Thanks To Obamacare, Insurers Must Give Back $36 Million To California Small Business

I do. Why do you have a problem paying for yours?

I've paid for mine all my life and never expected my children and grandchildren to now be FORCED to pay for others or being fined by their tyrant explain that to yours how you were for this by approving ObamaCare..

You've been forced to pay for others for decades, quit your whining - Medicaid is nothing new. We don't have a "tyrant government" - our Republican government is chosen through a Democratic process known as "elections" and our chief executive is chosen indirectly by the People and States.

ummhumm, I wasn't forced to pay into Medicaid or Pay a fine if I didn't
now your children and grandchildren will be forced to buy insurance or pay a fine to PAY FOR OBAMACARE....You explain that how you voted to put that on them..
wow, 30 million! Like that's a lot a fucking money or something? You realize how small 30 million is right?
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I do. Why do you have a problem paying for yours?

I've paid for mine all my life and never expected my children and grandchildren to now be FORCED to pay for others or being fined by their tyrant explain that to yours how you were for this by approving ObamaCare..

You've been forced to pay for others for decades, quit your whining - Medicaid is nothing new. We don't have a "tyrant government" - our Republican government is chosen through a Democratic process known as "elections" and our chief executive is chosen indirectly by the People and States.

Don't mind Steph. She's the board parrot. She doesn't understand the words she uses, she just sees others use them and regurgitates them.
I've paid for mine all my life and never expected my children and grandchildren to now be FORCED to pay for others or being fined by their tyrant explain that to yours how you were for this by approving ObamaCare..

You've been forced to pay for others for decades, quit your whining - Medicaid is nothing new. We don't have a "tyrant government" - our Republican government is chosen through a Democratic process known as "elections" and our chief executive is chosen indirectly by the People and States.

ummhumm, I wasn't forced to pay into Medicaid or Pay a fine if I didn't
now your children and grandchildren will be forced to buy insurance or pay a fine to PAY FOR OBAMACARE....You explain that how you voted to put that on them..

Seriously? Tell us about the day you opted in to paying your Medicaid tax. LOL. Steph, just stop, you're clueless yet again.

Let's face reality. You're not a smart person and never will be. It's probably why you're poor and vote for policies/politicians that go against your own best interests.

It's ok though, not everyone is a winner. At least you have the whole ignorance is bliss thing going for you.
Someone please tell me how does this 80/20 work when 78% of group health policies out here all have high deductibles to meet each year until the insurance pays other than physicians fees which is nothing compared to premium cost for the year?
Someone please tell me how does this 80/20 work when 78% of group health policies out here all have high deductibles to meet each year until the insurance pays other than physicians fees which is nothing compared to premium cost for the year?

Apples and oranges.

80/20 refers to the amount that insurers must pay out in terms of claims and medical care payouts.
I've paid for mine all my life and never expected my children and grandchildren to now be FORCED to pay for others or being fined by their tyrant explain that to yours how you were for this by approving ObamaCare..

You've been forced to pay for others for decades, quit your whining - Medicaid is nothing new. We don't have a "tyrant government" - our Republican government is chosen through a Democratic process known as "elections" and our chief executive is chosen indirectly by the People and States.

ummhumm, I wasn't forced to pay into Medicaid or Pay a fine if I didn't
Where the hell do you think Medicaid comes from? Thin air? It comes from YOUR TAXES you fucking idiot!!!!
You're were also FORCED to pay for Medicare for OTHER people the whole time you're paying FICA taxes and aren't eligible for Medicare.

now your children and grandchildren will be forced to buy insurance or pay a fine to PAY FOR OBAMACARE....You explain that how you voted to put that on them..

The fine doesn't "pay for ObamaCare" you nitwit, it goes into the general fund as general tax revenue.

If your children or grandchildren don't have health insurance I would think you'd be more concerned with the fact they aren't covered than the fact they have to pay a tax penalty.
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You aren't forced to buy it any more than you are forced to buy education. In either case if you do - your tax bill will likely be lower.

