Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Are you willing to implement the same rules here?

Kudos on your cut & paste. It doesn't change the fact that they have the highest gun ownership in the world (nearly 1 out of two people) - exceeding the U.S. And they have a lower crime rate. If liberals would stop banning firearms in Chicago, New York, D.C., etc. - we would do. The blood is on your hands Corny. Somehow, I don't think you really care though.

Got your dancing shoes on early today…..

That is what a “well regulated militia” looks like and what-do-you-know…very few gun deaths because whack jobs like you that think they should be able to buy landmines are laughed out of the room.

Thanks for proving my point better than I ever could have.

What a bizarre response (as I pointed out - that is a trend with you as you continue to be so thoroughly defeated). I didn't "dance" at all. I didn't avoid the question (as you liberals do), I didn't change the subject (as you liberals do), I didn't give a nonsensical response (as you liberals do). I addressed it head on and proved that more guns in the hands of citizens equals more peace.

I addressed it head on and proved that more guns in the hands of citizens equals more peace.


We have more guns than they do and we have more gun deaths.

You’ve proven nothing except you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Still think you should be able to buy land mines?
Cars are super regulated. Safety inspected each year in most states. You must carry liability insurance. You must have a license to operate one. Have built in safety features in many models such as collision avoidance, safety belts, and air bags. Cops set up checkpoints at random to make sure the drivers are sober, you have insurance, and are licensed to be firing err I mean driving.

Put those well-regulated implements into firearms and you’ll see a bunch of people feel a lot better. Would you mind?


Corny just admitted that gun control is all about control for her. She doesn't care that more people die every year in automobiles than by guns. She's just excited that automobiles are (and I quote) "super regulated".

Corny....I thought this was about saving lives for you?!? At least, that's the lie you tell all the time. More people die in automobiles, so clearly your "super regulated" regulations aren't working (just like they wouldn't for guns).

Cars are super regulated. Safety inspected each year in most states. You must carry liability insurance. You must have a license to operate one. Have built in safety features in many models such as collision avoidance, safety belts, and air bags. Cops set up checkpoints at random to make sure the drivers are sober, you have insurance, and are licensed to be firing err I mean driving.

Put those well-regulated implements into firearms and you’ll see a bunch of people feel a lot better. Would you mind?


Corny just admitted that gun control is all about control for her. She doesn't care that more people die every year in automobiles than by guns. She's just excited that automobiles are (and I quote) "super regulated".

Corny....I thought this was about saving lives for you?!? At least, that's the lie you tell all the time. More people die in automobiles, so clearly your "super regulated" regulations aren't working (just like they wouldn't for guns).


If you submit the guns to the same regulations, I’d be much more comfortable about racist scumbags like yourself having guns; thats true. As for “admitting”…there is nothing to admit. Statistics are statistics

Put another way,

you ban automobiles, you have fewer automobile deaths. However society needs them. So you can’t do that dummy.
you ban guns, you have fewer gun deaths. However some parts of society need them. So you can’t do that in those parts.
You have to realize - liberals don't care that people die. They just want to ban an inanimate object that they were conditioned to have an irrational fear of.

More people die every single year in automobiles than by firearms - yet every liberal is happy to ride in a vehicle and none of them call to ban automobiles.

Cars are super regulated. Safety inspected each year in most states. You must carry liability insurance. You must have a license to operate one. Have built in safety features in many models such as collision avoidance, safety belts, and air bags. Cops set up checkpoints at random to make sure the drivers are sober, you have insurance, and are licensed to be firing err I mean driving.

Proof that Corny doesn't care about human life at all. She cares about control over other people. More people die in automobiles but that's fine with her because of a litany of costly regulations (insurance, inspections, etc.).

And what an asinine list. Inspecting the automobiles does nothing to prevent deaths as it is the driver and not the car that causes deaths. Carrying insurance certainly does nothing to prevent deaths as it is the driver and not the car that causes deaths.

But all of those are costly regulations and that's what gets control freak Corny all frothy. How insignificant is your life Corny that you crave control over other people's lives? Get a job already. Volunteer. Find God. Do something other than sitting around on USMB seething over the fact that your fellow citizens have freedom and don't have to answer to you.
Put another way, you ban automobiles, you have fewer automobile deaths. However society needs them. So you can’t do that dummy.

