That shining "god" Obama couldn't even with nearly a $1 trillion in shovel ready jobs do this!

Obama is the only U.S. President to never experience one quarter of economic growth at, or above 3%.
Like I always say — if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to post.

Quarters of 3% or higher during Obama’s terms...

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2

Give them the benefit of the doubt, most do not know it is a lie and are just to stupid to look it up for themselves.
What will the democrats run on in 2018? we are going to take back that tax relief you were given?
Let me break it to you things aren't looking going for the democrats their loses might even top 1200 since obama election
Democrats will run on the urgency of taking back the Senate to prevent trump from replacing Ginsburg.
LOL great let's see how that works for you.
As long as the economy is doing great and people have money in their pockets democrats don't stand a chance.
FYI America isn't as liberal as you hoped it would be. lol
I think you underestimate the urgency on the left to prevent Trump from replacing a Liberal Justice with a conservative. I think you also underestimate how many Americans give more credit to Obama than to Trump for the state of the economy.
Obama is the only U.S. President to never experience one quarter of economic growth at, or above 3%.
Like I always say — if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to post.

Quarters of 3% or higher during Obama’s terms...

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
U.S.: real GDP growth by quarter 2011-2018 | Statista
My copy & paste did duplicate some of the numbers, but they’re all accurate and come from my link to the BEA. There is no more authoritative source than that.

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
Reposting the same old shit isn't refuting what I posted your numbers are wrong.
Like I always say — if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to post.

Quarters of 3% or higher during Obama’s terms...

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2

Give them the benefit of the doubt, most do not know it is a lie and are just to stupid to look it up for themselves.
What will the democrats run on in 2018? we are going to take back that tax relief you were given?
Let me break it to you things aren't looking going for the democrats their loses might even top 1200 since obama election
Democrats will run on the urgency of taking back the Senate to prevent trump from replacing Ginsburg.
LOL great let's see how that works for you.
As long as the economy is doing great and people have money in their pockets democrats don't stand a chance.
FYI America isn't as liberal as you hoped it would be. lol
I think you underestimate the urgency on the left to prevent Trump from replacing a Liberal Justice with a conservative. I think you also underestimate how many Americans give more credit to Obama than to Trump for the state of the economy.
Shrugs make it a 911 event for all I care people like their money they don't care about the left's urgency.
Obama's middle-of-recession Stimulus cost ~500B (with dynamic effect) and Trump's tax-cuts-in-the-middle-of-full-employment will cost ~1 TRILLION.
In one flash of his pen Obama signed into law the $1 Trillion Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 self-serving, self-enriching, DNC-ONLY pieces of pork.

Hailed as a 'jobs bill, the bill bailed out Feinstein's husband's bankrupting business, financially helped Pelosi's husband's failing business, and financed every pet project the Democrats had held onto for years. It failed to keep unemployment down below 9% as promised, failed to boos the economy.

The CBO stated afterwards that the bill helped create a reported modest number of jobs (the numbers for which were found to have been 'fudged' / made-up...for example, Obama claimed to have created / saved more jobs at one factory than they actually had people working there...). By the CBO's calculations, the cost of each job created / saved thanks to Obama's jobs $1 Trillion 'Jobs' bill was approx. $774,000 PER JOB. ...and, AGAIN, it completely FAILED to boost / help the economy or average American worker - it was a Liberal Pork-Fueled 'Wet Dream' tax payer expense.

Compare that to the Trump Tax Cuts' Results:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...
Best Economy seen in decades
Lowest unemployment seen in decades
Fewest people on Welfare, Unemployment, & Food Stamps in decades
Record Stock Market
Higher home values
Higher approval ratings for Trump than Reagan and Obama
Highest number of tantrums thrown by Trump-Hating, Butt-Hurt, Felon-Hillary-Supporting snowflakes
Record intolerance, hate, and violence from b@t-schmidt crazy Leftists


As I already PROVED, Stimulus provided direct transfers to middle class income via Making Work Pay ($800 per single, $1600 per joint filing over 2 years). So when you rightwingers claim the Stimulus spending was purely partisan you are clearly full of shit. It helped the economy, that's a FACT.

