Democrats want to change the Constitution

Plus he's at death's door, even IF we fixed the government and could find people to prosecute him, it's like throwing a 95 Y/O Nazi SS officer in prison.
That's when you freeze his bank accounts and the money he illegally took, confiscate and sell all homes, property, etc... for him and son/ family.
That is, when they are not actively ignoring what they don't like in the Constitution because they are unable to change it, but I digress

The state wants your child to be able to change genders without parental approval

Meanwhile, a child cannot so much take an aspirin in school without consent from a parent.

A proposal on the Michigan ballot next month would reportedly enshrine in the state constitution transgender care, up to and including sterilization surgery, for minors, and parents would be powerless to stop it. And Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who is running for reelection, has vowed to "fight like hell" to make sure it passes.

Right to "sterilization," hidden in plain sight

According to the alarming legal analysis of Margot Cleveland of the Federalist, the so-called "gender affirming" care Proposal 3 would ensure for minors is buried in vague language about "reproductive freedom," deceiving voters into believing that the proposal relates to abortion only. But the ambiguous language of the proposal, carefully crafted by Planned Parenthood and other "gender affirming" and abortion outlets, incorporates children as well as adults and deliberately excludes parents from interfering, Cleveland said.

The opening paragraph of Proposal 3, entitled the "Reproductive Freedom for All" initiative, reportedly reveals just how broadly such "reproductive freedom" would extend:

Cleveland claims that the term "individual" applies to men and women, boys and girls, regardless of age. And because the proposal later says that the state may not "discriminate in the protection or enforcement of this fundamental right," parents would no longer have any legal recourse, she said, to contest the "sterilization" demands of their minor children, since denying them such "care" based on their young age would be an act of discrimination.

And lest parents believe that other preexisting parental notification laws would supersede this amendment, Cleveland also warned that such parental notification laws regarding abortion have already been ruled unconstitutional in states like Alaska and Florida. California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey have likewise curtailed parental rights regarding abortion, she said.

An irreversible medical "experiment" on the ballot

In an effort to combat Whitmer's "fight like hell" abortion and reported gender-reassignment fervor, Bishop Earl Boyea and the Diocese of Lansing have launched their own "Fight Like Heaven" initiative, intended to provide Michigan voters what they say is the truth about the language of Proposal 3 and to encourage people of all faiths to pray that the proposal fails.
As part of the "Fight Like Heaven" effort, the diocese has enlisted experts in many related fields, including medicine, to speak about the evil it believes is buried within the proposal. One such expert, Dr. Patrick Lappert, a renowned plastic surgeon from Alabama with over 25 years of experience, has sounded the alarm that Proposal 3 and others like it would inflict irreversible medical damage on young people.
"Essentially, it’s guaranteed that your child is going to be rendered sterile by these interventions, such as puberty blockage and cross-sex hormones," Dr. Lappert asserted, "and that is something your child cannot fully understand nor give informed consent to and, certainly, something no parent would want."
Lappert further called puberty blockers "a public experiment" with unknown long-term effects.
Finally, Lappert suggested that the ultimate goal of the proposal is not the well-being of children but the destruction of families.
"The amendment asserts that the state somehow has more wisdom than the family that knows, and has loved, this child for all their life," he said. "That's a terrible idea. It's a terrible idea that must be rejected."

Abortion on demand

If the amendment to the state constitution passes, the use of the amendment to obtain medical transgender procedures for minors would be part of the broader enshrinement of abortion on demand with no restrictions, for women and minor girls alike.

Whitmer and others advocating for this proposal have argued that Proposal 3 would merely restore the abortion rights women had for 50 years under Roe, but Cleveland and Bishop Boyea both vehemently deny that assertion.

"If passed, the constitutional amendment would create an extreme regime in Michigan of abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason, without informed or parental consent, and paid for by taxpayers," writes Cleveland.

"The Reproductive Freedom for All initiative is the most extreme abortion proposal this country has ever witnessed," Boyea added. "Based on the wording of the proposed amendment, this initiative seeks to enshrine abortion up to, and including, the day of birth in our state constitution. ...

