Texas Republican Wants Women to Carry Deceased Fetuses to Full Term

Rep. Matt Schaefer (R-Tyler) put forward an amendment that would make it illegal to terminate a pregnancy after 20 weeks, even if a fetus “has a severe and irreversible abnormality,” effectively forcing families with wanted, but unsustainable pregnancies to carry to term at the behest of the state and against the advice of their doctors or their own wishes.

Texas Republican Wants Women to Carry Deceased Fetuses to Full Term Alternet

I believe pro-life hysteria is going over the limit already. There is nothing good about terminating pregnancy when potential parents simply didn't care about contraception. When you want a healthy, capable of living by himself baby but get a fetus “with a severe and irreversible abnormality” you should have a choice. How can you force a woman to keep this baby? You are not going to share her headache, you are not going to support her. Keep your hands off women and their rights.

Your title is a lie. The law is stupid, but the fetus isn't dead, it just probably will be quickly after it is born.

Words mean things.
Wow, that really makes a difference.

it does, considering a woman's body will automatically reject a dead fetus, i.e. miscarry.

and when it comes to people who just read the title of the article, it the title is a lie. If you are so confident about the rightness of your position, why lie? Tell the truth.

"it does, considering a woman's body will automatically reject a dead fetus, i.e. miscarry. "

Sometimes, I read what people write here and just shake my head.

Bet you believed it when you heard that some rapes aren't "legitimate" and that rape won't result in pregnancy.

So women naturally carry dead organisms fully to term? The body has no method of getting rid of what is a threat to the mother's life?
Why not let individual States decide, just as they do with other related issues? For example, some States consider killing a pregnant woman to to be double homicide; others do not. Why does the federal government/SCOTUS have to decide EVERYTHING?
Rep. Matt Schaefer (R-Tyler) put forward an amendment that would make it illegal to terminate a pregnancy after 20 weeks, even if a fetus “has a severe and irreversible abnormality,” effectively forcing families with wanted, but unsustainable pregnancies to carry to term at the behest of the state and against the advice of their doctors or their own wishes.

Texas Republican Wants Women to Carry Deceased Fetuses to Full Term Alternet

I believe pro-life hysteria is going over the limit already. There is nothing good about terminating pregnancy when potential parents simply didn't care about contraception. When you want a healthy, capable of living by himself baby but get a fetus “with a severe and irreversible abnormality” you should have a choice. How can you force a woman to keep this baby? You are not going to share her headache, you are not going to support her. Keep your hands off women and their rights.
Try again,and add some honesty next time,you pro death people are a scary bunch,and dishonest also.
Why not let individual States decide, just as they do with other related issues? For example, some States consider killing a pregnant woman to to be double homicide; others do not. Why does the federal government/SCOTUS have to decide EVERYTHING?

If you believe that a fetus is a human who is entitle to protection under our legal system - then piecemeal, state-by-state protection just won't cut it. There is the equal protection clause of the Constitution.
So what this is really about, is should parents have the right to abort children because they have serious birth defects.

(because yes, normally dead fetuses are miscarried)
Why not let individual States decide, just as they do with other related issues? For example, some States consider killing a pregnant woman to to be double homicide; others do not. Why does the federal government/SCOTUS have to decide EVERYTHING?

If you believe that a fetus is a human who is entitle to protection under our legal system - then piecemeal, state-by-state protection just won't cut it. There is the equal protection clause of the Constitution.

What the right believes is that the Constitution guarantees equal protection, EXCEPT for women, children, minorities, gays ...
Why not let individual States decide, just as they do with other related issues? For example, some States consider killing a pregnant woman to to be double homicide; others do not. Why does the federal government/SCOTUS have to decide EVERYTHING?

If you believe that a fetus is a human who is entitle to protection under our legal system - then piecemeal, state-by-state protection just won't cut it. There is the equal protection clause of the Constitution.

What the right believes is that the Constitution guarantees equal protection, EXCEPT for women, children, minorities, gays ...

Well I guess I can't speak for the right because I believe it should be applied to all equally. Including children.
"Keep your hands off women and their rights."

Keep your hands off children and THEIR rights.
No one is seeking to deny children their rights; unfortunately the same can't be said for women.

If you kill a child, I'd say you've denied he or she her rights.

And these folks that say "hey, I should be able to kill this child. It is of no one else's concern." Are just bonkers. I don't have to personally get raped to have a say in how we as a society respond to it. If your actions victimize another human being - especially one that is too small to speak out for himself/herself, then you're darn right others are going to stand up to speak for that victim.

An embryo/fetus is not a "child," no rights are being "violated," and there is no "victim."
If you believe that a fetus is a human who is entitle to protection under our legal system - then piecemeal, state-by-state protection just won't cut it. There is the equal protection clause of the Constitution.