During the last 7 years of Obama Presidency we have seen:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, no increase in part-time jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...when you say this happened only Trump you are again full of shit.

Obama left office with 60% aproval, which Turmp cant touch. So more Bullshit.

I could go on and on about all the bullshit you peddle, but who has the time? Do everyone a favor and stop spreading it.
Obama is the only U.S. President to never experience one quarter of economic growth at, or above 3%.
Like I always say — if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to post.

Quarters of 3% or higher during Obama’s terms...

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
U.S.: real GDP growth by quarter 2011-2018 | Statista
My copy & paste did duplicate some of the numbers, but they’re all accurate and come from my link to the BEA. There is no more authoritative source than that.

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
Reposting the same old shit isn't refuting what I posted your numbers are wrong.
My numbers are not wrong. Did you bother to click on the link I posted — to the BEA?

What source do you imagine is more authoritative?
Obama's middle-of-recession Stimulus cost ~500B (with dynamic effect) and Trump's tax-cuts-in-the-middle-of-full-employment will cost ~1 TRILLION.
In one flash of his pen Obama signed into law the $1 Trillion Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 self-serving, self-enriching, DNC-ONLY pieces of pork.

Hailed as a 'jobs bill, the bill bailed out Feinstein's husband's bankrupting business, financially helped Pelosi's husband's failing business, and financed every pet project the Democrats had held onto for years. It failed to keep unemployment down below 9% as promised, failed to boos the economy.

The CBO stated afterwards that the bill helped create a reported modest number of jobs (the numbers for which were found to have been 'fudged' / made-up...for example, Obama claimed to have created / saved more jobs at one factory than they actually had people working there...). By the CBO's calculations, the cost of each job created / saved thanks to Obama's jobs $1 Trillion 'Jobs' bill was approx. $774,000 PER JOB. ...and, AGAIN, it completely FAILED to boost / help the economy or average American worker - it was a Liberal Pork-Fueled 'Wet Dream' tax payer expense.

Compare that to the Trump Tax Cuts' Results:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...
Best Economy seen in decades
Lowest unemployment seen in decades
Fewest people on Welfare, Unemployment, & Food Stamps in decades
Record Stock Market
Higher home values
Higher approval ratings for Trump than Reagan and Obama
Highest number of tantrums thrown by Trump-Hating, Butt-Hurt, Felon-Hillary-Supporting snowflakes
Record intolerance, hate, and violence from b@t-schmidt crazy Leftists


As I already PROVED, Stimulus provided direct transfers to middle class income via Making Work Pay ($800 per single, $1600 per joint filing over 2 years). So when you rightwingers claim the Stimulus spending was purely partisan you are clearly full of shit. It helped the economy, that's a FACT.

During the last 7 years of Obama Presidency we have seen:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, no increase in part-time jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...when you say this happened only Trump you are again full of shit.

Obama left office with 60% aproval, which Turmp cant touch. So more Bullshit.

I could go on and on about all the bullshit you peddle, but who has the time? Do everyone a favor and stop spreading it.
lol that's funny how does that translate with more people actually working now than under obama and fewer people on welfare and more blacks working lol
it's over
Obama is the only U.S. President to never experience one quarter of economic growth at, or above 3%.
Like I always say — if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to post.

Quarters of 3% or higher during Obama’s terms...

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
U.S.: real GDP growth by quarter 2011-2018 | Statista
My copy & paste did duplicate some of the numbers, but they’re all accurate and come from my link to the BEA. There is no more authoritative source than that.

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
Reposting the same old shit isn't refuting what I posted your numbers are wrong.
My numbers are not wrong. Did you bother to click on the link I posted — to the BEA?