Wow. Corny sweetie, you are digging deeper with each post after you accidentally admitted that you don't care about human life and that control is what you crave.

First of all, who cares if "society needs them" if they are killing people? How many mom's and dad's had the heartache of standing over the casket of their sons and daughters who were killed in an automobile accidents? How many little boys and girls endured the unbearable heart ache of standing at the casket of their moms or dads who were killed in an automobile accidents? You are one sick and heartless creature.

Secondly, society does not need them. The Amish have been proving that since the beginning of time. Just another in your long list of lies.
Cars are super regulated. Safety inspected each year in most states. You must carry liability insurance. You must have a license to operate one. Have built in safety features in many models such as collision avoidance, safety belts, and air bags. Cops set up checkpoints at random to make sure the drivers are sober, you have insurance, and are licensed to be firing err I mean driving.

There it is. An accidental moment of honesty from a liberal about gun control. Not the slightest bit of concern for the more than 30,000 people every year that die from automobiles because people have to buy insurance and registration tags :cuckoo: was never about lives with liberals. If it was, they wouldn't celebrate millions of abortions per years. And they would focus on automobiles before guns since automobiles cause more deaths. It is about control.
Put another way, you ban automobiles, you have fewer automobile deaths. However society needs them. So you can’t do that dummy.

Wow. Corny sweetie, you are digging deeper with each post after you accidentally admitted that you don't care about human life and that control is what you crave.

First of all, who cares if "society needs them" if they are killing people? How many mom's and dad's had the heartache of standing over the casket of their sons and daughters who were killed in an automobile accidents? How many little boys and girls endured the unbearable heart ache of standing at the casket of their moms or dads who were killed in an automobile accidents? You are one sick and heartless creature.

Secondly, society does not need them. The Amish have been proving that since the beginning of time. Just another in your long list of lies.

And the Amish are a backwards society that is dying.

I like our society much better than that one. You’re now stating that automobiles are not essential for our society and that you should be able to buy landmines at Wal-Mart.

:dig: As long as you keep digging, I’ll be happy to keep handing you shovels.

You have to realize - liberals don't care that people die. They just want to ban an inanimate object that they were conditioned to have an irrational fear of.

More people die every single year in automobiles than by firearms - yet every liberal is happy to ride in a vehicle and none of them call to ban automobiles.

Cars are super regulated. Safety inspected each year in most states. You must carry liability insurance. You must have a license to operate one. Have built in safety features in many models such as collision avoidance, safety belts, and air bags. Cops set up checkpoints at random to make sure the drivers are sober, you have insurance, and are licensed to be firing err I mean driving.

Proof that Corny doesn't care about human life at all. She cares about control over other people. More people die in automobiles but that's fine with her because of a litany of costly regulations (insurance, inspections, etc.).

And what an asinine list. Inspecting the automobiles does nothing to prevent deaths as it is the driver and not the car that causes deaths. Carrying insurance certainly does nothing to prevent deaths as it is the driver and not the car that causes deaths.

But all of those are costly regulations and that's what gets control freak Corny all frothy. How insignificant is your life Corny that you crave control over other people's lives? Get a job already. Volunteer. Find God. Do something other than sitting around on USMB seething over the fact that your fellow citizens have freedom and don't have to answer to you.

Liability insurance should be issued for each gun sold….a hefty 1,000,000 dollar “mayhem tax”…just like we have for cigarettes.
Australia has tough gun laws.
They have very few gun deaths.

We have tons of guns.
We have tons of gun deaths.

Coincidence? No.

Australia had few gun deaths before they confiscated their guns....and their criminals still have guns after the confiscation...they gained nothing from confiscating guns.

Australia is seeing an increase in gun crime........with confiscation and extreme gun control...

We have increased our gun ownership by 10s of millions and our gun murder rate has gone down.....

