Texas moves back inside the Alamo


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

San Antonio - Governor Gregg Abbot announced today that since President Biden will no longer let them secure their border, they have decided to move back into the Alamo that is now surrounded by barbed wire. The entire state of Texas will be moved there, except for Austin who will be bused to Martha's Vineyard in order to escape the immigrant invasion, really, the only place left on earth to escape the immigrant invasion. "We were going to secede at first", declared Abott, but the paperwork got to be too much and it was too costly. This plan is far simpler and much, much, much, cheaper. Yes, muchly cheaper"
Upon getting word of the plan, President Biden declared, "But the Alamo is federal land and they can't do that either, send in the troops!", prompting governor Abott to respond, "Ok smarty, where can we go then? I know, we will all go to Biden's state Delaware". Upon hearing this threat, President Biden responded, "Um, I guess you can stay there for a while, but make sure Davy Crocket registers those guns this time round. Last time we talked he refused!!", declared President Biden,

Meanwhile, at the Texas border...................................

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San Antonio - Governor Gregg Abbot announced today that since President Biden will no longer let them secure their border, they have decided to move back into the Alamo that is now surrounded by barbed wire. The entire state of Texas will be moved there, except for Austin who will be bused to Martha's Vineyard in order to escape the immigrant invasion, really, the only place left on earth to escape the immigrant invasion. "We were going to secede at first", declared Abott, but the paperwork got to be too much and it was too costly. This plan is far simpler and much, much, much, cheaper. Yes, muchly cheaper"
Upon getting word of the plan, President Biden declared, "But the Alamo is federal land and they can't do that either, send in the troops!", prompting governor Abott to respond, "Ok smarty, where can we go then? I know, we will all go to Biden's state Delaware". Upon hearing this threat, President Biden responded, "Um, I guess you can stay there for a while, but make sure Davy Crocket registers those guns this time round. Last time we talked he refused!!", declared President Biden,

Meanwhile, at the Texas border...................................

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trump's wall didn't stop anyone.
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San Antonio - Governor Gregg Abbot announced today that since President Biden will no longer let them secure their border, they have decided to move back into the Alamo that is now surrounded by barbed wire. The entire state of Texas will be moved there, except for Austin who will be bused to Martha's Vineyard in order to escape the immigrant invasion, really, the only place left on earth to escape the immigrant invasion. "We were going to secede at first", declared Abott, but the paperwork got to be too much and it was too costly. This plan is far simpler and much, much, much, cheaper. Yes, muchly cheaper"
Upon getting word of the plan, President Biden declared, "But the Alamo is federal land and they can't do that either, send in the troops!", prompting governor Abott to respond, "Ok smarty, where can we go then? I know, we will all go to Biden's state Delaware". Upon hearing this threat, President Biden responded, "Um, I guess you can stay there for a while, but make sure Davy Crocket registers those guns this time round. Last time we talked he refused!!", declared President Biden,

Meanwhile, at the Texas border...................................

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I have a suggestion. A serious suggestion. Not a propaganda bunch of bullshit like your OP.

Have the Texas Delegation to the Congress propose a Constitutional Amendment removing Texas from the United States. Making them the Republic of Texas again. Then Texas, as an independent Nation, could decide what the laws were on a case by case basis.

No more would the Supreme Court issue rulings that told Texas they had to adhere to and obey laws they didn’t like. No longer would Federal Authorities far from Texas tell them what to do with the force of law.

Instead of succession, just get an amendment through. So many red states, I’m sure they would help Texas declare independence. And it would be perfectly legal, as an Amendment can and does overwrite the existing Constitutional limits.
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San Antonio - Governor Gregg Abbot announced today that since President Biden will no longer let them secure their border, they have decided to move back into the Alamo that is now surrounded by barbed wire. The entire state of Texas will be moved there, except for Austin who will be bused to Martha's Vineyard in order to escape the immigrant invasion, really, the only place left on earth to escape the immigrant invasion. "We were going to secede at first", declared Abott, but the paperwork got to be too much and it was too costly. This plan is far simpler and much, much, much, cheaper. Yes, muchly cheaper"
Upon getting word of the plan, President Biden declared, "But the Alamo is federal land and they can't do that either, send in the troops!", prompting governor Abott to respond, "Ok smarty, where can we go then? I know, we will all go to Biden's state Delaware". Upon hearing this threat, President Biden responded, "Um, I guess you can stay there for a while, but make sure Davy Crocket registers those guns this time round. Last time we talked he refused!!", declared President Biden,

Meanwhile, at the Texas border...................................

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Some day the Bablyon Bee will actually be funny and Wingnuts will stop trying to pass it off like original ideas.
I have a suggestion. A serious suggestion. Not a propaganda bunch of bullshit like your OP.

Have the Texas Delegation to the Congress propose a Constitutional Amendment removing Texas from the United States. Making them the Republic of Texas again. Then Texas, as an independent Nation, could decide what the laws were on a case by case basis.

No more would the Supreme Court issue rulings that told Texas they had to adhere to and obey laws they didn’t like. No longer would Federal Authorities far from Texas tell them what to do with the force of law.

