Zone1 Did Moses go to Heaven?

Who says they are false commandments? You? Are you God? Numbnut
this is nothing new - provide the tablets etched in heaven w/ 10 commandments claimed by moses or remove them from all three desert religions - moses is a liar.

too bad for you bear - faith has nothing to offer the fact those tablets never existed its been a lie from the beginning one you covet to perpetuate - to be a fraud and a liar.
too bad for you bear - faith has nothing to offer the fact those tablets never existed its been a lie from the beginning one you covet to perpetuate - to be a fraud and a liar.
They existed and copies were made and handed down from generation to generation. You are the false bearer.
Don't blame Moses for the failure of the Jews to keep the righteous commandments of the Lord God. The Land was promised to the Jews with the condition they obeyed the Law. They failed miserably........causing God to invoke a new Covenant as foretold by the prophet (Jer. 31:31-34) "........whose Law they failed to keep......."

God promised to destroy the Jews when they failed to keep His righteous commandments (Lev. 26:27-39) They would be driven from the land of promise (Deut. 4:25-28). They would cease to be a nation (Deut. 8:19-20) According to the actual word of God.......Hamas has as much right to the land as does the nation pretending to be Biblical Israel.

Biblical Israel was destroyed in 70 AD.......with its tribes scattered around the globe.
I deal in truth........where ever that truth points I present it as truth regardless of what people think........there can't be more than 1 truth, there can be many lies but only one truth.
I deal in truth........where ever that truth points I present it as truth regardless of what people think........there can't be more than 1 truth, there can be many lies but only one truth.
Hamas has no right to any land. They are a terror organization who premeditated murder. Israel is defending themselves because Hamas declared war on Israel. That is the only truth.

Now, the question is, do Palestinians have a right to demand part of Israel be given to them? Israel was given the right to exist in these latter days by God and by the nations of the world. The answer is no. Can they ask and negotiate with Israel? Yes. Can they do so with Hamas being their mouthpiece? No. That’s the truth.
Hamas has no right to any land. They are a terror organization who premeditated murder. Israel is defending themselves because Hamas declared war on Israel. That is the only truth.

Now, the question is, do Palestinians have a right to demand part of Israel be given to them? Israel was given the right to exist in these latter days by God and by the nations of the world. The answer is no. Can they ask and negotiate with Israel? Yes. Can they do so with Hamas being their mouthpiece? No. That’s the truth.
What would you call the patriots who rebelled against England to form this nation? Terrorists. Its true Terrorism is not acceptable.........but the land under dispute is disputed by more than a single gang of terrorists. That's like saying, All blacks look alike........can't tell the good from the bad. You can't paint all the people involved with one broad brush stroke and call all those in dispute over a right to simply live on the land they were born TERRORISTS. As I said, I deal in truth. Not bigotry.

There has been nothing but constant warfare since the UN decided to take the land from one group and give it to another after WW2,......simply because some ancestors lived there over 2000 years ago. Would you be OK with giving all the land back to the native American's taken under the doctrine of Manifest Doctrine? Of course not.........even the Native Americans had to take that land from someone..........just like the Jews took the land from others over 3500 years ago......and then where defeated and driven from that land some 2000 years ago....but demand from the world.......they still have the right to the land because of their cultural customs. News flash..those that occupied that land over the past 2000 years also have cultural customs.
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What would you call the patriots who rebelled against England to form this nation? Terrorists. Its true Terrorism is not acceptable.........but the land under dispute is disputed by more than a single gang of terrorists. That's like saying, All blacks look alike........can't tell the good from the bad. You can't paint all the people involved with one broad brush stroke and call all those in dispute over a right to simply live on the land they were born TERRORISTS. As I said, I deal in truth. Not bigotry.

There has been nothing but constant warfare since the UN decided to take the land from one group and give it to another after WW2,......simply because some ancestors lived there over 2000 years ago. Would you be OK with giving all the land back to the native American's taken under the doctrine of Manifest Doctrine? Of course not.........even the Native Americans had to take that land from someone..........just like the Jews took the land from others over 3500 years ago......and then where defeated and driven from that land some 2000 years ago....but demand from the world.......they still have the right to the land because of their cultural customs. News flash..those that occupied that land over the past 2000 years also have cultural customs.
I can call every person who is a member, follower, leader of the Hamas fascist cult a terrorist. All of them. That is the truth

You seem to have your American history really screwed up. The 13 colonies were owned by England. Gaza is owned by Israel. The 13 colonies wrote a letter to England that they wished to be independent and organize and independent nation. Palestinians through Hamas have told Israel that they want all of Israel to be theirs. England attacked America. Hamas (Palestinians) attacked Israel (many times). America defended themselves on their own turf and not once went to England to terrorize England. Israel defended themselves and went after Hamas to get back those who were kidnapped and to end Hamas, not the Palestinians ability to live in Gaza.