That is because most men are conscripted into the military and have the weapon as part of their service. Afterword…here are the restrictions according to Wikipedia:

Buying guns[edit]
In order to purchase most weapons, the purchaser must obtain a weapon acquisition permit (Art. 8 WG). Swiss citizens over the age of 18 who are not psychiatrically disqualified nor identified as posing security problems, and who have a clean criminal record can request such a permit. Foreigners with the following citizenship are explicitly excluded from the right to possess weapons: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Algeria and Albania (Art. 12, WV). The following information must be provided to the cantonal weapon bureau together with the weapon application form:

  • valid official identification or passport copy
  • residence address
  • criminal record copy not older than 3 months
For each transfer of a weapon or an essential weapon component without weapons acquisition permit (Art. 10 WG), a written contract must be concluded. Each Party shall keep them at least ten years. The contract must include the following information (Art. 11 WG):

  • Family name, first name, birth date, residence address and signature of the person who sells the weapon or essential weapon component
  • Family name, first name, birth date, residence address and signature of the person who purchases the weapon or an essential weapon component
  • Kind of weapon, manufacturer or producer, label, caliber, weapon number, and date and place of transfer;
  • Type and number of official identification of the person who acquires the weapon or the essential weapon component
  • and an indication of the processing of personal data in connection with the contract in accordance with the privacy policy of the Federation or the cantons, if firearms are transmitted.
This information must be sent within 30 days to the cantonal weapon registration bureau, where the weapon holders are registered (Art. 9 WG).

Some weapons do not need a weapon acquisition permit (Art. 10 WG):

  • Single-shot and multi-barreled hunting rifles and replicas of single-shot muzzle
  • By the Federal Council designated hand bolt-action rifles, which are commonly used in off-duty and sporting gunnery recognized by the military law of 3 February 1952 and shooting clubs for hunting purposes in Switzerland
  • Single-shot rabbit slayer;
  • Compressed air and CO2 weapons that develop a muzzle energy of at least 7.5 joules, or may be confused because of their appearance with real firearms
Buying Ammunition[edit]

Ready ammunition of the Swiss Army. Soldiers equipped with the Sig 550 assault rifle used to be issued 50 rounds of ammunition in a sealed can, to be opened only upon alert and for use while en route to join their unit. This practice was stopped in 2007.[10]
In order to purchase ammunition the buyer must follow the same legal rules that apply to buying guns. The buyer can only buy munition for guns that he/she legally owns and must provide the following information to the seller (Art. 15, 16 WG; Art 24 WV):[8][9]

  • valid official identification or passport (and must be older than 18 and who are not psychiatrically disqualified nor identified as posing security problems, and must not be a citizen of the following countries (Art. 12 WV): Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Algeria and Albania)
  • residence address
  • criminal record copy not older than 3 months
  • weapon acquisition permit not older than 2 years, or a weapon carrying permit not older than 5 years
This also applies for weapons which do not require a weapon acquisition permit (see above, excluding the weapon acquisition permit, of course).

This information must be sent within 30 days to the cantonal weapon registration bureau, where the weapon holder is registered.

The same applies to black powder and modern black powder substitutes for use in firing historical rifles.

A Swiss 100 gram black powder container.
The possession of the following munition is generally prohibited:

  • Ammunition with armor-piercing bullets
  • Ammunition with projectiles containing an explosive or incendiary device
  • Ammunition with one or more floors to the release of substances which damage the health of people in the long run
  • Ammunition, missiles and missile launchers for military explosive
  • Ammunition with projectiles for transmitting electric shocks
  • Ammunition for handguns with deformation effect
Carrying guns[edit]
To carry a loaded firearm in public or outdoors (and for an individual who is a member of the militia carrying a firearm other than his Army-issue personal weapons off-duty), a person must have a Waffentragbewilligung (gun carrying permit), which in most cases is issued only to private citizens working in occupations such as security.[8] It is, however, quite common to see a person serving military service to be en route with his rifle, albeit unloaded.[11]

Are you willing to implement the same rules here?

Wrong.....only military ammo is recorded....and please...explain how a mass shooter, with a rifle and a sealed can of ammo can't do a mass shooting if they decide to?

And how exactly do any of the above laws stop criminals if they decide to break the law?

Switzerland has huge numbers of fully automatic, military rifles in private hands...and a low gun crime guys have no clue about all...