Instead of succession, just get an amendment through. So many red states, I’m sure they would help Texas declare independence. And it would be perfectly legal, as an Amendment can and does overwrite the existing Constitutional limits.
I love it when a battle has a happy ending.
And someday you won't have a stick up your ass.....Nah, never happen. ;)

Given Texas was illegally stolen from Mexico, I can't get worked up that they are taking it back demographically.

That's not just my opinion, it was the opinion of Abraham Lincoln and US Grant.

I have a suggestion. A serious suggestion. Not a propaganda bunch of bullshit like your OP.

Have the Texas Delegation to the Congress propose a Constitutional Amendment removing Texas from the United States. Making them the Republic of Texas again. Then Texas, as an independent Nation, could decide what the laws were on a case by case basis.

No more would the Supreme Court issue rulings that told Texas they had to adhere to and obey laws they didn’t like. No longer would Federal Authorities far from Texas tell them what to do with the force of law.

Instead of succession, just get an amendment through. So many red states, I’m sure they would help Texas declare independence. And it would be perfectly legal, as an Amendment can and does overwrite the existing Constitutional limits.
There is no official opposition party to the DNC, just a bunch of girly whinny gender neutral Rhinos posing as conservatives, but yea.

When justice Roberts was asked about the SCOTUS ruling, forcing Texas to reopen their border, he said, "Yea, what are you going to do about it? See this black robe? When I put it on it makes me invincible!"

Talks are under way with Netflix to make a superhero film with justice Roberts being the main character. However, justice Brown is suing over racial discrimination.
Given Texas was illegally stolen from Mexico, I can't get worked up that they are taking it back demographically.

That's not just my opinion, it was the opinion of Abraham Lincoln and US Grant.

View attachment 892838
You are illegally occupying Indian land idiot.

Now hang yourself for social justice or shut the hell up!!
There is no official opposition party to the DNC, just a bunch of girly whinny gender neutral Rhinos posing as conservatives, but yea.

When justice Roberts was asked about the SCOTUS ruling, forcing Texas to reopen their border, he said, "Yea, what are you going to do about it? See this black robe? When I put it on it makes me invincible!"

Talks are under way with Netflix to make a superhero film with justice Roberts being the main character. However, justice Brown is suing over racial discrimination.

As I said. Pass an amendment. Get Texas to be independent again. The Republic of Texas. Then you and the rest of the extreme RW Loons could walk away from the nation you hate.
As I said. Pass an amendment. Get Texas to be independent again. The Republic of Texas. Then you and the rest of the extreme RW Loons could walk away from the nation you hate.


Now are you getting it?

And yes, I'm well aware I can put on the super hero black robe of Justice Roberts and do it myself, but I will pass.

Thanks for playing.
Given Texas was illegally stolen from Mexico, I can't get worked up that they are taking it back demographically.

That's not just my opinion, it was the opinion of Abraham Lincoln and US Grant.

View attachment 892838
What does that have to do with anything? :dunno:

We "stole" CA too....But they can have that part back if they want it. ;)
What does that have to do with anything? :dunno:

We "stole" CA too....But they can have that part back if they want it. ;)
I thought you were allowed to steal up to 50 states before being arrested, much like California allows people to steal up to $500 of merchandise from a store before being arrested.


Now are you getting it?

And yes, I'm well aware I can put on the super hero black robe of Justice Roberts and do it myself, but I will pass.

Thanks for playing.

Oh there is one. The problem is that they aren’t radical enough for you. Or Texas I suppose. But most people do not identify with the militant wing of the Salvation Army.
I have a suggestion. A serious suggestion. Not a propaganda bunch of bullshit like your OP.

Have the Texas Delegation to the Congress propose a Constitutional Amendment removing Texas from the United States. Making them the Republic of Texas again. Then Texas, as an independent Nation, could decide what the laws were on a case by case basis.

No more would the Supreme Court issue rulings that told Texas they had to adhere to and obey laws they didn’t like. No longer would Federal Authorities far from Texas tell them what to do with the force of law.

Instead of succession, just get an amendment through. So many red states, I’m sure they would help Texas declare independence. And it would be perfectly legal, as an Amendment can and does overwrite the existing Constitutional limits.
This is something that could actually happen
I have a suggestion. A serious suggestion. Not a propaganda bunch of bullshit like your OP.

Have the Texas Delegation to the Congress propose a Constitutional Amendment removing Texas from the United States. Making them the Republic of Texas again. Then Texas, as an independent Nation, could decide what the laws were on a case by case basis.

No more would the Supreme Court issue rulings that told Texas they had to adhere to and obey laws they didn’t like. No longer would Federal Authorities far from Texas tell them what to do with the force of law.

Instead of succession, just get an amendment through. So many red states, I’m sure they would help Texas declare independence. And it would be perfectly legal, as an Amendment can and does overwrite the existing Constitutional limits.
/——/ democRATs have created a living nightmare over the border.
/——/ democRATs have created a living nightmare over the border.

Then run with my idea. Have Republicans get behind it. Break away via a Constitutional Amendment.

No violence. No problems. Just Texas becoming a Republic again.

I noticed something in the replies of the RW. They hate this idea. Not one of them really want it. They don’t want what they constantly demand. They want the nation to go along with them. And they’ll make empty threats of violence to try and achieve their goal. The reason is the RW is filled to the brim with cowards. People who are willing to risk your life, but not theirs.

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