THANK YOU Libertarians for electing Biden!! Free college soon

We don’t need the Senate Biden will just executive order free college

Sounds good, and when you get out of college Biden will only add an additional 30% tax on your income to help pay for that "free" college....dumbass.

True. But what did we get from W when he had both houses? The TSA and a new prescription drug welfare benefit in Medicare
Near trillion dollar deficits, the Patriot Act and NSA spying, an entirely new cabinet-level bureaucracy (DHS), John Roberts....Chimpola Bush and the "republican" congress confirmed everything that libertarians had been saying about the GOP since 1972.
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Are the election over yet and is it 267 for Biden/Harris and 266 for moron? :102:
It means that nobody is a mind reader....When I was still voting libertarian, I would have abstained if that option wasn't available.
No you wouldn’t have

I think that it is yes.
Those people are so arrogant and self important that they think that not participating makes them superior in some weird way.
Look at what's going on in Michigan and Wisconsin right now, and try to tell me how my vote would have counted for anything.

I made that point somewhere else.
Still doesn't make you right - it just confirms that you are irrelevant.

As a libertarian who did cross over to vote for Trump, I can tell you that you're not going to recruit any more this way. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016, but Trump in 2020.

.You're going to have to make the case that Republicans are worth supporting. The good news is that you have the right words, smaller government. The bad news is you're going to have to actually do it, not just talk about it.

This year Democrats did it for you for those of us who did by going nuts. But do you want to keep relying on that? I doubt I'll vote Republican in 2024

Not really looking to recruit people who think that shutting down the Government is good Government.
Not really looking to recruit people who don't understand the system.

President Trump gained pretty substantially with the AA vote and The Hispanic Vote.
Those voters and suburban women need to be further recruited.
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

Did you not read the story?
I ignored it because it is bullshit.

That's ignorant.
Its stupid to think trump deserved a a vote from a person with a different ideology just because the OP thinks biden sucks.

A Libertarian who actually wanted to participate in the system would have voted against the Authoritarian Left and for President Trump
3rd party people have the inferior position of non involvement while deluding themselves into feeling superior.
So, you think libertarians owe Republicans votes because the they have no choice? The other guy is so much worse?

Do you hear yourself?

But, all this makes a strong argument for rank-choice voting. Just saying.

Not sure you will get this -
The only 2 people running for President were Donald Trump and Joe Biden
One was going to win.
If you care about your country, you vote for the one that you think would be the greater help, even if it's only a slight difference.
To just sit back and not participate is the pussy way out - no better way to put it.
No, I get it just fine.

You think libertarians owe Republicans a vote because Democrats suck.

Just say what you really mean. Libertarians should not get a choice outside the duopoly, right?
They should get a choice. But if they offered better candidates maybe more people would back them. Jo Jorgensen was a horrible choice.
Remember that dumbfuck Gary? What a horrible candidate
Agreed, and he was the best the LP has ever done.

Is this NOT over you will take the question????
WTF you talkin bout Willis?
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

Did you not read the story?
I ignored it because it is bullshit.

That's ignorant.
Its stupid to think trump deserved a a vote from a person with a different ideology just because the OP thinks biden sucks.

A Libertarian who actually wanted to participate in the system would have voted against the Authoritarian Left and for President Trump
3rd party people have the inferior position of non involvement while deluding themselves into feeling superior.
So, you think libertarians owe Republicans votes because the they have no choice? The other guy is so much worse?

Do you hear yourself?

But, all this makes a strong argument for rank-choice voting. Just saying.

Not sure you will get this -
The only 2 people running for President were Donald Trump and Joe Biden
One was going to win.
If you care about your country, you vote for the one that you think would be the greater help, even if it's only a slight difference.
To just sit back and not participate is the pussy way out - no better way to put it.
No, I get it just fine.

You think libertarians owe Republicans a vote because Democrats suck.

