Texas sheriff investigating DeSantis says Americans should 'embrace' migrant surge, give them jobs

Meanwhile....the "migrants" (ILLEGALS) are now suing DeSantis.

Wow, sneak in, get bussed somewhere, then sue. Illegals have it made here.

Meanwhile....the "migrants" (ILLEGALS) are now suing DeSantis.
Wow !!

These illegal assholes break into our house and, even before their backs are dry, they start creating even more problems for us.

They need to round them all up and ship them out. Doesn't matter where they go - as long as they're not here.
Wow !!

These illegal assholes break into our house and, even before their backs are dry, they start creating even more problems for us.

They need to round them all up and ship them out. Doesn't matter where they go - as long as they're not here.

I say, if it can be proven that the Lawyers approached the Migrants first, and told them to sue, then they should be dis- barred. The problem was never people who want to come here but Liberals who have ruined it for everyone..... Citizens, Legal Migrants, and now hoards of illegal ones who are also suffering and dying because of the American Liberal induced chaos. They always ruin a good thing.
Wow !!

These illegal assholes break into our house and, even before their backs are dry, they start creating even more problems for us.

They need to round them all up and ship them out. Doesn't matter where they go - as long as they're not here.
Soros funds these people.

Better idea: drop Soros over Guatemala, from 12,000 feet
Meanwhile....the "migrants" (ILLEGALS) are now suing DeSantis.

Wow, sneak in, get bussed somewhere, then sue. Illegals have it made here.

A sherrif is telling people to break the law by hiring illigal aliens? Has he been arrested yet or at least fired?
If I was someone who came in through the citizenship program or had parents who did I'd be mad as shit at having to work to get into America then see some cowboy asswipe just say "just let em come in and give them a job".
A sherrif is telling people to break the law by hiring illigal aliens? Has he been arrested yet or at least fired?
Nah. They are now busy drumming up another charge against trump with a lawsuit.
Meanwhile...the new mantra of "Save America" is hogwash. It's now lost. We are in the throes of the fall of rome syndrome.
Well, Texas policing really has changed. Does he understand how borders and capitalism are supposed to work? Rules for immigrants from overseas, special rules for those treating America like a flop house?

Texas sheriff investigating DeSantis says Americans should 'embrace' migrant surge, give them jobs

Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar, who opened a criminal investigation this week into migrant flights to Martha's Vineyard, said Tuesday that the solution to the ongoing migrant crisis is to open up more legal pathways for people to come to the United States.

"At some point, you’re going to have to embrace that this is happening to a certain extent. I would say, look, you’ve got people who want to work… and you've got a shortage of workers," he told CNN on Tuesday.

"Hire these folks. Give them the opportunity to work legally, and then make sure that the employers that are employing them are doing it the right way and paying them correctly. And then here’s the catch: tax them on it."

Salazar, a Democrat, said that some migrants should be denied if the vetting process determines that they have a "criminal" or "terrorist" background.
why won't the people of MV give them jobs? Why did they round them up and confine them to a military base?
Yeah, sure we should all embrace the intentional dilution and ultimate murder of our culture and national identity towards the grand cause of sucking off ideological zealotry. Thanks, but no thanks, not ever.

One thing about the funeral and all the attendant pageantry surrounding the death of Elizabeth II, the Brits refused to go woke. Just looking at some of the still photographs was wonderful.

It was what both Britain and America once looked like in everyday life, that which the left has worked since the 1960s to obliterate with their maniacal destruction of Western culture.

Enoch Powell, a British MP, made his famous 'Rivers of Blood' speech in 1968. It was prescient.

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