That is because most men are conscripted into the military and have the weapon as part of their service. Afterword…here are the restrictions according to Wikipedia:

Buying guns[edit]
In order to purchase most weapons, the purchaser must obtain a weapon acquisition permit (Art. 8 WG). Swiss citizens over the age of 18 who are not psychiatrically disqualified nor identified as posing security problems, and who have a clean criminal record can request such a permit. Foreigners with the following citizenship are explicitly excluded from the right to possess weapons: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Algeria and Albania (Art. 12, WV). The following information must be provided to the cantonal weapon bureau together with the weapon application form:

  • valid official identification or passport copy
  • residence address
  • criminal record copy not older than 3 months
For each transfer of a weapon or an essential weapon component without weapons acquisition permit (Art. 10 WG), a written contract must be concluded. Each Party shall keep them at least ten years. The contract must include the following information (Art. 11 WG):

  • Family name, first name, birth date, residence address and signature of the person who sells the weapon or essential weapon component
  • Family name, first name, birth date, residence address and signature of the person who purchases the weapon or an essential weapon component
  • Kind of weapon, manufacturer or producer, label, caliber, weapon number, and date and place of transfer;
  • Type and number of official identification of the person who acquires the weapon or the essential weapon component
  • and an indication of the processing of personal data in connection with the contract in accordance with the privacy policy of the Federation or the cantons, if firearms are transmitted.
This information must be sent within 30 days to the cantonal weapon registration bureau, where the weapon holders are registered (Art. 9 WG).

Some weapons do not need a weapon acquisition permit (Art. 10 WG):

  • Single-shot and multi-barreled hunting rifles and replicas of single-shot muzzle
  • By the Federal Council designated hand bolt-action rifles, which are commonly used in off-duty and sporting gunnery recognized by the military law of 3 February 1952 and shooting clubs for hunting purposes in Switzerland
  • Single-shot rabbit slayer;
  • Compressed air and CO2 weapons that develop a muzzle energy of at least 7.5 joules, or may be confused because of their appearance with real firearms
Buying Ammunition[edit]

Ready ammunition of the Swiss Army. Soldiers equipped with the Sig 550 assault rifle used to be issued 50 rounds of ammunition in a sealed can, to be opened only upon alert and for use while en route to join their unit. This practice was stopped in 2007.[10]
In order to purchase ammunition the buyer must follow the same legal rules that apply to buying guns. The buyer can only buy munition for guns that he/she legally owns and must provide the following information to the seller (Art. 15, 16 WG; Art 24 WV):[8][9]

  • valid official identification or passport (and must be older than 18 and who are not psychiatrically disqualified nor identified as posing security problems, and must not be a citizen of the following countries (Art. 12 WV): Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Algeria and Albania)
  • residence address
  • criminal record copy not older than 3 months
  • weapon acquisition permit not older than 2 years, or a weapon carrying permit not older than 5 years
This also applies for weapons which do not require a weapon acquisition permit (see above, excluding the weapon acquisition permit, of course).

This information must be sent within 30 days to the cantonal weapon registration bureau, where the weapon holder is registered.

The same applies to black powder and modern black powder substitutes for use in firing historical rifles.

A Swiss 100 gram black powder container.
The possession of the following munition is generally prohibited:

  • Ammunition with armor-piercing bullets
  • Ammunition with projectiles containing an explosive or incendiary device
  • Ammunition with one or more floors to the release of substances which damage the health of people in the long run
  • Ammunition, missiles and missile launchers for military explosive
  • Ammunition with projectiles for transmitting electric shocks
  • Ammunition for handguns with deformation effect
Carrying guns[edit]
To carry a loaded firearm in public or outdoors (and for an individual who is a member of the militia carrying a firearm other than his Army-issue personal weapons off-duty), a person must have a Waffentragbewilligung (gun carrying permit), which in most cases is issued only to private citizens working in occupations such as security.[8] It is, however, quite common to see a person serving military service to be en route with his rifle, albeit unloaded.[11]

Are you willing to implement the same rules here?

Please explain how any of those laws keep a criminal from using guns for crime.....?

Please explain how any of those laws keeps a mass shooter from shooting people....?

On Swiss gun laws....

And more current from time...

