.

If blue states have more education, it is only because that is where most big colleges are, followed by high tech companies to hire them. Doesn't change the fact that Californians have one of the lowest average IQs of any state!

View attachment 495899

Here we can see the average IQ in CA is 95.5, second only to Mississippi. I see no correlation between "color" of state and IQ. Half the smartest states appear Blue while others are red. Same with the lowest IQs---- some are red states like Miss, La, and Alabama, yet others are Ca, Nevada and New Mexico, blue states.

It never fails that the minute a Lefty like you starts putting down others for lack of IQ, you come along and say something really dumb to disprove your own theory! :21:
Another ignorant right winger against education.

Blow me, creep. I've got more education in my pinky finger than your whole brain, numbnut, and am prepared to prove it any time. Can you even find the answer(s) to this math question?

Democrats rely on low IQ, racist idiots many of whom are illegal aliens for votes.
Sounds more like Trump supporters.

You idiots ALWAYS say that, until a conservative actually tests you on intelligence, race and legality. Then you fail on all three miserably.

California turns out to be one of the "dumbest" states in the union with an average IQ of only around 95.2, democrats are the ones bringing in all the illegals, and every one of you is prejudiced racially, if not against blacks then against whites!
Not on these boards. Where are the smart Republicans found? The states with the highest level of education per person are blue.
Normally, when you have to tell people you're smarter than they are, you're not.
I never said any such thing, I just stated facts.

You wouldn't know a "fact" NoNuts, if you ran it over with your lawnmower and it flew up hitting you right in the teeth.

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