Texas Mall shooter failed Army Infantry training due to mental health problems. Whodathunk?

you can't outrun a bullet.

Nor a knife you don't know is coming. Again though, the issue is the person getting to the point they are going to kill. No laws on guns will ever stop that. No mass killer ever decided they were going to kill and said to themselves, "well, never mind, we have laws".
Not really. If he had went around stabbing people the officer who heard the gun shots never would have and who knows how many people he could have stabbed.
If he went around stabbing people he could have been tackled... or he'd have to chase people down.
He could have done like the Boston bombers did and simply left a bag by a heavily used entrance. Or Timothy McVeigh.
Tim McVeigh had to use a truck bomb. Truck bombings are rarer now because we increased background checks on truck rentals and fertilizers.

Guns, however, are still easy to get.
Background checks and age restrictions work don't they?
The shooter had received level 2 and 3 security training had all the background checks you want. He was 33.
Background checks don’t work if they don’t have access to their files.

There are many privacy laws that could easily restrict this information from being disseminated.
It isn’t required then, dope.
you said it wasn’t required, it is…unless in a specific circumstance, but that’s true for both long guns and pistols. You first claimed ir wasn’t for long guns, you only changed your story after being corrected
Unless it’s required in every circumstance, it isn’t required. I’m still talking long guns. You injected handguns, dope.
And people with mental issues like this who are intent on killing will find a way to do so. The gun isn't why he had decided to kill.
Especially when those ways are easy and don’t even require an ID to acquire one.
Nor a knife you don't know is coming. Again though, the issue is the person getting to the point they are going to kill. No laws on guns will ever stop that. No mass killer ever decided they were going to kill and said to themselves, "well, never mind, we have laws".
The knife wielding assailant is a weak argument.
A single person with a knife can be easily overpowered by multiple people with minimal death.
Even the Gifford shooter was overpowered when reloading.
No one is running unarmed to stop a shooter with an AR. Not even cops in some instances.

Those weapons need to go.
The knife wielding assailant is a weak argument.
A single person with a knife can be easily overpowered by multiple people with minimal death.
Even the Gifford shooter was overpowered when reloading.
No one is running unarmed to stop a shooter with an AR. Not even cops in some instances.

Those weapons need to go.

Good luck with that.

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