Thank you President Obama...this is leadership.

I am honest. You dishonored my ancestors who walked the Trail of Tears, and you called one of their prodigy inappropriate names because you have so little respect for the reaming they took under President Jackson's calumnous theft of their rightful lands and properties by ignoring the Supreme Court's ruling in our favor in favor of giving his friends their covetous wishes.

<Second Stage Freudian insult omitted> you <inappropriate First Stage Freudian insult omitted>. I support the Natives of taking back their rights and declaring sovereignty from the U.S.

You are one of the most <inappropriate demonic curse omitted> I have ever come across. I hope you <inappropriate death threat omitted>. Please, stop preaching your Catholicism to me. It is pathetic.

I am an American taxpayer and voter, and I know my rights well, but you aren't as supportive of American natives as you think, considering how you treat but one of us on this very thread. Thanks for the compliment, but I am not a Roman Catholic, but I respect their propensity to build hospitals, build shelters for the poor, uplift the downhearted, and to survive those who misuse them on a nearly constant basis.
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I am an American taxpayer and voter, and I know my rights well, but you aren't as supportive of American natives as you think, considering how you treat but one of us on this very thread.

I would let native American states declare their own sovereignty, yet you accuse me of being hostile to Natives.

Please explain yourself.
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I am an American taxpayer and voter, and I know my rights well, but you aren't as supportive of American natives as you think, considering how you treat but one of us on this very thread.

I would let native American states declare their own sovereignty, yet you accuse me of being hostile to Natives.

Please explain yourself.

I already did.
I am an American taxpayer and voter, and I know my rights well, but you aren't as supportive of American natives as you think, considering how you treat but one of us on this very thread.

I would let native American states declare their own sovereignty, yet you accuse me of being hostile to Natives.

Please explain yourself.

I already did.

Ok then, you hate me for allowing native americans their national sovereignty.

What is your point again?
Give accolades where accolades are due...our President may have an ounce of leadership in him afterall...

There is, frankly, resistance on my side to do anything on entitlements. There is strong resistance on the Republican side to do anything on revenues. But if each side takes a maximalist position, if each side wants 100 percent of what its, you know, ideological predispositions are, then we can't get anything done, ------ President Obama"


About freakin time someone said it...both sides have painted themselves in a corner with their refusal to budge or compromise. Perhaps at least now in his Presidency Obama will be a leader that we so desperately need.

Read more: Democrats Claim Support for 'Big Deal' After Criticizing It -

Just exactly where do you see Obama Willing to Compromise? Did you even read the Democrat Budget proposal. Gut the DOD, and other Defense related agencies, and levy 2 Trillion in new taxes on the rich?

That's his idea of Compromise? Bullshit.

And while he says this shit, He continues to mislead the American People and Use Scare tactics. Claiming if we do not increase the Debt Limit we will Default. Anyone with an ounce of brains knows all we have to do to not Default is pay the Interest. Which the government takes in more than enough to pay each year with out Borrowing anymore money. The guy is a straight up fear mongering, Lying, Asshole, and I am sick of his False gestures of good will.

So tell me. WHERE the fuck is he willing to compromise. When is he going to be willing to even admit that the Real Problem is SS, and MC need to be reformed. Why did he Ram ObamaCare, and the Stimulus, and Omnibus down our throats and only now want's to talk about the need to compromise because his party no longer controls it all.

He is perhaps the most disingenuous, Condescending, Arrogant, and Partisan President I have ever witnessed and I am growing Very tired of his games.
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Give accolades where accolades are due...our President may have an ounce of leadership in him afterall...

There is, frankly, resistance on my side to do anything on entitlements. There is strong resistance on the Republican side to do anything on revenues. But if each side takes a maximalist position, if each side wants 100 percent of what its, you know, ideological predispositions are, then we can't get anything done, ------ President Obama"


About freakin time someone said it...both sides have painted themselves in a corner with their refusal to budge or compromise. Perhaps at least now in his Presidency Obama will be a leader that we so desperately need.

Read more: Democrats Claim Support for 'Big Deal' After Criticizing It -

Just exactly where do you see Obama Willing to Compromise? Did you even read the Democrat Budget proposal. Gut the DOD, and other Defense related agencies, and levy 2 Trillion in new taxes on the rich?

