The 10 Most Insane Delusions of Kim Jong-il

Alan Stallion

Civil Rights Advocate
Dec 17, 2009
San Jose, California
Giant Rabbits and Double Rainbows: The 10 Most Insane Delusions of Kim Jong-il
With the death of Kim Jong-il, the world loses one of the greatest self-aggrandizing fantasists of all time. Here are ten of the craziest Jong-il stories floating out there:

1. North Korean schools teach children that Jong-il's birth was "supernatural." He was born in a log cabin inside a secret base on the sacred Mt. Paekdu, the story goes, and his arrival was accompanied by the apparition of a new star. The seasons then spontaneously changed from winter to spring, and a double-rainbow appeared, followed by a talking iceberg. (Western accounts say he was born in a guerrilla camp in Russia.)

2. In 2006, Jong-il learned that a man in Germany breeds giant rabbits. He found them delightful and decided they were the key to solving North Korea's widespread hunger problem:

Giant Rabbits and Double Rainbows: The 10 Most Insane Delusions of Kim Jong-il

#3 is a good one... State textbooks claim Jong-il does not produce urine or feces :lol:
Granny says dem Chinese is tryin' to sneak in an' suck up to Sonny-boy Kim...
China steps up efforts for trouble-free power transition in North Korea
Dec 20, 2011: Stepping up efforts to ensure trouble-free transition of power in North Korea following the death of its close ally Kim Jong Il, China on Tuesday launched telephone diplomacy to highlight the need for maintaining peace and stability in the Stalinist state.
It also appealed to the North Korean people to rally behind Kim Jong-un, the late leader's son who is set to assume power. Kim Jong Il, who died on Saturday following a massive heart attack, was a great leader and great friend of China and made great contribution for the development of socialism and close ties between China and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Foreign ministry spokesman Liu Weimin told a media briefing here. "Hope the people of DPRK will close ranks around the Workers Party of Korea (the ruling party) and under the leadership of comrade Kin Jong-un (the late leader's son) to make efforts to build DPRK into a strong socialist country and to realise the peace in Korean peninsula," he said.

Liu said Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi also spoke to several of his counterparts, including US secretary Hillary Clinton, to impress upon the need to maintain peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula. Yang told them that China will make efforts with all parties to maintain peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula. On her part, Clinton agreed that it was important to maintain peace and stability and informed Yang that the US would maintain close communication and coordination with China, Liu said.

Asked whether any top leaders of China would attend the funeral of Kim, Liu said North Korea has made it clear that it would not like the presence of any foreign delegations. Perhaps this was the reason why Chinese President Hu Jintao, accompanied by other leaders, visited the North Korean embassy here to pay tributes to Kim.

At the same time, Liu said Kim Jong-un could visit China at his convenience. While he said he was not aware when Kim Jong-un would be coming to Beijing, he added that "China-DPRK maintain high- level visits. We welcome leaders to visit China at their convenience." He also denied a report from South Korea that DPRK Ambassador to Beijing had gone missing. "This report is not true. The media should not make irresponsible guess on that," he said. Kim's death was widely reported in the media here, with headlines like "A Friend departs," and "NK weeps, world wary."


See also:

China urges North Koreans to stand behind Kim Jong-Il's son
Dec 20, 2011: China's president offered his condolences for the death of Kim Jong-Il on Tuesday as Beijing, fearing instability on its border, called on North Koreans to unite behind their former leader's son and heir.
Hu Jintao visited the North Korean embassy in Beijing in person to pay his respects, a day after the isolated Stalinist state announced the death of its leader from a heart attack. China is North Korea's closest ally, and just hours after the announcement of Kim's death on Monday, Beijing threw its backing behind his third son Jong-Un, urging North Koreans to "turn their sorrow into strength". The Chinese government also pledged to work with the isolated, nuclear-armed state to ensure the "peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula and the region". "We believe that under the leadership of the Korean Workers Party and comrade Kim Jong-Un, the DPRK people will unite as one and turn their sorrow into strength," said foreign minister Yang Jiechi, using communist North Korea's formal name.

