The 2005 Darwin Award Committee is gonna be busy


Senior Member
May 11, 2004
This whole French riot alone is producing a large crop of candidates. I wonder who will take it? One of the morons who ran away from the cops right into a transformer? Or a member of the Islamic mob that's torching THEIR OWN MUSLIM NEIGHBORHOOD?

'Each night we turn this place into Baghdad', says one masked youth in Sevran near Paris. As a political statement, there have been better - but these riots seem to be more aimed at the television cameras than the National Assembly.

'It would be better to go into Paris than break up everything here,' his friend says, appearing to consider that the victims of the rioting are predominantly their own neighbours and friends.

'Why did they set my car on fire, why mine?' asks one young man as he watches it go up in flames. He knows the perpetrators, he says. They're neighbours of his, but he refuses to name them.
Hagbard Celine said:

savages were smarter than this....they didn't wreck their own shit.....these people are just stupid

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