The 20 Republican Senators most likely to vote to remove Trump from office.

Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

Who on that list is retiring or up for an election in 2020? I believe McSally was installed to replace McTumor when he croaked. Do you honestly think she will talk smack about Trump and risk all her cool tax payer funded stuff? Don't think so. Here is a lie of all the republicans up for reelection In 2020. None of this scum who ain't retiring will dare risk their sweet jobs for Nancy Pelosi's dumb stunt. But do hold your breath while ya wait.

Alaska: Dan Sullivan (Intent unknown) Current age: 53

Arizona: Martha McSally (Intent unknown) Current age: 52

Arkansas: Tom Cotton (Running) Current age: 40

Colorado: Cory Gardner (Intent unknown) Current age: 43

Georgia: David Perdue (Running) Current age: 68

Idaho: John Risch (Intent unknown) Current age: 74

Iowa: Joni Ernst (Running) Current age: 47

Kansas: Pat Roberts (Retiring) Current age: 81

Kentucky: Mitch McConnell (Running) Current age: 75

Louisiana: Bill Cassidy (Intent unknown) Current age: 60

Maine: Susan Collins (Intent unknown) Current age: 66

Mississippi: Cindy Hyde-Smith (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Montana: Steve Daines (Intent unknown) Current age: 55

Nebraska: Ben Sasse (Intent unknown) Current age: 45

North Carolina: Thom Tillis (Running) Current age: 57

Oklahoma: Jim Inhofe (Intent unknown) Current age: 83

South Carolina: Lindsey Graham (Running) Current age: 63

South Dakota: Mike Rounds (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Tennessee: Lamar Alexander (Retiring) Current age: 77

Texas: John Cornyn (Running) Current age: 65

West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito (Intent unknown) Current age: 64

Wyoming: Mike Enzi (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

And in 2022,

Alabama: Richard Shelby - Current age: 83

Alaska: Lisa Murkowski - Current age: 60

Arkansas: John Boozman - Current age: 67

Florida: Marco Rubio - Current age: 46

Georgia: Johnny Isakson (retiring at the end of 2019) - Current age: 73

Idaho: Mike Crapo - Current age: 66

Indiana: Todd Young - Current age: 45

Iowa: Chuck Grassley - Current age: 84

Kansas: Jerry Moran - Current age: 63

Kentucky: Rand Paul - Current age: 55

Louisiana: John N. Kennedy - Current age: 66

Missouri: Roy Blunt - Current age: 68

North Carolina: Richard Burr (Retiring) Current age: 62

North Dakota: John Hoeven - Current age: 60

Ohio: Rob Portman - Current age: 62

Oklahoma: James Lankford - Current age: 49

Pennsylvania: Pat Toomey - Current age: 56

South Carolina: Tim Scott - Current age: 52

South Dakota: John Thune - Current age: 57

Utah: Mike Lee - Current age: 46

Wisconsin: Ron Johnson (Retiring) Current age: 62

The Mormon's of Utah hate Trump. So of the 20 I listed, I'd put these as the most likely and definite. Their not afraid to take on Trump and his stooges:

01. Mitt Romney - Utah
02. Mike Lee - Utah
03. Marco Rubio - Florida
04. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
05. Richard Burr - North Carolina

After those first 5, these next 15 are the most likely to turn on Trump

06. Susan Collins - Main
07. Ben Sasse - Nebraska
08. Rob Portman - Ohio
09. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
10. Martha McSally - Arizona
11. Cory Gardner - Colorado
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Josh Hawley - Missouri
14. Tod Young - Indiana
15. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
16. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
17. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
18. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

The wet dream continues

If you had to name the Republican Senators most likely to turn on Trump, who would you name?


The rest are not going to go anywhere near this.

Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio would definitely vote to remove Trump from office. Richard Burr and Ron Johnson are also good candidates to turn on Trump since they are retiring and don't face re-election.

Getting a majority in the Senate will be easy. Getting to 67 though is still an uphill battle, but still possible and these are the Republican Senators most likely to DUMP TRUMP.
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

Not any more....