"It will also likely prohibit parental consent rights if your child wishes to pursue – or is being pressured into pursuing – medical procedures or chemical treatments intended to change the outward appearance of his or her biological sex," he added.

In other words, Cleveland argues, Proposal 3 in Michigan seeks to sacrifice "the children of the state — both born and unborn" through unfettered access to abortion and transgender treatment.

Whitmer's office did not respond to request for comment.

In a letter written to James Madison from Paris just after the French Revolution had broken out, Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) argues that any Constitution expires after 19 years and must be renewed if it is not to become “an act of force and not of right”:

What I have come to understand is, laws and constitutions don't matter.

What matters are what laws and rules those in power enforce or ignore or just make up out of thin air.

All that matters is power.
What I have come to understand is, laws and constitutions don't matter.

What matters are what laws and rules those in power enforce or ignore or just make up out of thin air.

All that matters is power.
Like when the government took away the rights of Japanese citizens in 1942?
That is, when they are not actively ignoring what they don't like in the Constitution because they are unable to change it, but I digress

The state wants your child to be able to change genders without parental approval

Meanwhile, a child cannot so much take an aspirin in school without consent from a parent.

A proposal on the Michigan ballot next month would reportedly enshrine in the state constitution transgender care, up to and including sterilization surgery, for minors, and parents would be powerless to stop it. And Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who is running for reelection, has vowed to "fight like hell" to make sure it passes.

Right to "sterilization," hidden in plain sight

According to the alarming legal analysis of Margot Cleveland of the Federalist, the so-called "gender affirming" care Proposal 3 would ensure for minors is buried in vague language about "reproductive freedom," deceiving voters into believing that the proposal relates to abortion only. But the ambiguous language of the proposal, carefully crafted by Planned Parenthood and other "gender affirming" and abortion outlets, incorporates children as well as adults and deliberately excludes parents from interfering, Cleveland said.

The opening paragraph of Proposal 3, entitled the "Reproductive Freedom for All" initiative, reportedly reveals just how broadly such "reproductive freedom" would extend:

Cleveland claims that the term "individual" applies to men and women, boys and girls, regardless of age. And because the proposal later says that the state may not "discriminate in the protection or enforcement of this fundamental right," parents would no longer have any legal recourse, she said, to contest the "sterilization" demands of their minor children, since denying them such "care" based on their young age would be an act of discrimination.

And lest parents believe that other preexisting parental notification laws would supersede this amendment, Cleveland also warned that such parental notification laws regarding abortion have already been ruled unconstitutional in states like Alaska and Florida. California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey have likewise curtailed parental rights regarding abortion, she said.

An irreversible medical "experiment" on the ballot

In an effort to combat Whitmer's "fight like hell" abortion and reported gender-reassignment fervor, Bishop Earl Boyea and the Diocese of Lansing have launched their own "Fight Like Heaven" initiative, intended to provide Michigan voters what they say is the truth about the language of Proposal 3 and to encourage people of all faiths to pray that the proposal fails.
As part of the "Fight Like Heaven" effort, the diocese has enlisted experts in many related fields, including medicine, to speak about the evil it believes is buried within the proposal. One such expert, Dr. Patrick Lappert, a renowned plastic surgeon from Alabama with over 25 years of experience, has sounded the alarm that Proposal 3 and others like it would inflict irreversible medical damage on young people.
"Essentially, it’s guaranteed that your child is going to be rendered sterile by these interventions, such as puberty blockage and cross-sex hormones," Dr. Lappert asserted, "and that is something your child cannot fully understand nor give informed consent to and, certainly, something no parent would want."
Lappert further called puberty blockers "a public experiment" with unknown long-term effects.
Finally, Lappert suggested that the ultimate goal of the proposal is not the well-being of children but the destruction of families.
"The amendment asserts that the state somehow has more wisdom than the family that knows, and has loved, this child for all their life," he said. "That's a terrible idea. It's a terrible idea that must be rejected."