Do you see the difference? By the way, England had the right to say no and end the declaration of independence. But, Americans were not the terrorists. They defended themselves and won the war. If the Palestinians would throw Hamas out and negotiate peacefully with Israel and stop saying they want to kill every Jew on the planet, Israel would negotiate with them. Just as Trump got Israel and several Arab countries to acknowledge Israel's right to exist and deal commercially with Israel, Trump would have eventually got the Palestinians to do as well. But, Biden ended all that because he hates Israel too. His words are meaningless.
No. Moses, like everyone else, rests in the grave until the Resurrection of the Dead at Christ return.

Christ Himself is the FIRSTborn of the dead. At this point the ONLY One who conquered death

And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and firstborn from among the dead, so that in all things He may have preeminence
What a depressing thought. Glad I don't believe it.
Hamas has no right to any land. They are a terror organization who premeditated murder. Israel is defending themselves because Hamas declared war on Israel. That is the only truth.

Now, the question is, do Palestinians have a right to demand part of Israel be given to them? Israel was given the right to exist in these latter days by God and by the nations of the world. The answer is no. Can they ask and negotiate with Israel? Yes. Can they do so with Hamas being their mouthpiece? No. That’s the truth.

So just kill all the Palestinians once and for all.
I can call every person who is a member, follower, leader of the Hamas fascist cult a terrorist. All of them. That is the truth

You seem to have your American history really screwed up. The 13 colonies were owned by England. Gaza is owned by Israel. The 13 colonies wrote a letter to England that they wished to be independent and organize and independent nation. Palestinians through Hamas have told Israel that they want all of Israel to be theirs. England attacked America. Hamas (Palestinians) attacked Israel (many times). America defended themselves on their own turf and not once went to England to terrorize England. Israel defended themselves and went after Hamas to get back those who were kidnapped and to end Hamas, not the Palestinians ability to live in Gaza.

Do you see the difference? By the way, England had the right to say no and end the declaration of independence. But, Americans were not the terrorists. They defended themselves and won the war. If the Palestinians would throw Hamas out and negotiate peacefully with Israel and stop saying they want to kill every Jew on the planet, Israel would negotiate with them. Just as Trump got Israel and several Arab countries to acknowledge Israel's right to exist and deal commercially with Israel, Trump would have eventually got the Palestinians to do as well. But, Biden ended all that because he hates Israel too. His words are meaningless.

The Israelis want all the land and to get rid of the Arabs. This has nothing to do with Biden. Israel is still getting US foreign aid since 1948.
I can call every person who is a member, follower, leader of the Hamas fascist cult a terrorist. All of them. That is the truth

You seem to have your American history really screwed up. The 13 colonies were owned by England. Gaza is owned by Israel. The 13 colonies wrote a letter to England that they wished to be independent and organize and independent nation. Palestinians through Hamas have told Israel that they want all of Israel to be theirs. England attacked America. Hamas (Palestinians) attacked Israel (many times). America defended themselves on their own turf and not once went to England to terrorize England. Israel defended themselves and went after Hamas to get back those who were kidnapped and to end Hamas, not the Palestinians ability to live in Gaza.

Do you see the difference? By the way, England had the right to say no and end the declaration of independence. But, Americans were not the terrorists. They defended themselves and won the war. If the Palestinians would throw Hamas out and negotiate peacefully with Israel and stop saying they want to kill every Jew on the planet, Israel would negotiate with them. Just as Trump got Israel and several Arab countries to acknowledge Israel's right to exist and deal commercially with Israel, Trump would have eventually got the Palestinians to do as well. But, Biden ended all that because he hates Israel too. His words are meaningless.

The Israelis want all the land and to get rid of the Arabs. This has nothing to do with Biden. Israel is still getting US foreign aid since 1948.
Hamas has no right to any land. They are a terror organization who premeditated murder. Israel is defending themselves because Hamas declared war on Israel. That is the only truth.

Now, the question is, do Palestinians have a right to demand part of Israel be given to them? Israel was given the right to exist in these latter days by God and by the nations of the world. The answer is no. Can they ask and negotiate with Israel? Yes. Can they do so with Hamas being their mouthpiece? No. That’s the truth.

Latter days?

Jonesing for the End Times
According to the Pew Center, 60 percent of evangelicals think we are living in the End Times. A Texas preacher, one of Donald Trump’s pet pastors, responded to the Hamas assault on Israel by praying, “The last days are coming and are here, when you will come again, for your church and for your people.”

