Thanks, Joe: Cuba to Host Secret Chinese Spy Base to Surveil U.S.


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Wow, all that Chinese filthy lucre/bribes siphoned over to "the Big Guy" is certainly paying off for the Chi-Comms...

This facility, which is approximately 100 miles off the coast of Florida, would grant Chinese intelligence agencies the capability to intercept electronic communications across the southeastern region of the United States, which houses numerous military installations, as well as monitor U.S. maritime traffic.

Sources familiar with the situation reveal that China has agreed to provide financial assistance amounting to several billion dollars to financially strained Cuba in exchange for permission to construct the eavesdropping facility. While the exact terms of the agreement are yet to be finalized, the two nations have reportedly reached an agreement in principle.

Does anyone expect the Biden Administration to take any meaningful “steps to counter” this move by China? This is the same administration, after all, that was far more concerned about not offending China than our national security during the spy balloon scandal in February. Three unidentified Biden administration officials revealed that the Chinese spy balloon was allowed to fly over the United States for an entire week and was able to acquire and send secret intelligence to Beijing regarding a number of military bases in “real time.” spades.
Wow, all that Chinese filthy lucre/bribes siphoned over to "the Big Guy" is certainly paying off for the Chi-Comms...

Ya gotta love the idiot "Hellbilly" who mindlessly labeled this "FAKE NEWS" with no argument or rebuttal whatsoever.

Just more mindless seal clapping.

If you had bothered to read the article (I know, what a fuckin' concept!) - you'd know the Brandon Admin. already responded to this development.

So you disagree with your own contingent.

And you're a joke....for all to see.

Great work! ;)
Ya gotta love the idiot "Hellbilly" who mindlessly labeled this "FAKE NEWS" with no argument or rebuttal whatsoever.

Just more mindless seal clapping.

If you had bothered to read the article (I know, what a fuckin' concept!) - you'd know the Brandon Admin. already responded to this development.

So you disagree with your own contingent.

And you're a joke....for all to see.

Great work! ;)
Its called a hit and run and libs on this board do it all the time... they can't argue their point and opinion because they are so wrong about everything... so they slap a fake news or laughing emoticon on a post and run away into the night....
Its called a hit and run and libs on this board do it all the time... they can't argue their point and opinion because they are so wrong about everything... so they slap a fake news or laughing emoticon on a post and run away into the night....

No shame in their bankrupt game.
PJ Media has you entranced. Or is it brainwashed?

Who cares what you have to say.

WSJ reported it, your own Bozo Administration has confirmed it, and PJ Media is a million times better than any pathetic MSM "News" you've ever perused.

But I understand you and your ilk, you have no counterargument - things are objectively abysmal - so attack the source!

No fucking integrity with you people, so glad I jettisoned your insipid little tribe.
Who cares what you have to say.

WSJ reported it, your own Bozo Administration has confirmed it, and PJ Media is a million times better than any pathetic MSM "News" you've ever perused.

But I understand you and your ilk, you have no counterargument - things are objectively abysmal - so attack the source!

No fucking integrity with you people, so glad I jettisoned your insipid little tribe.

Like I said, no argument.

Read it and weep, from the very article you ignored, emphasis is mine:

The revelation about the planned site has sparked alarm within the Biden administration because of Cuba’s proximity to the U.S. mainland,” the Wall Street Journal reports. “Washington regards Beijing as its most significant economic and military rival. A Chinese base with advanced military and intelligence capabilities in the U.S.’s backyard could be an unprecedented new threat.”

All you continue to do is convey your own lack of integrity, and severe paucity of intellectual curiosity.

Worst of all? You're BORING. Predictable. Forever haunting these boards (like so many other braindead Lefties) just spouting endless talking points that anyone could see by simply turning on their televisions.

You bring nothing unique or remotely interesting to the table.

Maybe you should work on that. ;)
Like I said, no argument.

Read it and weep, from the very article you ignored, emphasis is mine:

All you continue to do is convey your own lack of integrity, and severe paucity of intellectual curiosity.

Worst of all? You're BORING. Predictable. Forever haunting these boards (like so many other braindead Lefties) just spouting endless talking points that anyone could see by simply turning on their televisions.

You bring nothing unique or remotely interesting to the table.

Maybe you should work on that. ;)
Not too many responses to this OP. Maybe you should work on that.
According to well-informed U.S. officials with access to highly classified intelligence....

aka...fake news.

You shameless troll.

If it was about Trump and Russia you'd take anonymous sources all day.

Just because you lot severely abused the notion of protected sources in news reports, doesn't mean they aren't legitimate.

And, given the track records between your propaganda and the real journalists in the "underground", I guarantee you this turns out to be correct.

And then, as always, you're gonna be nowhere to be found.
Florida can’t embargo another country…wow what an idiotic statement in your blind loyalty to the cult of Xiden
You're dumber than shit if you don't know about the politics of Florida, it's Cuban population, and its impact on national politics.

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