The Coup Attempt has now been officially exposed. Adam Schiff and 4 other democrats in the Intel Committee are complicit in the Coup.. Schiff and company assisted in the document preparations along with directing him to an attroney. (reminds me of the Kavenaugh deception). Schiff and the CIA IG colluded to change the whistle blower rules the CIA follows to give this person cover...


The left has nothing....

Bring on the VOTE TO IMPEACH or event to start an investigation... Then we start exposing you all to the public..

Oh, a mass exposure is coming in the next few weeks. It will feature all kinds of things that will make Trump blow up on TWITTER. Hell, Trump may even decide to resign from office instead of dealing with it, before there is even a vote.
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina
I have an idea......hold your breath......and when this happens and they prove Russian can exhale....but not until then.
Silly...Ukraine collusion

We’ve moved on to bigger and better things
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina
It's too bizarre to contemplate.
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

Not any more....

The Coup Attempt has now been officially exposed. Adam Schiff and 4 other democrats in the Intel Committee are complicit in the Coup.. Schiff and company assisted in the document preparations along with directing him to an attroney. (reminds me of the Kavenaugh deception). Schiff and the CIA IG colluded to change the whistle blower rules the CIA follows to give this person cover...


The left has nothing....

Bring on the VOTE TO IMPEACH or event to start an investigation... Then we start exposing you all to the public..

Oh, a mass exposure is coming in the next few weeks. It will feature all kinds of things that will make Trump blow up on TWITTER. Hell, Trump may even decide to resign from office instead of dealing with it, before there is even a vote.
You are delusional... You suffer from TDS...
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina
Since there is no evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor, there is no Constitutional basis for impeachment, and there are very few Republicans in Congress who share the Democrats' contempt for the Constitution. In fact, we may find more than a few Democrats in the House will have the integrity to vote against impeachment unless the articles of impeachment show a strong case that laws were violated by the President.

Risking U.S. national security to advance ones own personal political campaign is DEFINITELY a HIGH CRIME. It is TREASON!

The House is a done deal. The only question is the Senate. The above Senators in my opinion are the most likely to vote to remove Trump from office. Only need 20 Republican Senators. I can definitely see Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio voting to remove Trump from office! The others have some potential as well.


Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

Do your feet ever touch the floor?
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

Not any more....

The Coup Attempt has now been officially exposed. Adam Schiff and 4 other democrats in the Intel Committee are complicit in the Coup.. Schiff and company assisted in the document preparations along with directing him to an attroney. (reminds me of the Kavenaugh deception). Schiff and the CIA IG colluded to change the whistle blower rules the CIA follows to give this person cover...


The left has nothing....

Bring on the VOTE TO IMPEACH or event to start an investigation... Then we start exposing you all to the public..

Oh, a mass exposure is coming in the next few weeks. It will feature all kinds of things that will make Trump blow up on TWITTER. Hell, Trump may even decide to resign from office instead of dealing with it, before there is even a vote.
You are delusional... You suffer from TDS...

Its what Nixon did. If Trump is smart, he would follow Nixon's path on this. It even involves a Presidential Pardon(from Mike Pence) for his criminal charges he faces once he leaves office.
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina
Since there is no evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor, there is no Constitutional basis for impeachment, and there are very few Republicans in Congress who share the Democrats' contempt for the Constitution. In fact, we may find more than a few Democrats in the House will have the integrity to vote against impeachment unless the articles of impeachment show a strong case that laws were violated by the President.

Risking U.S. national security to advance ones own personal political campaign is DEFINITELY a HIGH CRIME. It is TREASON!

The House is a done deal. The only question is the Senate. The above Senators in my opinion are the most likely to vote to remove Trump from office. Only need 20 Republican Senators. I can definitely see Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio voting to remove Trump from office! The others have some potential as well.



Were talking the U.S. House and Senate here. This is not really a court of law. This is political.
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

Who on that list is retiring or up for an election in 2020? I believe McSally was installed to replace McTumor when he croaked. Do you honestly think she will talk smack about Trump and risk all her cool tax payer funded stuff? Don't think so. Here is a lie of all the republicans up for reelection In 2020. None of this scum who ain't retiring will dare risk their sweet jobs for Nancy Pelosi's dumb stunt. But do hold your breath while ya wait.