Abortion on demand

If the amendment to the state constitution passes, the use of the amendment to obtain medical transgender procedures for minors would be part of the broader enshrinement of abortion on demand with no restrictions, for women and minor girls alike.

Whitmer and others advocating for this proposal have argued that Proposal 3 would merely restore the abortion rights women had for 50 years under Roe, but Cleveland and Bishop Boyea both vehemently deny that assertion.

"If passed, the constitutional amendment would create an extreme regime in Michigan of abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason, without informed or parental consent, and paid for by taxpayers," writes Cleveland.

"The Reproductive Freedom for All initiative is the most extreme abortion proposal this country has ever witnessed," Boyea added. "Based on the wording of the proposed amendment, this initiative seeks to enshrine abortion up to, and including, the day of birth in our state constitution. ...

"It will also likely prohibit parental consent rights if your child wishes to pursue – or is being pressured into pursuing – medical procedures or chemical treatments intended to change the outward appearance of his or her biological sex," he added.

In other words, Cleveland argues, Proposal 3 in Michigan seeks to sacrifice "the children of the state — both born and unborn" through unfettered access to abortion and transgender treatment.

Whitmer's office did not respond to request for comment.

The constitution itself makes provisions for it being amended. The founding fathers were smart enough to know that 100, 200+ years after their demise, the American people might have to change the constitution to address whatever situation or challenges they might be facing. The needs of Americans in the late 18th century, may not be the same as it is in the 21st century. Different needs, challenges, circumstances..etc. However, let me make it clear, that I'm completely against injecting children with puberty blockers to "transition" them to the opposite gender. That's child abuse.
That's when you freeze his bank accounts and the money he illegally took, confiscate and sell all homes, property, etc... for him and son/ family.
If you started doing that, you'd have to accept the fact that unknown billions of dollars from all the other political whores around the world that have stuffed their ill gotten wealth in banks all through the Bahamas, Panama, Delaware, Switzerland and elsewhere. Then there are the global corporate execs and aristocracies that hide dirty money for dirty deeds.


There's probably more dirty money in well concealed financial holdings around the world than legit money in well known civilian banks.

I'm convinced that is why these "people" are NEVER held accountable, because once one of them falls and is exposed, the door opens and the emperor realizes he's not only naked but has been ruffied and raped for decades.

That is, when they are not actively ignoring what they don't like in the Constitution because they are unable to change it, but I digress

The state wants your child to be able to change genders without parental approval

Meanwhile, a child cannot so much take an aspirin in school without consent from a parent.

A proposal on the Michigan ballot next month would reportedly enshrine in the state constitution transgender care, up to and including sterilization surgery, for minors, and parents would be powerless to stop it. And Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who is running for reelection, has vowed to "fight like hell" to make sure it passes.

Right to "sterilization," hidden in plain sight

According to the alarming legal analysis of Margot Cleveland of the Federalist, the so-called "gender affirming" care Proposal 3 would ensure for minors is buried in vague language about "reproductive freedom," deceiving voters into believing that the proposal relates to abortion only. But the ambiguous language of the proposal, carefully crafted by Planned Parenthood and other "gender affirming" and abortion outlets, incorporates children as well as adults and deliberately excludes parents from interfering, Cleveland said.

The opening paragraph of Proposal 3, entitled the "Reproductive Freedom for All" initiative, reportedly reveals just how broadly such "reproductive freedom" would extend:

Cleveland claims that the term "individual" applies to men and women, boys and girls, regardless of age. And because the proposal later says that the state may not "discriminate in the protection or enforcement of this fundamental right," parents would no longer have any legal recourse, she said, to contest the "sterilization" demands of their minor children, since denying them such "care" based on their young age would be an act of discrimination.

And lest parents believe that other preexisting parental notification laws would supersede this amendment, Cleveland also warned that such parental notification laws regarding abortion have already been ruled unconstitutional in states like Alaska and Florida. California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey have likewise curtailed parental rights regarding abortion, she said.