Foreign ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said on Tuesday that Beijing would "welcome the leaders" of North Korea "to visit at their convenience". Analysts say China is likely to strengthen support for its impoverished neighbour as it seeks to avoid a potentially destabilising power struggle in the Stalinist regime. Beijing is also likely to come under international pressure to use its influence to dissuade Pyongyang from carrying out more military provocations like those that rattled Asia last year. Little is known about Kim Jong-Il's successor, but there are fears he has not had enough time to cement control over the country's government and military. Jong-Un, who is in his late 20s, was given senior ruling party posts and made a four-star general in September 2010, despite his lack of any military experience. "It is dangerous in a sense that if the succession arrangement does not work there could be chaos," said Professor Joseph Cheng of Hong Kong City University.

Beijing "certainly wants to avoid any kind of meltdown in North Korea because that would be destabilising along the border." Kim Jong-Il was a regular visitor to China and his death was splashed across the front pages of China's state-run newspapers on Tuesday. It was also the most popular topic on the weibos -- the Chinese version of Twitter. "Beijing and Pyongyang have enjoyed a long tradition of friendship, forged by generations of leaders," said an editorial in the China Daily. "It is hoped our neighbour will continue its endeavour to build an economically stronger DPRK under a new leadership." The China Daily carried a photo of a smiling Kim under a headline reading "A friend's departure". The People's Daily, the mouthpiece of China's Communist party, carried news of Kim's death, but no commentary.

Giant Rabbits and Double Rainbows: The 10 Most Insane Delusions of Kim Jong-il
With the death of Kim Jong-il, the world loses one of the greatest self-aggrandizing fantasists of all time. Here are ten of the craziest Jong-il stories floating out there:

1. North Korean schools teach children that Jong-il's birth was "supernatural." He was born in a log cabin inside a secret base on the sacred Mt. Paekdu, the story goes, and his arrival was accompanied by the apparition of a new star. The seasons then spontaneously changed from winter to spring, and a double-rainbow appeared, followed by a talking iceberg. (Western accounts say he was born in a guerrilla camp in Russia.)

2. In 2006, Jong-il learned that a man in Germany breeds giant rabbits. He found them delightful and decided they were the key to solving North Korea's widespread hunger problem:

Giant Rabbits and Double Rainbows: The 10 Most Insane Delusions of Kim Jong-il

#3 is a good one... State textbooks claim Jong-il does not produce urine or feces :lol:

He was a gem wasn't he... one in a trillion. rip dear leader wild and crazy guy...

[ame=]Frank Sinatra, My Way, With Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
I like the first commentary.
"Are any of these really any crazier than thinking that you can get out of a recession by cutting taxes and destroying the social safety net? Or that austerity will help grow businesses and erase debt crises? "
I like the first commentary.
"Are any of these really any crazier than thinking that you can get out of a recession by cutting taxes and destroying the social safety net? Or that austerity will help grow businesses and erase debt crises? "

what ever are you rambling about ?
Click the link, read the article and scroll down to the commentaries.

economic prosperity can not be obtained by electing another puppet of the military industrial complex
what ever are you rambling about ?
Click the link, read the article and scroll down to the commentaries.

economic prosperity can not be obtained by electing another puppet of the military industrial complex
True. Therefore there will be no recovery. Ever !
Act accordingly. A good gig would be a contract to supply body bags to the Pentagram.


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I like the first commentary.
"Are any of these really any crazier than thinking that you can get out of a recession by cutting taxes and destroying the social safety net? Or that austerity will help grow businesses and erase debt crises? "

No. Crazy is thinking confiscating more of the workers' wages is the way out of recession. Totalitarians like Kim would approve of more control of the people and their finances, even under the guise of a "safety net."

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