Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank

There’s absolutely nothing in the original diary nor the recent comic book version that could possibly be construed as making any kids “confused about gender”

There’s a brief scene where Anne writes about noticing she and her friend are both getting breasts and wanting to compare and her friend refusing.

I think 13 year olds can handle that.
exactly its just a young girls feelings of first dealing hormones and puberty. she was just still learning about it all.
That's not the question though.

The diary has been taught for many decades in this country, without this kind of backlash.

But, we're not talking about the original, but a new graphic version.

Why the switch?

Jr High kids don't need pics to read a story, and they surely don't need some substitute teacher with a demented agenda reading it to them.
I really hope that conservatives with a bizarre need to control the mild & age-appropriate content that the children of others may see pursue home schooling options instead. :)
I really hope that conservatives with a bizarre need to control the mild & age-appropriate content that the children of others may see pursue home schooling options instead. :)
this isn't political just immature parents making immature kids immature.
What god forsaken place did you go to school?
Anne questioning her sexuality has always been part of the discussion. We, as in adults, used to understand that this was a normal part of adolescence as young people begin to discover who they are or might become.

Grow up.
Crushes? :eek:

At 13? :eek: :eek:

I can certainly see why some people are so triggered...

1) The OP title and comments is misleading. It was not Anne Frank, it was a passage out of a controversial adaptation of Anne Frank which presents her as having lesbian fantasies and showing her genetalia to another girl.

2) Why the fuck did this substitute teacher choose that single passage out of a 283 page book???
Additionally, if there was an issue the VP or Principal could have just said "hey, Karens have complained, just stick with the approved books." The incredible lack of support by admin for staff or just lack of common sense in how to handle this is breath taking.

But the real problem is the incredible lack of trust by administration for staff; the unwillingness of administrators to review the material in question and make an informed, factual determination, rather than kowtow to meritless complaints.

But the real problem is the incredible lack of trust by administration for staff; the unwillingness of administrators to review the material in question and make an informed, factual determination, rather than kowtow to meritless complaints.
yet they had it on reading list from the beginning of the year.
Didn't imply any such thing. I can't help it that "pornographic" leapt into your mind when discussing tween school children. Says volumes about you.
Then what’s your problem with this graphic novel?
What god forsaken place did you go to school?

I went to school in a time and place where Anne Frank was assigned in school.

The difference being, the adults of the time knew what was age appropriate and what wasn't.

They taught and referenced the story of Anne Frank as a victim of the Holocaust and the horrors that went along with it.

Too bad the gender confused adults of today can't do the same.

There's good reason the public school system is a huge failure. They're teaching kids too much about what kids shouldn't know at an early age and not enough of what they should know.

They're not adults at all, they're children in an adults body. Mentally unfit, and shouldn't have anything whatsoever to do with teaching kids.

1) The OP title and comments is misleading. It was not Anne Frank, it was a passage out of a controversial adaptation of Anne Frank which presents her as having lesbian fantasies and showing her genetalia to another girl.

2) Why the fuck did this substitute teacher choose that single passage out of a 283 page book???
it was she wrote it. it was taken out then added back in the refined edition . she actually wrote it., do your research. all this dude did was was use the refined edition in a comic version the did the art if. stop being stupid. the school had it on the reading list from the beginning of the year why did they leave it on? why did they not go through reading list and have it removed it was a problem?
I went to school in a time and place where Anne Frank was assigned in school.

The difference being, the adults of the time knew what was age appropriate and what wasn't.

They taught and referenced the story of Anne Frank as a victim of the Holocaust and the horrors that went along with it.

Too bad the gender confused adults of today can't do the same.

There's good reason the public school system is a huge failure. They're teaching kids too much about what kids shouldn't know at an early age and not enough of what they should know.

They're not adults at all, they're children in an adults body. Mentally unfit, and shouldn't have anything whatsoever to do with teaching kids.
Why the hell did a substitute teacher choose this particular content out of a 283 page book that is about the holocaust??
Lemme take a wild guess - SHE is lesbian.
I went to school in a time and place where Anne Frank was assigned in school.

The difference being, the adults of the time knew what was age appropriate and what wasn't.

They taught and referenced the story of Anne Frank as a victim of the Holocaust and the horrors that went along with it.

Too bad the gender confused adults of today can't do the same.

There's good reason the public school system is a huge failure. They're teaching kids too much about what kids shouldn't know at an early age and not enough of what they should know.

They're not adults at all, they're children in an adults body. Mentally unfit, and shouldn't have anything whatsoever to do with teaching kids.
she did nothing wrong. people had issues with the defenative edition too cause she said she wanted were bra and have a period. you all need to grow up.

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