Thanks a bunch, Dubya

Gabriella84 said:
The blood of more Americans runs through the White House. Not that anyone there cares, of course. They are still figuring out how to avoid Rovergate and send people to Mars. :firing:

From Associated Press

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Fourteen U.S. Marines were killed today when a huge bomb destroyed their lightly armored vehicle, hurling it into the air in a giant fireball in the deadliest roadside bombing suffered by American forces in the Iraq war.

The deaths brought to 23 the number of Marines killed in the past week in fighting along the volatile Euphrates Valley of western Iraq and marked one of the bloodiest periods for U.S. forces in months.

In all, 44 American service members have died in Iraq since July 24 — all but two in combat.

The Marines killed today were assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines based in Brook Park, Ohio, a Cleveland suburb, and attached to the Regimental Combat Team-2. Nine of them were from a single smaller unit in Columbus. A civilian translator also was killed and one Marine was wounded.

No--I think they care, Gabby but they better get thier heads out of thier asses soon and develop a realsitic strategy in the military and ideological war. Whoever the hell you wanna blame for militarizing it, the ideological war is nearing a crucial stage IMHO.
We cannot leave Iraq without admitting defeat--plain and simple. The Iraqis are nowhere near being able to provide security for themselves and are in fact busy killing each other off on sectarian assasinations and massacres. Who are we kidding?? The second the last American boot leaves Iraq, the muslims will declare victory and commence to increase the infighting amongst themselves as they have for years. In the mean time, our troops are getting cut down daily.

My feelings are is that if we want to keep any type of control in that area to protect the worlds supply of oil we are going to have to at least double the amount of troops we have there and establish large PERMANENT bases. Like it or not--we simply cannot leave the area without dire consequences so we better start building the biggest damn military base in the mideast. An American "Israel" if you will in the middle of Arabia. Anything else WILL be another Viet Nam. We will have allowed our troops to be killed and what have we accomplished? Removed Saddam.

If Iraq has become the focal point for terrorists why in the hell are we even thinking about leaving it in the hands of an inept Iraqi militia?
dilloduck said:
No--I think they care, Gabby but they better get thier heads out of thier asses soon and develop a realsitic strategy in the military and ideological war. Whoever the hell you wanna blame for militarizing it, the ideological war is nearing a crucial stage IMHO.
We cannot leave Iraq without admitting defeat--plain and simple. The Iraqis are nowhere near being able to provide security for themselves and are in fact busy killing each other off on sectarian assasinations and massacres. Who are we kidding?? The second the last American boot leaves Iraq, the muslims will declare victory and commence to increase the infighting amongst themselves as they have for years. In the mean time, our troops are getting cut down daily.

My feelings are is that if we want to keep any type of control in that area to protect the worlds supply of oil we are going to have to at least double the amount of troops we have there and establish large PERMANENT bases. Like it or not--we simply cannot leave the area without dire consequences so we better start building the biggest damn military base in the mideast. An American "Israel" if you will in the middle of Arabia. Anything else WILL be another Viet Nam. We will have allowed our troops to be killed and what have we accomplished? Removed Saddam.

If Iraq has become the focal point for terrorists why in the hell are we even thinking about leaving it in the hands of an inept Iraqi militia?

And speaking of linking, can anyone find a close estimate to the number of trained Iraqi troops? I'm not just talking about the ones who have been given flak jackets here. If Rumsfeld is going to start talking about troop withdrawal (stupid IMHO), I sure would like to know what we are leaving Iraq in the hands of.
Gabriella84 said:
Tell that to their parents.
"The world is a better place without your kids!" :mad:

Hey wannabe-intellectual, elitist piece of trash .... just who the Hell are YOU to defile the names of better people than you with your blind, partisan bullshit?

When you take your dippy little ass to PI and survive what get's dished out, THEN you will have the right to judge your peers. Until that time, they are your betters.

In other words, shut your hate-spewing suck.
BTW ..... their parents didn't volunteer to be Marines, THEY did. If they can't respect that their sons died doing what THEY believed in, then who really gives a damn what they have to say except you left-wing hatemongers anyway?
I really hope all of u morons die. Actually i don`t even have to do anything, you`re doing a pretty good job yourself. Go ahead, kill every man, woman and child in Afganistan and Iraq and bomb every country that doesn`t want to adopt your McDonads way of living, don`t blame anyone else for attacks like 9.11. Me and all of my friends think this. I laughed when I heard of the wtc attacks. YOU HAD IT COMING! Ten years ago America was a place I would have liked to visit, not anymore.