Alaska: Dan Sullivan (Intent unknown) Current age: 53

Arizona: Martha McSally (Intent unknown) Current age: 52

Arkansas: Tom Cotton (Running) Current age: 40

Colorado: Cory Gardner (Intent unknown) Current age: 43

Georgia: David Perdue (Running) Current age: 68

Idaho: John Risch (Intent unknown) Current age: 74

Iowa: Joni Ernst (Running) Current age: 47

Kansas: Pat Roberts (Retiring) Current age: 81

Kentucky: Mitch McConnell (Running) Current age: 75

Louisiana: Bill Cassidy (Intent unknown) Current age: 60

Maine: Susan Collins (Intent unknown) Current age: 66

Mississippi: Cindy Hyde-Smith (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Montana: Steve Daines (Intent unknown) Current age: 55

Nebraska: Ben Sasse (Intent unknown) Current age: 45

North Carolina: Thom Tillis (Running) Current age: 57

Oklahoma: Jim Inhofe (Intent unknown) Current age: 83

South Carolina: Lindsey Graham (Running) Current age: 63

South Dakota: Mike Rounds (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Tennessee: Lamar Alexander (Retiring) Current age: 77

Texas: John Cornyn (Running) Current age: 65

West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito (Intent unknown) Current age: 64

Wyoming: Mike Enzi (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

And in 2022,

Alabama: Richard Shelby - Current age: 83

Alaska: Lisa Murkowski - Current age: 60

Arkansas: John Boozman - Current age: 67

Florida: Marco Rubio - Current age: 46

Georgia: Johnny Isakson (retiring at the end of 2019) - Current age: 73

Idaho: Mike Crapo - Current age: 66

Indiana: Todd Young - Current age: 45

Iowa: Chuck Grassley - Current age: 84

Kansas: Jerry Moran - Current age: 63

Kentucky: Rand Paul - Current age: 55

Louisiana: John N. Kennedy - Current age: 66

Missouri: Roy Blunt - Current age: 68

North Carolina: Richard Burr (Retiring) Current age: 62

North Dakota: John Hoeven - Current age: 60

Ohio: Rob Portman - Current age: 62

Oklahoma: James Lankford - Current age: 49

Pennsylvania: Pat Toomey - Current age: 56

South Carolina: Tim Scott - Current age: 52

South Dakota: John Thune - Current age: 57

Utah: Mike Lee - Current age: 46

Wisconsin: Ron Johnson (Retiring) Current age: 62

The Mormon's of Utah hate Trump. So of the 20 I listed, I'd put these as the most likely and definite. Their not afraid to take on Trump and his stooges:

01. Mitt Romney - Utah
02. Mike Lee - Utah
03. Marco Rubio - Florida
04. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
05. Richard Burr - North Carolina

After those first 5, these next 15 are the most likely to turn on Trump

06. Susan Collins - Main
07. Ben Sasse - Nebraska
08. Rob Portman - Ohio
09. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
10. Martha McSally - Arizona
11. Cory Gardner - Colorado
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Josh Hawley - Missouri
14. Tod Young - Indiana
15. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
16. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
17. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
18. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia

Lol, okay. Go head and bank on those Mormons, lol.
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina
You adding Thom Tillis makes your thread look stupid
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina
Since there is no evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor, there is no Constitutional basis for impeachment, and there are very few Republicans in Congress who share the Democrats' contempt for the Constitution. In fact, we may find more than a few Democrats in the House will have the integrity to vote against impeachment unless the articles of impeachment show a strong case that laws were violated by the President.

Risking U.S. national security to advance ones own personal political campaign is DEFINITELY a HIGH CRIME. It is TREASON!

