Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank

Teenagers don't need visuals in the books they read.
JFC bro.

It's 2023.

Are you a supporter of the Taliban?
But it looks like more tha pics were added. Wonder why?
Because art.

You know, that thing the Taliban likes to destroy, & does, daily.
Anne Frank’s Diary, in Graphic Form, Reveals Its Humor

Into this quagmire bravely wade Ari Folman and David Polonsky, the creators of “Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation,” a stunning, haunting work of art that is unfortunately marred by some questionable interpretive choices. As Folman acknowledges in an adapter’s note, the text, preserved in its entirety, would have resulted in a graphic novel of 3,500 pages. At times he reproduces whole entries verbatim, but more often he diverges freely from the original, collapsing multiple entries onto a single page and replacing Anne’s droll commentary with more accessible (and often more dramatic) language. Polonsky’s illustrations, richly detailed and sensitively rendered, work marvelously to fill in the gaps, allowing an image or a facial expression to stand in for the missing text and also providing context about Anne’s historical circumstances that is, for obvious reasons, absent from the original. The tightly packed panels that result, in which a line or two adapted from the “Diary” might be juxtaposed with a bit of invented dialogue between the Annex inhabitants or a dream vision of Anne’s, do wonders at fitting complex emotions and ideas into a tiny space — a metaphor for the Secret Annex itself.
The GN in question is a masterpiece, and worthy of winning a Pulitzer.
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If you think I give a damn about your opinion about my children, you're not doing a very good job at thinking.
If you think decent people with integrity will allow a Talibani conservative make the choice about what THEIR children see, then you're more batshit crazy than said decent people with integrity could previously have imagined.
It's been many years since I was in school but if you understand English you will understand it does not state which portions she read.

A Texas middle school teacher has been fired after assigning an unapproved illustrated version of Anne Frank's Diary to her eighth grade reading class. Per a report from KFDM, a spokesperson for Hamshire-Fannett ISD, located south of Beaumont, released a statement confirming the teacher was sent home on Wednesday after reading a passage from Anne Frank's Diary: The Graphic Adaptation in which Frank wrote about male and female genitalia. An investigation into the incident has since ensued.

The article notes she read from the book and then the author described the book.

And even if she did, students at that age should be able to read or hear the entire book.
But it’s OK for them and Younger Children to hear about Transgender and the physical sex changes, or even worse for a biological girl to see male genitalia?
Every 13 year old girl who’s ever written a diary has probably opined on the changes happening to her body. Nothing could possibly be more natural or relatable to other teens the same age.

If you think that’s “pornographic” or something, then there’s something wrong with you.

Do you think the kids are going to turn the page and there’s going to be graphic drawings of Peter (or whatever the boy in the attics name was) and Anne fucking or something? What do you think is in this graphic novel? It’s just tame, normal 13 year old girl stuff, and it’s not even a major part of it.
That you are putting quotes around words I didn't use says there's something wrong with you
That you are putting quotes around words I didn't use says there's something wrong with you
Well you certainly implied that the tame puberty-related sexual references were pornographic or somehow unsuitable.

It’s silly to think middle school children can’t handle such mild content.
I have no problem with teens being provided age appropriate facts.
I’m not talking about teens Talking about elementary school Why is it OK to talk about the Transgender life style making it acceptable yet banning Ann Frank’s book?
The content is the same, dupe.

In comes another lefty with another lie.

Anne Frank’s Diary, in Graphic Form, Reveals Its Humor

Into this quagmire bravely wade Ari Folman and David Polonsky, the creators of “Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation,” a stunning, haunting work of art that is unfortunately marred by some questionable interpretive choices. As Folman acknowledges in an adapter’s note, the text, preserved in its entirety, would have resulted in a graphic novel of 3,500 pages. At times he reproduces whole entries verbatim, but more often he diverges freely from the original, collapsing multiple entries onto a single page and replacing Anne’s droll commentary with more accessible (and often more dramatic) language. Polonsky’s illustrations, richly detailed and sensitively rendered, work marvelously to fill in the gaps, allowing an image or a facial expression to stand in for the missing text and also providing context about Anne’s historical circumstances that is, for obvious reasons, absent from the original. The tightly packed panels that result, in which a line or two adapted from the “Diary” might be juxtaposed with a bit of invented dialogue between the Annex inhabitants or a dream vision of Anne’s, do wonders at fitting complex emotions and ideas into a tiny space — a metaphor for the Secret Annex itself.

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