What source do you imagine is more authoritative?
my link says they are, or are you going to show more of those obama cooked numbers Lol
Obama's middle-of-recession Stimulus cost ~500B (with dynamic effect) and Trump's tax-cuts-in-the-middle-of-full-employment will cost ~1 TRILLION.
In one flash of his pen Obama signed into law the $1 Trillion Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 self-serving, self-enriching, DNC-ONLY pieces of pork.

Hailed as a 'jobs bill, the bill bailed out Feinstein's husband's bankrupting business, financially helped Pelosi's husband's failing business, and financed every pet project the Democrats had held onto for years. It failed to keep unemployment down below 9% as promised, failed to boos the economy.

The CBO stated afterwards that the bill helped create a reported modest number of jobs (the numbers for which were found to have been 'fudged' / made-up...for example, Obama claimed to have created / saved more jobs at one factory than they actually had people working there...). By the CBO's calculations, the cost of each job created / saved thanks to Obama's jobs $1 Trillion 'Jobs' bill was approx. $774,000 PER JOB. ...and, AGAIN, it completely FAILED to boost / help the economy or average American worker - it was a Liberal Pork-Fueled 'Wet Dream' tax payer expense.

Compare that to the Trump Tax Cuts' Results:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...
Best Economy seen in decades
Lowest unemployment seen in decades
Fewest people on Welfare, Unemployment, & Food Stamps in decades
Record Stock Market
Higher home values
Higher approval ratings for Trump than Reagan and Obama
Highest number of tantrums thrown by Trump-Hating, Butt-Hurt, Felon-Hillary-Supporting snowflakes
Record intolerance, hate, and violence from b@t-schmidt crazy Leftists


As I already PROVED, Stimulus provided direct transfers to middle class income via Making Work Pay ($800 per single, $1600 per joint filing over 2 years). So when you rightwingers claim the Stimulus spending was purely partisan you are clearly full of shit. It helped the economy, that's a FACT.

During the last 7 years of Obama Presidency we have seen:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, no increase in part-time jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...when you say this happened only Trump you are again full of shit.

Obama left office with 60% aproval, which Turmp cant touch. So more Bullshit.

I could go on and on about all the bullshit you peddle, but who has the time? Do everyone a favor and stop spreading it.
lol that's funny how does that translate with more people actually working now than under obama and fewer people on welfare and more blacks working lol
it's over
All trends which began under Obama.
Like I always say — if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to post.

Quarters of 3% or higher during Obama’s terms...

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
U.S.: real GDP growth by quarter 2011-2018 | Statista
My copy & paste did duplicate some of the numbers, but they’re all accurate and come from my link to the BEA. There is no more authoritative source than that.

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
Reposting the same old shit isn't refuting what I posted your numbers are wrong.
My numbers are not wrong. Did you bother to click on the link I posted — to the BEA?

What source do you imagine is more authoritative?
my link says they are, or are you going to show more of those obama cooked numbers Lol

Your link showed the same numbers I posted.


Now where do you go with this? A different link? :badgrin:
Obama's middle-of-recession Stimulus cost ~500B (with dynamic effect) and Trump's tax-cuts-in-the-middle-of-full-employment will cost ~1 TRILLION.
In one flash of his pen Obama signed into law the $1 Trillion Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 self-serving, self-enriching, DNC-ONLY pieces of pork.

Hailed as a 'jobs bill, the bill bailed out Feinstein's husband's bankrupting business, financially helped Pelosi's husband's failing business, and financed every pet project the Democrats had held onto for years. It failed to keep unemployment down below 9% as promised, failed to boos the economy.

The CBO stated afterwards that the bill helped create a reported modest number of jobs (the numbers for which were found to have been 'fudged' / made-up...for example, Obama claimed to have created / saved more jobs at one factory than they actually had people working there...). By the CBO's calculations, the cost of each job created / saved thanks to Obama's jobs $1 Trillion 'Jobs' bill was approx. $774,000 PER JOB. ...and, AGAIN, it completely FAILED to boost / help the economy or average American worker - it was a Liberal Pork-Fueled 'Wet Dream' tax payer expense.

