Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
You non stop attack and demonize the left.

Look to your own.
I've hit on both sides. I try to find common ground to build on. I don't call people trumpians, NAZIS, racists or the like.

I said the left had 3 years to dig and you demanded the time. I have no idea how this will turn out but the right is, entitled to their day in court.

I encourage following our laws and processes. You attack them for trying yet excuse the rioters.

We are worlds apart. But feel as you will, that's fine. I'll do the same.

And, again, you just lie, or you are so into labels you don't actually read what is written. I'm on the left therefore I'm automatically x y z.

Done with attempting to discuss issues with you for now - you just veer off into this shit every single time someone on the left disagrees with you.

I unemotionally gave you my opinion on Russia investigation. I unemotionally gave you my opinion on election fraud. I disagreed with you. And you go apeshit. Every. single. time.
let me try this another way - and lets just stick to the issue. not the people and not how we feel about them, if possible.

did the 4 states Texas is taking to court follow their constitutional process in changing the voting process? if no, just say no they did not. if yes, please provide me some form of link i can read to understand your viewpoint.

i think we rush to the end and never establish baselines, so i'll try to do this again; establish a baseline.

IMO - yes. Challenges have been upheld. PA (I think) might not have BUT, the courts rightfully pointed out that PA ran a primary under those rules, without contention or legal action and to wait 9 months until AFTER the general election to file a suit is disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Because the EC is, in essence, States voting for the POTUS and VP, one State is affected by another's failure to follow the proper process, just like an individual voter is affected when another votes illegally.

And what is the remedy when one state has a voting process with a 2% error rate, while another states error rate is only 1%.

Do you disenfranchise the state that can't keep their error rate below a certain percentage?

No one has suggested disenfranchising the states.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
You non stop attack and demonize the left.

Look to your own.
I've hit on both sides. I try to find common ground to build on. I don't call people trumpians, NAZIS, racists or the like.

I said the left had 3 years to dig and you demanded the time. I have no idea how this will turn out but the right is, entitled to their day in court.

I encourage following our laws and processes. You attack them for trying yet excuse the rioters.

We are worlds apart. But feel as you will, that's fine. I'll do the same.

And, again, you just lie, or you are so into labels you don't actually read what is written. I'm on the left therefore I'm automatically x y z.

Done with attempting to discuss issues with you for now - you just veer off into this shit every single time someone on the left disagrees with you.

I unemotionally gave you my opinion on Russia investigation. I unemotionally gave you my opinion on election fraud. I disagreed with you. And you go apeshit. Every. single. time.
let me try this another way - and lets just stick to the issue. not the people and not how we feel about them, if possible.

did the 4 states Texas is taking to court follow their constitutional process in changing the voting process? if no, just say no they did not. if yes, please provide me some form of link i can read to understand your viewpoint.

i think we rush to the end and never establish baselines, so i'll try to do this again; establish a baseline.

IMO - yes. Challenges have been upheld. PA (I think) might not have BUT, the courts rightfully pointed out that PA ran a primary under those rules, without contention or legal action and to wait 9 months until AFTER the general election to file a suit is disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Does running a primary constitute acceptance of circumventing their laws?

Ie, did the legislative branch validate the new laws or did another branch create them?
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
You non stop attack and demonize the left.

Look to your own.
I've hit on both sides. I try to find common ground to build on. I don't call people trumpians, NAZIS, racists or the like.

I said the left had 3 years to dig and you demanded the time. I have no idea how this will turn out but the right is, entitled to their day in court.

I encourage following our laws and processes. You attack them for trying yet excuse the rioters.

We are worlds apart. But feel as you will, that's fine. I'll do the same.

And, again, you just lie, or you are so into labels you don't actually read what is written. I'm on the left therefore I'm automatically x y z.

Done with attempting to discuss issues with you for now - you just veer off into this shit every single time someone on the left disagrees with you.

I unemotionally gave you my opinion on Russia investigation. I unemotionally gave you my opinion on election fraud. I disagreed with you. And you go apeshit. Every. single. time.
let me try this another way - and lets just stick to the issue. not the people and not how we feel about them, if possible.

did the 4 states Texas is taking to court follow their constitutional process in changing the voting process? if no, just say no they did not. if yes, please provide me some form of link i can read to understand your viewpoint.

i think we rush to the end and never establish baselines, so i'll try to do this again; establish a baseline.