An irreversible medical "experiment" on the ballot

In an effort to combat Whitmer's "fight like hell" abortion and reported gender-reassignment fervor, Bishop Earl Boyea and the Diocese of Lansing have launched their own "Fight Like Heaven" initiative, intended to provide Michigan voters what they say is the truth about the language of Proposal 3 and to encourage people of all faiths to pray that the proposal fails.
As part of the "Fight Like Heaven" effort, the diocese has enlisted experts in many related fields, including medicine, to speak about the evil it believes is buried within the proposal. One such expert, Dr. Patrick Lappert, a renowned plastic surgeon from Alabama with over 25 years of experience, has sounded the alarm that Proposal 3 and others like it would inflict irreversible medical damage on young people.
"Essentially, it’s guaranteed that your child is going to be rendered sterile by these interventions, such as puberty blockage and cross-sex hormones," Dr. Lappert asserted, "and that is something your child cannot fully understand nor give informed consent to and, certainly, something no parent would want."
Lappert further called puberty blockers "a public experiment" with unknown long-term effects.
Finally, Lappert suggested that the ultimate goal of the proposal is not the well-being of children but the destruction of families.
"The amendment asserts that the state somehow has more wisdom than the family that knows, and has loved, this child for all their life," he said. "That's a terrible idea. It's a terrible idea that must be rejected."

Abortion on demand

If the amendment to the state constitution passes, the use of the amendment to obtain medical transgender procedures for minors would be part of the broader enshrinement of abortion on demand with no restrictions, for women and minor girls alike.

Whitmer and others advocating for this proposal have argued that Proposal 3 would merely restore the abortion rights women had for 50 years under Roe, but Cleveland and Bishop Boyea both vehemently deny that assertion.

"If passed, the constitutional amendment would create an extreme regime in Michigan of abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason, without informed or parental consent, and paid for by taxpayers," writes Cleveland.

"The Reproductive Freedom for All initiative is the most extreme abortion proposal this country has ever witnessed," Boyea added. "Based on the wording of the proposed amendment, this initiative seeks to enshrine abortion up to, and including, the day of birth in our state constitution. ...

"It will also likely prohibit parental consent rights if your child wishes to pursue – or is being pressured into pursuing – medical procedures or chemical treatments intended to change the outward appearance of his or her biological sex," he added.

In other words, Cleveland argues, Proposal 3 in Michigan seeks to sacrifice "the children of the state — both born and unborn" through unfettered access to abortion and transgender treatment.

Whitmer's office did not respond to request for comment.

Just to be clear: This is about amending the Michigan State Constitution, not the US Constitution.

Also: Here's the Ballotpedia entry, in case anyone wants to read about it:
If you started doing that, you'd have to accept the fact that unknown billions of dollars from all the other political whores around the world that have stuffed their ill gotten wealth in banks all through the Bahamas, Panama, Delaware, Switzerland and elsewhere. Then there are the global corporate execs and aristocracies that hide dirty money for dirty deeds.


There's probably more dirty money in well concealed financial holdings around the world than legit money in well known civilian banks.

I'm convinced that is why these "people" are NEVER held accountable, because once one of them falls and is exposed, the door opens and the emperor realizes he's not only naked but has been ruffied and raped for decades.


Gotta start somewhere....

Gotta start somewhere....

Believe me... I'd love to see it. I'd love to see billions of people around the world destroy all of their governments, wipe out their ruling classes, eliminate bullshit currencies and establish constitutional republics that maintained teeth and prevented criminal sociopaths from gaining power and manipulating their populations with sycophantic "journalists" that lie about everything.

We got close here, but somehow we ended up with a small handful gaining ownership of 90% of the world's information publication capacity. Now in order to fix it, most of the world needs to collapse entirely and return to the iron age.

That is, when they are not actively ignoring what they don't like in the Constitution because they are unable to change it, but I digress

The state wants your child to be able to change genders without parental approval

Meanwhile, a child cannot so much take an aspirin in school without consent from a parent.

