Thanks Democrats...daughter will have to quit job to stay on insurance.

OK lazy ass...
From the link
Adult children may stay on the plan even if they're married, not enrolled in school, not living with their parents or no longer a dependent, according to the website. They must be allowed to stay on the parent plan unless an employer offers coverage.

"A lot of companies already let a recent graduate stay on a parent's health plan to avoid dropping coverage," Butler said. "That's a smooth transition."

United, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City, Humana and Aetna have already implemented coverage for 25-year-olds, according to the health department's website. Representatives from Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield said their insurance companies have already made the change as well.

Federal children's health care law comes to Missouri - Columbia Missourian

But go ahead and call me a liar again.
Ya see rightwinger...this is where a reputable person apologizes and admits to being wrong.
I won't hold my breath.
OK lazy ass...
From the link
Adult children may stay on the plan even if they're married, not enrolled in school, not living with their parents or no longer a dependent, according to the website. They must be allowed to stay on the parent plan unless an employer offers coverage.

"A lot of companies already let a recent graduate stay on a parent's health plan to avoid dropping coverage," Butler said. "That's a smooth transition."

United, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City, Humana and Aetna have already implemented coverage for 25-year-olds, according to the health department's website. Representatives from Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield said their insurance companies have already made the change as well.

Federal children's health care law comes to Missouri - Columbia Missourian

But go ahead and call me a liar again.

My apologies to iamwhatiseem...I had not seen the 2014 implementation
Many family insurance plans did not cover students past 18 or so whether in college or not.

In any case I predicted this type of thing even before the healthcare debates started.
I knew once the lobbyists and such goth thru with it that it would mostly benefit the insurance and health care industry.

We needed the single payer plan.
VA and Medicare BOTH work, and are good examples of how single payer would be. To HELL with INSURANCE COMPANIES, their LOBBYISTS, and THEIR GREEDY CONNIVING STOCKHOLDERS. Let THEM bite a bullet!

Healthcare needs to put people before profit!
Ahh so the insurance company is cutting costs?

The only stipulation in the 22 years I have had coverage is that the child had to be a student.
In the 3 page letter, they state the reason for this change is due to higher cost in the coming years due to the HCR act. That in order to keep employee contribution from dramaticc increases is to cut coverage.

So really this is about the insurance company wanting to make more money, and they're blaming it on the HCR bill... OK, got it. It's not that the HCR bill forces them to drop your daughter at all, is it? It's just that they see the HCR as a threat to their bottom line so they're finding creative ways to pillage you for a little more.

News flash: You should be whipping aggressively for the public option, as it seems to be the most beneficial to your situation.

ya know, banks do this all the time... "We have to charge you more fees due to these new regulations..." Flip side of the same coin. It's a bunch of hooey...
Ahh so the insurance company is cutting costs?

The only stipulation in the 22 years I have had coverage is that the child had to be a student.
In the 3 page letter, they state the reason for this change is due to higher cost in the coming years due to the HCR act. That in order to keep employee contribution from dramaticc increases is to cut coverage.

So really this is about the insurance company wanting to make more money, and they're blaming it on the HCR bill... OK, got it. It's not that the HCR bill forces them to drop your daughter at all, is it? It's just that they see the HCR as a threat to their bottom line so they're finding creative ways to pillage you for a little more.

News flash: You should be whipping aggressively for the public option, as it seems to be the most beneficial to your situation.

ya know, banks do this all the time... "We have to charge you more fees due to these new regulations..." Flip side of the same coin. It's a bunch of hooey...

yeah...them evil dare they try and make more than 4% profit!!
The only stipulation in the 22 years I have had coverage is that the child had to be a student.
In the 3 page letter, they state the reason for this change is due to higher cost in the coming years due to the HCR act. That in order to keep employee contribution from dramaticc increases is to cut coverage.

So really this is about the insurance company wanting to make more money, and they're blaming it on the HCR bill... OK, got it. It's not that the HCR bill forces them to drop your daughter at all, is it? It's just that they see the HCR as a threat to their bottom line so they're finding creative ways to pillage you for a little more.

News flash: You should be whipping aggressively for the public option, as it seems to be the most beneficial to your situation.

ya know, banks do this all the time... "We have to charge you more fees due to these new regulations..." Flip side of the same coin. It's a bunch of hooey...

yeah...them evil dare they try and make more than 4% profit!!

