Thanks to Republicans, the corrupt Roberts' court has reversed decades of progress

Republicans, via their reshaping America against the will of the people and forwarding a tyranny of the minority, have done more to injure America than any one group. To wit;

Ensuring the persistence of gun violence (District of Columbia v. Heller).....approved.

Paying lip service to being against 'big government' by placing a woman's pregnancy under the control of the state (Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization).....approved.

Securing a path towards reinstating racial discrimination in college admissions, employment, and voting laws.....approved. (Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard) Mod Edit: Links to cases provided. MB.

Facilitating the adoption of voter suppression tactics (Crawford v. Marion County Election Board).....approved.

Sanctioning discrimination based on sexual identity (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.).....approved.

Reversing a century of campaign finance legislation, leading to the rise of super PACs and undisclosed money in politics (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission).....approved.

Undermining unions by ruling that public-employee unions cannot collect "fair-share" fees from non-union employees who benefit from collective bargaining (Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31).....approved.

Ensuring the continued corruption of elections by declaring that federal courts lack jurisdiction over partisan gerrymandering issues (Rucho v. Common Cause).....approved.

Making it significantly more challenging for consumers to file class action lawsuits against corporations (AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion)

In a callous display of cruelty, determining that the Eighth Amendment does not require a method of execution to be free of pain (Glossip v. Gross).....approved.

Upholding a president's authority to discriminate against immigrants based on their religion (Trump v. Hawaii).....approved.

Guaranteeing increased air pollution by concluding that the Clean Air Act does not grant the EPA broad powers to regulate carbon emissions from power plants (Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency).....approved.

Decreeing that a violation of the Miranda rule does not provide the basis for a civil rights lawsuit in cases of police abuse (District of Columbia v. Wesby).....approved.

Thanks a lot Republicans, you've managed to wreck America but we will kick your collective butts in 2024, you can count on it. Cya at the ballot box in 2024.

***Mod Edit: Need to provide links to statements made as fact. It's in the rules.***
cry me a river chairmam Mao.....dont you have some mass execution your commie pals have invited you to
Trump won because of the EC. He was not, is not, and never will be favored by the majority.

That's why we don't have mob rule in this country

Because of evil little racists like you.

Since he is facing a number of serious felony trials, I don't think we are going to have be concerned with him being President.

Fine. The righties will run your corrupt Soros DA's out of town. We'll see which one makes more of a difference.
The leadership of the Republican party said there was no fraud. How stupid are you?

That is a rhetorical question, stupid.
You’re trying to say both parties are equally responsible. Cop out. . Nope. Only one prompted an insurrection, lied and made up shit. This has been going on for decades by the gop.
Your quote.
“The leadership of both parties have sold out this country. Get a fucking clue.”
No, 3 million more voted for Hillary. Trump won due to a fluke of the electoral college system.
Reading comprehension fail, as well as complete failure to understand how US politics works.
A fluke of the electoral college is the source of the tyranny of the minority.
Yes, the framers wanted electors to elect the president, by a majority of electors,
but they never intended for the elector count to disagree with the popular vote,
as evidenced by the fact that in the last 233 years, it has happened only 5 times.
See above.
Minority rule was NEVER the founding father's intent.
See above.
"...the fundamental maxim of republican government, which requires that the sense of the majority should prevail." --Alexander Hamilton
See above.

Sad to say, you're a complete waste of time. :(
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Republicans, via their reshaping America against the will of the people and forwarding a tyranny of the minority, have done more to injure America than any one group. To wit;

Ensuring the persistence of gun violence (District of Columbia v. Heller).....approved.

Paying lip service to being against 'big government' by placing a woman's pregnancy under the control of the state (Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization).....approved.

Securing a path towards reinstating racial discrimination in college admissions, employment, and voting laws.....approved. (Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard) Mod Edit: Links to cases provided. MB.

Facilitating the adoption of voter suppression tactics (Crawford v. Marion County Election Board).....approved.

Sanctioning discrimination based on sexual identity (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.).....approved.

Reversing a century of campaign finance legislation, leading to the rise of super PACs and undisclosed money in politics (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission).....approved.

Undermining unions by ruling that public-employee unions cannot collect "fair-share" fees from non-union employees who benefit from collective bargaining (Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31).....approved.

Ensuring the continued corruption of elections by declaring that federal courts lack jurisdiction over partisan gerrymandering issues (Rucho v. Common Cause).....approved.

Making it significantly more challenging for consumers to file class action lawsuits against corporations (AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion).....approved.

In a callous display of cruelty, determining that the Eighth Amendment does not require a method of execution to be free of pain (Glossip v. Gross).....approved.

Upholding a president's authority to discriminate against immigrants based on their religion (Trump v. Hawaii).....approved.

Guaranteeing increased air pollution by concluding that the Clean Air Act does not grant the EPA broad powers to regulate carbon emissions from power plants (Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency).....approved.

Decreeing that a violation of the Miranda rule does not provide the basis for a civil rights lawsuit in cases of police abuse (District of Columbia v. Wesby).....approved.

Thanks a lot Republicans, you've managed to wreck America but we will kick your collective butts in 2024, you can count on it. Cya at the ballot box in 2024.

***Mod Edit: Need to provide links to statements made as fact. It's in the rules.***
Where did you get your law degree?
Thanks a lot Republicans, you've managed to wreck America but we will kick your collective butts in 2024, you can count on it. Cya at the ballot box in 2024.