A proposal on the Michigan ballot next month would reportedly enshrine in the state constitution transgender care, up to and including sterilization surgery, for minors, and parents would be powerless to stop it. And Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who is running for reelection, has vowed to "fight like hell" to make sure it passes.

Right to "sterilization," hidden in plain sight

According to the alarming legal analysis of Margot Cleveland of the Federalist, the so-called "gender affirming" care Proposal 3 would ensure for minors is buried in vague language about "reproductive freedom," deceiving voters into believing that the proposal relates to abortion only. But the ambiguous language of the proposal, carefully crafted by Planned Parenthood and other "gender affirming" and abortion outlets, incorporates children as well as adults and deliberately excludes parents from interfering, Cleveland said.

The opening paragraph of Proposal 3, entitled the "Reproductive Freedom for All" initiative, reportedly reveals just how broadly such "reproductive freedom" would extend:

Cleveland claims that the term "individual" applies to men and women, boys and girls, regardless of age. And because the proposal later says that the state may not "discriminate in the protection or enforcement of this fundamental right," parents would no longer have any legal recourse, she said, to contest the "sterilization" demands of their minor children, since denying them such "care" based on their young age would be an act of discrimination.

And lest parents believe that other preexisting parental notification laws would supersede this amendment, Cleveland also warned that such parental notification laws regarding abortion have already been ruled unconstitutional in states like Alaska and Florida. California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey have likewise curtailed parental rights regarding abortion, she said.

An irreversible medical "experiment" on the ballot

In an effort to combat Whitmer's "fight like hell" abortion and reported gender-reassignment fervor, Bishop Earl Boyea and the Diocese of Lansing have launched their own "Fight Like Heaven" initiative, intended to provide Michigan voters what they say is the truth about the language of Proposal 3 and to encourage people of all faiths to pray that the proposal fails.
As part of the "Fight Like Heaven" effort, the diocese has enlisted experts in many related fields, including medicine, to speak about the evil it believes is buried within the proposal. One such expert, Dr. Patrick Lappert, a renowned plastic surgeon from Alabama with over 25 years of experience, has sounded the alarm that Proposal 3 and others like it would inflict irreversible medical damage on young people.
"Essentially, it’s guaranteed that your child is going to be rendered sterile by these interventions, such as puberty blockage and cross-sex hormones," Dr. Lappert asserted, "and that is something your child cannot fully understand nor give informed consent to and, certainly, something no parent would want."
Lappert further called puberty blockers "a public experiment" with unknown long-term effects.
Finally, Lappert suggested that the ultimate goal of the proposal is not the well-being of children but the destruction of families.
"The amendment asserts that the state somehow has more wisdom than the family that knows, and has loved, this child for all their life," he said. "That's a terrible idea. It's a terrible idea that must be rejected."

Abortion on demand

If the amendment to the state constitution passes, the use of the amendment to obtain medical transgender procedures for minors would be part of the broader enshrinement of abortion on demand with no restrictions, for women and minor girls alike.

Whitmer and others advocating for this proposal have argued that Proposal 3 would merely restore the abortion rights women had for 50 years under Roe, but Cleveland and Bishop Boyea both vehemently deny that assertion.

"If passed, the constitutional amendment would create an extreme regime in Michigan of abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason, without informed or parental consent, and paid for by taxpayers," writes Cleveland.

"The Reproductive Freedom for All initiative is the most extreme abortion proposal this country has ever witnessed," Boyea added. "Based on the wording of the proposed amendment, this initiative seeks to enshrine abortion up to, and including, the day of birth in our state constitution. ...

"It will also likely prohibit parental consent rights if your child wishes to pursue – or is being pressured into pursuing – medical procedures or chemical treatments intended to change the outward appearance of his or her biological sex," he added.

In other words, Cleveland argues, Proposal 3 in Michigan seeks to sacrifice "the children of the state — both born and unborn" through unfettered access to abortion and transgender treatment.

Whitmer's office did not respond to request for comment.
What they need to change is Joes diaper d some one needs to tell Joe the economy is not the best it has ever been. We are paying over $7000 a year more under dick head biden That stupid and can still lie his ass off.

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