Yes, if you refuse to carry health insurance, the heavy hand of the IRS/Ocare will come down on you in the form of a penalty.

Its not a criminal penalty.

This hasn't happened before.....

So what?

fed govt requiring you to buy a product.

Someone has to pay for your healthcare - why shouldn't it be you?

If you ultimately keep refusing to pay or file, the IRS can put liens on homes, cars, houses, accounts and assets. So, you really have no problem with that. I pay for my health care AND my premiums, through provider, have increased by 75 percent in the last year due to the implementation of several items in Ocare. My primary doctor will no longer be accepting health insurance starting next year. She's offering a menu priced system. If this catches on, insurance companies will not be needed anymore.
Yes, if you refuse to carry health insurance, the heavy hand of the IRS/Ocare will come down on you in the form of a penalty.

Its not a criminal penalty.

So what?

fed govt requiring you to buy a product.

Someone has to pay for your healthcare - why shouldn't it be you?

If you ultimately keep refusing to pay or file, the IRS can put liens on homes, cars, houses, accounts and assets. So, you really have no problem with that. I pay for my health care AND my premiums, through provider, have increased by 75 percent in the last year due to the implementation of several items in Ocare. My primary doctor will no longer be accepting health insurance starting next year. She's offering a menu priced system. If this catches on, insurance companies will not be needed anymore.

Yup. There is a Doctor in Apex NC who does the same. He doesn't take Medicare, Medicaide or anything that the Govt has its big fat nose in.

His prices are listed on the wall as you walk in the door and he's beating those wanting to be new patients off with a bat.

Its a good concept and I hope it takes the fuck off.
Its not a criminal penalty.

So what?

Someone has to pay for your healthcare - why shouldn't it be you?

If you ultimately keep refusing to pay or file, the IRS can put liens on homes, cars, houses, accounts and assets. So, you really have no problem with that. I pay for my health care AND my premiums, through provider, have increased by 75 percent in the last year due to the implementation of several items in Ocare. My primary doctor will no longer be accepting health insurance starting next year. She's offering a menu priced system. If this catches on, insurance companies will not be needed anymore.

Yup. There is a Doctor in Apex NC who does the same. He doesn't take Medicare, Medicaide or anything that the Govt has its big fat nose in.

His prices are listed on the wall as you walk in the door and he's beating those wanting to be new patients off with a bat.

Its a good concept and I hope it takes the fuck off.

Same here. Would love to see it.
If you ultimately keep refusing to pay or file, the IRS can put liens on homes, cars, houses, accounts and assets. So, you really have no problem with that. I pay for my health care AND my premiums, through provider, have increased by 75 percent in the last year due to the implementation of several items in Ocare. My primary doctor will no longer be accepting health insurance starting next year. She's offering a menu priced system. If this catches on, insurance companies will not be needed anymore.

Yup. There is a Doctor in Apex NC who does the same. He doesn't take Medicare, Medicaide or anything that the Govt has its big fat nose in.

His prices are listed on the wall as you walk in the door and he's beating those wanting to be new patients off with a bat.

Its a good concept and I hope it takes the fuck off.

Same here. Would love to see it.

So would I. Put your hc back in the hands of your doctors and get rid of the insurance companies and that POS Obamacare.
You don't have the spine to tell a person with cancer, sorry you just have to die because you've hit your coverage cap for the year and have been dropped from your insurance plan.

so is this Obama care going to cover everything someone needs who has one of those "expensive" diseases ......or will they have their restrictions like there is now?....

There are no longer caps on coverage thanks to this legislation.

so you are saying that all these things people have been turned down for in the past.....will now be covered?....if that person needs it....its covered? matter how much it costs?....
so is this Obama care going to cover everything someone needs who has one of those "expensive" diseases ......or will they have their restrictions like there is now?....

There are no longer caps on coverage thanks to this legislation.

so you are saying that all these things people have been turned down for in the past.....will now be covered?....if that person needs it....its covered? matter how much it costs?....