So you are OK with a million abortions a year while you debate when human life begins?

P.S. The 14th Amendment doesn't address this issue.
"Keep your hands off women and their rights."

Keep your hands off children and THEIR rights.
No one is seeking to deny children their rights; unfortunately the same can't be said for women.

If you kill a child, I'd say you've denied he or she her rights.

And these folks that say "hey, I should be able to kill this child. It is of no one else's concern." Are just bonkers. I don't have to personally get raped to have a say in how we as a society respond to it. If your actions victimize another human being - especially one that is too small to speak out for himself/herself, then you're darn right others are going to stand up to speak for that victim.

An embryo/fetus is not a "child," no rights are being "violated," and there is no "victim."

We can define those things legally the way we choose to. Currently our laws support your definitions. I favor laws that support mine. And since there is more scientific evidence to support the concept that a fetus is a unique human being at conception than to support the current legal threshold of viability, I'm hoping we can be successful.
If you believe that a fetus is a human who is entitle to protection under our legal system - then piecemeal, state-by-state protection just won't cut it. There is the equal protection clause of the Constitution.

So you are OK with a million abortions a year while you debate when human life begins?

P.S. The 14th Amendment doesn't address this issue.

I don't understand what you are asking here.
Keep the government out of the womb.
Actually, his thread title is the same as the title of the link.

I always wonder why some posters can't tell the difference between a quote from a link and an actual opinion stated by the poster.

So the link jumped off his computer screen and held a gun to his head and forced him to repeat the lie by putting it in his subject line?
"Keep your hands off women and their rights."

Keep your hands off children and THEIR rights.
No one is seeking to deny children their rights; unfortunately the same can't be said for women.
This is one of the most dishonest posts ever,what do you think happens to a child when its brains are sucked out,it very basic right to life is taken away,are you this obtuse by choice or just fucking dumb?
"Keep your hands off women and their rights."

Keep your hands off children and THEIR rights.
No one is seeking to deny children their rights; unfortunately the same can't be said for women.

If you kill a child, I'd say you've denied he or she her rights.
If you starve it or deny it medical care AFTER IT'S BORN, then that's OK. Republicans have no problem with that, right?
Another lie by the Deno matic
"Keep your hands off women and their rights."

Keep your hands off children and THEIR rights.

This thread is not about "children".

How you can tell its not about children is that the RWs are not saying they should starve in the streets.
So it about rose bushes right?
This bull shit about Conservatives wanting children to starve is just another lie the like of this poster spew daily,they have no integrity no moral foundation at all.
Rep. Matt Schaefer (R-Tyler) put forward an amendment that would make it illegal to terminate a pregnancy after 20 weeks, even if a fetus “has a severe and irreversible abnormality,” effectively forcing families with wanted, but unsustainable pregnancies to carry to term at the behest of the state and against the advice of their doctors or their own wishes.

Texas Republican Wants Women to Carry Deceased Fetuses to Full Term Alternet

I believe pro-life hysteria is going over the limit already. There is nothing good about terminating pregnancy when potential parents simply didn't care about contraception. When you want a healthy, capable of living by himself baby but get a fetus “with a severe and irreversible abnormality” you should have a choice. How can you force a woman to keep this baby? You are not going to share her headache, you are not going to support her. Keep your hands off women and their rights.

I believe myself to be a moderate on abortion, but I doubt either side would agree. I digress.

I think both extremes of the argument are horrible. My Congressperson stated, "I am pro-abortion without limitation." That mean a healthy baby in the 9 month can be killed. An aborted baby born alive can be killed. However, I find just as horrendous (OK more horrendous) as "no abortion, no exceptions." That means victims of rape and incest, you have to have the baby. Teenagers, you have to have the baby. Major birth defects, sorry you have to have the baby. Mother's life in danger, sorry you have to have the baby.

My view, as I stated was moderate is:
1st trimester: Open abortion, but I do think education should be provided as should alternatives, such as adoption must be presented.

2nd and 3rd Trimester: No abortion, unless:
1. Birth Defects are discovered,
2. Mother's life is in danger, or
3. A rape or incest victim who previously was unable to get to the clinic (held against will).

I do however believe that there should be free abortion clinics throughout every major US city in America. Black women having 8 kids with 8 fathers (1/2 in jail, 1/4 dead and the 1/4 unknown) is a contributing factor to the destruction of the ghetto. I think it has to do with genetics, but a little responsibility might help.

Its just stunning to think how many people actually believe they have a right to an opinion about the reproduction of others.

AND, that they want the state to force CERTAIN people to reproduce.

How on Earth does one force another to reproduce?

That's just stupid.... congrats... you've outdone yourself.

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