The 20 Republican Senators most likely to vote to remove Trump from office.

Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

Who on that list is retiring or up for an election in 2020? I believe McSally was installed to replace McTumor when he croaked. Do you honestly think she will talk smack about Trump and risk all her cool tax payer funded stuff? Don't think so. Here is a lie of all the republicans up for reelection In 2020. None of this scum who ain't retiring will dare risk their sweet jobs for Nancy Pelosi's dumb stunt. But do hold your breath while ya wait.

Alaska: Dan Sullivan (Intent unknown) Current age: 53

Arizona: Martha McSally (Intent unknown) Current age: 52

Arkansas: Tom Cotton (Running) Current age: 40

Colorado: Cory Gardner (Intent unknown) Current age: 43

Georgia: David Perdue (Running) Current age: 68

Idaho: John Risch (Intent unknown) Current age: 74

Iowa: Joni Ernst (Running) Current age: 47

Kansas: Pat Roberts (Retiring) Current age: 81

Kentucky: Mitch McConnell (Running) Current age: 75

Louisiana: Bill Cassidy (Intent unknown) Current age: 60

Maine: Susan Collins (Intent unknown) Current age: 66

Mississippi: Cindy Hyde-Smith (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Montana: Steve Daines (Intent unknown) Current age: 55

Nebraska: Ben Sasse (Intent unknown) Current age: 45

North Carolina: Thom Tillis (Running) Current age: 57

Oklahoma: Jim Inhofe (Intent unknown) Current age: 83

South Carolina: Lindsey Graham (Running) Current age: 63

South Dakota: Mike Rounds (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Tennessee: Lamar Alexander (Retiring) Current age: 77

Texas: John Cornyn (Running) Current age: 65

West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito (Intent unknown) Current age: 64

Wyoming: Mike Enzi (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

And in 2022,

Alabama: Richard Shelby - Current age: 83

Alaska: Lisa Murkowski - Current age: 60

Arkansas: John Boozman - Current age: 67

Florida: Marco Rubio - Current age: 46

Georgia: Johnny Isakson (retiring at the end of 2019) - Current age: 73

Idaho: Mike Crapo - Current age: 66

Indiana: Todd Young - Current age: 45

Iowa: Chuck Grassley - Current age: 84

Kansas: Jerry Moran - Current age: 63

Kentucky: Rand Paul - Current age: 55

Louisiana: John N. Kennedy - Current age: 66

Missouri: Roy Blunt - Current age: 68

North Carolina: Richard Burr (Retiring) Current age: 62

North Dakota: John Hoeven - Current age: 60

Ohio: Rob Portman - Current age: 62

Oklahoma: James Lankford - Current age: 49

Pennsylvania: Pat Toomey - Current age: 56

South Carolina: Tim Scott - Current age: 52

South Dakota: John Thune - Current age: 57

Utah: Mike Lee - Current age: 46

Wisconsin: Ron Johnson (Retiring) Current age: 62

The Mormon's of Utah hate Trump. So of the 20 I listed, I'd put these as the most likely and definite. Their not afraid to take on Trump and his stooges:

01. Mitt Romney - Utah
02. Mike Lee - Utah
03. Marco Rubio - Florida
04. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
05. Richard Burr - North Carolina

After those first 5, these next 15 are the most likely to turn on Trump

06. Susan Collins - Main
07. Ben Sasse - Nebraska
08. Rob Portman - Ohio
09. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
10. Martha McSally - Arizona
11. Cory Gardner - Colorado
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Josh Hawley - Missouri
14. Tod Young - Indiana
15. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
16. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
17. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
18. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
Lo ll he has 93% republicans approval ,, he ain’t going anywhere
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

Who on that list is retiring or up for an election in 2020? I believe McSally was installed to replace McTumor when he croaked. Do you honestly think she will talk smack about Trump and risk all her cool tax payer funded stuff? Don't think so. Here is a lie of all the republicans up for reelection In 2020. None of this scum who ain't retiring will dare risk their sweet jobs for Nancy Pelosi's dumb stunt. But do hold your breath while ya wait.

Alaska: Dan Sullivan (Intent unknown) Current age: 53

Arizona: Martha McSally (Intent unknown) Current age: 52

Arkansas: Tom Cotton (Running) Current age: 40

Colorado: Cory Gardner (Intent unknown) Current age: 43

Georgia: David Perdue (Running) Current age: 68

Idaho: John Risch (Intent unknown) Current age: 74

Iowa: Joni Ernst (Running) Current age: 47

Kansas: Pat Roberts (Retiring) Current age: 81

Kentucky: Mitch McConnell (Running) Current age: 75

Louisiana: Bill Cassidy (Intent unknown) Current age: 60

Maine: Susan Collins (Intent unknown) Current age: 66

Mississippi: Cindy Hyde-Smith (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Montana: Steve Daines (Intent unknown) Current age: 55

Nebraska: Ben Sasse (Intent unknown) Current age: 45

North Carolina: Thom Tillis (Running) Current age: 57

Oklahoma: Jim Inhofe (Intent unknown) Current age: 83

South Carolina: Lindsey Graham (Running) Current age: 63

South Dakota: Mike Rounds (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Tennessee: Lamar Alexander (Retiring) Current age: 77