Compare that to the Trump Tax Cuts' Results:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...
Best Economy seen in decades
Lowest unemployment seen in decades
Fewest people on Welfare, Unemployment, & Food Stamps in decades
Record Stock Market
Higher home values
Higher approval ratings for Trump than Reagan and Obama
Highest number of tantrums thrown by Trump-Hating, Butt-Hurt, Felon-Hillary-Supporting snowflakes
Record intolerance, hate, and violence from b@t-schmidt crazy Leftists


As I already PROVED, Stimulus provided direct transfers to middle class income via Making Work Pay ($800 per single, $1600 per joint filing over 2 years). So when you rightwingers claim the Stimulus spending was purely partisan you are clearly full of shit. It helped the economy, that's a FACT.

During the last 7 years of Obama Presidency we have seen:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, no increase in part-time jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...when you say this happened only Trump you are again full of shit.

Obama left office with 60% aproval, which Turmp cant touch. So more Bullshit.

I could go on and on about all the bullshit you peddle, but who has the time? Do everyone a favor and stop spreading it.
lol that's funny how does that translate with more people actually working now than under obama and fewer people on welfare and more blacks working lol
it's over
All trends which began under Obama.
It didn't happen until obama's regulation were removed
Sorry, you lose again.
My copy & paste did duplicate some of the numbers, but they’re all accurate and come from my link to the BEA. There is no more authoritative source than that.

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
Reposting the same old shit isn't refuting what I posted your numbers are wrong.
My numbers are not wrong. Did you bother to click on the link I posted — to the BEA?

What source do you imagine is more authoritative?
my link says they are, or are you going to show more of those obama cooked numbers Lol

Your link showed the same numbers I posted.


Now where do you go with this? A different link? :badgrin:
no they didn't your link never showed 0 growth
or that 0.5 growth
or that lose
What would be a huge help is if Trump can mover some of those drawing welfare to working. That will relieve both inflationary and fiscal pressures. They will never go voluntarily so they will have to be cut off. Some of the third generation single mothers in the slums Democrats built will starve in the streets before working but most will learn.
Actually he has already been doing that. There are far less Americans on Welfare, Food Stamps, and unemployment now....lowest in years.....
And even a little lower then under Obama! LOL moron... Let us see how the trade War helps things...
Obama's middle-of-recession Stimulus cost ~500B (with dynamic effect) and Trump's tax-cuts-in-the-middle-of-full-employment will cost ~1 TRILLION.
In one flash of his pen Obama signed into law the $1 Trillion Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 self-serving, self-enriching, DNC-ONLY pieces of pork.

Hailed as a 'jobs bill, the bill bailed out Feinstein's husband's bankrupting business, financially helped Pelosi's husband's failing business, and financed every pet project the Democrats had held onto for years. It failed to keep unemployment down below 9% as promised, failed to boos the economy.

The CBO stated afterwards that the bill helped create a reported modest number of jobs (the numbers for which were found to have been 'fudged' / made-up...for example, Obama claimed to have created / saved more jobs at one factory than they actually had people working there...). By the CBO's calculations, the cost of each job created / saved thanks to Obama's jobs $1 Trillion 'Jobs' bill was approx. $774,000 PER JOB. ...and, AGAIN, it completely FAILED to boost / help the economy or average American worker - it was a Liberal Pork-Fueled 'Wet Dream' tax payer expense.

Compare that to the Trump Tax Cuts' Results:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...
Best Economy seen in decades
Lowest unemployment seen in decades
Fewest people on Welfare, Unemployment, & Food Stamps in decades
Record Stock Market
Higher home values
Higher approval ratings for Trump than Reagan and Obama
Highest number of tantrums thrown by Trump-Hating, Butt-Hurt, Felon-Hillary-Supporting snowflakes
Record intolerance, hate, and violence from b@t-schmidt crazy Leftists


As I already PROVED, Stimulus provided direct transfers to middle class income via Making Work Pay ($800 per single, $1600 per joint filing over 2 years). So when you rightwingers claim the Stimulus spending was purely partisan you are clearly full of shit. It helped the economy, that's a FACT.