Just say what you really mean. Libertarians should not get a choice outside the duopoly, right?
They should get a choice. But if they offered better candidates maybe more people would back them. Jo Jorgensen was a horrible choice.
Remember that dumbfuck Gary? What a horrible candidate
Agreed, and he was the best the LP has ever done.
Austin Peterson is who they should have run!

For what?
It means that nobody is a mind reader....When I was still voting libertarian, I would have abstained if that option wasn't available.
No you wouldn’t have

I think that it is yes.
Those people are so arrogant and self important that they think that not participating makes them superior in some weird way.
Look at what's going on in Michigan and Wisconsin right now, and try to tell me how my vote would have counted for anything.

I made that point somewhere else.
Still doesn't make you right - it just confirms that you are irrelevant.

As a libertarian who did cross over to vote for Trump, I can tell you that you're not going to recruit any more this way. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016, but Trump in 2020.

.You're going to have to make the case that Republicans are worth supporting. The good news is that you have the right words, smaller government. The bad news is you're going to have to actually do it, not just talk about it.

This year Democrats did it for you for those of us who did by going nuts. But do you want to keep relying on that? I doubt I'll vote Republican in 2024

Not really looking to recruit people who think that shutting down the Government is good Government.
Not really looking to recruit people who don't understand the system.

President Trump gained pretty substantially with the AA vote and The Hispanic Vote.
Those voters and suburban women need to be further recruited.
He also did a good job recruiting the gay community. Democrats are pretty pissed about this on social media.
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

Did you not read the story?
I ignored it because it is bullshit.

That's ignorant.
Its stupid to think trump deserved a a vote from a person with a different ideology just because the OP thinks biden sucks.

A Libertarian who actually wanted to participate in the system would have voted against the Authoritarian Left and for President Trump
3rd party people have the inferior position of non involvement while deluding themselves into feeling superior.
So, you think libertarians owe Republicans votes because the they have no choice? The other guy is so much worse?

Do you hear yourself?

But, all this makes a strong argument for rank-choice voting. Just saying.

Not sure you will get this -
The only 2 people running for President were Donald Trump and Joe Biden
One was going to win.
If you care about your country, you vote for the one that you think would be the greater help, even if it's only a slight difference.
To just sit back and not participate is the pussy way out - no better way to put it.
No, I get it just fine.

You think libertarians owe Republicans a vote because Democrats suck.

Just say what you really mean. Libertarians should not get a choice outside the duopoly, right?
They should get a choice. But if they offered better candidates maybe more people would back them. Jo Jorgensen was a horrible choice.
Remember that dumbfuck Gary? What a horrible candidate
Agreed, and he was the best the LP has ever done.
Austin Peterson is who they should have run!

For what?
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!
are the libertarians aka the Never Trumpers?
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!

There is no such thing as "FREE" college, Jerk. Someone still has to pay for it, and I'll laugh when Biden's free college actually comes around to bite you in the ass in ways you never dreamed!

Dems are out to screw you to the wall and you're stupid enough to actually believe you're getting something "free."

One will have to wonder if the corporate farms will still be getting all this "free" money if Biden does end up winning.
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!
are the libertarians aka the Never Trumpers?
No....A lot of them supported Trump, for the singular reason that he is the outsider that they had been trying to get elected for decades.

Judging by the immense dropoff of support for the LP candidate this time around, it's safe to say that nearly all of them showed up for Trump.
We don’t need the Senate Biden will just executive order free college

Sounds good, and when you get out of college Biden will only add an additional 30% tax on your income to help pay for that "free" college....dumbass.

True. But what did we get from W when he had both houses? The TSA and a new prescription drug welfare benefit in Medicare
Near trillion dollar deficits, the Patriot Act and NSA spying an entirely new cabinet-level bureaucracy (DHS), John Roberts....Chimpola Bush and the "republican" congress cofirmed everything that libertarians had been saying about the GOP since 1972.

