Texas man tried to disguise himself as a Black man with fake beard to murder the mother of his infant daughter

" Perpetrator In Black Face Did Not Intentionally Try To Evoke Fake Moral Outrage "

* Red Herring Fabricated Tripe Making Shit Up In Your Head *

You are the one who is complaining that white ppl's views are not heard.
Nope , you said that .

My statements are that the liberal arts majors and anti-racist racist with their religion of secular humanism are simply too stupid , disingenuous and corrupt to tell the truth as part of the overall public narrative , which has nothing to do with whether one has an opportunity to speak their mind .

* Biting The Hand That Feeds *
The fact is a white person living in the most European nations or in the US experience less censorship than any other demographic on this planet.
Wow , you must feel lucky to be among white people ; and , the condition only lasts so long in the oxymoron context of political correctness .

* Fake News *
You have easier access to more resources including paper, pens, computers and dictaphones. Not only do you have more ability to access the internet to publish online. You sites like n*ggermania, chimpmania websites. No one is taken them down. You you can talk shit about black people all day.
White people also have the world's strongest publishing industry statistically supporting them more than any other group where you read books like the Bell Curve which tries to prove how stupid black people are.
Nobody is less prevented from writing whatever they want to than whites. White supremacist are allowed to run a muck on here, run a muck on twitter, run a muck on facebook, run a muck reddit, run a muck on 4chan.
So you better get the fk out my face with this white whining shit.
The religion of secular humanism is controlling the public narrative to protect you from yourself , irrespective of whether those institutions are run by whites .

* Kid Gloves Off For Simpletons With Violent Dispositions *
Statistics are meaningless without context. More people are killed in cars than by Crocs. Does that mean cars are more dangerous than crocs ? Well according to the Stats they are. But without giving the stat context the stat does not give the ful picture
So blacks committing 55% of homicide , while representing 15% of society implies nothing to you .

Yeah , got it , your mind set is that evil whitey is supposed to take it and deserve it ; well , that might be okay for some pale snowflake forced to pander to your ilk to escape intimidation , but from here it is not going to happen .

Here is story about me from high school . We were in the gymnasium playing half court basketball and the ball from our end got loose and rolled to the other end and hit a black on the foot . I went to receive the ball and he took off straight away to attack me about it , apparently aping out that he was hit . I stayed out of his reach and punched him in the forehead . The coaches grabbed him and while were in the principles office he pointed to his forehead which was swolen and said threateningly , " See what you did to me ? " , to which i answered , " What do you expect me to do , lay down and let you beat me up ? " .
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