IMO - yes. Challenges have been upheld. PA (I think) might not have BUT, the courts rightfully pointed out that PA ran a primary under those rules, without contention or legal action and to wait 9 months until AFTER the general election to file a suit is disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
So if I rob liqour store 'A' and get away with it, that means they can't arrest me for robbing liqour store 'B?'
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
You non stop attack and demonize the left.

Look to your own.
I've hit on both sides. I try to find common ground to build on. I don't call people trumpians, NAZIS, racists or the like.

I said the left had 3 years to dig and you demanded the time. I have no idea how this will turn out but the right is, entitled to their day in court.

I encourage following our laws and processes. You attack them for trying yet excuse the rioters.

We are worlds apart. But feel as you will, that's fine. I'll do the same.

And, again, you just lie, or you are so into labels you don't actually read what is written. I'm on the left therefore I'm automatically x y z.

Done with attempting to discuss issues with you for now - you just veer off into this shit every single time someone on the left disagrees with you.

I unemotionally gave you my opinion on Russia investigation. I unemotionally gave you my opinion on election fraud. I disagreed with you. And you go apeshit. Every. single. time.
let me try this another way - and lets just stick to the issue. not the people and not how we feel about them, if possible.

did the 4 states Texas is taking to court follow their constitutional process in changing the voting process? if no, just say no they did not. if yes, please provide me some form of link i can read to understand your viewpoint.

i think we rush to the end and never establish baselines, so i'll try to do this again; establish a baseline.

IMO - yes. Challenges have been upheld. PA (I think) might not have BUT, the courts rightfully pointed out that PA ran a primary under those rules, without contention or legal action and to wait 9 months until AFTER the general election to file a suit is disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Does running a primary constitute acceptance of circumventing their laws?

Ie, did the legislative branch validate the new laws or did another branch create them?

Running a primary as well as running a general election does.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
You non stop attack and demonize the left.

Look to your own.
I've hit on both sides. I try to find common ground to build on. I don't call people trumpians, NAZIS, racists or the like.

I said the left had 3 years to dig and you demanded the time. I have no idea how this will turn out but the right is, entitled to their day in court.

I encourage following our laws and processes. You attack them for trying yet excuse the rioters.

We are worlds apart. But feel as you will, that's fine. I'll do the same.

And, again, you just lie, or you are so into labels you don't actually read what is written. I'm on the left therefore I'm automatically x y z.

Done with attempting to discuss issues with you for now - you just veer off into this shit every single time someone on the left disagrees with you.

I unemotionally gave you my opinion on Russia investigation. I unemotionally gave you my opinion on election fraud. I disagreed with you. And you go apeshit. Every. single. time.
let me try this another way - and lets just stick to the issue. not the people and not how we feel about them, if possible.

did the 4 states Texas is taking to court follow their constitutional process in changing the voting process? if no, just say no they did not. if yes, please provide me some form of link i can read to understand your viewpoint.

i think we rush to the end and never establish baselines, so i'll try to do this again; establish a baseline.

IMO - yes. Challenges have been upheld. PA (I think) might not have BUT, the courts rightfully pointed out that PA ran a primary under those rules, without contention or legal action and to wait 9 months until AFTER the general election to file a suit is disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
So if I rob liqour store 'A' and get away with it, that means they can't arrest me for robbing liqour store 'B?'

Apples and Oranges.

If Liquor store B gets robbed, and the owner waits 9 months to report it...good luck.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
You non stop attack and demonize the left.

Look to your own.
I've hit on both sides. I try to find common ground to build on. I don't call people trumpians, NAZIS, racists or the like.

I said the left had 3 years to dig and you demanded the time. I have no idea how this will turn out but the right is, entitled to their day in court.

I encourage following our laws and processes. You attack them for trying yet excuse the rioters.

We are worlds apart. But feel as you will, that's fine. I'll do the same.

And, again, you just lie, or you are so into labels you don't actually read what is written. I'm on the left therefore I'm automatically x y z.

Done with attempting to discuss issues with you for now - you just veer off into this shit every single time someone on the left disagrees with you.

I unemotionally gave you my opinion on Russia investigation. I unemotionally gave you my opinion on election fraud. I disagreed with you. And you go apeshit. Every. single. time.
let me try this another way - and lets just stick to the issue. not the people and not how we feel about them, if possible.

did the 4 states Texas is taking to court follow their constitutional process in changing the voting process? if no, just say no they did not. if yes, please provide me some form of link i can read to understand your viewpoint.

i think we rush to the end and never establish baselines, so i'll try to do this again; establish a baseline.