Yep. Even though I voted for Trump this time, Republicans did nothing to earn my vote. Democrats just convinced me they are totally nuts and are playing Russian Roulette with five of the six chambers of the gun loaded with the country.

The election turnout isn't a disaster. Joe is ineffective and Republicans control the Senate. Quagmire rules!
We don’t need the Senate Biden will just executive order free college

Sounds good, and when you get out of college Biden will only add an additional 30% tax on your income to help pay for that "free" college....dumbass.

True. But what did we get from W when he had both houses? The TSA and a new prescription drug welfare benefit in Medicare
Near trillion dollar deficits, the Patriot Act and NSA spying an entirely new cabinet-level bureaucracy (DHS), John Roberts....Chimpola Bush and the "republican" congress cofirmed everything that libertarians had been saying about the GOP since 1972.

Yep. Even though I voted for Trump this time, Republicans did nothing to earn my vote. Democrats just convinced me they are totally nuts and are playing Russian Roulette with five of the six chambers of the gun loaded with the country.

The election turnout isn't a disaster. Joe is ineffective and Republicans control the Senate. Quagmire rules!
Presuming that the commiecrats are interested in using legislation to achieve their agenda.
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!
are the libertarians aka the Never Trumpers?
No....A lot of them supported Trump, for the singular reason that he is the outsider that they had been trying to get elected for decades.

Judging by the immense dropoff of support for the LP candidate this time around, it's safe to say that nearly all of them showed up for Trump.

The libertarians I know who overwhelmingly voted regularly for the Libertarian Party largely voted for Trump. Certainly not all. And for the same reason as me, the Democrats have gone certifiably insane.

I don't know a libertarian in real life who argued for Democrats much less voted for them. I've never met a libertarian in real life like dblack who thinks Democrats are better than Republicans
We don’t need the Senate Biden will just executive order free college

Sounds good, and when you get out of college Biden will only add an additional 30% tax on your income to help pay for that "free" college....dumbass.

True. But what did we get from W when he had both houses? The TSA and a new prescription drug welfare benefit in Medicare
Near trillion dollar deficits, the Patriot Act and NSA spying an entirely new cabinet-level bureaucracy (DHS), John Roberts....Chimpola Bush and the "republican" congress cofirmed everything that libertarians had been saying about the GOP since 1972.

Yep. Even though I voted for Trump this time, Republicans did nothing to earn my vote. Democrats just convinced me they are totally nuts and are playing Russian Roulette with five of the six chambers of the gun loaded with the country.

The election turnout isn't a disaster. Joe is ineffective and Republicans control the Senate. Quagmire rules!
Presuming that the commiecrats are interested in using legislation to achieve their agenda.

True, but Republicans having the Senate prevents ending the filibuster and stacking the court, their most extreme threats
It means that nobody is a mind reader....When I was still voting libertarian, I would have abstained if that option wasn't available.
No you wouldn’t have

I think that it is yes.
Those people are so arrogant and self important that they think that not participating makes them superior in some weird way.
Look at what's going on in Michigan and Wisconsin right now, and try to tell me how my vote would have counted for anything.

I made that point somewhere else.
Still doesn't make you right - it just confirms that you are irrelevant.

As a libertarian who did cross over to vote for Trump, I can tell you that you're not going to recruit any more this way. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016, but Trump in 2020.

.You're going to have to make the case that Republicans are worth supporting. The good news is that you have the right words, smaller government. The bad news is you're going to have to actually do it, not just talk about it.

This year Democrats did it for you for those of us who did by going nuts. But do you want to keep relying on that? I doubt I'll vote Republican in 2024

Not really looking to recruit people who think that shutting down the Government is good Government.
Not really looking to recruit people who don't understand the system.

President Trump gained pretty substantially with the AA vote and The Hispanic Vote.
Those voters and suburban women need to be further recruited.

OK, but then why are you saying libertarians should vote Republican if now you're saying we don't share your priorities?

