Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank

Kind of obvious isn't it.

40 years ago kids knew the difference between male and female, it wasn't even questioned?!?

What changed?

Today many kids question their own gender and are very confused in life.

There is a connection between what they are learning in public schools and these new fads and trends.

Yes, I have 6, how about you?
There’s absolutely nothing in the original diary nor the recent comic book version that could possibly be construed as making any kids “confused about gender”

There’s a brief scene where Anne writes about noticing she and her friend are both getting breasts and wanting to compare and her friend refusing.

I think 13 year olds can handle that.
There’s absolutely nothing in the original diary nor the recent comic book version that could possibly be construed as making any kids “confused about gender”

There’s a brief scene where Anne writes about noticing she and her friend are both getting breasts and wanting to compare and her friend refusing.

I think 13 year olds can handle that.

Do you have kids?
A graphic novel is simply a novel written in comic strip format. The word graphic simply means visual.

Teenagers don't need visuals in the books they read.

But it looks like more tha pics were added. Wonder why?

Anne Frank’s Diary, in Graphic Form, Reveals Its Humor

Into this quagmire bravely wade Ari Folman and David Polonsky, the creators of “Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation,” a stunning, haunting work of art that is unfortunately marred by some questionable interpretive choices. As Folman acknowledges in an adapter’s note, the text, preserved in its entirety, would have resulted in a graphic novel of 3,500 pages. At times he reproduces whole entries verbatim, but more often he diverges freely from the original, collapsing multiple entries onto a single page and replacing Anne’s droll commentary with more accessible (and often more dramatic) language. Polonsky’s illustrations, richly detailed and sensitively rendered, work marvelously to fill in the gaps, allowing an image or a facial expression to stand in for the missing text and also providing context about Anne’s historical circumstances that is, for obvious reasons, absent from the original. The tightly packed panels that result, in which a line or two adapted from the “Diary” might be juxtaposed with a bit of invented dialogue between the Annex inhabitants or a dream vision of Anne’s, do wonders at fitting complex emotions and ideas into a tiny space — a metaphor for the Secret Annex itself.
If your middle school aged children can be “harmed” by such mild content as found in this comic book, then you’re not doing a very good job as a parent.

If you think I give a damn about your opinion about my children, you're not doing a very good job at thinking.
While previous versions of Frank's diary omitted sections in which she wrote about sexuality, the 2018 graphic novel adapted by Ari Folman and illustrated by David Polonsky, remains faithful to the original text.

Horsey covered this waaaaaay back in the thread.


Maybe read before responding with a ridiculous attempt at a gotcha?

So why the change?
Graphic novels are widely accepted now as part of our shared cultural legacy.

GNs like Dark Knight, Watchmen, Maus and this masterful take on DOAYG are part of the evolution of culture and expression, and are widely read and enormously influential.

You might be more of a 300 type however...
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If your middle school aged children can be “harmed” by such mild content as found in this comic book, then you’re not doing a very good job as a parent.
I think a lot of this has roots in deeply buried awareness and memory of same sex attraction, particularly at that age.

Same sex attractions, or crushes, are nearly universal, but conservative fear of this natural human phenomenon fuels their homophobia.

Anne & breasts not her own were thus VERY triggering for them.

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