Thank a Liberal today for strengthening support for DJT.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
While you're doing whatever it is you do today to celebrate our Nations Presidents take the opportunity to thank a Liberal friend or family member for their steadfast assistance in paving the way for President Trump to be elected.
For years high quality, hard working, prideful American's lost faith in government and nearly gave up. If it weren't for the loud mouth Liberals who kept pushing their twisted agendas we may still be asleep at the wheel and watching this country continue to degrade from a distance.
INSTEAD....legitimate, real American's feel empowered again, they're fed up, pissed off and poised to take THEIR country back.
Thanks Liberals...and congratulations!
maybe you should just thank the Russian Hackers... who stole our election.
Thank a Liberal today for strengthening support for DJT
Will do as soon as I can find one, so far nothing but authoritarian, gub'mint worshipers pretending to be liberals. ;)
I have a number of 'them' within my family circle ...I'm hosting a big BBQ today and have lots of adult beverage on hand. This should be quite entertaining by late afternoon. I think I'll have all my surveillance cameras recording...I'll bet some quality footage will be captured...haha
Thank the dopey GOP who destroyed the public faith in gov , leaving the door open for a 3rd party guy like trump to slide in .
Thank the dopey GOP who destroyed the public faith in gov , leaving the door open for a 3rd party guy like trump to slide in .

I know the default answer is "anybody else" but I'm curious...which GOP candidate would you have preferred be elected?
More like, thanks to Republican operative Kris Kobach for the creation of Interstate Crosscheck, which illegally purged tens of thousands of minority voters from the voter rolls throughout the country, effectively allowing Donald to win in key swing states and thus, securing enough electoral college votes to win despite losing the popular vote by 3 million votes.

There aren't enough old white, racist men in this country for Republican candidates to win fair and square, so they have to devise elaborate plans such as Crosscheck if they want to win. In other words, they have to cheat. This election was stolen.

The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters
More like, thanks to Republican operative Kris Kobach for the creation of Interstate Crosscheck, which illegally purged tens of thousands of minority voters from the voter rolls throughout the country, effectively allowing Donald to win in key swing states and thus, securing enough electoral college votes to win despite losing the popular vote by 3 million votes.

There aren't enough old white, racist men in this country for Republican candidates to win fair and square, so they have to devise elaborate plans such as Crosscheck if they want to win. In other words, they have to cheat. This election was stolen.

The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters
and the butthurt goes on, and the butthurt goes on.
More like, thanks to Republican operative Kris Kobach for the creation of Interstate Crosscheck, which illegally purged tens of thousands of minority voters from the voter rolls throughout the country, effectively allowing Donald to win in key swing states and thus, securing enough electoral college votes to win despite losing the popular vote by 3 million votes.

There aren't enough old white, racist men in this country for Republican candidates to win fair and square, so they have to devise elaborate plans such as Crosscheck if they want to win. In other words, they have to cheat. This election was stolen.

The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters
and the butthurt goes on, and the butthurt goes on.

That's not butthurt, that's a fact. That is exactly what happened, and when the ACLU takes the GOP to court over Interstate Crosscheck -- which they are, Trump is going to get slammed.
More like, thanks to Republican operative Kris Kobach for the creation of Interstate Crosscheck, which illegally purged tens of thousands of minority voters from the voter rolls throughout the country, effectively allowing Donald to win in key swing states and thus, securing enough electoral college votes to win despite losing the popular vote by 3 million votes.

There aren't enough old white, racist men in this country for Republican candidates to win fair and square, so they have to devise elaborate plans such as Crosscheck if they want to win. In other words, they have to cheat. This election was stolen.

The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters
and the butthurt goes on, and the butthurt goes on.

That's not butthurt, that's a fact. That is exactly what happened, and when the ACLU takes the GOP to court over Interstate Crosscheck -- which they are, Trump is going to get slammed.
and the butthurt goes on, and the butt hurt goes on.
The more the Lefturds demonstrate, the stronger President Trump's support will become.
More like, thanks to Republican operative Kris Kobach for the creation of Interstate Crosscheck, which illegally purged tens of thousands of minority voters from the voter rolls throughout the country, effectively allowing Donald to win in key swing states and thus, securing enough electoral college votes to win despite losing the popular vote by 3 million votes.

There aren't enough old white, racist men in this country for Republican candidates to win fair and square, so they have to devise elaborate plans such as Crosscheck if they want to win. In other words, they have to cheat. This election was stolen.

The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters
and the butthurt goes on, and the butthurt goes on.

That's not butthurt, that's a fact. That is exactly what happened, and when the ACLU takes the GOP to court over Interstate Crosscheck -- which they are, Trump is going to get slammed.
Slammed with what?
How do you desperate souls even come up with this shit?
The more the Lefturds demonstrate, the stronger President Trump's support will become.

Then why do you guys (and Trump) lose your shit when you see demonstrators.

Here's the thing. The demonstrators have put the fear of God into the GOP. That's why they aren't talking smack about repealling the ACA anymore.
The more the Lefturds demonstrate, the stronger President Trump's support will become.

Then why do you guys (and Trump) lose your shit when you see demonstrators.

Here's the thing. The demonstrators have put the fear of God into the GOP. That's why they aren't talking smack about repealling the ACA anymore.

You really believe that??

The protestors have proven themselves to be uninformed sheep who have no idea what they're protesting. Who can possibly fear them?
Joey doesn't realize that people aren't "losing their shit" about the protests...they are POINTING AND LAUGHING.

You really believe that??

The protestors have proven themselves to be uninformed sheep who have no idea what they're protesting. Who can possibly fear them?

All the GOP congressmen who are terrified to go to town halls or arent' talking smack about repealing the ACA unless they have something better in place that their constituents won't crucify them over.

They are already saying they won't have a repeal until next year.

Think about that. They've been talking about repealing it for 6 years now, and really, nothing can stop them, except they know their constituents will crucify them if they do.
More like, thanks to Republican operative Kris Kobach for the creation of Interstate Crosscheck, which illegally purged tens of thousands of minority voters from the voter rolls throughout the country, effectively allowing Donald to win in key swing states and thus, securing enough electoral college votes to win despite losing the popular vote by 3 million votes.

There aren't enough old white, racist men in this country for Republican candidates to win fair and square, so they have to devise elaborate plans such as Crosscheck if they want to win. In other words, they have to cheat. This election was stolen.

The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters
What did she win?

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