I like you a lot, Billie. Not trying to argue with you. Just discuss, that's all.

My philosophy is that government is the worst solution to every problem. When is the worst solution the best solution? When it's the only solution.

Police, military, roads, courts, management of limited resources, recognition of property rights are 90% of what government should do. Those all require one arbiter. You can't have 12 police forces where 8 think someone is a criminal and 4 don't. You can't have three militaries. You can't have different property lines between your house and your neighbors.

But anything the market can do, the market can do better
It means that nobody is a mind reader....When I was still voting libertarian, I would have abstained if that option wasn't available.
No you wouldn’t have

I think that it is yes.
Those people are so arrogant and self important that they think that not participating makes them superior in some weird way.
Look at what's going on in Michigan and Wisconsin right now, and try to tell me how my vote would have counted for anything.

I made that point somewhere else.
Still doesn't make you right - it just confirms that you are irrelevant.

As a libertarian who did cross over to vote for Trump, I can tell you that you're not going to recruit any more this way. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016, but Trump in 2020.

.You're going to have to make the case that Republicans are worth supporting. The good news is that you have the right words, smaller government. The bad news is you're going to have to actually do it, not just talk about it.

This year Democrats did it for you for those of us who did by going nuts. But do you want to keep relying on that? I doubt I'll vote Republican in 2024

Not really looking to recruit people who think that shutting down the Government is good Government.
Not really looking to recruit people who don't understand the system.

President Trump gained pretty substantially with the AA vote and The Hispanic Vote.
Those voters and suburban women need to be further recruited.

OK, but then why are you saying libertarians should vote Republican if now you're saying we don't share your priorities?

I like you a lot, Billie. Not trying to argue with you. Just discuss, that's all.

My philosophy is that government is the worst solution to every problem. When is the worst solution the best solution? When it's the only solution.

Police, military, roads, courts, management of limited resources, recognition of property rights are 90% of what government should do. Those all require one arbiter. You can't have 12 police forces where 8 think someone is a criminal and 4 don't. You can't have three militaries. You can't have different property lines between your house and your neighbors.

But anything the market can do, the market can do better

It's okay to be a Libertarian 364 days a year.
I share a lot of the "ideals" of Libertarians.
(Not the drugs - not the shut down the Govt. stuff.)
But on election day - every election day -
Realism has to take over.
It Libertarians ever want a seat at the table - they need to win House Seats, Senate Seats, Governorships.
Can't just think that any real change can be made at the Presidential level.
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!

“Free”? How old are you?
  • Funny
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It's okay to be a Libertarian 364 days a year.
I share a lot of the "ideals" of Libertarians.
(Not the drugs - not the shut down the Govt. stuff.)
But on election day - every election day -
Realism has to take over.
It Libertarians ever want a seat at the table - they need to win House Seats, Senate Seats, Governorships.
Can't just think that any real change can be made at the Presidential level.

The best people in Congress and Senate, the folks with the highest score in the Freedom Index card, are libertarians who carry an R for reasons that you clearly do not understand, but will certainly come to know, in time. They're our people. We put them there. The make the rest of your party look like a bunch of rabid statists. Remember that.

And libertine is not libertarian, winger.

Eductate yourself.
It's okay to be a Libertarian 364 days a year.
I share a lot of the "ideals" of Libertarians.
(Not the drugs - not the shut down the Govt. stuff.)
But on election day - every election day -
Realism has to take over.
It Libertarians ever want a seat at the table - they need to win House Seats, Senate Seats, Governorships.
Can't just think that any real change can be made at the Presidential level.

The best people in Congress and Senate, the folks with the highest score in the Freedom Index card, are libertarians who carry an R for reasons that you clearly do not understand, but will certainly come to know, in time. They're our people. We put them there. The make the rest of your party look like a bunch of rabid statists. Remember that.

And libertine is not libertarian, winger.

Eductate yourself.

And libertine is not libertarian
When did you figure that out?

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