Thanks to Reaganomics 80 Percent...

Good question, simple answer - Republicans are out of sync, i.e. Republican ideology and funders won't allow them to find the sweet spot between funding the safety net programs a majority of Americans love and-----and the viable tax bracket a majority of Americans support.

"Where Republicans find themselves on the wrong side of the fence is when they attack popular social programs like Medicare and Social Security. Hard line conservative ideology teaches a hatred of the social safety net, but to an overwhelming majority of Americans these programs are a deeply valued component of our modern social contract.

When Republicans propose a cuts (tax and programs) only agenda, they are not being realistic. Every time John Boehner or any other Republican claims that the American people don’t support any increase in taxes, he and they are not telling the complete truth. The American people may not love the idea of a tax increase, but they understand that it has to be part of the deficit reduction solution...

...Once again, the collective Republican ideological blind spot on taxation is pushing them out of the American mainstream."

And-----and just in case you didn't notice, in the 2012 election, Dems won the popular vote for President
and Dems won the popular vote for US Senators and Dems won the popular vote for Reprsentatives
in the House of Representatives. IOW's - in the 2012 election American voters told Republicans
You really didn't answer my questions.

If government spending is falling at a rate of 1.4% under the Obama administration, why does the debt ceiling need to be increased?

The debt ceiling has been raised 74 times since 1964. Government spending has always been in practice.

does that make it right? does that mean we should do it forever?
"If government spending is falling at a rate of 1.4% under the Obama administration, why does the debt ceiling need to be increased?"

Because the debt ceiling ALWAYS go up, and only YOU MORONS have ruined the economy scaring the shytte out of people about it....Pub dupes!!

His spending STARTED at the Bush DEPRESSION level that a-hole catastrophe left him, dingbat.

national debt when obama took over 10 TRillion. today 17 Trillion, when he leaves 20+ Trillion. obozo will have doubled it in 8 years. he will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents combined.

Your hero has done nothing but make everything worse. Even if he did inherit a mess, he made it 100% worse. He is a failure. Worst president in history. Face it !
All I can do is laugh.

Laugh at the pathetic stupidity of the left in this Country.

The worst president in History stands up on stage and decries the poor economy of this Country after he's been in Office for 4-1/2 years and.....

the left is so incredibly stupid they let him get away with it.

Think the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will call him on it? Yeah, right

It's HIS economy. Created by HIS policies.

And you people on the left are so profoundly stupid, you let him get away with complaining about his own economy?

Unbelievable...... Not really. There's nothing more stupid than an obama-worshipping libtard.

BTW.... Loser leftists?

Our incomes rose by 7% at the same time the working class' was falling by 5%.

Know what you can do about it?

Nothing. Suck on it. You're just too stupid
"If government spending is falling at a rate of 1.4% under the Obama administration, why does the debt ceiling need to be increased?"

Because the debt ceiling ALWAYS go up, and only YOU MORONS have ruined the economy scaring the shytte out of people about it....Pub dupes!!

His spending STARTED at the Bush DEPRESSION level that a-hole catastrophe left him, dingbat.

national debt when obama took over 10 TRillion. today 17 Trillion, when he leaves 20+ Trillion. obozo will have doubled it in 8 years. he will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents combined.

Your hero has done nothing but make everything worse. Even if he did inherit a mess, he made it 100% worse. He is a failure. Worst president in history. Face it !

Democrats are psychotic they hate Reagan for the debts but they love Obama for debts

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Obama to Offer New Deal on Corporate Taxes, Jobs -

You might run into a subscription wall since that's the WSJ.

If so, copy the title into google and you can usually get the article through WSJ India.

Obama to Offer New Deal on Corporate Taxes, Jobs

Hoping to break an impasse, President Barack Obama today will extend a new offer to congressional Republicans in which he would back an overhaul of the corporate tax system in exchange for a guarantee that a resulting one-time windfall be used to underwrite various job creation proposals.

One thing to remember at all times -- dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

In every deal they've ever made with Republicans on taxes in exchange for something else, they've never lived up to their end of the bargain.

BUT, this one seems like it's a lock. I don't see how dimocraps can lie about this one.

And the SCOAMF is being up front about what he wants to use the money on.

The Republicans need to think about taking the deal, IMO.

