Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

Couldn't say, I know nothing of the woman. Since she's still there, I suspect she's now keeping a lid on her nightlife and drinking. It is Texas after all, a state where you have a cold one on the way to the bar, for a cold one.

If you know nothing of the women then what in the hell are you posting in this thread? Find out what's going on, dumb ass.
I don't need to know anything about her, to know that Perry broke the law.
He's the first governor in 100 years to be indicted. And it's not that he had the power to veto that got him in trouble, what reports are saying is that it's the way he went about it and the things he said that got him in trouble.
The thing to recognize here, is that without exception, every single individual in here celebrating an "Indictment" of 'abuse of power', for doing exactly what he publicly said he would do... COULD NOT CARE LESS about the FEDERAL ABUSE of POWER, by their own president, for doing precisely what he said he would NOT DO!

But hey, such is the nature of evil, now isn't it?
Couldn't say, I know nothing of the woman. Since she's still there, I suspect she's now keeping a lid on her nightlife and drinking. It is Texas after all, a state where you have a cold one on the way to the bar, for a cold one.

If you know nothing of the women then what in the hell are you posting in this thread? Find out what's going on, dumb ass.
I don't need to know anything about her, to know that Perry broke the law.
NO dumbass. He exercised his Constitutional Power under Texas LAW. NOW? If you would show such ZEAL regarding OBAMA? No you won't because YOU are OWNED by Obama.

Rabid Rick will have his fair day in court, Iben, and the world will get daily reports on it.
Perry is on the hot seat, Iben, not the DA. Trot along, please.

The trash democrat bureaucrat should have resigned. You don't even know which department she ran. Kiss my ass.

It's sad you cannot recognize a Red Herring - you really ought to have finished high school and gone on to college.

You don't have the courage to say what department she ran. Why don't you prove me wrong and tell us what department she runs and why she is qualified. Go.
We see far righties defending a criminally acting governor is what we see

And yes the DA should have resigned

Swings both ways here, champs and chumps

He did nothing illegal. He used the veto he has every authority to use. He used it for a damned good reason.
Yep. I think Starkey should use the same logic on OBAMA...then HE would be correct.
Obama is a CRIMINAL...and I'll bet his hands are in this too...

thats because you are a moron. this has zero to do with Obama...you ever get tired of being wrong about everything?
Perry is of course innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, something he and undocumented immigrants in Texas have in common.

Bigotry is the republican core value.

Check the History. Also, Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King were Republicans...... they disagree with you. A the core, Jim Crow Laws are a Democrat legacy.
And Rick Perry was a Democrat until 1990 .. it took some of the Dixiecrats awhile to switch to Republican.
He did nothing illegal. He used the veto he has every authority to use. He used it for a damned good reason.
Yep. I think Starkey should use the same logic on OBAMA...then HE would be correct.
Obama is a CRIMINAL...and I'll bet his hands are in this too...

thats because you are a moron. this has zero to do with Obama...you ever get tired of being wrong about everything?

Don't you think considering her position and the DUI, not to mention the video of her acting like a total ass, she should have resigned when Perry asked her to?
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A grand jury indicted Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Friday for abusing the powers of his office by carrying out a threat to veto funding for state prosecutors investigating public corruption — making the possible 2016 presidential hopeful his state's first indicted governor in nearly a century.

A special prosecutor spent months calling witnesses and presenting evidence that Perry broke the law when he promised publicly to nix $7.5 million over two years for the public integrity unit, which is run by Travis County District Rosemary Lehmberg's office. Several top aides to the Republican governor appeared before grand jurors in Austin, including his deputy chief of staff, legislative director and general counsel. Perry himself wasn't called to testify.

He was indicted by an Austin grand jury on felony counts of abuse of official capacity and coercion of a public servant. Maximum punishment on the first charge is five to 99 years in prison. The second is two to 10 years.

More: Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

Doesn't sound good for Ricky's presidential ambitions. How many years will Ricky spend in prison? Will he have "romantic" relationships? Will he join a gang?

This indictment stinks of BS. Even David Axlerod (of all people!) thinks it's "Sketchy"

Perry's "coercion" has to do with him trying to get a convicted criminal to leave a high-powered position.

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