When you talk about corporate "Profits," the "Profit" is post-payroll, smarty.
Guess it's just a simple cost/benefit analysis then, eh? Buy additional private insurance to make up the difference between what the employer offers and your plan, or have her boss pay her cash.
Actually asswipes, today is her last day.
She gave her notice Monday.

To add insult to injury...our insurance share went up by $96.51 a month.

Is this fraud thread still going? The mythical daughter and the tall tale of a warped mind on the internet.

I just got my health insurance plan for next year. It says...

Under the new law,children:

1. Do not have to live with the enrolled parent
2. Are covered under the enrolled parents Family enrollment even if they are eligible for or have their own employer-provided health insurance coverage.

Does the right wing ever stop lying about the healthcare plan???

Care to provide a Link or are we suppose to take you at your word. Seeing how you are an honest lefty as opposed to one of us lying Righties.

You do understand of course that each insurance company decides on their own what stipulations to put on covering kids right. Just because yours says they do not care if they can get insurance through works, does not means his does.

I guess it just makes you feel better to call him a liar than to acknowledge that fact.

I have already posted the link to the relevant portion of the HCR bill.

You are wrong. Under the new law, insurance companies are NOT FREE to put whatever stipulations that want on dependent coverage. Under HCR, ins companies MUST offer coverage to dependent children 26 or younger unless their employer offers health care.
Is this fraud thread still going? The mythical daughter and the tall tale of a warped mind on the internet.

I just got my health insurance plan for next year. It says...

Under the new law,children:

1. Do not have to live with the enrolled parent
2. Are covered under the enrolled parents Family enrollment even if they are eligible for or have their own employer-provided health insurance coverage.

Does the right wing ever stop lying about the healthcare plan???

One very important word in this post.

As in "my insurance plan". Your insurance plan is not everyones plan.

Free market hypocrits want the nanny state govt to force the ins companies to cover his daughter.
I just got my health insurance plan for next year. It says...

Under the new law,children:

1. Do not have to live with the enrolled parent
2. Are covered under the enrolled parents Family enrollment even if they are eligible for or have their own employer-provided health insurance coverage.

Does the right wing ever stop lying about the healthcare plan???

One very important word in this post.

As in "my insurance plan". Your insurance plan is not everyones plan.

Four very important words

Under the new law

It applies to everyone, not just those under my plan. Children under 26 have a choice of staying under their employers plan or going back to their parents plan

Why did you lie when you made up this thread? Is the the only way you have to bash Obamacare to spread lies?

They want to pretend the Big, Bad Govt is forcing ins companies to drop dependent coverage when the dependents' employer offers insurance. The fact that your insurance company isn't doing this PROVES it's the insurance companies CHOICE, and no one is forcing the ins companies to drop dependent coverage
OK lazy ass...
From the link
Adult children may stay on the plan even if they're married, not enrolled in school, not living with their parents or no longer a dependent, according to the website. They must be allowed to stay on the parent plan unless an employer offers coverage.

"A lot of companies already let a recent graduate stay on a parent's health plan to avoid dropping coverage," Butler said. "That's a smooth transition."

United, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City, Humana and Aetna have already implemented coverage for 25-year-olds, according to the health department's website. Representatives from Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield said their insurance companies have already made the change as well.

Federal children's health care law comes to Missouri - Columbia Missourian

But go ahead and call me a liar again.

OK, you're a liar

That quote doesn't say what you claimed it said. It says that many ins companies are now EXPANDING COVERAGE to cover dependents 25 and under. It says NOTHING about dropping coverage.
OP, what type of job did your daughter do? What line of work was she in? I don't think its too personal a question considering you brought up the subject and placed her dead in the center. Was she a school teacher Fireman, doctor, admin assistant...what?

What are you talking about?
She is a sophomore in college...she has a part time waitress job.

I would like to apply for a job at the palce she worked. I was reduced to part time at my place of employment just so my boss wouldnt HAVE to offer me insurance...of which he had to pay 50 percent of the premium.
Welcome to serfdom, baby. Government tells you what health care you can have.
....And, it's reeeeaaaalllly breakin'-everyone's-heart.


November 22, 2010

New Poll Undercuts GOP Claims Of A Midterm Mandate

"A majority of Americans want the Congress to keep the new health care law or actually expand it, despite Republican claims that they have a mandate from the people to kill it, according to a new McClatchy-Marist poll.

The post-election survey showed that 51 percent of registered voters want to keep the law or change it to do more, while 44 percent want to change it to do less or repeal it altogether."



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