Thanks Obama, The Constitutionally Ineligible President: Sears To Close Stores

The comparison with Amazon is ironic. Amazon was founded on the premise (hope) that BOOKS could be sold on line for less than Barnes & Noble: the money they saved in overhead (bricks and mortar) would be sufficient to pay for inventory and shipping.

It didn't work. it failed.

They had to expand out of just books, get into everything possible, and completely change their business model. At light-speed.

And they did it. It is a tremendous American success story.
Sears was the Amazon of its day

Anything you wanted, you could get from Sears. My father was even born in a Sears house

The sad thing is they had all the infrastructure needed to be the Amazon of our day - but they lacked the vision.
The Sears catalog was the Amazon of its day. Pick out what you want and they would ship it to your door

Sears missed the boat on Internet sales in favor of shopping malls
Less than a year ago I tried to buy some major kitchen appliances from a Sears store.


Only available clerk was unable to answer any questions about what bits and pieces came with the appliances and told I'd have to e-mail their service department if I needed to know.

Store less than a mile away had the appliances, the answers, free delivery (Sears offered delivery as an extra-cost option) and got the sale. I saved a few bucks, too.
Less than a year ago I tried to buy some major kitchen appliances from a Sears store.


Only available clerk was unable to answer any questions about what bits and pieces came with the appliances and told I'd have to e-mail their service department if I needed to know.

Store less than a mile away had the appliances, the answers, free delivery (Sears offered delivery as an extra-cost option) and got the sale. I saved a few bucks, too.

Thanks Obama!
The loss of sears quality will be felt for years and years to come. Sears was a shopping outlet for the middle class working families, and it gave them an edge on the rich because of the quality of the products sold, and also on the affordability of those products sold. I have always shopped Sears, and I have always gotten my money's worth in quality, and for which in my book was the most important of them all. Who cared if an employee had a bad day or what have you when shopping there, the main thing is that what you bought or purchased there was worth it big time, and it lasted seemed like forever afterwards. Here is just one of many examples I could site - I purchased a Sears washer and Dryer over 25 years ago, and hey the dryer is still with us, but the washer quit around 4 years ago. When the washer quit, I went to get another from Sears, but they didn't have one that the wife wanted in stock that day, so I went to Lowe's instead. I purchased a washer there for around 300 and some odd dollars, and it lasted a whole year (crikey). I then went back to Sears and purchased another washer (Kenmore), and it is still running 3 years later with no end in sight it seems. I have tools that are very nice from Sears also, and I have an air compressor, garden equipment etc. from there also. The losing of this great idea and store is going to be felt when people begin feeling the crunch of buying products that are pure junk, and this as opposed to what we had always had in Sears in which was a trusted brand or the many brands that were found under the Sears roof.

I see it as another chunk of America being wiped out, and you all are thinking Obama for that ? LOL
I must echo that Kenmore washers/dryers were good stuff. Easy to get manuals; easy to get parts. For years. But these days you can only guess at who might be making them for Sears and to try to get any information, manuals or parts out of the disinterested people at Sears? Good luck with that.
I must echo that Kenmore washers/dryers were good stuff. Easy to get manuals; easy to get parts. For years. But these days you can only guess at who might be making them for Sears and to try to get any information, manuals or parts out of the disinterested people at Sears? Good luck with that.
Yep the dumbing down of America continues on ward, where as all these things once empowered Americans and therefore it empowered America the nation as a whole. The sell out of this country by greed driven corporations will be the death of this nation, and then we have the buzzards (any various nafarious group you want to call out) circling and swopping on down in order to finish the job on us. Oh where, Oh where did the Americans go, oh where oh where can they be, their rolling in their graves thinking what did I die for, oh bring back America for thee. I look at all the war films and think wow, where did we derail and become the laughing stock of the world as they look on to us now ? The traitors within need to be outed, and they need to be rerouted to somewhere else if they hate this nation so bad.
The loss of sears quality will be felt for years and years to come. Sears was a shopping outlet for the middle class working families, and it gave them an edge on the rich because of the quality of the products sold, and also on the affordability of those products sold. I have always shopped Sears, and I have always gotten my money's worth in quality, and for which in my book was the most important of them all. Who cared if an employee had a bad day or what have you when shopping there, the main thing is that what you bought or purchased there was worth it big time, and it lasted seemed like forever afterwards. Here is just one of many examples I could site - I purchased a Sears washer and Dryer over 25 years ago, and hey the dryer is still with us, but the washer quit around 4 years ago. When the washer quit, I went to get another from Sears, but they didn't have one that the wife wanted in stock that day, so I went to Lowe's instead. I purchased a washer there for around 300 and some odd dollars, and it lasted a whole year (crikey). I then went back to Sears and purchased another washer (Kenmore), and it is still running 3 years later with no end in sight it seems. I have tools that are very nice from Sears also, and I have an air compressor, garden equipment etc. from there also. The losing of this great idea and store is going to be felt when people begin feeling the crunch of buying products that are pure junk, and this as opposed to what we had always had in Sears in which was a trusted brand or the many brands that were found under the Sears roof.