Texas: John Cornyn (Running) Current age: 65

West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito (Intent unknown) Current age: 64

Wyoming: Mike Enzi (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

And in 2022,

Alabama: Richard Shelby - Current age: 83

Alaska: Lisa Murkowski - Current age: 60

Arkansas: John Boozman - Current age: 67

Florida: Marco Rubio - Current age: 46

Georgia: Johnny Isakson (retiring at the end of 2019) - Current age: 73

Idaho: Mike Crapo - Current age: 66

Indiana: Todd Young - Current age: 45

Iowa: Chuck Grassley - Current age: 84

Kansas: Jerry Moran - Current age: 63

Kentucky: Rand Paul - Current age: 55

Louisiana: John N. Kennedy - Current age: 66

Missouri: Roy Blunt - Current age: 68

North Carolina: Richard Burr (Retiring) Current age: 62

North Dakota: John Hoeven - Current age: 60

Ohio: Rob Portman - Current age: 62

Oklahoma: James Lankford - Current age: 49

Pennsylvania: Pat Toomey - Current age: 56

South Carolina: Tim Scott - Current age: 52

South Dakota: John Thune - Current age: 57

Utah: Mike Lee - Current age: 46

Wisconsin: Ron Johnson (Retiring) Current age: 62

The Mormon's of Utah hate Trump. So of the 20 I listed, I'd put these as the most likely and definite. Their not afraid to take on Trump and his stooges:

01. Mitt Romney - Utah
02. Mike Lee - Utah
03. Marco Rubio - Florida
04. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
05. Richard Burr - North Carolina

After those first 5, these next 15 are the most likely to turn on Trump

06. Susan Collins - Main
07. Ben Sasse - Nebraska
08. Rob Portman - Ohio
09. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
10. Martha McSally - Arizona
11. Cory Gardner - Colorado
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Josh Hawley - Missouri
14. Tod Young - Indiana
15. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
16. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
17. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
18. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
Lo ll he has 93% republicans approval ,, he ain’t going anywhere

He doesn't. The latest polls show 14% of Republicans support impeaching and removing Donald Trump from office. The vast majority of Democrats support removing him from office and more importantly, the majority of INDEPENDENTS support removing him from office.

GOP Senators can't survive in elections with just registered Republicans who only account for 29% of voters. Then there is the fact that 14% of registered Republicans want Trump removed from office. That number will grow in the coming weeks.

As public support expands for impeachment, so will Republican Senators support for impeachment. That's how Nixon was forced out of office in 1974.
In light of more recent events, including the new FOX NEWS poll showing 51% of Americans support impeaching and removing Trump from office, and Trump's recent betrayal of the Kurds in Syria, Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office, in order from most likely to least likely. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Mitt Romney - Utah
02. Rob Portman - Ohio
03. Marco Rubio - Florida
04. Ben Sasse - Nebraska
05. Susan Collins - Maine
06. Mike Lee - Utah
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Joni Ernst - Iowa
09. Martha McSally - Arizona
10. Cory Gardner - Colorado
11. Josh Hawley - Missouri
12. Richard Burr - North Carolina
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
15. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
19. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
20. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

OMG, give it up already. If 2 or 3 GOP senators vote to remove Trump for the democrat's bullshit non-crimes they will be primaried and tossed out. Marco wants Trump's supporters in 2024. Toomey is in a state Trump won. Portman is in a state Trump won. Ernst and McSally need Trump supporters for re-election. Your list of senators is nonsense. How about democrat senators voting to acquit? How about WV senators Joe Manchin and Capito?

You can try to keep hope alive, but the impeachment party is over. Turn the lights out. Trump will not be removed by impeachment, especially after Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz expose the deep state coup attempts.

2020 will be about how many states Trump wins on his way to re-election.
The democrats have no one to put up, and no policies worth voting for.

Marco risk losing his seat in Florida in the general election if he stays with Trump. Toomey is in BLUE WALL State. Its a State I live in. The Republicans got crushed at the voting booth in Pennsylvania in 2018. If Toomey wants to keep his job, he will have to vote Trump out. The vast majority of people in Pennsylvania now want Trump impeached and removed from office.

Ohio is a swing state with lots of independents who now are dropping their support of Trump. Rob Portman will not remain on Trump's sinking ship. He has more integrity and common sense than that.

Ernst and McSally need to DUMP TRUMP in order to win re-election.

My list of Senators are the Republican Senators most likely to vote against Trump. I never stated they all would or that they are all there yet.

No Democratic Senator or Independent Senator will acquit Donald Trump. Only BLIND PARTISANSHIP and those that put PARTY over COUNTRY, can save Trump in the Senate.

As a women, I think Capito will come to her senses and DUMP the pussy grabber even though she is representing West Virginia. Joe Manchin is not on the list.

The only ones in desperate need of hope are Trump and his supporters. Their ship is sinking fast. The sprung a huge leak in their support from Republican Senators by betraying the KURDS!

Trump will be impeached by the House OF Representatives. It remains to be seen if there will be 20 Republican Senators with enough courage and sense to remove Trump from office. But winds are blowing in favor of those that want Trump removed from office.

