Thanks Obamacare health insurance premiums are premiums are projected to spike dramatically in 2018


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Thanks Obamacare! Health Insurance Premiums Are Projected To Spike Dramatically Once Again In 2018
Are you ready for your health insurance premiums to go up again? Ever since Obamacare became law, health insurance premiums have been rising dramatically year after year. In 2016, one study found that the average Obamacare premium rose by about 24 percent, and similar increases have been seen all around the nation in 2017. As you will see below, large premium hikes are on tap for 2018 as well, and rates are going to continue to rise until lawmakers finally do something about this nightmare.

Well you Obama boot lickers keep getting warned over and over . Obamacare was meant to destroy the middle class and tax the fk out of you jackasses.
The OP needs to get his fuckin facts straight.....your premiums going up has absolutely nothing to do with ACA and everything to do with the state you live in. Every single state that experiences prem hikes had gov. that opted out of ACA. Blame your fuckin state you mindless bitch and stop pointing fingers at ACA. And note also that Trump has a lot to do with your prem. spiking also. Its time you white good for nothing Trump dogs find a fuckin mirror and see what is really going on in your lives and this country and stop blaming Obama for every fuckin thing that goes wrong in your miserable lives.
Thanks Obamacare! Health Insurance Premiums Are Projected To Spike Dramatically Once Again In 2018
Are you ready for your health insurance premiums to go up again? Ever since Obamacare became law, health insurance premiums have been rising dramatically year after year. In 2016, one study found that the average Obamacare premium rose by about 24 percent, and similar increases have been seen all around the nation in 2017. As you will see below, large premium hikes are on tap for 2018 as well, and rates are going to continue to rise until lawmakers finally do something about this nightmare.

Well you Obama boot lickers keep getting warned over and over . Obamacare was meant to destroy the middle class and tax the fk out of you jackasses.
Stop whining your useless fool, ACA is not the problem.

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