Texas rebuffing Feds, It's time to move to Texas


God lead our troops
Jul 3, 2009
Cynthia Dunbar (my new hero) and member of the Texas Board of Education, has introduced the following bill:


WHEREAS the members of the State Board of Education as elected officials. have each independently taken an oath to uphold the Constitution ofthe United States; and

WHEREAS. preserving the integrity of our Constitution is essential to preserving both the appropriate jurisdiction of and the limitations upon our federal government; and

WHEREAS unauthorized government intrusion beyond the parameters outlined within the Constitution is tantamount to a direct assault upon the rights ofthe states and ultimately an assault upon the rights of the sovereign, the people; and
WHEREAS. to allow such a blatant attack upon the rights of the states and the people to go unchecked would be to allow the establishment of tyranny; and
WHEREAS. in preserving and upholding the Constitution. it is incumbent upon this Board to also recognize the Constitution’s nature as a document of enumerated powers and that the 10th Amendment specifically reserves all other rights not enumerated therein to the states and the people; and

WHEREAS. authority over educational policies does not fall within the purview of the Federal government and. as such all efforts by the federal government towards such control are unconstitutional; and

WHEREAS, any federal legislation that attempts to impact the direction ofeducational policy’ is made in excess of Congress’ authority and devoid of any merit; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Education is an unconstitutional bureaucracy. an inappropriate tinancial burden upon the taxpayers ofthe United States and without authority to impose any meaningful or substantive restrictions upon the state of Texas or any’ of its independent school districts.

RESOLVED that the Texas State Board of Education does hereby publicly declare the Department of Education to be an unconstitutional entity which is totally devoid ofany rightful authority; and be it further

RESOLVED that the Texas State Board of Education will not in any way acknowledge or recognize directives regarding the establishment of educational policy lor the state of Texas from either the Department of Education or from unconstitutional federal legislation; and be it further

RESOLVED that this resolution shall be presented to the Department of Education and that a copy of this Resolution be included in the permanent records of the State Board of Education; and be it further

RESOLVED that said Department of Education shall be put on notice that any such unconstitutional directives given by it to the Texas State Board of Education will be met with the principle of nullification and the clear admonition of “Don’t Mess with Texas!”

WITNESS our signatures this day of ___ in the year of our Lord two thousand and _ Austin, TX


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Whew.....an entire-state....with ZERO accredited-schools.

Take heart. There'll always be a future in waste-management.


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Whew.....an entire-state....with ZERO accredited-schools.

Take heart. There'll always be a future in waste-management.


bwahahahahahaha Texas is doing so well economically they should be the role model to the rest of us. California USED to have a say in textbooks but since we're so beyond broke, textbook publishers DONT CARE, we won't be buying new textbooks any time soon.
Good luck to the under-educated yutzes from Texas when they want to go to college. They're going to make sure that no one will touch them.
RESOLVED that the Texas State Board of Education does hereby publicly declare the Department of Education to be an unconstitutional entity which is totally devoid ofany rightful authority

:lol: Thanks Texas

Sounds good until you come asking for federal money
RESOLVED that the Texas State Board of Education does hereby publicly declare the Department of Education to be an unconstitutional entity which is totally devoid ofany rightful authority

:lol: Thanks Texas

Sounds good until you come asking for federal money

And what makes you think that they will?
RESOLVED that the Texas State Board of Education does hereby publicly declare the Department of Education to be an unconstitutional entity which is totally devoid ofany rightful authority

:lol: Thanks Texas

Sounds good until you come asking for federal money

If you check you will find that Texas residents give much more money to the federal government than they recieve from the federal government. If you live in one of those states that is not able to pay their share "you are welcome".
RESOLVED that the Texas State Board of Education does hereby publicly declare the Department of Education to be an unconstitutional entity which is totally devoid ofany rightful authority

:lol: Thanks Texas

Sounds good until you come asking for federal money

If you check you will find that Texas residents give much more money to the federal government than they recieve from the federal government. If you live in one of those states that is not able to pay their share "you are welcome".

Texas is a recent addition to those states paying more than they receive. Afraid my state pays alot more than Texas
RESOLVED that the Texas State Board of Education does hereby publicly declare the Department of Education to be an unconstitutional entity which is totally devoid ofany rightful authority

:lol: Thanks Texas

Sounds good until you come asking for federal money

If you check you will find that Texas residents give much more money to the federal government than they recieve from the federal government. If you live in one of those states that is not able to pay their share "you are welcome".


Actually, Texas is one of only TWO red states that receive LESS than a dollar for every dollar they pay. Thank Gawd for those "oil wells".

