Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank

Yes. You really think modern Jr High kids couldn't handle a diary from another Jr. High kid 80 years ago? What planet are you on?

That's not the question though.

The diary has been taught for many decades in this country, without this kind of backlash.

But, we're not talking about the original, but a new graphic version.

Why the switch?

Jr High kids don't need pics to read a story, and they surely don't need some substitute teacher with a demented agenda reading it to them.
In comes another lefty with another lie.

Anne Frank’s Diary, in Graphic Form, Reveals Its Humor

Into this quagmire bravely wade Ari Folman and David Polonsky, the creators of “Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation,” a stunning, haunting work of art that is unfortunately marred by some questionable interpretive choices. As Folman acknowledges in an adapter’s note, the text, preserved in its entirety, would have resulted in a graphic novel of 3,500 pages. At times he reproduces whole entries verbatim, but more often he diverges freely from the original, collapsing multiple entries onto a single page and replacing Anne’s droll commentary with more accessible (and often more dramatic) language. Polonsky’s illustrations, richly detailed and sensitively rendered, work marvelously to fill in the gaps, allowing an image or a facial expression to stand in for the missing text and also providing context about Anne’s historical circumstances that is, for obvious reasons, absent from the original. The tightly packed panels that result, in which a line or two adapted from the “Diary” might be juxtaposed with a bit of invented dialogue between the Annex inhabitants or a dream vision of Anne’s, do wonders at fitting complex emotions and ideas into a tiny space — a metaphor for the Secret Annex itself.
The content in question, dupe.
That's not the question though.

The diary has been taught for many decades in this country, without this kind of backlash.

But, we're not talking about the original, but a new graphic version.

Why the switch?

Jr High kids don't need pics to read a story, and they surely don't need some substitute teacher with a demented agenda reading it to them.
Because its a comic book and kids can't handle literature any more...
That's not the question though.

The diary has been taught for many decades in this country, without this kind of backlash.

But, we're not talking about the original, but a new graphic version.

Why the switch?

Jr High kids don't need pics to read a story, and they surely don't need some substitute teacher with a demented agenda reading it to them.
What god forsaken place did you go to school?
Anne questioning her sexuality has always been part of the discussion. We, as in adults, used to understand that this was a normal part of adolescence as young people begin to discover who they are or might become.

Grow up.
Well you certainly implied that the tame puberty-related sexual references were pornographic or somehow unsuitable.

It’s silly to think middle school children can’t handle such mild content.
Didn't imply any such thing. I can't help it that "pornographic" leapt into your mind when discussing tween school children. Says volumes about you.
Great, now get the others to do the same. :beer:
The dangerously delusional conservative belief that schools are exposing children to inappropriate materials may be a sign that such conservatives should explore home schooling rather than subjecting others to their dangerous delusions.

A tragedy for their chlldren no doubt, but at least the children of those not triggered by delusional beliefs won't be forced to further suffer.

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