During the last 7 years of Obama Presidency we have seen:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, no increase in part-time jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...when you say this happened only Trump you are again full of shit.

Obama left office with 60% aproval, which Turmp cant touch. So more Bullshit.

I could go on and on about all the bullshit you peddle, but who has the time? Do everyone a favor and stop spreading it.
lol that's funny how does that translate with more people actually working now than under obama and fewer people on welfare and more blacks working lol
it's over
All trends which began under Obama.
It didn't happen until obama's regulation were removed
Sorry, you lose again.

Have you been in a drug-induced coma for the last 8 years, when this job growth began?

Obama's middle-of-recession Stimulus cost ~500B (with dynamic effect) and Trump's tax-cuts-in-the-middle-of-full-employment will cost ~1 TRILLION.
In one flash of his pen Obama signed into law the $1 Trillion Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 self-serving, self-enriching, DNC-ONLY pieces of pork.

Hailed as a 'jobs bill, the bill bailed out Feinstein's husband's bankrupting business, financially helped Pelosi's husband's failing business, and financed every pet project the Democrats had held onto for years. It failed to keep unemployment down below 9% as promised, failed to boos the economy.

The CBO stated afterwards that the bill helped create a reported modest number of jobs (the numbers for which were found to have been 'fudged' / made-up...for example, Obama claimed to have created / saved more jobs at one factory than they actually had people working there...). By the CBO's calculations, the cost of each job created / saved thanks to Obama's jobs $1 Trillion 'Jobs' bill was approx. $774,000 PER JOB. ...and, AGAIN, it completely FAILED to boost / help the economy or average American worker - it was a Liberal Pork-Fueled 'Wet Dream' tax payer expense.

Compare that to the Trump Tax Cuts' Results:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...
Best Economy seen in decades
Lowest unemployment seen in decades
Fewest people on Welfare, Unemployment, & Food Stamps in decades
Record Stock Market
Higher home values
Higher approval ratings for Trump than Reagan and Obama
Highest number of tantrums thrown by Trump-Hating, Butt-Hurt, Felon-Hillary-Supporting snowflakes
Record intolerance, hate, and violence from b@t-schmidt crazy Leftists


As I already PROVED, Stimulus provided direct transfers to middle class income via Making Work Pay ($800 per single, $1600 per joint filing over 2 years). So when you rightwingers claim the Stimulus spending was purely partisan you are clearly full of shit. It helped the economy, that's a FACT.

During the last 7 years of Obama Presidency we have seen:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, no increase in part-time jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...when you say this happened only Trump you are again full of shit.

Obama left office with 60% aproval, which Turmp cant touch. So more Bullshit.

I could go on and on about all the bullshit you peddle, but who has the time? Do everyone a favor and stop spreading it.
lol that's funny how does that translate with more people actually working now than under obama and fewer people on welfare and more blacks working lol
it's over
All trends which began under Obama.
It didn't happen until obama's regulation were removed
Sorry, you lose again.
The brainwash is strong with this one LOL. It's too bad the Republicans always have to start corrupt bubbles that become busts and recessions and depressions. Solid growth based on our our natural economic advantages works better.
My copy & paste did duplicate some of the numbers, but they’re all accurate and come from my link to the BEA. There is no more authoritative source than that.

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
Reposting the same old shit isn't refuting what I posted your numbers are wrong.
My numbers are not wrong. Did you bother to click on the link I posted — to the BEA?

What source do you imagine is more authoritative?
my link says they are, or are you going to show more of those obama cooked numbers Lol

Your link showed the same numbers I posted.


Now where do you go with this? A different link? :badgrin:
no they didn't your link never showed 0 growth
or that 0.5 growth
or that lose
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You people are such idiots. <smh> And by, “you people,” I mean conservatives.

Moron...this comes from your link...

So what did I lose? :badgrin:
In one flash of his pen Obama signed into law the $1 Trillion Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 self-serving, self-enriching, DNC-ONLY pieces of pork.

