Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank

Dang it someone beat me to it...
Of course, this is no surprise, considering what Biden supporters bring to the table. This was completely omitted by the original poster. He clearly tried to make it out as if this the school is some kind of a pro Nazi school.

It’s all the more telling because Democrats and neoconservative support sending money to neo-Nazis in Ukraine. They just don’t give a damn about the Hypocrisy or humanity.

They will not acknowledge or don’t care that a small portion of Ukraine’s military are Nazis. The only military in the world where Nazis are part of the regular army.

I’ve actually asked the number of the Biden supporters with a ukraine flag to tell me their opinion about Adolf Hitler and the third Reich, like the cowards Or nazis they are they won’t ever address it. I even told them I’m not here to get angry with them whatever their opinion is, you’re entitled to it. But these are the people were dealing with.
I really hope that conservatives with a bizarre need to control the mild & age-appropriate content that the children of others may see pursue home schooling options instead. :)

Yea, it's much better that baby killers who don't know the difference between male and female control it. :rolleyes:

Public schools are failing, and guess who's been in charge of them? :eusa_whistle:
Your projection is breathtaking. LOL
Conservatives have decided to make public schools a battleground in the right’s war on facts, education, and the truth; to use lies and fearmongering to advance their authoritarian agenda – in this case the lie that this teacher’s instruction was somehow ‘wrong’ or ‘inappropriate,’ when that’s clearly not the case.
but it was on school. reading list
Doesn't answer the question... why did the teacher choose this specific part of the book aloud in class??
It is a 283 page book about a child's nightmare experience during the holocaust. Yet this teacher chose that particular part.
Sounds to me like a little agenda pushing to me.
Also - maybe I am missing it, but I went through 3 separate stories on this and can't find any that mention what grade this class was??
ther was nude pics in bok. the artist made sure it was ok for kids. read his articles on it.

Read the NY Times article on the book. :eusa_whistle:

Anne Frank’s Diary, in Graphic Form, Reveals Its Humor

Into this quagmire bravely wade Ari Folman and David Polonsky, the creators of “Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation,” a stunning, haunting work of art that is unfortunately marred by some questionable interpretive choices. As Folman acknowledges in an adapter’s note, the text, preserved in its entirety, would have resulted in a graphic novel of 3,500 pages. At times he reproduces whole entries verbatim, but more often he diverges freely from the original, collapsing multiple entries onto a single page and replacing Anne’s droll commentary with more accessible (and often more dramatic) language. Polonsky’s illustrations, richly detailed and sensitively rendered, work marvelously to fill in the gaps, allowing an image or a facial expression to stand in for the missing text and also providing context about Anne’s historical circumstances that is, for obvious reasons, absent from the original. The tightly packed panels that result, in which a line or two adapted from the “Diary” might be juxtaposed with a bit of invented dialogue between the Annex inhabitants or a dream vision of Anne’s, do wonders at fitting complex emotions and ideas into a tiny space — a metaphor for the Secret Annex itself.
Conservatives have decided to make public schools a battleground in the right’s war on facts, education, and the truth; to use lies and fearmongering to advance their authoritarian agenda – in this case the lie that this teacher’s instruction was somehow ‘wrong’ or ‘inappropriate,’ when that’s clearly not the case.
LOL and Progressives stand for Truth, Justice and THE AMERICAN WAY!. LOL You're entertaining, if nothing else.
Once again.......

When you get past the faux liberal crocodile tears and leaving out critical parts of the story... you get to the truth. The teacher chose one particular page where Anne wrote about genitalia and fantasizing about her friend who is also a girl.

Gee... no agenda here - just a coincidence!!
She just opened the book, and just happened to fall on that page.

I hope she loses her license as well.
she did nothing wrong. people had issues with the defenative edition too cause she said she wanted were bra and have a period. you all need to grow up.

I'm grown up enough not to justify child abuse in public schools.

You lefties need to admit you have failed our public school children and change course.

Start teaching the things you get paid to teach.
No one objects to Anne Frank being taught in the schools. The problem is with the new, uncut, XXX version of her work that came out, and its appropriateness for middle school kids.

If they wanted to teach the traditional PG-rated edition, there wouldn't be a problem.
Once again.......

When you get past the faux liberal crocodile tears and leaving out critical parts of the story... you get to the truth. The teacher chose one particular page where Anne wrote about genitalia and fantasizing about her friend who is also a girl.

Gee... no agenda here - just a coincidence!!
She just opened the book, and just happened to fall on that page.

I hope she loses her license as well.

That was the most important part for her.

It wasn't that Anne Frank was a victim of the Holocaust, it was that she had sexual thoughts.

Sad what our school systems have become.
From what I can tell, it wasn't the actual diary of Anne Frank (a work that some claim to be a hoax in the first place). I'm reading that it was an illustrators "adaptation" of the supposed work. So I can see how that might cause a problem.
Conservatives have decided to make public schools a battleground in the right’s war on facts, education, and the truth; to use lies and fearmongering to advance their authoritarian agenda – in this case the lie that this teacher’s instruction was somehow ‘wrong’ or ‘inappropriate,’ when that’s clearly not the case.
They're mortgaging the future of their children in a war fueled by their triggered delusions.

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