Isn't that funny? If Democrats didn't have to carry Republicans, this would be a very prosperous country. All that California money could go to paying California debt.
Cynthia Dunbar (my new hero) and member of the Texas Board of Education, has introduced the following bill:


WHEREAS the members of the State Board of Education as elected officials. have each independently taken an oath to uphold the Constitution ofthe United States; and

WHEREAS. preserving the integrity of our Constitution is essential to preserving both the appropriate jurisdiction of and the limitations upon our federal government; and

WHEREAS unauthorized government intrusion beyond the parameters outlined within the Constitution is tantamount to a direct assault upon the rights ofthe states and ultimately an assault upon the rights of the sovereign, the people; and
WHEREAS. to allow such a blatant attack upon the rights of the states and the people to go unchecked would be to allow the establishment of tyranny; and
WHEREAS. in preserving and upholding the Constitution. it is incumbent upon this Board to also recognize the Constitution’s nature as a document of enumerated powers and that the 10th Amendment specifically reserves all other rights not enumerated therein to the states and the people; and

WHEREAS. authority over educational policies does not fall within the purview of the Federal government and. as such all efforts by the federal government towards such control are unconstitutional; and

WHEREAS, any federal legislation that attempts to impact the direction ofeducational policy’ is made in excess of Congress’ authority and devoid of any merit; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Education is an unconstitutional bureaucracy. an inappropriate tinancial burden upon the taxpayers ofthe United States and without authority to impose any meaningful or substantive restrictions upon the state of Texas or any’ of its independent school districts.

RESOLVED that the Texas State Board of Education does hereby publicly declare the Department of Education to be an unconstitutional entity which is totally devoid ofany rightful authority; and be it further

RESOLVED that the Texas State Board of Education will not in any way acknowledge or recognize directives regarding the establishment of educational policy lor the state of Texas from either the Department of Education or from unconstitutional federal legislation; and be it further

RESOLVED that this resolution shall be presented to the Department of Education and that a copy of this Resolution be included in the permanent records of the State Board of Education; and be it further

RESOLVED that said Department of Education shall be put on notice that any such unconstitutional directives given by it to the Texas State Board of Education will be met with the principle of nullification and the clear admonition of “Don’t Mess with Texas!”

WITNESS our signatures this day of ___ in the year of our Lord two thousand and _ Austin, TX

Austin news, sports, weather, Longhorns, business | Statesman.com


Does this mean they can finally teach "magical creation" and force kids to "pray" in school?

"Dear Gawd,
Why do I have to go to school in Texas. An education here won't prepare me for anything. They teach the "occult". Is it because they want to secede from the Union? Are they preparing me to live in a "third world" country? Help me Gawd. Protect me from your followers".
RESOLVED that the Texas State Board of Education does hereby publicly declare the Department of Education to be an unconstitutional entity which is totally devoid ofany rightful authority

:lol: Thanks Texas

Sounds good until you come asking for federal money

Wait...I gotta get a load of this...someone from New Jersey is talking about Texas wasting money??

Oh this is good.
RESOLVED that the Texas State Board of Education does hereby publicly declare the Department of Education to be an unconstitutional entity which is totally devoid ofany rightful authority

:lol: Thanks Texas

Sounds good until you come asking for federal money

Wait...I gotta get a load of this...someone from New Jersey is talking about Texas wasting money??

Oh this is good.

Texas receives 30% more in Federal money than New Jersey does
:lol: Thanks Texas

Sounds good until you come asking for federal money

Wait...I gotta get a load of this...someone from New Jersey is talking about Texas wasting money??

Oh this is good.

Texas receives 30% more in Federal money than New Jersey does

Isn't that funny? I put up a big red and blue chart and still, they just pull "stuff" out of thin air.

What is especially funny, the author's name is "I am what I seem".
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Ya'll stay home and fix your own states...

As for the accreditation crack, wonder about those accredited schools before the creation of the DoEd.
:lol: Fortune 500, clearly trying to downplay the reason for Texas strength, still can't deny the obvious.

FORTUNE -- Back in 1965, The Mamas & the Papas reached the top of the charts with "California Dreamin'," a song pining for a return to the warm safety of their home state. But these days they'd be better off dreaming about Texas.

The reason is that Texas powered through the global fiscal crisis, while The Golden State's economy is forecast to remain tarnished for some time.

The fact that California remains locked in such a pronounced slump compared to its economically and demographically similar cousin to the southeast has been pounced upon with biblical zeal by conservative commentators who claim the state's woes are a direct result of its liberalism and sloth. But in truth, California's industrial mix and its history of voter empowerment may have done more than glad-handing liberalism to bring low the nation's largest economy -- one that, in better times, brought the world the Popsicle, the Hula Hoop, the "slimsuit" swimsuit, and the fortune cookie.

:lol: :lol: :lol: It's our history of voter empowerment, yeah, that's what killed California.... :lol::lol::lol:

Buncha libs here with a liberal agenda...voted....good excuse.

Here are 4 reasons why Texas beats California in a recession - Jul. 13, 2010

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