Thank you President Obama


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
NEW YORK – Stocks closed higher Friday, although in a tight trading range. For the Dow Jones industrial average and the Standard & Poor's 500 index, it was the sixth straight week of gains, which hasn't happened since late 2011. The Nasdaq composite index finished higher for the fifth straight week.

Driving stocks higher was rising consumer sentiment in August, robust retailer earnings, and a report showing the Conference Board's index of leading indicators rose in July.

Stock indexes close up for six straight weeks of gains

Great news for Mitt, too....more money for him to offshore to avoid paying taxes on.
You're just trying to tick off all those 'righties', aren't you? You will no doubt succeed. Stirring up the hornets' nest you are!
NEW YORK – Stocks closed higher Friday, although in a tight trading range. For the Dow Jones industrial average and the Standard & Poor's 500 index, it was the sixth straight week of gains, which hasn't happened since late 2011. The Nasdaq composite index finished higher for the fifth straight week.

Driving stocks higher was rising consumer sentiment in August, robust retailer earnings, and a report showing the Conference Board's index of leading indicators rose in July.

Stock indexes close up for six straight weeks of gains

Great news for Mitt, too....more money for him to offshore to avoid paying taxes on.

And Unemployment was the highest in July than it has been in some time.

Thank you Mr President.
NEW YORK – Stocks closed higher Friday, although in a tight trading range. For the Dow Jones industrial average and the Standard & Poor's 500 index, it was the sixth straight week of gains, which hasn't happened since late 2011. The Nasdaq composite index finished higher for the fifth straight week.

Driving stocks higher was rising consumer sentiment in August, robust retailer earnings, and a report showing the Conference Board's index of leading indicators rose in July.

Stock indexes close up for six straight weeks of gains

Great news for Mitt, too....more money for him to offshore to avoid paying taxes on.

This whole 'economics' thing is a tad hard for you, huh Ravster?
You're just trying to tick off all those 'righties', aren't you? You will no doubt succeed. Stirring up the hornets' nest you are!
Whenever the stock market dips, the right blames it on Obama. Therefore he deserves credit when we have six straight weeks of gains.

And the consumer confidence is also to his credit.
I wish something about both candidates would emerge making them indisputably unacceptable to voters so that another party would have to be embraced.
You're just trying to tick off all those 'righties', aren't you? You will no doubt succeed. Stirring up the hornets' nest you are!
Whenever the stock market dips, the right blames it on Obama. Therefore he deserves credit when we have six straight weeks of gains.

And the consumer confidence is also to his credit.

This 'right' that you speak of doesn't really exist. The 'right' are individuals, they don't do 'group think', that is the hallmark of the left.... herd.
Simplistic dichotomous thinking is 'herd' throughout the land, and the world.

And don't forget that $3.70/gal for gas!!!!!


You can thank China and India for these gas prices. They are not going down no matter who is President.

American gross overconsumption is to thank. The weight, size and lamentable inefficiency of autos in that country is grotesque. It is laughable for the US to use so much and then point the finger at others when they want some, too.

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