I see it as another chunk of America being wiped out, and you all are thinking Obama for that ? LOL
I grew up in Sears. My father was born in a Sears house and would go to the mall and only shop at Sears. All his appliances and all his tools came from Sears. He always told me if you EVER have a problem with their product, Sears would take care of it. Growing up, I couldnt wait for the Sears Christmas catalog to come out. It wasn't Christmas without it. My cherished Ted Wiliams baseball glove came from Sears.
Fast forward 30 years and Sears products are not so good. If you have a problem, you get the run around. It is no longer a good product at a fair price. Sears has failed us
The loss of sears quality will be felt for years and years to come. Sears was a shopping outlet for the middle class working families, and it gave them an edge on the rich because of the quality of the products sold, and also on the affordability of those products sold. I have always shopped Sears, and I have always gotten my money's worth in quality, and for which in my book was the most important of them all. Who cared if an employee had a bad day or what have you when shopping there, the main thing is that what you bought or purchased there was worth it big time, and it lasted seemed like forever afterwards. Here is just one of many examples I could site - I purchased a Sears washer and Dryer over 25 years ago, and hey the dryer is still with us, but the washer quit around 4 years ago. When the washer quit, I went to get another from Sears, but they didn't have one that the wife wanted in stock that day, so I went to Lowe's instead. I purchased a washer there for around 300 and some odd dollars, and it lasted a whole year (crikey). I then went back to Sears and purchased another washer (Kenmore), and it is still running 3 years later with no end in sight it seems. I have tools that are very nice from Sears also, and I have an air compressor, garden equipment etc. from there also. The losing of this great idea and store is going to be felt when people begin feeling the crunch of buying products that are pure junk, and this as opposed to what we had always had in Sears in which was a trusted brand or the many brands that were found under the Sears roof.

I see it as another chunk of America being wiped out, and you all are thinking Obama for that ? LOL
I grew up in Sears. My father was born in a Sears house and would go to the mall and only shop at Sears. All his appliances and all his tools came from Sears. He always told me if you EVER have a problem with their product, Sears would take care of it. Growing up, I couldnt wait for the Sears Christmas catalog to come out. It wasn't Christmas without it. My cherished Ted Wiliams baseball glove came from Sears.
Fast forward 30 years and Sears products are not so good. If you have a problem, you get the run around. It is no longer a good product at a fair price. Sears has failed us
Sweat shop labor has injected our demise into these things, and then the sell outs who injected our demise along with Sears demise into these things took care of the rest. Gotta Love America today right ?
Please do not confuse the OP with the rest of conservatives.
Sears closing has nothing to do with Obama in any way shape or form.
Sears failed to adapt to changing markets. By not developing a strong online presence years ago - they sealed their death.
It is unfortunate. Sears is a name synonymous with quality. For many-many years buying from Sears meant a quality product, serviced at the store you bought it from - or they would come to your home to repair it.
They have been replaced by Amazon and Lowes/Home Depot/Menards. Who offer cheaper products that are inferior in every way. Do not service what they sell, and offer no guidance with what you should buy.
It is sad. But this is America. And Americans demand a cheap price over everything else.
This is what happens when we let Birthers have access to computers.....they post idiotic stuff

who's smarter a birther or a liberal?

Thats like asking who is smarter- an orange or Einstein.

Birthers are like oranges- yel
This is what happens when we let Birthers have access to computers.....they post idiotic stuff

who's smarter a birther or a liberal?

Thats an easy one. There are stupid liberals- and smart liberals. There are liberals who believe stupid stuff, and liberals who don't believe stupid stuff.