Unless somebody has a logical reason not to
You really didn't answer my questions.

If government spending is falling at a rate of 1.4% under the Obama administration, why does the debt ceiling need to be increased?

The debt ceiling has been raised 74 times since 1964. Government spending has always been in practice.

does that make it right? does that mean we should do it forever?

It's right as long as we have the revenue to keep up with it. Nowadays we don't. The Bush tax cuts were quite costly. The most expensive piece of legislation ever.
Are you idiotic partisans still debating which party is worse?

Obama is planning on appointing LARRY FUCKING SUMMERS as the chariman of the FED.

If you love Obama, then please explain to me why he's appointing Summers.

If you hate Obama then please explain to me why you hate Summers.

Honest to god partianpeople PAY SOME FUCKING ATTENTION!
gd computer-

We blame ALL Republicans- because we know actual history. We STILL have Reagan's tax rates - great for the rich. Period.

We STILL have Reagan's tax rates

The top rate was 28% when Reagan left office.
Now it's 39.6%.

Were you always stupid, or have you suffered traumatic brain injuries?

And what was it before the demented fool? 70%? Christ he tripled the debt- talk about a stimulus- AND deregulated us into an S+L bubble recession....W was his perfect legacy. AND gave us the BS Pub Propaganda Machine- and loudmouth fools like you. Breaking!!: The rich don't pay enough, and the country has gone to hell- BEFORE the 2008 Pub meltdown. And only Rush, Newt, and the hater dupes don't know it...

We STILL have Reagan's tax rates

Rates are 40% higher, but we still have Reagan's rates. :lol:
"If government spending is falling at a rate of 1.4% under the Obama administration, why does the debt ceiling need to be increased?"

Because the debt ceiling ALWAYS go up, and only YOU MORONS have ruined the economy scaring the shytte out of people about it....Pub dupes!!

His spending STARTED at the Bush DEPRESSION level that a-hole catastrophe left him, dingbat.
I just asked a logical question. I didn't call you names, just asked a question. If you will notice I am a newbie here, haven't made but 22 posts, and I've never seen such childish name calling on any message board.

I really think you could have given the answer without referring to me as a moron and a dingbat.
Reagan convinced Democrats to work with him. Tip was his drinking buddy.
This was back before partisan political ideological hacks that blame Republicans for everything.
Reagan convinced Democrats to work with him. Tip was his drinking buddy.
This was back before partisan political ideological hacks that blame Republicans for everything.

It was also back when most Democrats were still Democrats and not dimocraps.

Back when Democrats cared about the Country.

Back when Democrats and Republicans put the Country ahead of party politics.

Back when Democrats still loved America.

Tip O'Neill, as partisan as he was.... And he was. He really was.... But Tip O'Neill would set partisanship aside when the needs of the Country warranted it.

Go back as far as you want with Democrats...

FDR... I don't like him a whole lot, but there is no doubt he loved this Country.

Same with Truman.

And Eisenhower, of course.

And JFK. He almost died fighting for this Country and was damned proud of his Service.

Richard Nixon loved this Country. Of that, there is absolutely no doubt.

So did Jimmy Carter. As fucked up a person as he was, and still is, I have no doubt he loved this country.

And Reagan? Off the scale love for this Country.

Same with Bush 41. A Patriotic Warrior.

Bill Clinton is when the Democrat party started to become the dimocrap party.

Clinton didn't HATE the Country. He was indifferent. His main interest was, and still is -- Power.

It's all he or his fat scrunt of a wife care about.

No way he cared about this Country.

No way.

Barack Hussein Obama?

HATES this Country.

HATES everything about it. Hates our culture, which is based on White, Western European values. Hates our Capitalism. Hates our Christianity. Hates our Military prowess. And most of all..

Hates The People of this Country.

THAT is the difference between today and Reagan's day.

Back then, even Democrats loved the Country.

Today? You can read them all day, every day slamming the shit out of this Country right here, on this Board. And anywhere else they can get an audience

And let me tell you something... Your typical dimocrap hasn't had an original thought in his or her miserable excuse for a life.

They're just playing monkey-see, monkey-do.

They follow the lead of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM and their elected leaders.

And yes, I am absolutely convinced of the rightness of this post.

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