The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works |

The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works |

The authorities made one concession, though: since 2008, all military — but not private — ammunition must be stored in central arsenals rather than in soldiers’ homes. The debate culminated in a nationwide referendum last year, when 56% of voters rejected the proposal initiated by anti-gun organizations to ban army rifles from homes altogether.


One of the reasons the crime rate in Switzerland is low despite the prevalence of weapons — and also why the Swiss mentality can’t be transposed to the current American reality — is the culture of responsibility and safety that is anchored in society and passed from generation to generation.

Kids as young as 12 belong to gun groups in their local communities, where they learn sharpshooting.

The Swiss Shooting Sports Association runs about 3,000 clubs and has 150,000 members, including a youth section.

Many members keep their guns and ammunition at home, while others choose to leave them at the club. And yet, despite such easy access to pistols and rifles, “no members have ever used their guns for criminal purposes,” says Max Flueckiger, the association’s spokesperson.

That is because most men are conscripted into the military and have the weapon as part of their service. Afterword…here are the restrictions according to Wikipedia:

Buying guns[edit]
In order to purchase most weapons, the purchaser must obtain a weapon acquisition permit (Art. 8 WG). Swiss citizens over the age of 18 who are not psychiatrically disqualified nor identified as posing security problems, and who have a clean criminal record can request such a permit. Foreigners with the following citizenship are explicitly excluded from the right to possess weapons: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Algeria and Albania (Art. 12, WV). The following information must be provided to the cantonal weapon bureau together with the weapon application form:

  • valid official identification or passport copy
  • residence address
  • criminal record copy not older than 3 months
For each transfer of a weapon or an essential weapon component without weapons acquisition permit (Art. 10 WG), a written contract must be concluded. Each Party shall keep them at least ten years. The contract must include the following information (Art. 11 WG):

  • Family name, first name, birth date, residence address and signature of the person who sells the weapon or essential weapon component
  • Family name, first name, birth date, residence address and signature of the person who purchases the weapon or an essential weapon component
  • Kind of weapon, manufacturer or producer, label, caliber, weapon number, and date and place of transfer;
  • Type and number of official identification of the person who acquires the weapon or the essential weapon component
  • and an indication of the processing of personal data in connection with the contract in accordance with the privacy policy of the Federation or the cantons, if firearms are transmitted.
This information must be sent within 30 days to the cantonal weapon registration bureau, where the weapon holders are registered (Art. 9 WG).

Some weapons do not need a weapon acquisition permit (Art. 10 WG):

  • Single-shot and multi-barreled hunting rifles and replicas of single-shot muzzle
  • By the Federal Council designated hand bolt-action rifles, which are commonly used in off-duty and sporting gunnery recognized by the military law of 3 February 1952 and shooting clubs for hunting purposes in Switzerland
  • Single-shot rabbit slayer;
  • Compressed air and CO2 weapons that develop a muzzle energy of at least 7.5 joules, or may be confused because of their appearance with real firearms
Buying Ammunition[edit]

Ready ammunition of the Swiss Army. Soldiers equipped with the Sig 550 assault rifle used to be issued 50 rounds of ammunition in a sealed can, to be opened only upon alert and for use while en route to join their unit. This practice was stopped in 2007.[10]
In order to purchase ammunition the buyer must follow the same legal rules that apply to buying guns. The buyer can only buy munition for guns that he/she legally owns and must provide the following information to the seller (Art. 15, 16 WG; Art 24 WV):[8][9]

  • valid official identification or passport (and must be older than 18 and who are not psychiatrically disqualified nor identified as posing security problems, and must not be a citizen of the following countries (Art. 12 WV): Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Algeria and Albania)
  • residence address
  • criminal record copy not older than 3 months
  • weapon acquisition permit not older than 2 years, or a weapon carrying permit not older than 5 years
This also applies for weapons which do not require a weapon acquisition permit (see above, excluding the weapon acquisition permit, of course).

This information must be sent within 30 days to the cantonal weapon registration bureau, where the weapon holder is registered.

The same applies to black powder and modern black powder substitutes for use in firing historical rifles.