The SCOTUS's job isn't to facilitate "progress".

Their job is to evaluate federal law against the constitution.

It seems we've managed to fail to educate people such as yourself very well.
Lefties were taught that FDR presided over decades of social progress when he issued the notorious E.O. 9066 that authorizd the capture and imprisonment of American citizens without due process. The left always has a skewed version of "progress" and then they run into that pesky Constitution.
Yep all true. Yet people will vote Republican and help the greedy Corporations out that just want to rob Americans out of all of their money, destroy unions, destroy workers rights, never understood the logic of voting for the party that just wants to screw you over.
Every party wants to screw me over. Democrats want to screw me over because I'm a straight, White male. Republicans want to screw me over because I'm not a Jew, Evangelical Christian, or CEO of a multinational corporation. Greens want to screw me over with communism. Libertarians want to screw me over because they don't think that the government should protect borders or culture from attacks by Cultural Marxists.
“Thanks to Republicans, the corrupt Roberts' court has reversed decades of progress”

Ultimately conservativism will fail – reactionaryism always does; in time progress will be realized.

What’s tragic is that until that time, millions will suffer the consequence of conservatives' fear, ignorance, and hate, facilitated by this corrupt, dishonest Roberts Court.
When liberals say progress they mean movement in the direction of communism. No thanks. The US desperately needs a reactionary party.
Like it or not, this all goes back to the Democrats supporting the monstrous psychopath Hillary.

People found her so disgusting that they voted for Trump.

And he appointed a bunch of judges.

IOW, Democrats brought this upon themselves, or as they like to say:

"Elections have consequences."
And RBG could have retired when Obama was President. I'm not sure if she was just clinging to power until she was dead, or she expected Hillary to win and she wanted the first girl President to replace her with another far left Jewess.
The majority want Roe vWade, universal healthcare, affirmative action, student loan forgiveness for college education, stronger gun con control and comprehensive immigration reform etc.……for decades.
There has been only one party standing in the way subverting the will of the people.
Democracy is when you give someone a credit card and tell her that she doesn't have to pay the bill.
Republicans, via their reshaping America against the will of the people and forwarding a tyranny of the minority, have done more to injure America than any one group. To wit;

Ensuring the persistence of gun violence (District of Columbia v. Heller).....approved.

Paying lip service to being against 'big government' by placing a woman's pregnancy under the control of the state (Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization).....approved.

Securing a path towards reinstating racial discrimination in college admissions, employment, and voting laws.....approved. (Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard) Mod Edit: Links to cases provided. MB.

Facilitating the adoption of voter suppression tactics (Crawford v. Marion County Election Board).....approved.

Sanctioning discrimination based on sexual identity (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.).....approved.

Reversing a century of campaign finance legislation, leading to the rise of super PACs and undisclosed money in politics (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission).....approved.

Undermining unions by ruling that public-employee unions cannot collect "fair-share" fees from non-union employees who benefit from collective bargaining (Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31).....approved.

Ensuring the continued corruption of elections by declaring that federal courts lack jurisdiction over partisan gerrymandering issues (Rucho v. Common Cause).....approved.

Making it significantly more challenging for consumers to file class action lawsuits against corporations (AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion).....approved.

In a callous display of cruelty, determining that the Eighth Amendment does not require a method of execution to be free of pain (Glossip v. Gross).....approved.

Upholding a president's authority to discriminate against immigrants based on their religion (Trump v. Hawaii).....approved.

Guaranteeing increased air pollution by concluding that the Clean Air Act does not grant the EPA broad powers to regulate carbon emissions from power plants (Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency).....approved.

Decreeing that a violation of the Miranda rule does not provide the basis for a civil rights lawsuit in cases of police abuse (District of Columbia v. Wesby).....approved.

Thanks a lot Republicans, you've managed to wreck America but we will kick your collective butts in 2024, you can count on it. Cya at the ballot box in 2024.

***Mod Edit: Need to provide links to statements made as fact. It's in the rules.***

This why the Left is soooooooooo damn scary! It doesn't make a difference if it is good, and logical law. Ot only makes a difference if it DISAGREES with their take on how things ought to be!
“Thanks to Republicans, the corrupt Roberts' court has reversed decades of progress”

Ultimately conservativism will fail – reactionaryism always does; in time progress will be realized.

What’s tragic is that until that time, millions will suffer the consequence of conservatives' fear, ignorance, and hate, facilitated by this corrupt, dishonest Roberts Court.

SCOTUS job is NOT to facilitate progress.

You’re trying to say both parties are equally responsible. Cop out. . Nope. Only one prompted an insurrection, lied and made up shit. This has been going on for decades by the gop.
Your quote.
“The leadership of both parties have sold out this country. Get a fucking clue.”
You leftards are totally, completely full of shit
Obviously you would be happier in another country. You should feel free to get the fuck out of mine. We don't need dead weight, anti-American, whining snowflakes like you.
How about Russia?
Communist China?
North Korea?
It sounds like you might be happier in one of these regimes.
And you can feel free to hang yourself in mommy's closet. I'm sure she could use the break.

And the country would just smell better, if nothing else.
And you can feel free to hang yourself in mommy's closet. I'm sure she could use the break.

And the country would just smell better, if nothing else.
So which is it?
Communist China?
North Korea?
Leftards are so full of shit.

"Reversing progress" - yeah right.

These fucking lunatics have destroyed the black family AND black business, and they call that progress.

These idiots are INSANE.

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