IMO - yes. Challenges have been upheld. PA (I think) might not have BUT, the courts rightfully pointed out that PA ran a primary under those rules, without contention or legal action and to wait 9 months until AFTER the general election to file a suit is disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Does running a primary constitute acceptance of circumventing their laws?

Ie, did the legislative branch validate the new laws or did another branch create them?

Running a primary as well as running a general election does.
Did the legislative branch create these changes and vote on them?

Is there a link that says they are valid if uncontested and used?
Aren't right wing loons (generally) for state's rights? Wonder how Texarse would feel if NY decided it wanted to repeal Texarse's CCW laws?
What laws----these 4 states didn't follow their own election law and used a faulty computer fraudulent system to tabulate votes incorrectly stealing an election maybe for a very unpopular senile crook named joe.

Keep the Chinese puppet and pedophile family out of the white house.

The Chinese puppet and pedophile family are already IN the White House. This election was about getting the Trump Crime Family OUT of the White House.

People who aren't criminals, don't need pardons. Trump is preparing to pardon everyone in his family and everyone in his administration. That tells you just how criminal and corrupt the Trump Administration has been.
I thought it was RUSSIA.

China your new RUSSIA?


Nice attempt at deflection, but really, it's any authoritarian regime in the world. Trump has cozied up to all of them: Turkey, North Korea, China, Russia, Poland. Trump has snubbed allies and democratic states, and given all sorts of aid and comfort to the dictators.

You rail against the rapid expansion of Chinese influence throughout the world, but look how Trump has increased trade and power for China. When Trump pulled out of the Trans Pacific Partnership, relinguishing the role of Lead Nation in the TPP, China joined the TPP and took the role of the Lead Nation which Trump vacated, increasing worldwide trade with China, and opening up new markets for them. Big win for China.

When Trump issued tariffs against Chinese goods, China retailated by cancelling billions of dollars of agricultural orders, mainly soybeans purchased from mid-Western farmers. The American taxpayers are STILL paying subsidies to these farmers for their loss of business. Big loss for American taxpayers. But China still needed to buy soybeans, so they contracted with farmers in Argentina and Brazil. China still bought the soy beans, but now they have expanded their trade to South America, which makes them a major trading partner with cash strapped South American countries. Big win for China.

In order to better serve their Chinese markets, China is using their huge trade surplus with the rest of the world, to fund the construction of deep sea ports along the Pacific coast of South America, and the Indian Ocean ports along the African coastline, to facilitate the big transport ships handling all of this big trade with China. The Chinese call it the "Silk Road Trade Route". HUGE FUCKING WIN FOR CHINA.

All of these wins for China came directly out of the Trump Presidency. You now have no trade deal with China, because Trump tore them all up. China is basically taking over world trade, because Donald Trump tore up all of the trade deals that made the USA the richest nation in the world. You have NAFTA 2.0, a deal with South Korea, and a deal with Japan, none of which are much different than the past.

After 2008, the world began disentangling itself from the USA, and we all started building our own trade alliances. The NATO Partners are actively discussing a new security alliances which eliminates the USA, because your government has become too unstable.

So yes, by all means continue to believe that the military alliances which kept the world at peace for 70 years, were "unfair" to the USA, and the trade deals which made the USA the richest nation on earth were "taking advantage" of Americans.

Donald Trump just gave away the farm to China, quite literally, and you're worried about what Biden will allow China to do? That's closing the gate after the rustlers have left with your cattle.

it's you again.

i farted.


A response which covers the entire depth and breadth of your intellect.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
You non stop attack and demonize the left.

Look to your own.
I've hit on both sides. I try to find common ground to build on. I don't call people trumpians, NAZIS, racists or the like.

I said the left had 3 years to dig and you demanded the time. I have no idea how this will turn out but the right is, entitled to their day in court.

I encourage following our laws and processes. You attack them for trying yet excuse the rioters.

We are worlds apart. But feel as you will, that's fine. I'll do the same.

And, again, you just lie, or you are so into labels you don't actually read what is written. I'm on the left therefore I'm automatically x y z.

Done with attempting to discuss issues with you for now - you just veer off into this shit every single time someone on the left disagrees with you.