This kind of thinking, plus Americans’ perennial Islamophobia, gives cover to the rightwing politicians hollering themselves hoarse about reducing Gaza to rubble and never mind the dead children.
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Your moving the comma is your change from what was. But, even readout your way does not mean that the thief didn’t go that day with Jesus to Paradise in spirit prison or your term, Hades. Also, Jesus appeared to Mary and the apostles before His resurrection. Only his body was in the grave. His spirit preached to those in spirit prison. You don’t have the fullness of the Gospel so you also don’t know the Jesus preached to those in Paradise while he organized the righteous in Paradise into a missionary army to go to Hell and preach. Both locations are in spirit prison. Spirit prison because the spirit is separated from the body. He also visited his other sheep in the Americas and probably elsewhere too. He would not leave anyone behind. Three days later, Jesus went back to heaven after he was resurrected.
As far as the thief, if Jesus accepted his repentance while on the cross, he would have gone to Paradise as well. The comma would not stop that from happening.
Hades= the grave.
Moses, the original Moses, a Midian, was offed by Joshua and the Levites on top of Mt Sinai.

That is why the "Moses" who came down the mountain "looked different" and why it was "necessary" to off 3500 people that evening for the high crime of "dancing." In reality, the Levites offed all the Midians who noticed the guy who came down the mountain was NOT THE REAL MOSES but rather a LEVITE FRAUD who needed 40 days to GROW A BEARD...

It's a great story, but it's just folklore.


According to Exod. 12:37, there were about 600,000 “men” among the Israelites who escaped from Egypt.

Num. 1:46-47 gives a more precise count: 603,550 men who were 20 years or old and able to serve as soldiers, not counting the 23,000 Levites. But on the most basic level, how could this be? For one thing, a large army in antiquity could field 20,000 soldiers. Are we to believe that Israel had over 600,000?

Second: how do we explain this kind of population growth?

If one counts all the women (surely as many as the men) and all the children (who would presumably be at least as many as the men and women combined), there must have been two and a half or three million people in Israel at this point.

Now, according to Exod. 1:5 the clan of Jacob that started in Egypt consisted of 70 persons; and according to Exod. 6:16-20, Moses was in the fourth generation of the clan: his father was Amram, his grandfather was Kohath, and his great grandfather was Levi, one of the sons of Jacob.

How could the great grandchildren of the twelve sons of Jacob number well over two million? In addition, even though demographic statistics for any place in antiquity are notoriously difficult to obtain, the best guesses indicate that the entire population of Egypt at the time was somewhere between two and four million people. Obviously they could not all have been Israelites who left.


According to Exod. 12:37, there were about 600,000 “men” among the Israelites who escaped from Egypt.

Num. 1:46-47 gives a more precise count: 603,550 men who were 20 years or old and able to serve as soldiers, not counting the 23,000 Levites. But on the most basic level, how could this be? For one thing, a large army in antiquity could field 20,000 soldiers. Are we to believe that Israel had over 600,000?

Second: how do we explain this kind of population growth?

If one counts all the women (surely as many as the men) and all the children (who would presumably be at least as many as the men and women combined), there must have been two and a half or three million people in Israel at this point.

Now, according to Exod. 1:5 the clan of Jacob that started in Egypt consisted of 70 persons; and according to Exod. 6:16-20, Moses was in the fourth generation of the clan: his father was Amram, his grandfather was Kohath, and his great grandfather was Levi, one of the sons of Jacob.

How could the great grandchildren of the twelve sons of Jacob number well over two million? In addition, even though demographic statistics for any place in antiquity are notoriously difficult to obtain, the best guesses indicate that the entire population of Egypt at the time was somewhere between two and four million people. Obviously they could not all have been Israelites who left.

How did Israel have all those people?

The Hebrew women are frisky

The Israelis want all the land and to get rid of the Arabs. This has nothing to do with Biden. Israel is still getting US foreign aid since 1948.
Numbnut Israel already owns Gaza and everything else Israel. It’s their land stupid. And, they should received all the aid and backing possible as the only capitalist friend country there.
Latter days?

Jonesing for the End Times
According to the Pew Center, 60 percent of evangelicals think we are living in the End Times. A Texas preacher, one of Donald Trump’s pet pastors, responded to the Hamas assault on Israel by praying, “The last days are coming and are here, when you will come again, for your church and for your people.”

This kind of thinking, plus Americans’ perennial Islamophobia, gives cover to the rightwing politicians hollering themselves hoarse about reducing Gaza to rubble and never mind the dead children.
You are as dumb as you sound. I don’t hear you crying about the children with heads chopped off during the massacre on October 7th with Iran backed Hamas terrorists killing 1200 Israelis at a concert. That was a test run. Biden has given Iran $100 billion. Next time it will be 100 times worse and a 100,000 dead. Kill Hamas and Hezbollah and wipe them off the Promised land. Notice Israel tells the people to get out of where they are going before they go there? Hamas and Hezbollah never do.

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