Birthers are all stupid and all believe stupid stuff.
Please do not confuse the OP with the rest of conservatives.
Sears closing has nothing to do with Obama in any way shape or form.
Sears failed to adapt to changing markets. By not developing a strong online presence years ago - they sealed their death.
It is unfortunate. Sears is a name synonymous with quality. For many-many years buying from Sears meant a quality product, serviced at the store you bought it from - or they would come to your home to repair it.
They have been replaced by Amazon and Lowes/Home Depot/Menards. Who offer cheaper products that are inferior in every way. Do not service what they sell, and offer no guidance with what you should buy.
It is sad. But this is America. And Americans demand a cheap price over everything else.
I don't believe this stuff about Americans demanding cheap prices over anything else, but what I do believe is that corporations saw many sitting idle by on the side lines with even a small bit of money to spend in their pockets also, and they said to themselves hmmm, now if we could just get them into the mix as well, then we will make gazillions, but we have to stomp the others out first or make them so small that they are no longer a threat to us in our new adventures to GO CHEAP for maximizing profits, and then delivering to the masses these reachable cheap products, instead of catering to Americans based upon the ethical system in which they always tried to live by and expected. So they went about doing this task, but what it did was place unfair immoral competition against those who figured Americans would not but into unethical standards of operation or immorality, and otherwise would instead stick to companies who played fair and were moral in the market places as it should be. Then we had the feds getting in on the action, by supporting or making it way easier for the unethical and the immoral to compete better with the moral and ethical who were already in the market place as a great force of good and of strength.

The American consumers have been led very carefully and cunningly over the years into these buying patterns they are in now. It is such that they began to illustrate or do more of as time went by in which is like a blur now to me, yet meanwhile name brands were either forced to go out or convert to the new market ways of doing things even if it was unethical or immoral to just keep pace with it all.

The idea of not boycotting businesses is crazy and amazing to me, because we could have had the America that we wanted still, but only if we would have all said No to all that was unethical and immoral in the ways in which we shop, and in the ways in which we do things in this nation. They would listen quickly if the market in which they served in I mean was all of a sudden dried up because people are smarter than they are, and are no longer just sheep being led to the slaughter with blinders on.
Sears and Monkey Wards have been gasping their last since the late 70s. K-Mart is barely hanging on. If you want to blame something, it should be WalMart's successful business plan.

40 thousand factories closed during the Bush regime. Where are Steve McRacist's rants about that?

Why is this in Politics? It belongs in Conspiracy, along with the phony birth certificate/draft card rants.
^ that
unethical and immoral in the ways in which we shop,

way too stupid of course. Imagine how poor people would be if they shopped for the highest prices and lowest quality? and imagine how expensive and low quality the goods would become in short order.

See why we have to be certain that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Sears and Monkey Wards have been gasping their last since the late 70s. K-Mart is barely hanging on. If you want to blame something, it should be WalMart's successful business plan.

40 thousand factories closed during the Bush regime. Where are Steve McRacist's rants about that?

Why is this in Politics? It belongs in Conspiracy, along with the phony birth certificate/draft card rants.
^ that

true that Sears has been struggling for a long time but Obama is anti business as any liberal is so has made it much tougher for the weaker corporations, like Sears, to stay afloat.
Sears and Monkey Wards have been gasping their last since the late 70s. K-Mart is barely hanging on. If you want to blame something, it should be WalMart's successful business plan.

40 thousand factories closed during the Bush regime. Where are Steve McRacist's rants about that?

Why is this in Politics? It belongs in Conspiracy, along with the phony birth certificate/draft card rants.
^ that

true that Sears has been struggling for a long time but Obama is anti business as any liberal is so has made it much tougher for the weaker corporations, like Sears, to stay afloat.
Maybe it should bail Sears out like it did Chrysler... And if it did, then it should do it in a way that makes Sears a symbol of American strength in this nation again.
and liberals who don't believe stupid stuff.

dear, anything substantive that liberals believe is stupid. Its easy to prove too. Try to name something substantive that liberals believe that is not stupid

How stupid are Birthers......

Birthers believe not only that President Obama is ineligible- but that Sears is closing stores because of his ineligibility.
Sears and Monkey Wards have been gasping their last since the late 70s. K-Mart is barely hanging on. If you want to blame something, it should be WalMart's successful business plan.

40 thousand factories closed during the Bush regime. Where are Steve McRacist's rants about that?

Why is this in Politics? It belongs in Conspiracy, along with the phony birth certificate/draft card rants.
^ that

true that Sears has been struggling for a long time but Obama is anti business as any liberal is so has made it much tougher for the weaker corporations, like Sears, to stay afloat.

So under Obama, strong corporations are thriving, and weak corporations are failing.

And this is anti-capitalist how?

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