And I`m as white as they come and live in a civilized country, unlike yours. And if there`s gonna be a WW3, we`ll be on the opposite side.

Man 23years, Finland
Krueger said:
I really hope all of u morons die. Actually i don`t even have to do anything, you`re doing a pretty good job yourself. Go ahead, kill every man, woman and child in Afganistan and Iraq and bomb every country that doesn`t want to adopt your McDonads way of living, don`t blame anyone else for attacks like 9.11. Me and all of my friends think this. I laughed when I heard of the wtc attacks. YOU HAD IT COMING! Ten years ago America was a place I would have liked to visit, not anymore.

And I`m as white as they come and live in a civilized country, unlike yours. And if there`s gonna be a WW3, we`ll be on the opposite side.

Man 23years, Finland
Finland is a muslim country now?
That`s right, Finland is a muslim country...
Apparently your teacher in school was one of those many american teachers, who can`t write or read... Just plain sad...
Krueger said:
That`s right, Finland is a muslim country...
Apparently your teacher in school was one of those many american teachers, who can`t write or read... Just plain sad...

when you said that your country will be on the other side of WWIII if there is one---I assume Finland will fight on the side of the Muslims?
Krueger said:
I really hope all of u morons die. Actually i don`t even have to do anything, you`re doing a pretty good job yourself. Go ahead, kill every man, woman and child in Afganistan and Iraq and bomb every country that doesn`t want to adopt your McDonads way of living, don`t blame anyone else for attacks like 9.11. Me and all of my friends think this. I laughed when I heard of the wtc attacks. YOU HAD IT COMING! Ten years ago America was a place I would have liked to visit, not anymore.

And I`m as white as they come and live in a civilized country, unlike yours. And if there`s gonna be a WW3, we`ll be on the opposite side.
Man 23years, Finland

I truly hope so.....and please .....come look me up first, jackass.
Krueger said:
I really hope all of u morons die. Actually i don`t even have to do anything, you`re doing a pretty good job yourself. Go ahead, kill every man, woman and child in Afganistan and Iraq and bomb every country that doesn`t want to adopt your McDonads way of living, don`t blame anyone else for attacks like 9.11. Me and all of my friends think this. I laughed when I heard of the wtc attacks. YOU HAD IT COMING! Ten years ago America was a place I would have liked to visit, not anymore.

And I`m as white as they come and live in a civilized country, unlike yours. And if there`s gonna be a WW3, we`ll be on the opposite side.

Man 23years, Finland

There is a thread entitled anti-USA. If you are capable of working with rules and guidelines, why don't you post there because by reading you're first post, you obviously hate America.
dilloduck said:
An American "Israel" if you will in the middle of Arabia.

Argh. I can't help but think that the Founding Fathers would not have been happy about that. We already have an American Israel in Israel and an Israeli America in Washington, D.C. That's way, way too much entanglement with a country and a people who do not have our best interests at heart --- only their own. They have co-opted our natural patriotism and militarism and honor on behalf of their own mission, and we are too blindly following along (or not even paying attention.) This goes even beyond empire, which can be criticized as overreaching on its own merits --- it's national cuckoldry. We need to have the strength and the courage to face not just the filthy Muslims bent on destroying the West but also the self-interested Jews who exacerbate the conflict for their own purposes.
William Joyce said:
Argh. I can't help but think that the Founding Fathers would not have been happy about that. We already have an American Israel in Israel and an Israeli America in Washington, D.C. That's way, way too much entanglement with a country and a people who do not have our best interests at heart --- only their own. They have co-opted our natural patriotism and militarism and honor on behalf of their own mission, and we are too blindly following along (or not even paying attention.) This goes even beyond empire, which can be criticized as overreaching on its own merits --- it's national cuckoldry. We need to have the strength and the courage to face not just the filthy Muslims bent on destroying the West but also the self-interested Jews who exacerbate the conflict for their own purposes.