Most people now want Trump removed from office based on the latest polls. An even larger number will vote against Trump on November 3, 2020, if he some how is still President by then.
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

Who on that list is retiring or up for an election in 2020? I believe McSally was installed to replace McTumor when he croaked. Do you honestly think she will talk smack about Trump and risk all her cool tax payer funded stuff? Don't think so. Here is a lie of all the republicans up for reelection In 2020. None of this scum who ain't retiring will dare risk their sweet jobs for Nancy Pelosi's dumb stunt. But do hold your breath while ya wait.

Alaska: Dan Sullivan (Intent unknown) Current age: 53

Arizona: Martha McSally (Intent unknown) Current age: 52

Arkansas: Tom Cotton (Running) Current age: 40

Colorado: Cory Gardner (Intent unknown) Current age: 43

Georgia: David Perdue (Running) Current age: 68

Idaho: John Risch (Intent unknown) Current age: 74

Iowa: Joni Ernst (Running) Current age: 47

Kansas: Pat Roberts (Retiring) Current age: 81

Kentucky: Mitch McConnell (Running) Current age: 75

Louisiana: Bill Cassidy (Intent unknown) Current age: 60

Maine: Susan Collins (Intent unknown) Current age: 66

Mississippi: Cindy Hyde-Smith (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Montana: Steve Daines (Intent unknown) Current age: 55

Nebraska: Ben Sasse (Intent unknown) Current age: 45

North Carolina: Thom Tillis (Running) Current age: 57

Oklahoma: Jim Inhofe (Intent unknown) Current age: 83

South Carolina: Lindsey Graham (Running) Current age: 63

South Dakota: Mike Rounds (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Tennessee: Lamar Alexander (Retiring) Current age: 77

Texas: John Cornyn (Running) Current age: 65

West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito (Intent unknown) Current age: 64

Wyoming: Mike Enzi (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

And in 2022,

Alabama: Richard Shelby - Current age: 83

Alaska: Lisa Murkowski - Current age: 60

Arkansas: John Boozman - Current age: 67

Florida: Marco Rubio - Current age: 46

Georgia: Johnny Isakson (retiring at the end of 2019) - Current age: 73

Idaho: Mike Crapo - Current age: 66

Indiana: Todd Young - Current age: 45

Iowa: Chuck Grassley - Current age: 84

Kansas: Jerry Moran - Current age: 63

Kentucky: Rand Paul - Current age: 55

Louisiana: John N. Kennedy - Current age: 66

Missouri: Roy Blunt - Current age: 68

North Carolina: Richard Burr (Retiring) Current age: 62

North Dakota: John Hoeven - Current age: 60

Ohio: Rob Portman - Current age: 62

Oklahoma: James Lankford - Current age: 49

Pennsylvania: Pat Toomey - Current age: 56

South Carolina: Tim Scott - Current age: 52

South Dakota: John Thune - Current age: 57

Utah: Mike Lee - Current age: 46

Wisconsin: Ron Johnson (Retiring) Current age: 62

The Mormon's of Utah hate Trump. So of the 20 I listed, I'd put these as the most likely and definite. Their not afraid to take on Trump and his stooges:

01. Mitt Romney - Utah
02. Mike Lee - Utah
03. Marco Rubio - Florida
04. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
05. Richard Burr - North Carolina

After those first 5, these next 15 are the most likely to turn on Trump

06. Susan Collins - Main
07. Ben Sasse - Nebraska
08. Rob Portman - Ohio
09. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
10. Martha McSally - Arizona
11. Cory Gardner - Colorado
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Josh Hawley - Missouri
14. Tod Young - Indiana
15. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
16. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
17. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
18. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
Lo ll he has 93% republicans approval ,, he ain’t going anywhere

He doesn't. The latest polls show 14% of Republicans support impeaching and removing Donald Trump from office. The vast majority of Democrats support removing him from office and more importantly, the majority of INDEPENDENTS support removing him from office.

GOP Senators can't survive in elections with just registered Republicans who only account for 29% of voters. Then there is the fact that 14% of registered Republicans want Trump removed from office. That number will grow in the coming weeks.

As public support expands for impeachment, so will Republican Senators support for impeachment. That's how Nixon was forced out of office in 1974.
More fake news, 93% of republicans support him..

AGAIN VOTE. What are you waiting for? Evidence? Lol
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

Who on that list is retiring or up for an election in 2020? I believe McSally was installed to replace McTumor when he croaked. Do you honestly think she will talk smack about Trump and risk all her cool tax payer funded stuff? Don't think so. Here is a lie of all the republicans up for reelection In 2020. None of this scum who ain't retiring will dare risk their sweet jobs for Nancy Pelosi's dumb stunt. But do hold your breath while ya wait.