I unemotionally gave you my opinion on Russia investigation. I unemotionally gave you my opinion on election fraud. I disagreed with you. And you go apeshit. Every. single. time.
let me try this another way - and lets just stick to the issue. not the people and not how we feel about them, if possible.

did the 4 states Texas is taking to court follow their constitutional process in changing the voting process? if no, just say no they did not. if yes, please provide me some form of link i can read to understand your viewpoint.

i think we rush to the end and never establish baselines, so i'll try to do this again; establish a baseline.

IMO - yes. Challenges have been upheld. PA (I think) might not have BUT, the courts rightfully pointed out that PA ran a primary under those rules, without contention or legal action and to wait 9 months until AFTER the general election to file a suit is disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
So if I rob liqour store 'A' and get away with it, that means they can't arrest me for robbing liqour store 'B?'

Apples and Oranges.

If Liquor store B gets robbed, and the owner waits 9 months to report it...good luck.
In Texas the statute of limitations gives you 5 years to file. So in 9 months he could still report it.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
You non stop attack and demonize the left.

Look to your own.
I've hit on both sides. I try to find common ground to build on. I don't call people trumpians, NAZIS, racists or the like.

I said the left had 3 years to dig and you demanded the time. I have no idea how this will turn out but the right is, entitled to their day in court.

I encourage following our laws and processes. You attack them for trying yet excuse the rioters.

We are worlds apart. But feel as you will, that's fine. I'll do the same.

And, again, you just lie, or you are so into labels you don't actually read what is written. I'm on the left therefore I'm automatically x y z.

Done with attempting to discuss issues with you for now - you just veer off into this shit every single time someone on the left disagrees with you.

I unemotionally gave you my opinion on Russia investigation. I unemotionally gave you my opinion on election fraud. I disagreed with you. And you go apeshit. Every. single. time.
let me try this another way - and lets just stick to the issue. not the people and not how we feel about them, if possible.

did the 4 states Texas is taking to court follow their constitutional process in changing the voting process? if no, just say no they did not. if yes, please provide me some form of link i can read to understand your viewpoint.

i think we rush to the end and never establish baselines, so i'll try to do this again; establish a baseline.

IMO - yes. Challenges have been upheld. PA (I think) might not have BUT, the courts rightfully pointed out that PA ran a primary under those rules, without contention or legal action and to wait 9 months until AFTER the general election to file a suit is disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
So if I rob liqour store 'A' and get away with it, that means they can't arrest me for robbing liqour store 'B?'

Apples and Oranges.

If Liquor store B gets robbed, and the owner waits 9 months to report it...good luck.
It's still illegal, moron. That just makes it more difficult to prosecute.. In the case of the Pennsylvania primary, the plaintiffs would have all been Democrats,
I don't have to. Not unless there's a reason for SCOTUS to take up this case with someone who has nothing to do with whether any other state acted in accordance with it's own laws.

Can another state force a state to follow it's own laws?

The DA has prosecutorial discretion in charging crimes. So how can another state force them to prosecute?
Because the EC is, in essence, States voting for the POTUS and VP, one State is affected by another's failure to follow the proper process, just like an individual voter is affected when another votes illegally.

And what is the remedy when one state has a voting process with a 2% error rate, while another states error rate is only 1%.

Do you disenfranchise the state that can't keep their error rate below a certain percentage?

No one has suggested disenfranchising the states.

LOL Just the will of the voters.
I don't have to. Not unless there's a reason for SCOTUS to take up this case with someone who has nothing to do with whether any other state acted in accordance with it's own laws.

Can another state force a state to follow it's own laws?

The DA has prosecutorial discretion in charging crimes. So how can another state force them to prosecute?
Sure they can. How about pollution laws where water pollution goes into states that are downstream.
No one has suggested disenfranchising the states.
No, they're just suggesting disenfranchise some of the states, specifically some of the states that voted for Biden.

Those states disenfranchised us with massive voter fraud which their laws facilitated.
So if I rob liqour store 'A' and get away with it, that means they can't arrest me for robbing liqour store 'B?'

It means if you smoke pot in California and get away with it, that Georgia can't arrest you for smoking pot in California.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
You non stop attack and demonize the left.

Look to your own.
I've hit on both sides. I try to find common ground to build on. I don't call people trumpians, NAZIS, racists or the like.

I said the left had 3 years to dig and you demanded the time. I have no idea how this will turn out but the right is, entitled to their day in court.