The House is a done deal. The only question is the Senate. The above Senators in my opinion are the most likely to vote to remove Trump from office. Only need 20 Republican Senators. I can definitely see Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio voting to remove Trump from office! The others have some potential as well.
Hey dude with all the leaking caused by antitrumpers and these last actions of the democrats you don't think America's national security hasn't been harmed? You think any other world leader will talk with a U.S. President because of fear their conversation will be made public?
Every democrat needs to face charges for treason.
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina
Since there is no evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor, there is no Constitutional basis for impeachment, and there are very few Republicans in Congress who share the Democrats' contempt for the Constitution. In fact, we may find more than a few Democrats in the House will have the integrity to vote against impeachment unless the articles of impeachment show a strong case that laws were violated by the President.

Risking U.S. national security to advance ones own personal political campaign is DEFINITELY a HIGH CRIME. It is TREASON!

The House is a done deal. The only question is the Senate. The above Senators in my opinion are the most likely to vote to remove Trump from office. Only need 20 Republican Senators. I can definitely see Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio voting to remove Trump from office! The others have some potential as well.
Impeach Trump for Biden's crimes
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

24. Bashful
25. Grumpy
26. Dopey
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina
I have an idea......hold your breath......and when this happens and they prove Russian can exhale....but not until then.
Silly...Ukraine collusion

We’ve moved on to bigger and better things
Ukraine collusion?
These folks are sticking to the same playbook and merely switched the names.
Russia Russia Russia......recession recession recession....Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine.


Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina
I have an idea......hold your breath......and when this happens and they prove Russian can exhale....but not until then.
Silly...Ukraine collusion

We’ve moved on to bigger and better things
Ukraine collusion?
These folks are sticking to the same playbook and merely switched the names.
Russia Russia Russia......recession recession recession....Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine.


Actually you pointed out an interesting thing.

Trump has been caught doing almost exactly what he got away with in 2016
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina
Since there is no evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor, there is no Constitutional basis for impeachment, and there are very few Republicans in Congress who share the Democrats' contempt for the Constitution. In fact, we may find more than a few Democrats in the House will have the integrity to vote against impeachment unless the articles of impeachment show a strong case that laws were violated by the President.

Very well said.
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina
Since there is no evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor, there is no Constitutional basis for impeachment, and there are very few Republicans in Congress who share the Democrats' contempt for the Constitution. In fact, we may find more than a few Democrats in the House will have the integrity to vote against impeachment unless the articles of impeachment show a strong case that laws were violated by the President.

Risking U.S. national security to advance ones own personal political campaign is DEFINITELY a HIGH CRIME. It is TREASON!

The House is a done deal. The only question is the Senate. The above Senators in my opinion are the most likely to vote to remove Trump from office. Only need 20 Republican Senators. I can definitely see Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio voting to remove Trump from office! The others have some potential as well.

You're delusional.
Here are the 20 Republican Senators who I think would most likely be willing to remove Trump from office. I'm not saying they are all there yet, but they may be in a couple of months:

01. Martha McSally - Arizona
02. Tom Cotton - Arkansas
03. Cory Gardner - Colorado
04. Deb Fischer - Nebraska
05. Ron Johnson - Wisconsin
06. Rob Portman - Ohio
07. Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania
08. Shelly Moore Capito - West Virginia
09. Susan Collins - Maine
10. Mike Lee - Utah
11. Mitt Romney - Utah
12. Joni Ernst - Iowa
13. Marsha Blackburn - Tennessee
14. Josh Hawley - Missouri
15. Richard Burr - North Carolina
16. Dan Sullivan - Alaska
17. Todd Young - Indiana
18. Marco Rubio - Florida
19. Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
20. Ben Sasse - Nebraska

Some other possibilities below:

21. Steve Daines - Montana
22. Roy Blunt - Missouri
23. Thom Tillis - North Carolina

20?! Is it crack, LSD, meth? The only significant move to remove folks from office will be the 2020 election, and a lot of Dems in Congress are going bye bye.

Trump ship is sinking. I think the above Senators will be the ones least likely to stay on board as it goes to the bottom of the sea.

It would be political suicide for most of them.

On another note, I own a bridge in San Francisco...

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