Alaska: Dan Sullivan (Intent unknown) Current age: 53

Arizona: Martha McSally (Intent unknown) Current age: 52

Arkansas: Tom Cotton (Running) Current age: 40

Colorado: Cory Gardner (Intent unknown) Current age: 43

Georgia: David Perdue (Running) Current age: 68

Idaho: John Risch (Intent unknown) Current age: 74

Iowa: Joni Ernst (Running) Current age: 47

Kansas: Pat Roberts (Retiring) Current age: 81

Kentucky: Mitch McConnell (Running) Current age: 75

Louisiana: Bill Cassidy (Intent unknown) Current age: 60

Maine: Susan Collins (Intent unknown) Current age: 66

Mississippi: Cindy Hyde-Smith (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Montana: Steve Daines (Intent unknown) Current age: 55

Nebraska: Ben Sasse (Intent unknown) Current age: 45

North Carolina: Thom Tillis (Running) Current age: 57

Oklahoma: Jim Inhofe (Intent unknown) Current age: 83

South Carolina: Lindsey Graham (Running) Current age: 63

South Dakota: Mike Rounds (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Tennessee: Lamar Alexander (Retiring) Current age: 77

Texas: John Cornyn (Running) Current age: 65

West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito (Intent unknown) Current age: 64

Wyoming: Mike Enzi (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

And in 2022,

Alabama: Richard Shelby - Current age: 83

Alaska: Lisa Murkowski - Current age: 60

Arkansas: John Boozman - Current age: 67

Florida: Marco Rubio - Current age: 46

Georgia: Johnny Isakson (retiring at the end of 2019) - Current age: 73

Idaho: Mike Crapo - Current age: 66

Indiana: Todd Young - Current age: 45

Iowa: Chuck Grassley - Current age: 84

Kansas: Jerry Moran - Current age: 63

Kentucky: Rand Paul - Current age: 55

Louisiana: John N. Kennedy - Current age: 66

Missouri: Roy Blunt - Current age: 68

North Carolina: Richard Burr (Retiring) Current age: 62

North Dakota: John Hoeven - Current age: 60

Ohio: Rob Portman - Current age: 62

Oklahoma: James Lankford - Current age: 49

Pennsylvania: Pat Toomey - Current age: 56

South Carolina: Tim Scott - Current age: 52

South Dakota: John Thune - Current age: 57

Utah: Mike Lee - Current age: 46

Wisconsin: Ron Johnson (Retiring) Current age: 62

The Mormon's of Utah hate Trump. So of the 20 I listed, I'd put these as the most likely and definite. Their not afraid to take on Trump and his stooges:

01. Mitt Romney - Utah
02. Mike Lee - Utah
03. Marco Rubio - Florida
04. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
05. Richard Burr - North Carolina

After those first 5, these next 15 are the most likely to turn on Trump

06. Susan Collins - Main
07. Ben Sasse - Nebraska
08. Rob Portman - Ohio
09. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
10. Martha McSally - Arizona
11. Cory Gardner - Colorado
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Josh Hawley - Missouri
14. Tod Young - Indiana
15. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
16. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
17. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
18. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
Lo ll he has 93% republicans approval ,, he ain’t going anywhere

He doesn't. The latest polls show 14% of Republicans support impeaching and removing Donald Trump from office. The vast majority of Democrats support removing him from office and more importantly, the majority of INDEPENDENTS support removing him from office.

GOP Senators can't survive in elections with just registered Republicans who only account for 29% of voters. Then there is the fact that 14% of registered Republicans want Trump removed from office. That number will grow in the coming weeks.

As public support expands for impeachment, so will Republican Senators support for impeachment. That's how Nixon was forced out of office in 1974.
More fake news, 93% of republicans support him..

AGAIN VOTE. What are you waiting for? Evidence? Lol

14% of registered Republicans support removing him from office. There are more Republicans that don't support Trump but don't want him removed. So your talking now about less than 80% support among registered Republicans at a minimum.
In light of more recent events, including the new FOX NEWS poll showing 51% of Americans support impeaching and removing Trump from office, and Trump's recent betrayal of the Kurds in Syria, Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office, in order from most likely to least likely. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Mitt Romney - Utah
02. Rob Portman - Ohio
03. Marco Rubio - Florida
04. Ben Sasse - Nebraska
05. Susan Collins - Maine
06. Mike Lee - Utah
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Joni Ernst - Iowa
09. Martha McSally - Arizona
10. Cory Gardner - Colorado
11. Josh Hawley - Missouri
12. Richard Burr - North Carolina
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
15. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
19. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
20. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

OMG, give it up already. If 2 or 3 GOP senators vote to remove Trump for the democrat's bullshit non-crimes they will be primaried and tossed out. Marco wants Trump's supporters in 2024. Toomey is in a state Trump won. Portman is in a state Trump won. Ernst and McSally need Trump supporters for re-election. Your list of senators is nonsense. How about democrat senators voting to acquit? How about WV senators Joe Manchin and Capito?

You can try to keep hope alive, but the impeachment party is over. Turn the lights out. Trump will not be removed by impeachment, especially after Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz expose the deep state coup attempts.

2020 will be about how many states Trump wins on his way to re-election.
The democrats have no one to put up, and no policies worth voting for.

Marco risk losing his seat in Florida in the general election if he stays with Trump. Toomey is in BLUE WALL State. Its a State I live in. The Republicans got crushed at the voting booth in Pennsylvania in 2018. If Toomey wants to keep his job, he will have to vote Trump out. The vast majority of people in Pennsylvania now want Trump impeached and removed from office.