A Swiss 100 gram black powder container.
The possession of the following munition is generally prohibited:

  • Ammunition with armor-piercing bullets
  • Ammunition with projectiles containing an explosive or incendiary device
  • Ammunition with one or more floors to the release of substances which damage the health of people in the long run
  • Ammunition, missiles and missile launchers for military explosive
  • Ammunition with projectiles for transmitting electric shocks
  • Ammunition for handguns with deformation effect
Carrying guns[edit]
To carry a loaded firearm in public or outdoors (and for an individual who is a member of the militia carrying a firearm other than his Army-issue personal weapons off-duty), a person must have a Waffentragbewilligung (gun carrying permit), which in most cases is issued only to private citizens working in occupations such as security.[8] It is, however, quite common to see a person serving military service to be en route with his rifle, albeit unloaded.[11]

Are you willing to implement the same rules here?

To emphasize my point.......

Please explain how any of those laws stop criminals from using guns illegally.......

Please explain how any of those laws stop mass shooters from using guns to murder people in malls, schools, theaters, or churches...

Switzerland has a low crime rate because their people do not engage in crime....

In order to purchase most weapons, the purchaser must obtain a weapon acquisition permit

Okay....a mass shooter would do this without breaking a sweat.....a criminal just steals their weapon....or like here gets a person who can get a permit to buy the gun for them...

Your point fails....

Foreigners with the following citizenship are explicitly excluded from the right to possess weapons: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Algeria and Albania (Art. 12, WV). The following information must be provided to the cantonal weapon bureau together with the weapon application form:

Okay.....again...criminals either get someone who is a citizen to buy the weapon for them or they steal it.....

Your point fails again....

For each transfer of a weapon or an essential weapon component without weapons acquisition permit (Art. 10 WG), a written contract must be concluded. Each Party shall keep them at least ten years. The contract must include the following information (Art. 11 WG):

Okay...again....criminals will get normal citizens to go through the permit process....or steal the weapon....a mass shooter will just go through the permit process....

Your point fails...again...

Not one thing you posted about Swiss gun laws accounts for their low gun crime rate or gun murder rate or mass shooting rate....

Do you understand that?

Australia has tough gun laws.
They have very few gun deaths.

We have tons of guns.
We have tons of gun deaths.

Coincidence? No.

So is that because of guns or something else?

If you look at the chart (ask if you can't find it) you will see that Australia had just as many gun deaths and murders before the gun ban as after. One change that did take place is that rapes in Australia went up 50% after the ban was put into place (scroll back to my earlier post 647 with the charts.)

True, if you have more guns, you will have more gun deaths, just like if you have more knives, you will have more knife deaths, and if you have more cars on the road, you will have more vehicle deaths.
You have to realize - liberals don't care the people die. They just want to ban an inanimate object that they were conditioned to have an irrational fear of.

More people die every single year in automobiles than by firearms - yet every liberal is happy to ride in a vehicle and none of them call to ban automobiles.

Cars are super regulated. Safety inspected each year in most states. You must carry liability insurance. You must have a license to operate one. Have built in safety features in many models such as collision avoidance, safety belts, and air bags. Cops set up checkpoints at random to make sure the drivers are sober, you have insurance, and are licensed to be firing err I mean driving.

Put those well-regulated implements into firearms and you’ll see a bunch of people feel a lot better.

Would you mind?

Guns have all the safety features that they do we know....

in 2013 there were over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands....

Accidental gun deaths... 505

Accidental car deaths....35,000

Cars are not a cannot levy a Poll Tax or a Literacy test on the Right to cannot do the equivelent to the Right to carry a gun......
Cars are super regulated. Safety inspected each year in most states. You must carry liability insurance. You must have a license to operate one. Have built in safety features in many models such as collision avoidance, safety belts, and air bags. Cops set up checkpoints at random to make sure the drivers are sober, you have insurance, and are licensed to be firing err I mean driving.

Put those well-regulated implements into firearms and you’ll see a bunch of people feel a lot better. Would you mind?


Corny just admitted that gun control is all about control for her. She doesn't care that more people die every year in automobiles than by guns. She's just excited that automobiles are (and I quote) "super regulated".