That's his idea of Compromise? Bullshit.

thats becasue he just talks....he spews out stuff and then...its vaporized and sh spews out more.....he deals in 'frameworks' not the real....
I would let native American states declare their own sovereignty, yet you accuse me of being hostile to Natives.

Please explain yourself.

I already did.

Ok then, you hate me for allowing native americans their national sovereignty.

What is your point again?

I have no hatred for you nor do I hold any person here any grudge. However, if I were your grandmother and your mother put me in charge of you for a few hours, I would remind her that a naughty mouth under my roof gets a good, thorough soaping. :D
I have no hatred for you nor do I hold any person here any grudge. However, if I were your grandmother and your mother put me in charge of you for a few hours, I would remind her that a naughty mouth under my roof gets a good, thorough soaping. :D

I have a naughty mouth. I don't hide from that fact. However, this naughty mouth loves liberty.

I do nothing, but fight in the name of liberty-- potty mouth or not.
Sure...Where was all of Boiking's spirit of compromise when he was jamming ObuttheadCare up our asses?

Sanctimonious dick.


He caved over and over in the Healtcare debate and every time he went to kick the football the GOP pulled it back and demanded more.

I have no hatred for you nor do I hold any person here any grudge. However, if I were your grandmother and your mother put me in charge of you for a few hours, I would remind her that a naughty mouth under my roof gets a good, thorough soaping. :D

I have a naughty mouth. I don't hide from that fact. However, this naughty mouth loves liberty.

I do nothing, but fight in the name of liberty-- potty mouth or not.
When and if you give up your potty mouth for liberty's causes, you maybe will have acquired the world's attention. You may be unable to do that. Ball's in your court.
Sure...Where was all of Boiking's spirit of compromise when he was jamming ObuttheadCare up our asses?

Sanctimonious dick.


He caved over and over in the Healtcare debate and every time he went to kick the football the GOP pulled it back and demanded more.


and now we know why, but that being said, obamacare passed...yes? not a single rep. vote?
I already said, I can compromise on a Nightwatchman state. How is that being utopian, you dumbass hack?
My goodness, you're simply not bright. Is your black hoodie too tight?

Anarchists tend to be as completely unrealistic as leftist Utopians.

It's a comparison. I'm not saying anarchism is a leftist Utopia. I'm saying they're equally unrealistic.

Get it now, dumbass?

You just provide empty talking points and expect me to go along with them. In fact, dictators do this a lot.

Please provide support for your claims or otherwise I will not take you seriously.
Show me ONE successful modern anarchist society.

Oh, and I don't give a shit if you take me seriously, kid. Dumbass anarchists don't have views worth considering.

I have no hatred for you nor do I hold any person here any grudge. However, if I were your grandmother and your mother put me in charge of you for a few hours, I would remind her that a naughty mouth under my roof gets a good, thorough soaping. :D

I have a naughty mouth. I don't hide from that fact. However, this naughty mouth loves liberty.

I do nothing, but fight in the name of liberty-- potty mouth or not.
When and if you give up your potty mouth for liberty's causes, you maybe will have acquired the world's attention. You may be unable to do that. Ball's in your court.

I am not trying to capture the world's attention. I am only an individual, speaking individual truth.

That is all.
. You're a real beacon of liberty. :cuckoo:

I am. How did I violate liberty?

Oh wait, you do not even have a basic understanding of liberty.

You are a rw kook, bye.
Wanting people to die because you disagree with them is not fighting for liberty. It's fascism.

Fighting for liberty is defined by Evelyn Beatrice Hall:

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

You fail to understand that. Therefore, YOU lack a basic understanding of liberty.

Me? I swore for 20 years to give my life in support of the Constitution. I have a far greater understanding of liberty than some stupid ass punk kid.

Dumbass kid. Where's that successful modern anarchist society? I can't help but notice you're ignoring the question.
Didn't Voltaire say that?

At any rate, Obama hasn't shown any leadership - yet. If the gubment get shuddown, I guess you could say he showed leadership (provided you agreed with his economics).

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