Hailed as a 'jobs bill, the bill bailed out Feinstein's husband's bankrupting business, financially helped Pelosi's husband's failing business, and financed every pet project the Democrats had held onto for years. It failed to keep unemployment down below 9% as promised, failed to boos the economy.

The CBO stated afterwards that the bill helped create a reported modest number of jobs (the numbers for which were found to have been 'fudged' / made-up...for example, Obama claimed to have created / saved more jobs at one factory than they actually had people working there...). By the CBO's calculations, the cost of each job created / saved thanks to Obama's jobs $1 Trillion 'Jobs' bill was approx. $774,000 PER JOB. ...and, AGAIN, it completely FAILED to boost / help the economy or average American worker - it was a Liberal Pork-Fueled 'Wet Dream' tax payer expense.

Compare that to the Trump Tax Cuts' Results:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...
Best Economy seen in decades
Lowest unemployment seen in decades
Fewest people on Welfare, Unemployment, & Food Stamps in decades
Record Stock Market
Higher home values
Higher approval ratings for Trump than Reagan and Obama
Highest number of tantrums thrown by Trump-Hating, Butt-Hurt, Felon-Hillary-Supporting snowflakes
Record intolerance, hate, and violence from b@t-schmidt crazy Leftists


As I already PROVED, Stimulus provided direct transfers to middle class income via Making Work Pay ($800 per single, $1600 per joint filing over 2 years). So when you rightwingers claim the Stimulus spending was purely partisan you are clearly full of shit. It helped the economy, that's a FACT.

During the last 7 years of Obama Presidency we have seen:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, no increase in part-time jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...when you say this happened only Trump you are again full of shit.

Obama left office with 60% aproval, which Turmp cant touch. So more Bullshit.

I could go on and on about all the bullshit you peddle, but who has the time? Do everyone a favor and stop spreading it.
lol that's funny how does that translate with more people actually working now than under obama and fewer people on welfare and more blacks working lol
it's over
All trends which began under Obama.
It didn't happen until obama's regulation were removed
Sorry, you lose again.

Have you been in a drug-induced coma for the last 8 years, when this job growth began?

The fox Rush etc etc cone of ignorance...
In one flash of his pen Obama signed into law the $1 Trillion Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 self-serving, self-enriching, DNC-ONLY pieces of pork.

Hailed as a 'jobs bill, the bill bailed out Feinstein's husband's bankrupting business, financially helped Pelosi's husband's failing business, and financed every pet project the Democrats had held onto for years. It failed to keep unemployment down below 9% as promised, failed to boos the economy.

The CBO stated afterwards that the bill helped create a reported modest number of jobs (the numbers for which were found to have been 'fudged' / made-up...for example, Obama claimed to have created / saved more jobs at one factory than they actually had people working there...). By the CBO's calculations, the cost of each job created / saved thanks to Obama's jobs $1 Trillion 'Jobs' bill was approx. $774,000 PER JOB. ...and, AGAIN, it completely FAILED to boost / help the economy or average American worker - it was a Liberal Pork-Fueled 'Wet Dream' tax payer expense.

Compare that to the Trump Tax Cuts' Results:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...
Best Economy seen in decades
Lowest unemployment seen in decades
Fewest people on Welfare, Unemployment, & Food Stamps in decades
Record Stock Market
Higher home values
Higher approval ratings for Trump than Reagan and Obama
Highest number of tantrums thrown by Trump-Hating, Butt-Hurt, Felon-Hillary-Supporting snowflakes
Record intolerance, hate, and violence from b@t-schmidt crazy Leftists


As I already PROVED, Stimulus provided direct transfers to middle class income via Making Work Pay ($800 per single, $1600 per joint filing over 2 years). So when you rightwingers claim the Stimulus spending was purely partisan you are clearly full of shit. It helped the economy, that's a FACT.

During the last 7 years of Obama Presidency we have seen:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, no increase in part-time jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...when you say this happened only Trump you are again full of shit.