I encourage following our laws and processes. You attack them for trying yet excuse the rioters.

We are worlds apart. But feel as you will, that's fine. I'll do the same.

And, again, you just lie, or you are so into labels you don't actually read what is written. I'm on the left therefore I'm automatically x y z.

Done with attempting to discuss issues with you for now - you just veer off into this shit every single time someone on the left disagrees with you.

I unemotionally gave you my opinion on Russia investigation. I unemotionally gave you my opinion on election fraud. I disagreed with you. And you go apeshit. Every. single. time.
let me try this another way - and lets just stick to the issue. not the people and not how we feel about them, if possible.

did the 4 states Texas is taking to court follow their constitutional process in changing the voting process? if no, just say no they did not. if yes, please provide me some form of link i can read to understand your viewpoint.

i think we rush to the end and never establish baselines, so i'll try to do this again; establish a baseline.

IMO - yes. Challenges have been upheld. PA (I think) might not have BUT, the courts rightfully pointed out that PA ran a primary under those rules, without contention or legal action and to wait 9 months until AFTER the general election to file a suit is disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Does running a primary constitute acceptance of circumventing their laws?

Ie, did the legislative branch validate the new laws or did another branch create them?

Running a primary as well as running a general election does.
Did the legislative branch create these changes and vote on them?

Is there a link that says they are valid if uncontested and used?

Let's look at one state, of the four in contention - Georgia. Each has it's own set of laws so we can't really talk about them all together nor do I (and I suspect most here) have much knowledge of individual state election laws and constitutions. But state AG's do.

Here's what this article quotes Georgia's AG as saying:

Paxton "is constitutionally, legally and factually wrong about Georgia," Katie Byrd, spokeswoman for the state's attorney general, Chris Carr, said in a statement.

According to Paxton, the U.S. Constitution only grants state legislatures the authority to make changes to election laws, and election officials, like secretaries of states, violated the law in doing so. The Texas suit also claims those states violated the equal protection clause by allowing Democratic-leaning counties to restrict Republican poll-watchers or accept ballots with minor errors.
Courts nationwide have rejected these arguments, holding that state officials had a right to change rules for mail-in ballots to prevent spread of the virus in crowded polling places and protect the right to vote. Democratic state officials involved in other lawsuits with the president's campaign have accused Trump of trying to undermine faith in U.S. elections to hobble the president-elect as he takes office.

The equal protection claim makes no sense because there was no "restriction" of partisan watchers, there are limits as to how many, applied to both parties. In addition - NO counties were prevented from following the same guidelines as the "Democrat leaning" counties - it was up to them as to whether or not they wanted to do it and the rules applied equally.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
You non stop attack and demonize the left.

Look to your own.
I've hit on both sides. I try to find common ground to build on. I don't call people trumpians, NAZIS, racists or the like.

I said the left had 3 years to dig and you demanded the time. I have no idea how this will turn out but the right is, entitled to their day in court.

I encourage following our laws and processes. You attack them for trying yet excuse the rioters.

We are worlds apart. But feel as you will, that's fine. I'll do the same.

And, again, you just lie, or you are so into labels you don't actually read what is written. I'm on the left therefore I'm automatically x y z.

Done with attempting to discuss issues with you for now - you just veer off into this shit every single time someone on the left disagrees with you.

I unemotionally gave you my opinion on Russia investigation. I unemotionally gave you my opinion on election fraud. I disagreed with you. And you go apeshit. Every. single. time.
let me try this another way - and lets just stick to the issue. not the people and not how we feel about them, if possible.

did the 4 states Texas is taking to court follow their constitutional process in changing the voting process? if no, just say no they did not. if yes, please provide me some form of link i can read to understand your viewpoint.

i think we rush to the end and never establish baselines, so i'll try to do this again; establish a baseline.

IMO - yes. Challenges have been upheld. PA (I think) might not have BUT, the courts rightfully pointed out that PA ran a primary under those rules, without contention or legal action and to wait 9 months until AFTER the general election to file a suit is disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
So if I rob liqour store 'A' and get away with it, that means they can't arrest me for robbing liqour store 'B?'

Apples and Oranges.

If Liquor store B gets robbed, and the owner waits 9 months to report it...good luck.
In Texas the statute of limitations gives you 5 years to file. So in 9 months he could still report it.

True, but you are still arguing apples and oranges here.

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