Texas Education Contracts Another Dose Of Herpes

She married a man who become president, who had an affair with a White House Intern.

She had a horrible tenure as Senator. Worthless. She carpetbagged her way in.

She was a middling SoS who piecemealed her own server together in a bathroom.

And she catastrophically lost an election everyone expected her to win.


And the first lady now seems to not object to an open marriage (did you see her half dressed pictures?) If this high class hooker is going to be in the history books then Clinton should have a book of her own.

She became an attorney.
She was first lady of Ark for 14 years.
She was first lady of the US for 8 years.
She was a Senator of NY for 8 years.
She was SOS for 4 years.

And she was the first female to run for the presidency.

Now who are you??

Your last sentence fails because I am not claiming I belong in history books. You are claiming that Clinton does. See the logic there?

Do you have evidence that Melania Trump is in an open marriage or do you just trash pretty women as a matter of principle?

Yes, she believes her husband who is a compulsive liar and manipulator.

Hillary deserves a history book of her own, so who are you to put her down.

Her book title for the 2016 election had a typo on the title.

She named it "What Happened?" and they forgot the question mark!

She was making a statement, it's not a question.

That's funny! She wrote an entire book and never backed up anything. All it seemed to be was blaming others for what happened.

You want a statement? Here's one for you!

Hillary will go down in American history as the first female to run for President for a major party and managed to lose a race that was virtually impossible to lose!

Only she could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!
And the first lady now seems to not object to an open marriage (did you see her half dressed pictures?) If this high class hooker is going to be in the history books then Clinton should have a book of her own.

She became an attorney.
She was first lady of Ark for 14 years.
She was first lady of the US for 8 years.
She was a Senator of NY for 8 years.
She was SOS for 4 years.

And she was the first female to run for the presidency.

Now who are you??

Your last sentence fails because I am not claiming I belong in history books. You are claiming that Clinton does. See the logic there?

Do you have evidence that Melania Trump is in an open marriage or do you just trash pretty women as a matter of principle?

Yes, she believes her husband who is a compulsive liar and manipulator.

Hillary deserves a history book of her own, so who are you to put her down.

Her book title for the 2016 election had a typo on the title.

She named it "What Happened?" and they forgot the question mark!

She was making a statement, it's not a question.

That's funny! She wrote an entire book and never backed up anything. All it seemed to be was blaming others for what happened.

You want a statement? Here's one for you!

Hillary will go down in American history as the first female to run for President for a major party and managed to lose a race that was virtually impossible to lose!

Only she could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!

She got majority vote and Trump won by a tiny tiny tiny hair. So you read the book, I didn't , so your opinion is what matters to you.

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