Ohio is a swing state with lots of independents who now are dropping their support of Trump. Rob Portman will not remain on Trump's sinking ship. He has more integrity and common sense than that.

Ernst and McSally need to DUMP TRUMP in order to win re-election.

My list of Senators are the Republican Senators most likely to vote against Trump. I never stated they all would or that they are all there yet.

No Democratic Senator or Independent Senator will acquit Donald Trump. Only BLIND PARTISANSHIP and those that put PARTY over COUNTRY, can save Trump in the Senate.

As a women, I think Capito will come to her senses and DUMP the pussy grabber even though she is representing West Virginia. Joe Manchin is not on the list.

The only ones in desperate need of hope are Trump and his supporters. Their ship is sinking fast. The sprung a huge leak in their support from Republican Senators by betraying the KURDS!

Trump will be impeached by the House OF Representatives. It remains to be seen if there will be 20 Republican Senators with enough courage and sense to remove Trump from office. But winds are blowing in favor of those that want Trump removed from office.

Most people now want Trump removed from office based on the latest polls. An even larger number will vote against Trump on November 3, 2020, if he some how is still President by then.

We are on opposite sides of reality. If the democrats impeach Trump it goes to the USSC to verify that it is a proper impeachment. If valid, the senate would probably hold a vote to dismiss the impeachment and avoid wasting time on a trial. Dershowitz already said that the democrats are wrong in process and on the Law as to what is an impeachable offense. That's more than enough justification to dismiss the impeachment.
Ukraine Transcript Isn't Impeachable or Criminal: Kevin McCullough with Alan Dershowitz - Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News -

Polls are usually wrong, in case you forgot, here is a look back at 2016, when Trump had zero chance of winning:

In 2018 the MSM painted Trump as a Russian asset who Mueller was going to nail for colluding during the 2016 election, suburban women went big for democrats. Even then the 2018 election results were normal for a mid-term, an average number of seats were lost by the president's party. Historically, the president get re-elected with the president's party picking up those lost House seats. We'll see.

Even if the democrats impeach Trump, that doesn't mean that the articles reach the "high crimes" threshold for impeachment. That's more than enough cover for Republican senators to vote to dismiss and keep the 93% of the base happy with them.
If Trump is impeached, Senate Republicans should simply vote to dismiss the case.

The 2020 election is a year and a month away. The democrats have nothing to run on, and no candidate that can beat Trump. Bernie, Biden, and Warren are all but gone for one reason or another. Maybe Hillery can beat Trump again <g>!!

You are an optimist!! p.s. who is your avatar??
To be a crime an action has to violate a law and no law has been violated. Clearly, you are one of those, like Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, et. al., who believes you are above the law. The Constitution is clear that to impeach a President, there must be evidence a law was broken, and we all know there is no such law. In fact, the current impeachment inquiry qualifies as a conspiracy against the United States according to the Supreme Court:

"In the 1924 case Hammerschmidt v. United States, the Supreme Court of the United States, in an opinion authored by Chief Justice William Howard Taft, held that "To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the government out of property or money, but it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest."

Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia

Clearly, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, et. al. belong in prison.

Not of that matters. The only thing that matters is how the Representatives and Senators will vote. They will vote to impeach in the House. They will likely get a majority vote in the Senate to convict, but not the 67 that is needed for it to take effect.
lol None of that matters? So to your mind the Constitution doesn't matter? The law doesn't matter? Are you crazy?

No, I understand political reality.
Clearly you don't. Announcing an impeachment inquiry rather than a debate means the Democrats don't believe they have grounds for impeachment. It is not clear at this time that the House would vote for impeachment.

I'd say its more than clear they will vote to impeach. The evidence is overwhelming. The only thing preventing removal by the Senate is partisan politics and the lack of courage among Republican Senators.

That's changing though with the new FOX NEWS poll showing 51% of Americans want Donald Trump impeached and removed from office NOW!
The only "evidence you have presented is that you don't like Donald Trump and that everything else is beyond your comprehension.
Who on that list is retiring or up for an election in 2020? I believe McSally was installed to replace McTumor when he croaked. Do you honestly think she will talk smack about Trump and risk all her cool tax payer funded stuff? Don't think so. Here is a lie of all the republicans up for reelection In 2020. None of this scum who ain't retiring will dare risk their sweet jobs for Nancy Pelosi's dumb stunt. But do hold your breath while ya wait.

Alaska: Dan Sullivan (Intent unknown) Current age: 53

Arizona: Martha McSally (Intent unknown) Current age: 52

Arkansas: Tom Cotton (Running) Current age: 40

Colorado: Cory Gardner (Intent unknown) Current age: 43

Georgia: David Perdue (Running) Current age: 68

Idaho: John Risch (Intent unknown) Current age: 74

Iowa: Joni Ernst (Running) Current age: 47

Kansas: Pat Roberts (Retiring) Current age: 81

Kentucky: Mitch McConnell (Running) Current age: 75

Louisiana: Bill Cassidy (Intent unknown) Current age: 60

Maine: Susan Collins (Intent unknown) Current age: 66

Mississippi: Cindy Hyde-Smith (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Montana: Steve Daines (Intent unknown) Current age: 55

