
Yup, thing stay the same.


Starkey you are an insufferable idiot. It is because of people like you that Hillary lost against a newcomer.

Not everything is political, the Left want to make everything political, everything an Activist Cause, they do this to further divide people into groups that they can pit against each other.

The Left are the purist of racists.
What do American Indians have to do with Thanksgiving, do you know?

History of Thanksgiving - Thanksgiving -
In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.

The Pilgrims at Plymouth colony were Puritan Brits running from the domination of the Church of England.
Who were the Pilgrims? | Plimoth Plantation
The people we know as Pilgrims have become so surrounded by legend that we are tempted to forget that they were real people. Against great odds, they made the famous 1620 voyage aboard the ship Mayflower and founded Plymouth Colony, but they were also ordinary English men and women. To understand them, it is important that we look beyond the legend. This story will help you get to know these people, now known as the Pilgrims, through their first years in New England.

England was a Roman Catholic nation until 1534, when King Henry VIII (reigned 1509-1547) declared himself head of a new national church called the Church of England. Although he and his daughter, Queen Elizabeth I (reigned 1558-1603), changed some things that made the Church of England different from the Roman Catholic Church, a few people felt that the new Church retained too many practices of the Roman Church. They called for a return to a simpler faith and less structured forms of worship. In short, they wanted to return to worshipping in the way the early Christians had. Because these people wanted to purify the church, they came to be known as “Puritans.” Another group, considered very radical, went even further. They thought the new Church of England was beyond reform. Called “Separatists,” they demanded the formation of new, separate church congregations. This opinion was very dangerous; in England in the 1600s, it was illegal to be part of any church other than the Church of England.

The Separatist church congregation that established Plymouth Colony in New England was originally centered around the town of Scrooby in Nottinghamshire, England. Members included the young William Bradford and William Brewster. Like others who refused to follow the Church of England’s teachings, some of them were harassed, fined or even sent to jail. When they felt they could no longer suffer these difficulties in England, they chose to flee to the Dutch Netherlands. There, they could practice their own religion without fear of persecution from the English government or its church......

.....Although they occasionally caught glimpses of Native People, it wasn’t until four months after their arrival that the colonists met and communicated with them. In March 1621, they made a treaty of mutual protection with the Pokanoket Wampanoag leader, Ousamequin (also known as Massasoit to the Pilgrims). The treaty had six points. Neither party would harm the other. If anything was stolen, it would be returned and the offending person returned to his own people for punishment. Both sides agreed to leave their weapons behind when meeting, and the two groups would serve as allies in times of war. Squanto, a Wampanoag man who had been taken captive by English sailors and lived for a time in London, came to live with the colonists and instructed them in growing Indian corn.

Squanto was a famous figure in American history:
Most cultures have a Harvest feast celebration. The Germans get shit-faced at Octoberfest, we stuff ourselves silly with turkey, mashed potatoes, corn and cranberry sauce then pass out in front of a television watching football.
Yup, thing stay the same.


Starkey you are an insufferable idiot. It is because of people like you that Hillary lost against a newcomer.

Not everything is political, the Left want to make everything political, everything an Activist Cause, they do this to further divide people into groups that they can pit against each other.

The Left are the purist of racists.
Jake does this as a matter of course, he does not need a cause, a political point of view or a social issue. Jake is just an oppositional asshole who enjoys trolling and trying to fuck up another person's good time.
Most Americans are not even related to the people who first colonized America and fought indians and other such things. Many families migrated here much later, so fuck you, sniveling baby. Lol.

Trashing the Original Americans still going on at Standing Rock.
Most Americans are not even related to the people who first colonized America and fought indians and other such things. Many families migrated here much later, so fuck you, sniveling baby. Lol.

Another strange thread about this topic, in the History Section, the OP picture is typical SJW hysterical.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Yet we now want to stop people from coming to this land...Weird how that works.

So you don't want borders? No borders, no country? No paying taxes? Just everyone in the whole wide world can walk in? You sure?
I didn't think my opinion of Jake couldn't go any lower, until I clicked on this thread.

For a moment I thought he might actually show a little bit of class and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

I should of known. Jake, you truly are a dick.
Yup, thing stay the same.


I'm not aware of the historical background of your Thanksgiving, but I read it was first introduced by President Abraham Lincoln.

This picture you post, what are you meaning, that Thanksgiving is racist?
Yeah, you can add Thanksgiving to the "racist" list. Why not?

What do American Indians have to do with Thanksgiving, do you know?
This should help.

First Thanksgiving Meal - Thanksgiving -

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