Obama left office with 60% aproval, which Turmp cant touch. So more Bullshit.

I could go on and on about all the bullshit you peddle, but who has the time? Do everyone a favor and stop spreading it.
lol that's funny how does that translate with more people actually working now than under obama and fewer people on welfare and more blacks working lol
it's over
All trends which began under Obama.
It didn't happen until obama's regulation were removed
Sorry, you lose again.

Have you been in a drug-induced coma for the last 8 years, when this job growth began?

U.S.: real GDP growth by quarter 2011-2018 | Statista
As I already PROVED, Stimulus provided direct transfers to middle class income via Making Work Pay ($800 per single, $1600 per joint filing over 2 years). So when you rightwingers claim the Stimulus spending was purely partisan you are clearly full of shit. It helped the economy, that's a FACT.

During the last 7 years of Obama Presidency we have seen:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, no increase in part-time jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...when you say this happened only Trump you are again full of shit.

Obama left office with 60% aproval, which Turmp cant touch. So more Bullshit.

I could go on and on about all the bullshit you peddle, but who has the time? Do everyone a favor and stop spreading it.
lol that's funny how does that translate with more people actually working now than under obama and fewer people on welfare and more blacks working lol
it's over
All trends which began under Obama.
It didn't happen until obama's regulation were removed
Sorry, you lose again.

Have you been in a drug-induced coma for the last 8 years, when this job growth began?

The fox Rush etc etc cone of ignorance...
Jon Gruber said hello stupid democrats
Reposting the same old shit isn't refuting what I posted your numbers are wrong.
My numbers are not wrong. Did you bother to click on the link I posted — to the BEA?

What source do you imagine is more authoritative?
my link says they are, or are you going to show more of those obama cooked numbers Lol

Your link showed the same numbers I posted.


Now where do you go with this? A different link? :badgrin:
no they didn't your link never showed 0 growth
or that 0.5 growth
or that lose
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You people are such idiots. <smh> And by, “you people,” I mean conservatives.

Moron...this comes from your link...

So what did I lose? :badgrin:
now take a look at the bs you posted and compare
As I already PROVED, Stimulus provided direct transfers to middle class income via Making Work Pay ($800 per single, $1600 per joint filing over 2 years). So when you rightwingers claim the Stimulus spending was purely partisan you are clearly full of shit. It helped the economy, that's a FACT.

During the last 7 years of Obama Presidency we have seen:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, no increase in part-time jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...when you say this happened only Trump you are again full of shit.

Obama left office with 60% aproval, which Turmp cant touch. So more Bullshit.

I could go on and on about all the bullshit you peddle, but who has the time? Do everyone a favor and stop spreading it.
lol that's funny how does that translate with more people actually working now than under obama and fewer people on welfare and more blacks working lol
it's over
All trends which began under Obama.
It didn't happen until obama's regulation were removed
Sorry, you lose again.

Have you been in a drug-induced coma for the last 8 years, when this job growth began?

U.S.: real GDP growth by quarter 2011-2018 | Statista
That’s the same link where I posted that other chart, ya moronconservative. It shows the exact same numbers I posted.

Here’s another copy & paste from your link... it also shows the same numbers I posted...

Q1 '11 -1.5%
Q2 '11 2.9%
Q3 '11 0.8%
Q4 '11 4.6%
Q1 '12 2.7%
Q2 '12 1.9%
Q3 '12 0.5%
Q4 '12 0.1%
Q1 '13 2.8%
Q2 '13 0.8%
Q3 '13 3.1%
Q4 '13 4%
Q1 '14 -0.9%
Q2 '14 4.6%
Q3 '14 5.2%
Q4 '14 2%
Q1 '15 3.2%
Q2 '15 2.7%
Q3 '15 1.6%
Q4 '15 0.5%
Q1 '16 0.6%
Q2 '16 2.2%
Q3 '16 2.8%
Q4 '16 1.8%

Don’t you ever tire of making a complete jackass of yourself?


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