Nebraska: Ben Sasse (Intent unknown) Current age: 45

North Carolina: Thom Tillis (Running) Current age: 57

Oklahoma: Jim Inhofe (Intent unknown) Current age: 83

South Carolina: Lindsey Graham (Running) Current age: 63

South Dakota: Mike Rounds (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Tennessee: Lamar Alexander (Retiring) Current age: 77

Texas: John Cornyn (Running) Current age: 65

West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito (Intent unknown) Current age: 64

Wyoming: Mike Enzi (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

And in 2022,

Alabama: Richard Shelby - Current age: 83

Alaska: Lisa Murkowski - Current age: 60

Arkansas: John Boozman - Current age: 67

Florida: Marco Rubio - Current age: 46

Georgia: Johnny Isakson (retiring at the end of 2019) - Current age: 73

Idaho: Mike Crapo - Current age: 66

Indiana: Todd Young - Current age: 45

Iowa: Chuck Grassley - Current age: 84

Kansas: Jerry Moran - Current age: 63

Kentucky: Rand Paul - Current age: 55

Louisiana: John N. Kennedy - Current age: 66

Missouri: Roy Blunt - Current age: 68

North Carolina: Richard Burr (Retiring) Current age: 62

North Dakota: John Hoeven - Current age: 60

Ohio: Rob Portman - Current age: 62

Oklahoma: James Lankford - Current age: 49

Pennsylvania: Pat Toomey - Current age: 56

South Carolina: Tim Scott - Current age: 52

South Dakota: John Thune - Current age: 57

Utah: Mike Lee - Current age: 46

Wisconsin: Ron Johnson (Retiring) Current age: 62

The Mormon's of Utah hate Trump. So of the 20 I listed, I'd put these as the most likely and definite. Their not afraid to take on Trump and his stooges:

01. Mitt Romney - Utah
02. Mike Lee - Utah
03. Marco Rubio - Florida
04. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
05. Richard Burr - North Carolina

After those first 5, these next 15 are the most likely to turn on Trump

06. Susan Collins - Main
07. Ben Sasse - Nebraska
08. Rob Portman - Ohio
09. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
10. Martha McSally - Arizona
11. Cory Gardner - Colorado
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Josh Hawley - Missouri
14. Tod Young - Indiana
15. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
16. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
17. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
18. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
Lo ll he has 93% republicans approval ,, he ain’t going anywhere

He doesn't. The latest polls show 14% of Republicans support impeaching and removing Donald Trump from office. The vast majority of Democrats support removing him from office and more importantly, the majority of INDEPENDENTS support removing him from office.

GOP Senators can't survive in elections with just registered Republicans who only account for 29% of voters. Then there is the fact that 14% of registered Republicans want Trump removed from office. That number will grow in the coming weeks.

As public support expands for impeachment, so will Republican Senators support for impeachment. That's how Nixon was forced out of office in 1974.
More fake news, 93% of republicans support him..

AGAIN VOTE. What are you waiting for? Evidence? Lol

14% of registered Republicans support removing him from office. There are more Republicans that don't support Trump but don't want him removed. So your talking now about less than 80% support among registered Republicans at a minimum.

Fool! The only one you're fooling with your deluded nonsense is your own stupid self.
The Mormon's of Utah hate Trump. So of the 20 I listed, I'd put these as the most likely and definite. Their not afraid to take on Trump and his stooges:

01. Mitt Romney - Utah
02. Mike Lee - Utah
03. Marco Rubio - Florida
04. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
05. Richard Burr - North Carolina

After those first 5, these next 15 are the most likely to turn on Trump

06. Susan Collins - Main
07. Ben Sasse - Nebraska
08. Rob Portman - Ohio
09. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
10. Martha McSally - Arizona
11. Cory Gardner - Colorado
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Josh Hawley - Missouri
14. Tod Young - Indiana
15. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
16. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
17. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
18. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
Lo ll he has 93% republicans approval ,, he ain’t going anywhere

He doesn't. The latest polls show 14% of Republicans support impeaching and removing Donald Trump from office. The vast majority of Democrats support removing him from office and more importantly, the majority of INDEPENDENTS support removing him from office.

GOP Senators can't survive in elections with just registered Republicans who only account for 29% of voters. Then there is the fact that 14% of registered Republicans want Trump removed from office. That number will grow in the coming weeks.

As public support expands for impeachment, so will Republican Senators support for impeachment. That's how Nixon was forced out of office in 1974.
More fake news, 93% of republicans support him..

AGAIN VOTE. What are you waiting for? Evidence? Lol

14% of registered Republicans support removing him from office. There are more Republicans that don't support Trump but don't want him removed. So your talking now about less than 80% support among registered Republicans at a minimum.

Fool! The only one you're fooling with your deluded nonsense is your own stupid self.