Corny....I thought this was about saving lives for you?!? At least, that's the lie you tell all the time. More people die in automobiles, so clearly your "super regulated" regulations aren't working (just like they wouldn't for guns).


If you submit the guns to the same regulations, I’d be much more comfortable about racist scumbags like yourself having guns; thats true. As for “admitting”…there is nothing to admit. Statistics are statistics

Put another way,

you ban automobiles, you have fewer automobile deaths. However society needs them. So you can’t do that dummy.
you ban guns, you have fewer gun deaths. However some parts of society need them. So you can’t do that in those parts.

Yes...statistics are statistics....and you refuse to face them.....

357,000,000 million guns in private 2015

8,124 gun murders in 2014 70-80% of the victims are not normal citizens but criminals engaged in criminal activity or associations with other violent criminals...

That leaves around 1,642 innocent people murdered with guns.

Each year there are 1,500,000 million innocent Americans who use guns to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives...

You refuse to recognize the significance of those numbers......and you cling...very bitterly, to your lies and half truths about gun in the United States.

Not one thing you believe about guns is true or accurate.
You have to realize - liberals don't care that people die. They just want to ban an inanimate object that they were conditioned to have an irrational fear of.

More people die every single year in automobiles than by firearms - yet every liberal is happy to ride in a vehicle and none of them call to ban automobiles.

Cars are super regulated. Safety inspected each year in most states. You must carry liability insurance. You must have a license to operate one. Have built in safety features in many models such as collision avoidance, safety belts, and air bags. Cops set up checkpoints at random to make sure the drivers are sober, you have insurance, and are licensed to be firing err I mean driving.

Proof that Corny doesn't care about human life at all. She cares about control over other people. More people die in automobiles but that's fine with her because of a litany of costly regulations (insurance, inspections, etc.).

And what an asinine list. Inspecting the automobiles does nothing to prevent deaths as it is the driver and not the car that causes deaths. Carrying insurance certainly does nothing to prevent deaths as it is the driver and not the car that causes deaths.

But all of those are costly regulations and that's what gets control freak Corny all frothy. How insignificant is your life Corny that you crave control over other people's lives? Get a job already. Volunteer. Find God. Do something other than sitting around on USMB seething over the fact that your fellow citizens have freedom and don't have to answer to you.

Liability insurance should be issued for each gun sold….a hefty 1,000,000 dollar “mayhem tax”…just like we have for cigarettes.

Yes....and when the democrats leveled a Poll Tax on the Right of Blacks to vote it was found to be unconstitutional.......leveling a Poll Tax on the Right to carry a gun is just as evil.....and just as racist...since the poor will be most impacted by any fake tax on democrats never give up the you?
That shuts them up every time...
Only the people who think nuclear weapons are firearms.
The rest of us? Not so much.
Nothing in any of that nonsense negates the fact that the 2nd protects any firearm suitable for any of the traditionally legal purposes for same.
It says, Bear Arms, not guns. Now what?
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

Nothing in any of that nonsense negates the fact that the 2nd protects any firearm suitable for any of the traditionally legal purposes for same.
It does not say Firearm. It says, Bear Arms. Lots of arms around, right?

At least one here thinks you can own personal nukes. Anything the government has you should be able to have. That's his position.
Anyone with a 2nd Grade education and the ability to read knows that strategic assets are reserved to the Federal Government by the Constitution.
Where does it say you can't make or own a nuclear arm?

It doesn't, those are laws, like gun restrictions, that came later.
Only the people who think nuclear weapons are firearms.
The rest of us? Not so much.
Nothing in any of that nonsense negates the fact that the 2nd protects any firearm suitable for any of the traditionally legal purposes for same.
It says, Bear Arms, not guns. Now what?
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

Nothing in any of that nonsense negates the fact that the 2nd protects any firearm suitable for any of the traditionally legal purposes for same.
It does not say Firearm. It says, Bear Arms. Lots of arms around, right?

At least one here thinks you can own personal nukes. Anything the government has you should be able to have. That's his position.
Anyone with a 2nd Grade education and the ability to read knows that strategic assets are reserved to the Federal Government by the Constitution.
Where does it say you can't make or own a nuclear arm?
Why do you continue to lie about this?

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