Of course. Hell. Your taxdollars will probably be "subsidizing" all that extra cost.

As I said. The ACA is going to be anything but affordable for anyone except those we will be "subsidizing."
I like the 80/20 rule :)

Yeah I got a $20 refund check from my insurance company because of that 80/20 rule. But then 5 months later my insurance rates doubled thanks to Obamacare. So I would rather let them keep the $20 & set my premium back to where it was. I checked the government insurance exchange & their rates are 500% higher than what I was paying before the new rules.

Because my rate doubled I canceled all our health insurance & will not pay a fine thanks to a loophole in the law. That is going to hit the government hard. Thanks to no refusals & mandatory acceptance of preexisting conditions I am only going to buy it if & when one of us get sick only on that family member. This is going to bankrupt insurance companies. You can also buy insurance for 1 month & coast on the mandatory 3 month grace period. This is going to come out of the doctors & hospital pay.
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And after they paid out big bonuses to executives with no medical background and bought corporate helicopters and $1000 dinners at Antoine's.

FACTS not hyperbole, not laymen conjecture, not bullshit guesses!!!
Aetna.. Aetna | Investor Relations | Annual Reports

which amount to less then 1% of the premium which
Gross premiums 2012 $28,872,000,000
Health care costs (CLAIMS!! paid out $23,728,900,000 or 82.2%
Total operating expenses(big bonuses, helicopters,etc...$6,496,000,000 or 22.5%!!!
Net income before taxes:$2,643,000,000 or 9.13%
TAXES PAID..$950 million on net income OR 35%!!!


What are you so excited about? The fact that Aetna is compliance with Obamacare and still profitable? Awesome! What's your point?
BECAUSE YOU dumb f...k they were doing 82% BEFORE Obamacare!
It didn't take a law... BUT THE REALITIES that all Aetna do is PAY CLAIMS submitted to them... 82% of every dollar goes to paying claims BEFORE Obamacare... so what f..k good is Obamacare?
2nd NO one seems to be concerned that $850 billion a year is needlessly spent.i... CLAIMS paid by Aetna, do to DEFENSIVE MEDICINE!!!

Why are people like you so quick to accuse these companies that do nothing but pay these defensive medicine claims.. $850 billion and you let the
guys that cause it.. LAWYERS off the hook! Are you that stupid to think oh I'll sue if i have a case... dumb f...k!
This is the NUMBER 1 reason costs care is so high!
Ignore these experts but they are telling you this is the problem!!!

1,231 physicians...(90%) Ninety percent of physicians surveyed said:
In a recent Gallup survey, physicians attributed 34 percent of overall healthcare costs to defensive medicine and 21 percent of their practice to be defensive in nature. Specifically, they estimated that 35 percent of diagnostic tests, 29 percent of lab tests, 19 percent of hospitalizations, 14 percent of prescriptions, and 8 percent of surgeries were performed to avoid lawsuits.

Liability reform has been estimated to result in anywhere from a 5 percent to a 34 percent reduction in medical expenditures by reducing defensive medicine practices, with estimates of savings from $54 billion to $650 billion.
The costs of defensive medicine
I've paid for mine all my life and never expected my children and grandchildren to now be FORCED to pay for others or being fined by their tyrant explain that to yours how you were for this by approving ObamaCare..

You've been forced to pay for others for decades, quit your whining - Medicaid is nothing new. We don't have a "tyrant government" - our Republican government is chosen through a Democratic process known as "elections" and our chief executive is chosen indirectly by the People and States.

Don't mind Steph. She's the board parrot. She doesn't understand the words she uses, she just sees others use them and regurgitates them.

you just described many in the USMB.....including the jerk who started the thread....
so is this Obama care going to cover everything someone needs who has one of those "expensive" diseases ......or will they have their restrictions like there is now?....

There are no longer caps on coverage thanks to this legislation.

so you are saying that all these things people have been turned down for in the past.....will now be covered?....if that person needs it....its covered? matter how much it costs?....

I guess there's an endless supply of money coming and utopia will be upon us.

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