You sound like Donald Trump.
In light of more recent events, including the new FOX NEWS poll showing 51% of Americans support impeaching and removing Trump from office, and Trump's recent betrayal of the Kurds in Syria, Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office, in order from most likely to least likely. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Mitt Romney - Utah
02. Rob Portman - Ohio
03. Marco Rubio - Florida
04. Ben Sasse - Nebraska
05. Susan Collins - Maine
06. Mike Lee - Utah
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Joni Ernst - Iowa
09. Martha McSally - Arizona
10. Cory Gardner - Colorado
11. Josh Hawley - Missouri
12. Richard Burr - North Carolina
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
15. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
19. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
20. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

OMG, give it up already. If 2 or 3 GOP senators vote to remove Trump for the democrat's bullshit non-crimes they will be primaried and tossed out. Marco wants Trump's supporters in 2024. Toomey is in a state Trump won. Portman is in a state Trump won. Ernst and McSally need Trump supporters for re-election. Your list of senators is nonsense. How about democrat senators voting to acquit? How about WV senators Joe Manchin and Capito?

You can try to keep hope alive, but the impeachment party is over. Turn the lights out. Trump will not be removed by impeachment, especially after Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz expose the deep state coup attempts.

2020 will be about how many states Trump wins on his way to re-election.
The democrats have no one to put up, and no policies worth voting for.

Marco risk losing his seat in Florida in the general election if he stays with Trump. Toomey is in BLUE WALL State. Its a State I live in. The Republicans got crushed at the voting booth in Pennsylvania in 2018. If Toomey wants to keep his job, he will have to vote Trump out. The vast majority of people in Pennsylvania now want Trump impeached and removed from office.

Ohio is a swing state with lots of independents who now are dropping their support of Trump. Rob Portman will not remain on Trump's sinking ship. He has more integrity and common sense than that.

Ernst and McSally need to DUMP TRUMP in order to win re-election.

My list of Senators are the Republican Senators most likely to vote against Trump. I never stated they all would or that they are all there yet.

No Democratic Senator or Independent Senator will acquit Donald Trump. Only BLIND PARTISANSHIP and those that put PARTY over COUNTRY, can save Trump in the Senate.

As a women, I think Capito will come to her senses and DUMP the pussy grabber even though she is representing West Virginia. Joe Manchin is not on the list.

The only ones in desperate need of hope are Trump and his supporters. Their ship is sinking fast. The sprung a huge leak in their support from Republican Senators by betraying the KURDS!

Trump will be impeached by the House OF Representatives. It remains to be seen if there will be 20 Republican Senators with enough courage and sense to remove Trump from office. But winds are blowing in favor of those that want Trump removed from office.

Most people now want Trump removed from office based on the latest polls. An even larger number will vote against Trump on November 3, 2020, if he some how is still President by then.

We are on opposite sides of reality. If the democrats impeach Trump it goes to the USSC to verify that it is a proper impeachment. If valid, the senate would probably hold a vote to dismiss the impeachment and avoid wasting time on a trial. Dershowitz already said that the democrats are wrong in process and on the Law as to what is an impeachable offense. That's more than enough justification to dismiss the impeachment.
Ukraine Transcript Isn't Impeachable or Criminal: Kevin McCullough with Alan Dershowitz - Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News -

Polls are usually wrong, in case you forgot, here is a look back at 2016, when Trump had zero chance of winning:

In 2018 the MSM painted Trump as a Russian asset who Mueller was going to nail for colluding during the 2016 election, suburban women went big for democrats. Even then the 2018 election results were normal for a mid-term, an average number of seats were lost by the president's party. Historically, the president get re-elected with the president's party picking up those lost House seats. We'll see.

Even if the democrats impeach Trump, that doesn't mean that the articles reach the "high crimes" threshold for impeachment. That's more than enough cover for Republican senators to vote to dismiss and keep the 93% of the base happy with them.
If Trump is impeached, Senate Republicans should simply vote to dismiss the case.

The 2020 election is a year and a month away. The democrats have nothing to run on, and no candidate that can beat Trump. Bernie, Biden, and Warren are all but gone for one reason or another. Maybe Hillery can beat Trump again <g>!!

You are an optimist!! p.s. who is your avatar??

Nope, impeachment is the sole responsibility of the House of Representatives. The Judicial Branch is not involved. Once the House impeaches Trump, then it goes to the Senate.

That Senate will not definitely not dismiss it, because a majority of the Senate will support removing Trump from office at a minimum. The question is whether they can succeed and get the 67 votes required. At a minimum 5 Republican Senators along with 45 Democratic Senators and the two Independent Senators will vote to remove Trump from office.

As for polling, it has a much longer history than November 2016. Looks like your going to learn that the hard way.

At this point, Trump is so damaged that if he survives the impeachment process and makes it to the election, he will be defeated by ANYONE the Democrats put up to run against him.

My avatar is "THE EDGE", guitar player for the rock band U2.
If Nancy and the democrats proceed as you say and impeach Trump over the objections of minority leader McCarthy and the WH, then its a completely partisan act and it will get defeated by the senate. You can try to put lipstick on it all you want, but its not going anywhere but the trash can. The WH already said that they will not comply with ANY subpoenas until the disputed issues are addressed.

It takes 67 senators to remove Trump, there will NEVER be anything close to 67 votes to remove. So now you're moving the goal posts to say that a "majority" of 51 to remove is a "moral victory"? Is that like winning the popular vote? Its a talking point, but still meaningless.
The voters will decide in 2020 who will be the president, not the mob of democrats in House or Senate.