Geez ..... where DO you get this stuff?
William Joyce said:
Argh. I can't help but think that the Founding Fathers would not have been happy about that. We already have an American Israel in Israel and an Israeli America in Washington, D.C. That's way, way too much entanglement with a country and a people who do not have our best interests at heart --- only their own. They have co-opted our natural patriotism and militarism and honor on behalf of their own mission, and we are too blindly following along (or not even paying attention.) This goes even beyond empire, which can be criticized as overreaching on its own merits --- it's national cuckoldry. We need to have the strength and the courage to face not just the filthy Muslims bent on destroying the West but also the self-interested Jews who exacerbate the conflict for their own purposes.

LOL I knew that a wasn't very clear analogy. My point is that I think that leaving Iraq EVER is admitting defeat and leaving land conquered with American blood in the hands of scum. Who are we kidding? If we leave we are back to having to rely on Israel as the only"democracy" in the mideast.
YUCK. The US has to establish PERMANANCY in Iraq and I'm betting this will be our only shot at it. Bases---Build BIG ASS bases !
-=d=- said:
Yup...and I would tell them. As a father, it'd be of the highest compliment to know either of my kids died for a good cause...they died helping to bring freedom to millions, and security to the entire planet.

You're unable to understand such a noble concept.

The concept of BOTH sides in this conflict is that it is a noble thing to fight and die for your cause......and as long as that concept lives, there will be young men and women willing to die "for a good cause". Their blood is on the hands of those of you who cheer them on with the age old lie, that they are fighting for freedom and security.
sagegirl said:
The concept of BOTH sides in this conflict is that it is a noble thing to fight and die for your cause......and as long as that concept lives, there will be young men and women willing to die "for a good cause". Their blood is on the hands of those of you who cheer them on with the age old lie, that they are fighting for freedom and security.

Try again .....

Instead of leftist mantra, how about we are fighting for the existence of our society? You know, the one that allows you to rant against it?
Gabriella84 said:
Tell that to their parents.
"The world is a better place without your kids!" :mad:

I would gladly tell their parents that the world is a better place because of the sacrifice their children made. What greater honor is there than to know that your child gave his or her life to save others and to make the world a better place?
manu1959 said:
listen you little twit.... my family members and my friends have died in every war that has been fought so you can say stupid shit like that...i have been there when the they left and when the knock know nothing...if they invade the us you would be on your knees in a second....

I know this is bad but with the way she talks it wouldnt surprise me if she is on her knees alot...

it is not bush's fault they have been is the people that are killing them's let people off the hook that have declared war on your nation and for killing you own countrymen is just sad and if you ever said something like to my face or the faces of those that are directly affected by these deaths i assure you that there would be two hits.....but hey you are safe you live in claifornia and are going to marry a rich republican if is safe for you to piss on the deaths of those that fight for you and make heroes out of those that kill your countrymen....

What im really amazed is the fact that the left seems so happy about the blood of Americans being spilt. No one wants to see any of our comrades die. But we honor the sacrifice they make to make the world a better place. atleast the grateful do. The ungrateful undermine their efforts. which is sad. This cultural war is getting bad. we are two people. hopefully the peace will be kept long enough to preserve as many people as possible.
Krueger said:
I really hope all of u morons die. Actually i don`t even have to do anything, you`re doing a pretty good job yourself. Go ahead, kill every man, woman and child in Afganistan and Iraq and bomb every country that doesn`t want to adopt your McDonads way of living, don`t blame anyone else for attacks like 9.11. Me and all of my friends think this. I laughed when I heard of the wtc attacks. YOU HAD IT COMING! Ten years ago America was a place I would have liked to visit, not anymore.

And I`m as white as they come and live in a civilized country, unlike yours. And if there`s gonna be a WW3, we`ll be on the opposite side.

Man 23years, Finland

Dont worry. When you are in trouble we will still save your ungrateful ass like we do with everyone else that hates us. Its what we do.
Avatar4321 said:
I know this is bad but with the way she talks it wouldnt surprise me if she is on her knees alot...

What im really amazed is the fact that the left seems so happy about the blood of Americans being spilt. No one wants to see any of our comrades die. But we honor the sacrifice they make to make the world a better place. atleast the grateful do. The ungrateful undermine their efforts. which is sad. This cultural war is getting bad. we are two people. hopefully the peace will be kept long enough to preserve as many people as possible.

IMO, they need to go live someplace conducive to their ideals, but they wouldn't dream of. China, Iran and NKorea are NOT nice places.

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