2020 will be another close election, we'll see who wins.
Besides the democrats don't have anyone to put up against Trump, or any policies worth voting for.

I googled "the edge", yep.
I originally thought your avatar was some famous historical figure from the middle ages, or a famous painter like Michelangelo.

you don't have the red states democrats so the magic number for impeachment will not be met.
And yet the number supporting the impeachment process is already on record at 222. Maybe more, as of today.

Join us in reality, son.
You don't have 222 democrats in congress
I know. There are 280 Democrats in Congress.

For a little while longer.

After 2020, the demoncrats will be lucky to have 28.
you don't have the red states democrats so the magic number for impeachment will not be met.
And yet the number supporting the impeachment process is already on record at 222. Maybe more, as of today.

Join us in reality, son.
You don't have 222 democrats in congress
I know. There are 280 Democrats in Congress.

For a little while longer.

After 2020, the demoncrats will be lucky to have 28.[/QUOTE)

Spot on! The Republicans are totally going to turn that 8 million-vote deficit from 2018 upside down. I mean, just look around! They are really shining!
you don't have the red states democrats so the magic number for impeachment will not be met.
And yet the number supporting the impeachment process is already on record at 222. Maybe more, as of today.

Join us in reality, son.
You don't have 222 democrats in congress
I know. There are 280 Democrats in Congress.

For a little while longer.

After 2020, the demoncrats will be lucky to have 28.[/QUOTE)

Spot on! The Republicans are totally going to turn that 8 million-vote deficit from 2018 upside down. I mean, just look around! They are really shining!

They don't need to shine.

They just need to be close enough to the dullards from the demoncratic party so that people can see there is a clear choice between the GOP and stupid.
you don't have the red states democrats so the magic number for impeachment will not be met.
And yet the number supporting the impeachment process is already on record at 222. Maybe more, as of today.

Join us in reality, son.
You don't have 222 democrats in congress
I know. There are 280 Democrats in Congress.

For a little while longer.

After 2020, the demoncrats will be lucky to have 28.
only in the heavy blue districts
If Nancy and the democrats proceed as you say and impeach Trump over the objections of minority leader McCarthy and the WH, then its a completely partisan act and it will get defeated by the senate. You can try to put lipstick on it all you want, but its not going anywhere but the trash can. The WH already said that they will not comply with ANY subpoenas until the disputed issues are addressed.

It takes 67 senators to remove Trump, there will NEVER be anything close to 67 votes to remove. So now you're moving the goal posts to say that a "majority" of 51 to remove is a "moral victory"? Is that like winning the popular vote? Its a talking point, but still meaningless.
The voters will decide in 2020 who will be the president, not the mob of democrats in House or Senate.

2020 will be another close election, we'll see who wins.
Besides the democrats don't have anyone to put up against Trump, or any policies worth voting for.

I googled "the edge", yep.
I originally thought your avatar was some famous historical figure from the middle ages, or a famous painter like Michelangelo.

View attachment 283959

The White House may not comply with the subpoenas, but that has not stopped people who were subpoenaed and told by the White House not to cooperate, to show up before congress. Marie Yovanavitch just spoke to congress today. Others will be speaking to congress next week despite White House attempts to block them.

Also, not complying with the congressional investigation is obstruction of justice. You only obstruct when you have something to bad to hide.

Its not impossible that the Democrats could get 67 votes in the Senate. Again, it only takes 20 Republicans Senators to vote with their fellow Democrats to make it happen. Based on polling, support for impeachment is growing. We may be talking about a vote of 60 to 40 to convict in the Senate. It will be difficult to get to 67, but not impossible.

Donald Trump is the worst President in United States history. He has acted against U.S. interest and done favors for Russia, North Korea, and Turkey. He has tried to enrich himself while doing this. He is broken the law many times and is a criminal. Its a crime to collude or solicit aid from foreign governments to try and win U.S. elections. He has done this twice now, once with Russia, and now with Ukraine.

Multiple people who work with Trump are now in jail including Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort. Now two of Rudy Giuliani's stooges, friends of Donald Trump and his kids(they have pictures together), are in JAIL! Trump runs things like he is in the Mafia. The little guys always get picked up before the big fish.
you don't have the red states democrats so the magic number for impeachment will not be met.
And yet the number supporting the impeachment process is already on record at 222. Maybe more, as of today.

Join us in reality, son.
You don't have 222 democrats in congress
I know. There are 280 Democrats in Congress.

For a little while longer.

After 2020, the demoncrats will be lucky to have 28.

Its going to be so fun in here on November 3, 2020. I wonder how many of you Trump supporters will still be around though to explain what happened.
And yet the number supporting the impeachment process is already on record at 222. Maybe more, as of today.

Join us in reality, son.
You don't have 222 democrats in congress
I know. There are 280 Democrats in Congress.

For a little while longer.

After 2020, the demoncrats will be lucky to have 28.[/QUOTE)

Spot on! The Republicans are totally going to turn that 8 million-vote deficit from 2018 upside down. I mean, just look around! They are really shining!

They don't need to shine.

They just need to be close enough to the dullards from the demoncratic party so that people can see there is a clear choice between the GOP and stupid.

How did that work out in 2018?

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